Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1162 The day of the battle [3rd update]

Nearly 10,000 people gathered at the suspended battle platform.

On the Dragon Alliance side, Jian Zun and Chu Yan led the way, followed by Zixuan, Luan Xiong and others, and landed.

On the other side, the three Chen clan immortals did the same. With a wave of their hands, rows of immortal power chairs floated out of the air, and they sat on them calmly.

"Chen Yuan, are you ready to get out of Brokeback City today?" One of the Chen clan immortals laughed. Chen Yuan was Jian Zun's real name.

"Perhaps the one who gets out will be your Chen clan." Jian Zun Chen Yuan responded calmly.

"We? Haha, are you kidding?"

The Chen clan's Immortal Venerable laughed sarcastically, not caring. His eyes turned slightly and fell on Chu Yan, who was closest to Chen Yuan Jianzun. He laughed in surprise: "Haha, this person looks strange. Who is he?"

"This person is Chu Shanshi, the commander of the 10,000-man army of my Dragon Alliance." Chen Yuan Jianzun said calmly. Many people's eyes flashed. The commander of the 10,000-man army definitely has a high status in the military camp. The key is that this person is very unfamiliar and has never been heard of before.

"Chu Shanshi? Never heard of him." The Immortal Venerable smiled contemptuously. If he was a genius, even if he was an immortal, he would not be unknown.

"It seems that your Dragon Alliance is getting worse and worse. You actually invited an unknown person." The onlookers also sighed.

"Is it you?" At this moment, someone from the Chen clan stared at him, and a fierce light flashed across his eyes.

"Zhao Tu, do you know him?" someone asked.

That disciple Zhao was the young man of the Chen clan when Chu Yan killed people in Brokenback City that day. He said angrily: "Reply to the Immortal Venerable, a villain appeared in Brokenback City not long ago. He was this man. He killed my Chen clan disciples wantonly and made a wild statement that he would kill one of my Chen clan members every time he saw one in Brokenback City in the future."

During that incident, more than a dozen immortals of the Chen clan died, which caused quite a stir.

Everyone was stunned, and when they looked at Chu Yan again, they felt something strange.

When the Immortal Venerable heard this, a flame of anger burst out, and rushed towards Chu Yan: "Boy, did you kill more than ten immortals of my Chen clan?"

"The Chen clan members are rampant and do great evil in the world. If you kill them, you will kill them." Chu Yan said calmly.

"What a good sentence! Then you will die today!" With a buzz, an immortal lord burst out, and his terrible consciousness affected all living beings, vaguely turning into a series of extremely sharp blades that wanted to cut Chu Yan.

"Buzz!" But the next moment, sword shadows were everywhere, and a terrifying cold light burst out from behind Chu Yan, cutting off the starlight and blocking all the sword beams.

Chen Yuan Jianzun took a step forward, and the ancient sword on his back rang. Before it was unsheathed, the edge was already sharp. He looked at the other party coldly: "In the realm of Immortal Venerable, it is better to have a little face."

"Chen Yuan, this man killed my Chen clan's people, you want to protect him?"

"He is the commander of my Dragon Alliance's 10,000-man army!" Chen Yuan said unceremoniously.

"So what?"

"This is how immortal wars are, casualties are blind, and what happened that day has been cleared up. Your Chen clan is rampant and unscrupulous. If Shanshi doesn't kill them, they will kill Shanshi. This is a battlefield, but if you use the Immortal Venerable to oppress him now, then well, this battle doesn't have to be carried out, just start the Immortal Venerable Battle."

"Just you?" The Immortal Venerable said ridiculously. There were three people on their side, but there was only one in the Dragon Alliance.

"The Dragon Alliance will not tolerate insults. One man will fight, and would rather break than bend!" Chen Yuan Sword Master was so arrogant that the sword behind him was suspended straight.

The Chen Clan Immortal Master roared again. Among those who died that day, there were his descendants. How could he not be angry? Since Chen Yuan wanted to fight, then let's fight. Who is afraid of whom?

But at this moment, another Immortal Master stretched out his hand to stop him: "Don't be impatient."

After saying that, the Immortal Master looked at Chen Yuan and laughed sarcastically: "Since he is the commander of 10,000 troops, he should participate in the next battle, right?"

"Of course." Chen Yuan nodded proudly.

"That's good." Chen clan Immortal Venerable laughed sarcastically, then he looked at an Immortal Venerable next to him: "Since the affairs of the younger generation should be left to the younger generation, what do you think?"

The first Immortal Venerable who was furious narrowed his eyes, but still nodded and ordered: "Whoever can kill this boy on the stage next will be rewarded with a protective immortal light and three superior magic tools."

"Interesting." Below, many disciples' eyes flashed with a gleam of light. Not to mention that the protective immortal light can resist the same level of immortals, which is equivalent to a life, the three superior magic tools alone are extremely noble.

Chen Yuan Jianzun was slightly angry. The other party's intention was very clear, that is, to defeat Chu Yan and kill him on the stage.

But then, he thought of Chu Yan's identity and sneered.

The other party was careful, but it was terrible that this time it would fail.

That person can cause chaos in the fairyland alone, a peerless genius, and these people are not worthy of it.

"In that case, let's start the first battle. Phantom, you go." An immortal from the Chen clan spoke, and a ghostly figure soared into the sky, with immortal light draped over his shoulders, and landed gorgeously on the stage.

"Phantom!" Seeing this person, everyone's eyes fixed, especially the Dragon Alliance, whose faces became gloomy.

"Who is he?" Chu Yan asked curiously. Everyone was a top immortal. Logically speaking, one person going on stage should not cause such a big stir, unless there is a possibility that this person was very famous.

"Yanluo Mansion, Phantom." Zixuan whispered coldly, "In the past ten years, many geniuses have been born in the central region. This Phantom is one of them, but he is not from the Brokeback Mountain generation. Now he appears and fights for the Chen clan. It seems that the Chen clan has made a lot of preparations for this battle."

"The key point is that although the phantom is strong, it is still excusable. But the phantom has a brother named Meiyu. This man is extremely demonic and has unparalleled talent. He is one of the strongest figures who has emerged in the central part of the fairyland in the past ten years. One, and Phantom and Meiyu have never been separated. Now that Phantom is here, Meiyu must be here too." After Zixuan finished speaking, he sighed: "It seems that our Dragon Alliance will be defeated in at least two battles. "

The phantom jumped onto the stage with cold and arrogant eyes. Even for the Immortal Lord, he did not have much respect. After all, his brother was not weaker than the Immortal Lord.

"Who do you send?" Phantom said arrogantly on the stage: "However, it doesn't matter who you send, the outcome will not change. Why don't you admit defeat in this battle?"

After hearing Phantom's words, many people in the Dragon Alliance camp let out low roars.

But I have to admit that Phantom does have arrogance.

"How about I pick one?" Phantom smiled lightly and looked at Chu Yan: "A light of immortal body protection and three superior magic weapons are quite attractive. It is not a gift to give to anyone, why don't you come up? , give it to me?”

"You want it?" Chu Yan looked at Phantom and said calmly.

"Yes." Phantom nodded unequivocally and grinned, as if there would be no suspense in this battle and he would definitely win.

Chu Yan hesitated and was about to take a step forward, but at this moment Chen Yuanjianzun stretched out his hand to stop him and said through a message: "Young Master Chu, no, you are our trump card. If you are exposed, there will be no chance for the rest of the battle. "

"I'll do it." At this moment, Luan Xiong spoke and took a step forward, which surprised Chu Yan.

Seeing this scene, many people were surprised. A young man from the Chen clan laughed sarcastically and said: "Luan Xiong, I heard that you were defeated at the hands of an army commander with ten thousand people not long ago? I didn't expect that in such a short period of time, you have become accustomed to being treated like a dog by others. Yet?"

The person who spoke was Chen Kuang, a disciple of the Chen Clan. He was a top immortal and served as the commander of the Chen Clan's army of tens of thousands. He was as famous as Meiyu as a genius.

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised when they heard that Luan Xiong was somewhat famous. Did he lose?

"Shut up!" Luan Xiong glared at the young man and smiled sarcastically: "You are the only one who is not worthy of comparing with him."

"Of course I won't compete with a dying waste." Chen Kuang said with a smile. In his opinion, no one in the Dragon League is worthy of comparing with him.

Seeing Luan Xiong walking out, Phantom shrugged: "Boring, I thought if he went to fight, we could have fun for a while longer. Since it's you, let's fight quickly."

"You're so crazy!" Luan Xiong let out a low roar, and a terrifying blood light burned in his body. The flames shot out like hot magma and fell on the rock platform, as if even the surface of the platform was about to melt.

Feeling the high temperature, everyone's eyes became intense.

The first battle, also the opening battle, is very critical.

"Who do you think will win?" someone speculated.

"It's hard to say. Although Phantom is strong, Luan Xiong is the native genius of Brokeback City. He was also an unparalleled figure in this generation, so he may not be defeated."

On the Chen clan's side, the three Immortal Masters crossed their arms confidently. The critical Immortal Master looked at the Sword Master and smiled sarcastically: "Chen Yuan, from today on, there will be no Dragon Alliance in Brokeback City. Get ready to get out."

Chen Yuan snorted coldly, said nothing, and kept staring at the stage.

At this moment, Luan Xiong had already moved, and his whole body was filled with flames and brilliance, blazing into the sky and the earth. Behind him, a fiery red halo appeared, like the sun, burning the world.

"Die!" Gathering the power of the lava, Luan Xiong let out a low roar, and his whole body burned like a flaming giant. He raised his palm and shot it at the phantom.

But at this moment, the phantom moved. His body swayed and turned into endless afterimages like lightning. Then he stepped down, and with a bang, he hit the big flaming hand, the flaming palm that melted everything. It suddenly trembled and was destroyed with a rumble.

"Vulnerable!" Phantom smiled sarcastically and took another step forward. There seemed to be ghosts crisscrossing behind him, tearing the flames apart. He raised his big foot and aimed at Luan Xiong's chest. One step.

Feeling the approaching power, Luan Xiong was shocked and shouted loudly. He wanted to block the power, but he couldn't do it at all. The phantom penetrated into his mind, causing his will to crumble little by little.

"Bang!" The next moment, the Phantom stepped on Luan Xiong's body and hit the ground with a bang, causing Luan Xiong's body to dent.

The whole process only happens in an instant,


"Is it over?" After a while, everyone came back to their senses and showed horrified expressions. Although they had guessed that Luan Xiong would be defeated, they should at least be able to maintain a stalemate for a while, but they didn't expect that it would be an instant kill with one move?

"Color consciousness!" Chu Yan said calmly as he looked at the battle stage. He had fought against Luan Xiong, so he knew that Luan Xiong's own flame power was not weak. On the contrary, it was relatively strong, otherwise he would not have been able to defeat Luan Xiong in Broken Back. The city is unparalleled.

But Phantom still defeated him with one move, so there was only one possibility. The former's consciousness was stronger, and he could suppress Luan Xiong just by relying on his consciousness, just like he did before.

"It's easy to defeat such a waste." Phantom won and looked at Chu Yan again, full of provocation.

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