Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1140 The Birth of the Holy Mountain [Three Updates]

The sudden change distorted the space. Both the giant that covered the sky and the lava hand were too strong. The collision of the Immortal Emperor caused the Immortal City suspended above the Qingfeng to shake violently.

Seeing that his attack was blocked, the deep eyes of the Nine Heavens Emperor flashed a cold look, and then passed through Chu Yan and fell on the figure that suddenly came in: "Who!"

Not only him, but everyone in the Immortal Realm was surprised. At this point, there was an Immortal Emperor who fought for Chu Yan, and he was a figure who could block the palm of the Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor.

"Emperor Yan!"

The Taoist Cantian snorted coldly. There are many people in the Immortal Realm who practice the art of fire, but he only knows one person who can practice it to the essence, the guardian of the Holy Mountain, Emperor Yan.

"Senior..." Seeing Emperor Yan, Chu Yan whispered. He didn't expect that this disaster would even alarm the Holy Mountain. You know, when he left the Holy Mountain, King Leng had clearly said that although he was the new generation of the Holy Lord, for the sake of the Leng family, the Holy Mountain would never help him before he had enough strength.

But now, the Holy Mountain has helped him.

"Emperor Yan, the Holy Mountain has not asked about the affairs of the Immortal Realm since it was closed ten thousand years ago. Now, are you ready to get involved in this mess?" Emperor Jiu Tian said coldly.

"Chu Yan is the new generation of the Holy Lord of my Holy Mountain." Emperor Yan said calmly, but his words made the eyes of the people in the Immortal Realm condense. Chu Yan is the Holy Lord? So, the person who obtained the inheritance of the Holy Mountain was not the Sect Master of the Heavenly Emperor, but Chu Yan?

Thinking of this, someone immediately looked at Emperor Yun of the Wilderness Immortal Realm. In this case, everything seemed to make sense.

Chu Yan and the Sect Master of the Heavenly Emperor were probably old friends. When the Sect Master of the Heavenly Emperor was in trouble, Chu Yan handed over the Holy Mountain Immortal Secret to help him resolve the crisis. In fact, Chu Yan was the real inheritor.

"It's getting more and more interesting." Someone laughed. They thought that the battle just now was the limit. It can be said that even if Chu Yan died, he would be proud. There are many top forces in the fairyland who fought for him.

But unexpectedly, it is far from over. Now, the Leng family of the Holy Mountain has also fought, and Chu Yan has become the new generation of the Holy Lord.

It must be said that Chu Yan is too evil. He is a disciple of the Dragon Alliance, the holder of the Qingfeng Order, and the Lord of the Holy Mountain. These identities alone are enough for him to challenge any top force and remain invincible. What will happen if he continues to grow?

Thinking of this, the chill in the Cantian Taoist Temple and the Supreme Weapon Hall deepened.

The Holy Mountain's action, in theory, is enough to break some balances, but unfortunately, it is still not enough. Many people looked up at Long Niang again. That person has not made a move yet. As long as he makes a move, everything will be in vain. Even with the Holy Mountain, it is not enough.

"Hmph, what about the Holy Lord? Chu Yan dared to kill the Holy Son, he should be killed. Today, let alone you, even if King Leng comes in person, he is not qualified." The Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor said coldly.

"Really?" In the void, a faint voice came, full of majesty, directly shaking the ears of the Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor, and the faces of many powerful people changed slightly.

"King Leng!" Countless people stared at him, including the top Immortal Emperor, the Holy Mountain King Leng, he actually came.

In the distance, the figure of King Leng floated over, standing there casually, with his hands behind his back, as if he had always been there.

"What did you say just now? I didn't hear it clearly." King Leng looked at the Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor and said calmly, but the Nine Heavens Immortal Land was not so calm. Although King Leng was not the Leng family Immortal King of the year, he became famous much earlier than him. To be precise, he can be regarded as the same generation as the Purple Sun Saint Emperor, but he has not appeared for many years. Unexpectedly, he also came for Chu Yan today.

"Say it again." The cold king said coldly, his eyes fixed, and saw a terrible light released, and an invisible pressure descended on the Jiutian Immortal Emperor, and the corners of Jiutian Immortal Emperor's mouth twitched. .

"I am telling the truth. Today, it is the trial of the Holy Emperor. This boy should be executed." Jiutian Immortal Land roared.

"Don't use the Holy Emperor as a cover. What the Holy Emperor wants to do is the Holy Emperor's business. Today, is it related to your Jiutian Immortal Dynasty? Chu Yan, did you kill your Jiutian Prince or what?" The cold king interrupted directly, with a sarcastic smile: "No? If not, get out, a waste who relied on sneak attacks to get to the top, you are not qualified to intervene in today's affairs."

"Roar--" Jiutian Immortal Emperor roared. He was a top-level Immortal Emperor, but he was humiliated in public, especially the sneak attack to get to the top, which was about his betrayal of Emperor Yun.

This matter is not a secret in the Immortal Realm, but after ten thousand years, few people mentioned it. Today, it was brought up by the cold king in public.

"And everyone, Chu Yan is the new generation of the Holy Lord of our Holy Mountain. If you want to take action today, you can, but when our Holy Mountain comes to ask for advice one day, you'd better not talk nonsense, it's useless." Leng Wang said, showing his attitude. It's okay to touch Chu Yan, but if the Holy Mountain wants revenge in the future, don't think about finding an excuse.

The faces of many top powerhouses changed. The Holy Mountain has been sealed for ten thousand years. No one knows how much it has, but there are definitely many Immortal Emperors. Just the ones who know are Chiyang Immortal Emperor, Yang Emperor, Yan Emperor, and Leng Wang. If such a force wants to take revenge, they must weigh it.

In addition, the Holy Mountain also has the Immortal King Daoism. When they take revenge, they will have no way to go back.

At this moment, a cold gaze suddenly locked on Chu Yan. It was the Central Emperor Chen.

"That day, it was you!" Emperor Chen rebuked coldly. Ten years ago, a group of strong men descended on the central part. They first destroyed the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, and then went to the Chen clan, humiliating Emperor Chen. Emperor Chen had always been brooding over this matter, but he had no way to verify it. He only knew that this person was related to the Holy Mountain. Now that he knew Chu Yan was the master of the Holy Mountain, he had a clue.

"I don't know what the senior is talking about." Chu Yan shook his head. Although it was very dangerous now, he would not admit it. Otherwise, it would only give Emperor Chen an opportunity to take action.

"Come with me first." Emperor Chen moved his mind, and endless ancient texts were entangled around him. It was the ancient text method of the Chen family. However, compared with Chen Huangsheng, Emperor Chen's ancient text was stronger and contained a kind of ancient avenue power, pressing down on Chu Yan.

Li Chaoyang glanced at it coldly, and with a hum, the Fengliu Sword was in operation, cutting off the rows of ancient texts in the air.

"Li Chaoyang!" Emperor Chen roared, but there was nothing he could do. Li Chaoyang was also a top-level immortal emperor, and an extremely powerful one, on par with him.

"Go to hell!" Suddenly, another immortal emperor moved. It was Emperor Huaqing. He was now alone and was not afraid of the revenge of the Holy Mountain. No matter what, Chu Yan must die today. He raised his finger, and a golden mountain of soldiers appeared, shining brightly, suppressing everything and smashing Chu Yan.

Someone took action, and the immortal emperors from the Cantian Taoist Temple, the Supreme Military Hall, and other powerful people also took action. They and Chu Yan had long been mortal enemies. If Chu Yan was not the master of the Holy Mountain, the Holy Mountain would not let them go whether they were dead or alive. Instead of doing this, it is better to make their attitude clear today. Perhaps in the future, when a crisis comes, the Holy Emperor will come to help.

But in the next big chaos, some forces did not participate, such as the Changsheng Palace. They were originally here to reap the benefits. Now that there is a threat from the Holy Mountain, there is no need to gamble for a dying person.

However, although the war was not as eye-catching as before, it was just as shocking. There were dozens of immortal emperors who took action, and countless immortal masters, swarming towards Chu Yan.

Emperor Yan and King Leng both took action personally.

Li Chaoyang held the Fengliu Sword and slashed directly at several immortal emperors from the Cantian Taoist Temple. Seeing this, the other party's eyes were also cold. Li Chaoyang, is he crazy? Standing alone and killing into them?

"Do it!" Several immortal emperors moved at the same time. In the void, thousands of spells flashed, like a meteorite at the end of the world, smashing towards Li Chaoyang. However, in that world, Li Chaoyang was arrogant and his swordsmanship was chaotic, but every sword made people feel scared. Silver sword marks were constantly left on the sky.

"Buzz!" The three immortal emperors took a step at the same time. You can imagine how powerful it was. The light of destruction kept hitting Li Chaoyang, making his body seem ethereal and shattered at any time.

But Li Chaoyang seemed to have no feeling. He took a step through the starry sky and walked between heaven and earth. His sword rang loudly. The faces of the three immortal emperors changed in shock. Suddenly, they had an ominous premonition in their hearts. The sword was obviously far away from them, but it seemed to be born in their hearts.

"Can your sword kill the heart?" An immortal emperor said coldly. That sword technique has spiritual power.

"Yes!" Li Chaoyang said coldly. The sword flashed, and the faces of the three immortal emperors were gloomy. It was too late to escape. They all entered Li Chaoyang's sword path, spitting out blood, and the vitality in their bodies began to melt away inch by inch.

"No!" The three immortal emperors all screamed fiercely. There was power growing in their bodies, trying to repair the injuries. Unfortunately, the sword seemed to be an eternal fire, until finally, it burned on their bodies, and they would not stop until they died.

"This..." Countless people in the Immortal Dynasty took a breath of cold air.

This is the death of the emperor!

When they reached the level of immortal emperors, they had lived too long. The more so, they were actually more afraid of death than ordinary people. At the moment of death, everyone could see the deep fear in the eyes of the three immortal emperors.

"Ah...!" Cantian Taoist's eyes were red. Those were three immortal emperors. How much resources and time were needed to cultivate three immortal emperors, but they were killed by Li Chaoyang. The loss of three immortal emperors would even shake the status of his Cantian Taoist Temple in the east.

"Li Chaoyang, you dare to kill our Immortal Emperor. I, the Cantian Taoist Temple, will fight to the death with your Dragon Alliance!"

"It has been a long time since then!" Li Chaoyang said calmly. Fight to the death? Today, he accepted the trial of the Holy Emperor, but why did he come to the Cantian Taoist Temple? Wasn't it just for the past hatred? Now that three Immortal Emperors are dead, you regret it? Is it useful?

"I said that he is a disciple of my Dragon Alliance. I will not allow you to bully him like this. My Dragon Alliance is not big, with nine people so far, but I have never been afraid of anyone. If you want to fight, well, my Dragon Alliance will accompany you!" There was blood dripping on the Fengliu Sword. It was the blood of the Immortal Emperor, containing thousands of immortal lights. Li Chaoyang's fighting power was there, proud and sky-high.

Looking at Li Chaoyang, the Immortal Realm was silent. Today's battle made many people see the character of the Dragon Alliance. This is the Dragon Alliance. Li Chaoyang is unparalleled. With just one sentence, if you want to fight, I will accompany you.

In the distance, the Supreme Military Hall was not so natural. They were not as strong as the Cantian Taoist Temple, with so many Immortal Emperors, and they could not allow them to die like this.

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