Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1171: Unparalleled World Opens

Seeing the golden spear stabbing him, Chu Yan's eyes were as cold as ice, but in front of the Holy Emperor, he was still too small, and his whole body seemed to be under a huge pressure, restraining him without even a chance to resist.

"Son of a bitch!" Xiaolang's eyes turned red when he saw this scene. He bared his teeth and claws and tried to rush out, but was immediately caught by the Snow Wolf King.

"Buzz!" At this moment, the sky surged, and a terrifying shadow of darkness covered the sky, spread infinitely, and shrouded directly in the direction of the Purple Sun Palace.

"Ah! Emperor Father, save me!" Suddenly, a scream erupted from the Purple Sun Palace, and the dark shadow shattered everything and turned into a big hand to devour his heir.

The Ziyang Holy Emperor's expression changed, and he glared up into the sky.

"Ziyang, I advise you to abide by the rules, otherwise, there may be many people in your Ziyang Holy Palace who died today." There was a sound of thunder in the Yunxiao Mountain.

"Supreme Demon Emperor!" Ziyang Saint Emperor's face turned gloomy to the extreme, and he let out a low roar.

Everyone in the Land of Chaos was slightly surprised. Everything happened too fast just now. A Holy Emperor killed Chu Yan, and then another Holy Emperor was born, directly attacking the descendants of Ziyang Holy Emperor, threatening Ziyang Holy Emperor. , which is shocking.

You know, people at the level of Saint Emperor are rare in all the Immortal Realms, but just now, two Immortal Emperors almost got into a fight because of a junior Immortal.

"Supreme, you still want to be the enemy of our Ziyang Holy Palace?" Ziyang Holy Emperor let out a low roar.

"Zi Yang, stop talking about those useless things. It's embarrassing enough for you to be killed by him as your heir to the realm of Immortal King. Now you are a dignified Saint Emperor, but you have been thinking about how to kill a descendant, but you have become an Immortal." It's a joke." The Supreme Demon Emperor said unceremoniously.

"Roar——" Purple Yang Holy Emperor let out a low roar, but finally waved his hand to disperse the golden light.

He wanted Chu Yan to die, but he couldn't do it in the name of his own heir.

Seeing that the golden light had dissipated, the expressions of Emperor Qingfeng and others softened a bit, and then they looked coldly at the Purple Sun Palace.

They all underestimated the determination of Emperor Ziyang to kill Chu Yan.

"In the Wushuang Realm, everyone who encounters the Purple Sun Palace will be killed." Li Chaoyang spoke calmly and gave the order directly. Everyone in the Immortal Realm shrank their eyes. This Dragon Alliance is openly provoking the Purple Sun Palace.

Hearing Li Chaoyang's words, Emperor Ziyang's eyes froze and he smiled sarcastically: "Li Chaoyang, are you worthy of saying this?"

"Ziyang, you are relying on your old age, you try to bang my little junior brother, believe it or not, today I have tried my best to defeat your Ziyang Holy Palace!" But at this moment, a sound suddenly came from the soul-breaking void. The ethereal scream made everyone's eyes freeze.

Which powerful person is this, who dares to be so bold and want to destroy Ziyang Holy Palace with just one word?

After hearing this, many people looked up and saw a graceful figure coming. She was wearing a purple gown and was extremely beautiful.

But when facing the Purple Yang Saint Emperor, he was not weak at all, with a hint of sarcasm in his beautiful eyes.

"Senior brother, who is this domineering woman?" Chu Yan looked up and saw Ren Qian'er and asked curiously. She seemed to have said something just now, "little junior brother, right?"

"Ahem..." Li Chaoyang hurriedly coughed a few times and whispered: "Shh, don't talk nonsense, that's your senior sister."

"Uh..." Chu Yan blinked and suddenly smiled. Is this the last person in the Dragon Alliance? I didn't expect him to be so beautiful.

"Ren Qian'er!" Ziyang Holy Emperor shouted: "Do you really think that Ziyang Holy Palace will be afraid of your Ren family?"

"You can try." Ren Qian'er smiled sarcastically: "I can't beat you, but if you want to kill me, you definitely can't. But your heir, it should be easy for me to kill a few people."

Emperor Ziyang's face turned even colder, but he was helpless.

"Have you had enough trouble?" Someone suddenly spoke from a distance, it was the Holy Emperor of Destiny, and he immediately attracted many eyes.

"The Wushuang Realm is open, I'm not here to see you fooling around."

Holy Emperor Tianyun said lightly, in terms of qualifications, he is the oldest person in the Immortal Realm, older than Holy Emperor Ziyang, so he is naturally qualified to say so.

Ren Qian'er glanced at the Purple Yang Saint Emperor, snorted coldly, and ignored him.

The Supreme Demon Emperor looked at Ren Qian'er and showed a smile: "Miss Ren's cultivation speed puts us to shame."

"The Demon Emperor was joking. Thank you Demon Emperor for helping take care of my junior brother just now."

"You're welcome, that boy is also my disciple." The Supreme Demon Emperor shook his head.

Ren Qian'er nodded with a smile and said nothing. Then she turned around gracefully, looked in the direction of the Dragon Alliance, showed a smile, and came to Chu Yan's side: "Is this my junior brother? Yes, he is indeed very handsome."

"Senior sister is also very beautiful." Chu Yan winked and joked, this is the boss of the Dragon League, and he needs to hug his thighs tightly.

"Hey, your lips are quite sweet, not bad." Ren Qian'er smiled sweetly and turned to look at Liu Qingcheng and Qing Yi: "Two younger siblings? Little guy, when are you going to propose marriage, tell your senior sister that she will help you."

"Uh..." Chu Yan felt ashamed. He, a senior sister, was very direct.

"Junior brother is going to enter the Wushuang Realm?" Ren Qian'er stopped laughing and became slightly serious. The Wushuang Realm is different from the previous ruins and is open to all immortals. In the final analysis, Chu Yan has only been practicing for a hundred years, so his realm has suffered a bit.

"Yes." Chu Yan nodded. He didn't know what was in the Wushuang Realm, but since he wanted to take the path of Wushuang in the Immortal Realm, he would definitely not give up in the Wushuang Realm.

"Senior sister, don't worry, there will be many top immortals from the Dragon Alliance entering together. When the time comes, they will protect our junior brother's safety," Li Chaoyang said.

Ren Qian'er nodded slightly, still a little worried.

The last time the Wushuang Realm was opened was thousands of years ago. According to the situation of each Wushuang Realm, the person who can eventually become the Wushuang character must be a top-level Immortal, and the weakest is also an intermediate Immortal. As for The immortal position has never existed before.

"Rumble!" At this moment, a strong tremor occurred in the chaotic void, which immediately attracted many eyes.

In an instant, the originally chaotic space actually opened up. From it, an extremely terrifying force was born, swallowing everything and destroying everything. The space continued to tremble and shatter, and a space was opened up in the illusion. Come to the door.

"The Wushuang Realm is opened!" Someone immediately looked up and was slightly frightened when they saw the azure blue door. The Wushuang Realm opens once every few thousand years. In fact, many people present have never seen the real Wushuang Realm.

"Entering through this stone gate is the Wushuang Realm?" A strong man asked, and saw an immortal emperor who had lived for more than ten thousand years nodding: "Well, this is the time and space gate leading to the Wushuang Realm, but this time and space gate It contains Taoism, and those who are not strong-minded will not be able to pass through it."

"I'm going to try!" With a whoosh, a genius of the Intermediate Immortal Lord stepped out immediately, leaving behind streaks of bright immortal light. But then he just entered the door of space, and his whole body trembled, as if he had endured an extremely terrifying force. With a powerful attack, with a bang, his body twisted and flew backwards, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this scene, everyone frowned.

"Idiot, although the Wushuang Realm has no requirements, it is a holy land of immortality. How can it be entered by ordinary people?" Yun Qiu smiled sarcastically, and then he strode out, took a volley step, and landed directly in front of the door of time and space.


The power also surged down, and Yun Qiu's body trembled slightly, but then his eyes were firm, and countless talismans flashed in his body.

"Want to stop me?" Yun Qiu let out a low roar and a puff. Thousands of talismans were ignited in an instant. Then, like deflated balloons, countless terrifying powers surged out, swallowing everything. With a bang, the light The curtain was shattered, and then Yun Qiu's figure faded in front of everyone, and finally disappeared.

"Entered!" Seeing this scene, someone squinted their eyes.

The powerful men in the towering Taoist temple also showed satisfaction. Yun Qiu did not disappoint them.

Yunqiu alone set the precedent, and then saw more geniuses walking out. Before entering the gate of time and space, they released terrifying fairy lights one after another to balance the power of destruction. Some succeeded, while others failed.

However, the probability of failure is higher, and even some top immortals have been seriously injured and lost the opportunity to enter the time and space gate.

"Senior brother, are we going too?" Wangfeng said eagerly in the Dragon League.

"Okay." Chu Yan nodded, and then he walked out with Ye Xun, Wangfeng, Qingyi, Liu Qingcheng and others.

"Huh?" Someone frowned when they saw this group of figures, and then showed an interesting smile.

"You dare to stand up in the fairy realm? Are you looking for death?"

The person who spoke was an intermediate immortal, but just now, when he went to break through the Wushuang Sect, he was bombarded and failed.

"The intermediate Immortal Master can't get in. How dare you criticize others?" Wangfeng looked at the Immortal Master and said sarcastically.

The Immortal Lord's eyes turned cold, and he snorted coldly: "You don't know whether to live or die, then let me see what you are capable of."

Although he failed, he was an intermediate Immortal Lord after all, but the group of people at the moment were all in the Immortal Realm. In his opinion, it was simply seeking death.

"Silly Yan!" At this moment, a gray figure suddenly galloped down from the sky and bumped into Chu Yan's arms with a bang. It was Xiaolang.

"I miss you so much, please Qingcheng, Qingyi, I miss you too." Little Wolf waved his little paws and smiled, and everyone smiled when they saw Little Wolf.

"Those self-righteous idiots, even the Immortal Realm can't break through this door, Sha Yan, give them a try." Xiaolang smiled again, Chu Yan smiled bitterly, but didn't say anything, and the group stepped to the time and space In front of the door, many people gathered there at this time, and they were all slightly surprised to see Chu Yan.

It's not that Chu Yan and the others are so dazzling, it's just because their realm... they are all immortals, which is too low.

"That's interesting." Gongsun Mu didn't enter until he saw Chu Yan and his group and said with a smile, "Let me see what a person who even suffered a loss like the Purple Sun Emperor is capable of."

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