Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1166: So Horrible

Another Chen clan immortal was also very strong. He was good at swordsmanship. He slashed the void and saw a dazzling sword light slashing down from outside the heaven.

Chen Yuan looked up, stretched one hand behind him, grabbed the cross sword that had been hidden, and with a buzz, the long sword was unsheathed, and a terrifying sharp sword energy slashed the sky.

With a bang, the light of the swords collided, and then caused a terrible ripple. A huge gully was directly torn on the battlefield, which continued to spread. There were sword lights and sword shadows inside, endless.

Facing the ancient text and the stars in the sky, Chu Yan also moved. The white clothes flew wildly in the wind. He took a step forward. Above his head, a dazzling light continued to bloom. First, there was a golden sword light shield, and then, it was a pure power field that affected people's minds.

When the domain was born, the expressions of the onlookers changed suddenly. Except for the four immortals on the stage, all the people present were only at the immortal level, so even if Chu Yan's attack did not directly lock them, they still felt their bodies sink, as if they were filled with lead, and it was difficult to move.

"What a terrible will!" Trapped in the domain, they only felt that a majestic god of war appeared in their minds, lingering, like a god.

Some weaker people couldn't even raise their hands in the power domain. They even had a premonition that as long as Chu Yan was willing, the invisible force could crush them into powder in a moment.

"Color consciousness, absolute power!"

In the distance, Mei Yu looked at the battlefield with a look of surprise. He knew that Chu Yan had power consciousness, but he didn't expect that he would be so powerful after opening the field. He sighed: "I am not as good as him. It's not unfair to lose to him."

The two immortals of the Chen clan were also slightly surprised. They were obviously shocked by Chu Yan's consciousness. Chen Yan, the immortal, shouted loudly, and infinite ancient texts on the sky penetrated and bombarded the golden power field, but the next moment the light dissipated, and the power field was intact, without even a crack.


Everyone's heart trembled wildly. Chen Yan, at the level of immortal, operated the ancient text of the Chen clan, but such a terrifying attack did not even break Chu Yan's consciousness defense?

Although Chen Yan's attack could be stronger, the attack of the immortal should have killed the immortal position in seconds, but now it didn't even shake Chu Yan. How terrible would Chu Yan's defense be?

Isn't it said that since ancient times, the king and the minister are respected, and the immortal position can only be like an ant in front of the immortal?

But how could this be?

Is this still a humble immortal?

Power consciousness, absolute power, in addition to being able to burst out devastating attacks, also has an indestructible defense.

Today, Chu Yan has obviously mastered the true meaning of power.

"Is this your self-righteous capital? It's really powerful." Chu Yan laughed sarcastically, and then he took a big step forward, and the sound of dongdongdong was like thunder, resounding through the world, as if every step was trampling on the hearts of everyone, making people tremble.

"You can't even break my defense, and you are worthy of killing me?" Every step he took, the battle stage trembled violently. Chu Yan was extremely arrogant and invincible. He took a few steps like that, and the battle stage seemed to collapse. The two immortals were under huge domain restrictions, and they felt that their bodies were a hundred times heavier, and the speed of their movements became extremely slow.

Looking at Chu Yan who was stepping forward step by step, the two were shocked and couldn't believe it.

They couldn't figure out why it was like this. Wasn't the other party just an immortal?

"Do you think that I'm giving you a chance by killing Chen Kuang? If I want to, do you think it will be difficult to kill you?" Chu Yan was extremely domineering. His power seemed to be endless and was still growing. A rumbling sound rang out. In that area, gravity seemed to have changed. The suspended battle platform was constantly falling down.

Countless people were shocked. It was too terrible.

They thought that the three immortals would definitely crush them.

But now, Chu Yan alone was restraining two immortals and unable to fight back.

Yiyan, do you think it would be difficult for me to kill you?

Is it difficult?

Now it seems that it is really not difficult.

Behind Chu Yan, another golden roc spread its wings, like a peerless demon king, flapping its wings, like the overlord of the sky, destroying everything. The two immortals fell into it. They felt that their willpower was collapsing and they could not stop that power at all.

"I don't believe it!" Chen Yan, the Immortal Venerable, roared, and the power of the Immortal Venerable continued to merge into the sky, and the ancient texts merged and turned into a series of large hands. But the next moment, a crackling sound was heard, and the ancient texts were constantly shattered.

"Is this the way of heaven that merged with your consciousness when you entered the Immortal Venerable?" Chu Yan looked at the power and smiled sadly: "It's so weak!"

"Destroy!" Chu Yan raised his hand again, and a huge palm print came down. Chen Yan's eyes widened. He raised his hands desperately, and the immortal light in his body burst out, trying to block it, but he found that he couldn't do it at all. The huge palm print slapped down, and his Immortal Venerable armor was shattered inch by inch, and his clothes burst. With a bang, he was slapped to the ground.


Everyone finally couldn't help it. Just one person, one slap, and an Immortal Venerable was slapped to death?

In the distance, Zixuan, Luan Xiong and other people in the Dragon Alliance were full of shock. They all knew that Chu Yan was powerful, but they never expected that it would reach this point.

Many people blamed Chu Yan for being impulsive. This battle implicated Chen Yuan Jian Zun. But now, Chen Yuan Jian Zun is still fighting with Dao Zun, while Chu Yan has killed one person.

From this, it can be seen that Chu Yan's combat power may be even stronger than Chen Yuan Jian Zun.

The strongest person in the Dragon Alliance camp.

Zixuan suddenly laughed at himself, this is really ironic.

Chen Yan, the Immortal Venerable, was slapped to death. Chen Yuan turned around and looked at him, his eyes flashed with a wonderful color. Too strong, is this the direct disciple of the Dragon Alliance? The Immortal War Venerable won so easily, too evil.

He couldn't help thinking in his heart, thanks to such a person, a disciple of the Dragon Alliance, otherwise, if he was born in the Chen clan, how terrible would it be to be an enemy of him?

"Now it's your turn!" Raising his hand to slap Chen Yan to death, Chu Yan looked indifferent, turned around and looked at another Immortal Venerable, two major consciousness fields bloomed, sword light and power perfectly merged, destroying everything.

The Immortal Venerable who turned into a golden giant had a pale face. Chen Yan was a member of the Chen clan bloodline and a second-level Immortal, and he was far inferior to Chen Yan. Now, Chen Yan was slapped to death by Chu Yan, how could he still have any fighting spirit?

Thinking of this, he felt timid, subconsciously, he turned around, and took huge steps to escape to the distance.

"Can you run away?" Chu Yan sneered and stretched out his hand. A sky-lifting demon arm stretched out from the clouds. The immortal was huge, but the demon arm was even more terrifying. It actually caught the immortal in its hand.

"Who are you!!!"

The immortal looked at Chu Yan with fear after being pinched by the demon arm. He couldn't understand why there was suddenly such a monster in the Dragon Alliance.

It's impossible for a fairy to be unknown with the combat power of the second level of the immortal.

"Who am I? You don't deserve to know." Chu Yan said arrogantly, and raised his hand and slapped it down. With a bang, the golden giant immortal flew backwards, transformed back to his original body, spurted blood, and fell to the ground fiercely.


At this time, on the other side, the collision between Chen Yuan and Dao Zun also came to an end. Chen Yuan himself was also a second-level immortal, one level higher than Dao Zun. He held the sword with both hands and cut a cross in the void, tearing the space. Dao Zun let out a low shout and tried his best to resist, but the sword light was finally shattered. Endless sword light slammed on him and blasted him away.

So far, this battle is over, faster than anyone expected, and ended with thunder.

The result is even more speechless. On the side of the Chen clan, three immortals, one died and two were seriously injured. It can be said that it completely subverted everyone's cognition.

In the distance, the remaining two Chen clan immortals climbed up and looked at the stage again, showing pain. This battle was too humiliating. What's hateful is that they can't change it.

Especially the immortal of the golden giant clan, his eyes looking at Chu Yan were full of pain.

Chu Yan didn't kill him, but he knew that from today on, he would live in the nightmare of this battle forever, and his position in the fairyland would be ridiculous. His Tao heart was damaged and he would never be able to improve.

The most ridiculous thing is that until now, he didn't know who he lost to.

"Now, the people of the Chen clan, can you get out?" Chen Yuan Jianzun waved his hand, sheathed the flying sword, and spoke.

The battle just now was also very refreshing for him. In the past ten years, the Dragon Alliance of Brokenback City has been suppressed.

The eyes of the two immortals of the Chen clan became colder, but they had nothing to say.

"Dragon Alliance, Brokenback City will not belong to you." But at this moment, an endless and majestic voice suddenly came from outside the clouds, attracting countless eyes, and then everyone's face sank.

In the direction of the Chen clan, a golden warship was seen sailing in the sky. There were several figures standing on top. Each of them was extraordinary, wearing a luxurious golden gown. There were two figures standing in the lead, one was middle-aged, with sharp eyebrows and sword eyes.

Next to him was a young man in green fir. The young man stood there with his hands behind his back. He never spoke, but he gave people a sense of arrogance that could not be looked at, as if he was born to be superior to ordinary people and was worshipped by others.

"Direct lineage of the Chen clan!" Seeing the golden warship, the eyes of the people near the suspended battle platform were all fixed, and they were not calm.

Especially looking at the young man in green fir, they were very moved.

"That's... Chen Huangsheng!"

People from all sides exclaimed, especially some juniors, such as Zixuan, Luan Xiong, Mei Yu and others. They were born in this era, and the name of Chen Huangsheng had long been integrated into their world, from a long time ago.

He was a true genius, someone they couldn't even begin to catch up with. Mei Yu, for example, even regarded Chen Huangsheng as an idol, revealing a trace of yearning: "Only someone like him can be called a peerless genius. People on the clouds are born to change this world."

Looking at the golden battleship, Chen Yuan Jianzun's face darkened. He didn't expect that a direct descendant of the Chen clan would come here for a scheduled battle today.

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