Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1138 Dialogue

The Holy Emperor has arrived, and the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty is as quiet as death.

As that word came out, everyone's heart trembled slightly, and countless Immortal Emperors present were under pressure of varying strengths.

Just one sentence, Chu Yan felt a strong pressure, and couldn't help but sigh, this is the voice of the Holy Emperor, just a random word can cause such a shock to the world, and he is not yet an Immortal King, if he reaches the real Immortal King realm, how strong will he be.

I'm afraid he can only be like his mother, with one word to rule the world.

When the Holy Emperor arrived, countless people looked at Chu Yan, some were proud, some sneered, such as Cantian Daoguan, Huaqing Immortal Emperor and others, and some sympathized, such as strangers who heard about Chu Yan's deeds, and some were worried.

"Pavilion Master, save him!"

Yuqiong Xian'er looked at the Immortal Emperor beggingly, but saw Yuqiong Xian'er shaking his head with a bitter smile: "It's useless. This time, this kid was too impulsive. If he kills Zi Shengyang, he may not be able to escape this disaster."

Hearing the words of the Immortal Emperor, Yuqiong Xian'er's delicate body trembled slightly. Even the Immortal Emperor, there is no way, is he really going to die here?

Zi Yang Sheng Emperor was riding on the chariot. Behind him, there were rounds of light, like the nine heavens gods, looking at all living beings. Finally, he set his eyes on Chu Yan, very calm, without too many waves.

"Did you kill the person?" Zi Yang Sheng Emperor said lightly.

Raising his head, Chu Yan looked at Zi Yang Sheng Emperor. He could feel the contempt in the other's eyes, as if looking at an ant, but he was very calm, as if he had already let it go, and there was no quibbling, just nodded gently: "Yes!"

"Just admit it, then tell me, how should I punish you?" The Sheng Emperor still said calmly.

"It's true that I killed him, but I don't think it's a sin. Zi Shengyang entered Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty, bullied men and women, and committed the greatest evil in the world. I'm not the only one who wanted him dead, but they didn't do it, and I did it. He humiliated my wife and almost killed her. Is it wrong for me to kill him? If I really did do it, it's because I'm too weak and don't have the same background as him." Chu Yan finished speaking and asked, "But, he is the son of your Saint Emperor, so he can do whatever he wants?"

"Yes!" Saint Emperor Zi Yang only said one sentence, yes, his offspring can do whatever he wants.

Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, then laughed sarcastically: "So, the fairyland is the same, and it is no different from the lower world, but they are just bullying others by taking advantage of their power."

"In this case, I have nothing to say, I just can't accept it, I hate being born a few years later, if I were the same generation as you, how could you bully me today?" Chu Yan said self-deprecatingly, and everyone was moved. This Chu Yan was really iron-blooded, and hated being born a few years later, otherwise, how could he be bullied by the Holy Emperor?

"You are right, but this is the world of cultivation, the strong create the rules, and you are finally the weak."

The Holy Emperor agreed with Chu Yan's words. Zi Shengyang was his offspring, and he knew very well how powerful he was, but Chu Yan won with the status of a fairy. It is conceivable that Chu Yan's talent is so strong that if he was born in the same generation, he might be better than him.

But, so what? A person's life is already predetermined, and being born at the wrong time is not a kind of sadness?

"Indeed." Chu Yan nodded, without denying.

"I have nothing to say. Since you have appeared, Saint Emperor, you can kill me or chop me up as you like." Chu Yan's voice was calm, as if he had already looked down on it.

"There is only one thing I want Saint Emperor to remember. In the end, you are just a Saint Emperor. Today you are stronger than me, so if you want me to die, I have to die. I accept this calamity. However, this fairyland is vast and endless. Saint Emperor is just a realm in the long river of this fairyland, but not an invincible existence. One day, the fairy king will be born. At that time, I hope Saint Emperor can still be as confident as today."

Chu Yan's words spread all over the world, causing many people to fall into deep thought. Indeed, although Saint Emperor is strong, he is not invincible. In this ten thousand years of history, there are also Saint Emperors who have fallen.

"Maybe there will be that day, but it's a pity that you can't see it." Saint Emperor said coldly, and then he said coldly: "You can commit suicide."

Although Chu Yan killed Zi Shengyang, he was a high and mighty Saint Emperor, and he would not do it himself and lower his status, so he said, let Chu Yan commit suicide.

Hearing that cold voice, Chu Yan laughed at himself. He said so much, but it didn't change. But that's right. Didn't he expect this result a long time ago?

Above the imperial palace, Qingyi's eyes were red, and green light was constantly released from her body. If it weren't for Emperor Qingfeng's obstruction, she would have rushed into the nine heavens.

Looking at Liu Qingcheng again, she was kneeling there, crying. She hated herself for being too weak. If it weren't for her, how could Chu Yan suffer this disaster?

Looking at the Purple Sun Saint Emperor, Chu Yan sighed. He knew that the other party asked him to die, although it was suicide, but he had no choice. He could refuse, but the other party still had ten thousand ways to let him die.

"The Holy Emperor has come today. I know that I can't survive. However, the Holy Emperor is a top figure in the Immortal Realm and has been famous for a long time. I killed Zi Shengyang alone. I will bear all the hatred alone. I hope the Holy Emperor will not implicate others."

Everyone's eyes were fixed. Chu Yan wanted to take the responsibility alone and completely eliminate the Dragon Alliance and Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty. Thinking of this, many forces' eyes turned cold. This was not what they wanted to see.

"Okay!" Zi Yang Holy Emperor said calmly. He came here only to kill Chu Yan. As for making enemies with the two top forces in the Immortal Realm at the same time, he did not want to do so. So as long as Chu Yan died, his face was restored. He didn't mind that all the grudges ended here.

"Thank you." Chu Yan nodded, turned around, looked at Qingyi and Qingcheng, and felt heartbroken.

"Qingyi, Qingcheng, stay alive, don't be stupid." Chu Yan sent a voice transmission, the voice was so pure, without a trace of distracting thoughts.

After speaking, Chu Yan turned around again, looked at Emperor Qingfeng, and sent a voice transmission: "Emperor, take good care of Qingyi, don't let her be impulsive, the doomsday disaster must not be exposed."

"Don't worry." Emperor Qingfeng sighed, he understood that Chu Yan wanted to bear it alone, he nodded solemnly.

Then, Chu Yan was relieved, turned around again, and looked towards the distant central part of the fairyland, where there were many of his old friends, Ye Xun, Wangfeng, Mengya and others.

Everyone, goodbye, we can't see each other for the last time, live well.

Then, wait for me to come back.

Suddenly, Chu Yan showed a relieved smile. Since Zi Shengyang's death, he has been in the public opinion. Now, this feeling of letting go of everything is so relaxing.

Afterwards, he recorded the faces of countless people present one by one. He was moved when he saw Chen Le, Yuqiong Xian'er and others. He also recorded the people from Cantian Dao Temple and Supreme Military Hall. All this would never end like this. He would remember today's revenge and one day, he would get it back.

At that time, he wanted this fairyland, and no one would dare to disobey him.

"Buzz!" Chu Yan's body trembled slightly, and then a terrible flame burned, wanting to devour himself. Everyone saw this scene and was gloomy. Is a generation of Tianjiao going to fall like this?

In such a big world, Yuqing Xian'er felt so powerless. Compared with the people present, she looked at Chu Yan earlier. From the Xianjie and the Shenglong Pavilion Mountain, she saw that it was the peerless elegance. However, today, it is still not enough. He showed unparalleled talent, but he was defeated by his young age. She believed more than anyone else that as long as Chu Yan was given time, he would definitely become the strongest person in the fairyland, more terrible than the Holy Emperor.

However, the heavens are jealous of him and will not tolerate him.

Including the people of the Cantian Taoist Temple and the Supreme Military Hall, they also showed the same look at this time. They have a deadly feud with Chu Yan, but they cannot deny the strong talent Chu Yan showed. In just fifty years, he became famous in the fairyland, but it was also so that they were glad that such a person died today, which was their good fortune.

The beautiful eyes of the Princess of Nanyu Kingdom, Nanyu Nishang, always looked at Chu Yan, but this time, she did not make a move, because she knew that it was useless to make a move. The other party was a holy emperor, and she was not qualified to stop him now.

"It's over." Several sword masters of Jianshen Mountain also sighed.

"Buzz!" But at this time, a romantic figure suddenly fell behind Chu Yan. He was so comfortable, wearing colorful clothes, but standing there, he should not be underestimated. A romantic sword in his hand cut off all the power around Chu Yan.

"Brother?" The burning fire of his blood was suddenly suppressed. Chu Yan was slightly startled and turned to look at Li Chaoyang in confusion. Just a few days ago, he persuaded Li Chaoyang not to be impulsive for him.

"You are my Dragon Alliance disciple. I didn't let you die. How can you die?" Li Chaoyang stood there calmly.

"And me." With a swish, Mo Wen, Bu Liuxing stepped into the air and appeared behind Chu Yan.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of all parties trembled. They thought that everything would end like this, but the three disciples of the Dragon Alliance suddenly took action?

Zi Yang Saint Emperor looked at Li Chaoyang and the others, still calm: "Central Dragon Alliance? You want to be enemies with me?"

"I have heard of the name of Zi Yang Saint Emperor for a long time, but I have never had the opportunity to see him. Now that I have seen him today, I hope to have the opportunity to learn from him." Li Chaoyang smiled lightly, very free and easy.

"The name of the Saint Emperor, who has lived for ten thousand years, but in the end he bullied my little junior brother alone, I guess it's not that good." Bu Liuxing smiled casually.

"How dare you!" A fairy emperor in the Purple Sun Palace shouted, but the next moment, Li Chaoyang raised his sword and moved it in a graceful manner, directly pulling open a sky-high sword curtain, and looked at the fairy emperor in a carefree manner: "Want to show off? You are not qualified yet. If it weren't for the Holy Emperor, I would be alone, and let you guys come one by one. Do you believe that I can abuse you guys back and forth?"

"You..." The fairy emperor's mouth twitched for a while, but he was deeply trapped in the sword curtain, and he actually felt a terrible sense of destruction. In the end, he didn't say a word, but just snorted coldly.

"Li Chaoyang, you are so presumptuous!" There was another sound in the sky, and Emperor Huaqing took the initiative to step out: "The Holy Emperor is here, it's not your turn to be presumptuous."

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