Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1116 Battle with the Immortal Lord

"Junior brother is here." Looking at the leading young man, Ling Dao also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Young Master Ling, they trespassed into the Imperial Palace!" Many guards frowned. At this moment, they naturally knew the identity of this group of people. Like Ling Dao, they should all be disciples from the Purple Sun Palace. But even so, trespassing into the Imperial Palace is still a serious crime.

Ling Dao's eyes flashed with a cold light, and suddenly raised his hand. Then there was a snap, and a loud slap was slapped directly on the face of the guard.

This slap was merciless, causing the guard to be slapped away directly. He climbed up, his face was very pale, and he looked at Ling Dao in confusion.

"Trench into the Imperial Palace? Do you know who he is?" Ling Dao pointed at the leading young man, and many guards showed puzzled expressions.

"This person is the beloved son of the Purple Sun Saint Emperor, Zi Shengyang!" Ling Dao said coldly. After speaking, the eyes of many guards of the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty suddenly shrank. Is this young man in front of them the heir of the Purple Sun Saint Emperor?

But even so, it was wrong for them to trespass into the Imperial Palace. But when Ling Dao appeared, he knew that the slap today was probably in vain, and he could not take revenge, so he could only endure it.

"Brother, it's okay. They are so weak that they can't hurt me." Zi Shengyang smiled calmly, but this sentence was full of humiliation, which made the Qingfeng guards even more angry, but there was nothing they could do, so they could only retreat to the side.

"Junior brother, please come into the Imperial Palace." Ling Dao nodded, not caring about the thoughts of the guards. This time he returned to the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty, and his junior brother wanted to come and take a walk, but it was an opportunity for him to show off, so he naturally would not give up.

In the Imperial Palace, the Qingfeng Emperor personally welcomed Zi Shengyang, which showed that he still attached great importance to Zi Shengyang.

In the Imperial Palace, Emperor Qingfeng sat at the head, looked at Zi Shengyang, and smiled peacefully: "I had the opportunity to meet Emperor Ziyang in my early years. It has been more than a thousand years. Is he okay?"

"Thanks to the Emperor, my father is well." Zi Shengyang said with a smile, and his eyes swept over many women in the Imperial Palace from time to time, making many women frown slightly, very uncomfortable, but due to the other party's status, they could only lower their heads and try to avoid him.

"That's good, since nephew Zixian is here, he will stay in Qingfeng Xianchao for a longer time." After saying this, Emperor Qingfeng looked at Ling Dao: "Ling Dao, during this time, you should accompany nephew Zixian more and take good care of him."

"Don't worry, uncle." Ling Dao nodded seriously. This time he came back, he wanted to build a relationship with Zi Shengyang. Only in this way would it be beneficial to his future development in Ziyang Shenggong, so even if Emperor Qingfeng didn't say it, he would do it.

"Then, Your Majesty, I may have to bother you for a while." Zi Shengyang smiled politely, but without much respect.

For a period of time afterwards, Zi Shengyang stayed in the Imperial Palace temporarily. Not only Zi Shengyang, but also other disciples of Zi Yang Palace, all did so, accompanied by Ling Dao.

Ling Dao also personally selected several beauties for Zi Shengyang, all of whom were extremely beautiful and talented, to accompany Zi Shengyang. At the beginning, those women all refused. Although they were not descendants of kings and princes, they were of extraordinary origins. How could they be willing to be an actor?

But Ling Dao was too strong, and their clans did not dare to offend him, so they could only compromise.

In this way, Zi Shengyang and others' behavior in the Imperial Palace became more and more excessive. In addition to beauties, they would constantly look for people to compete with. After being defeated in a strong battle, they would verbally humiliate them, including many kings and princes, which made them all angry.

But it must be admitted that the disciples of Ziyang Holy Palace are indeed very strong. In the same territory, Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty rarely finds rivals. Zi Shengyang is a young immortal who has comprehended two major consciousnesses, one of which is color consciousness.

In addition to this, Zi Shengyang will pursue many princes and nobles. He will not do too much, but just pester them every day, so that those princes and nobles can't say much. After all, it is impossible to report this matter to the emperor just because of the other party's pestering, right?

Among them, there is Princess Changge, the beloved daughter of Prince Changyun.

Princess Changge is a woman in the poem, like a dream and a painting, giving people a sense of extraordinary beauty. How can Zi Shengyang let her go? Although he can't ask Princess Changge to accompany him directly because of the presence of the prince, but facing his harassment, Princess Changge can't refuse.

One day, Chu Yan came out of retreat and walked alone in the courtyard, and saw Princess Changge with a cold face, and Zi Shengyang followed behind her.

"Changge." Chu Yan said softly. They have been together for a long time and are already familiar with each other, so they call each other by nicknames.

Seeing Chu Yan, Princess Changge's cold face showed a faint smile, and she stepped forward: "Mr. Chu!"

Chu Yan nodded, then looked at Zi Shengyang, frowning slightly. He had heard something about the Ziyang Holy Palace and the Imperial Palace, but he didn't expect that the other party would be so excessive.

"Changge, is he your friend?" Zi Shengyang asked lazily, not taking Chu Yan seriously.

"He is Chu Yan, a person that the emperor values." Princess Changge snorted coldly, and in one sentence, she directly mentioned the emperor, obviously wanting Zi Shengyang to pay more attention to Chu Yan.

"Chu Yan?" Zi Shengyang was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes flashed with a hint of coldness: "So you are Chu Yan, Senior Brother Ling Dao mentioned to me that you are a small person who overestimates his own abilities and dares to compete with him for the Princess in Green. Since that's the case, I'll teach you a lesson today since Senior Brother is not convenient to take action."


After Zi Shengyang finished speaking, with a buzz, a terrifying immortal consciousness soared into the sky and enveloped the nine heavens. The consciousness he comprehended was the holy light consciousness, and it was colored. Above his head, it seemed as if a god of light appeared, destroying everything under the light.

Seeing this scene, Princess Changge was shocked. She obviously did not expect that Zi Shengyang would dare to be so rude. This was the Changyun Marquis Mansion. When he disagreed, he took action directly and bullied Chu Yan with the power of an immortal. , it is conceivable that he did not take Prince Changyun seriously at all, or in other words, he did not even take Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty seriously.

Thinking of this, she became even more worried, but Zi Shengyang was extremely fast, and she was only a top immortal. In terms of combat power, she might not be as strong as Chu Yan. Facing such a blow, she would be helpless.

Enveloped by the endless holy light, Chu Yan only felt a blur in front of his eyes. He also did not expect that Zi Shengyang would take action directly, but facing the attack, he could not remain indifferent. Immortal power immediately bloomed in his body, and the consciousness of the sword came. , a huge golden sword cover enveloped him, like a real sword.

"You actually realized the consciousness of color?" Seeing the consciousness of sword light, Zi Shengyang also showed an interesting look: "No wonder the senior brother once said that the disciples of the Dragon Alliance are all extraordinary, but this is okay, so as not to be too boring. "

"Ten thousand rays of light!" Zi Shengyang said proudly. He clasped his hands together and stepped into the void. Like a real god, there were ten thousand rays of holy light piercing the sky. Each one was extremely dazzling. That light, It was so bright that even the sun seemed to be dimmed by it.

Those strong lights destroyed everything and hit the Chu Yan Sword Domain crazily, causing the huge sword curtain to tremble, as if it was about to be destroyed at any time. Falling into the light, Chu Yan felt like his whole body was being burned by fire, and his eyes Unable to open.

This was his first real collision with the Immortal Lord. Under that consciousness, it gave him a huge pressure, just like when he fought with Prince Changyun that day. Under this bright consciousness, his power was completely Unable to express himself, as the light pierced through, he seemed to be just a part of the light.

"No!" Princess Changge shouted worriedly. Her autumn eyes turned slightly red. Is this the Immortal Lord? He is too strong and cannot be competed by the Immortal. Even if Chu Yan has reached the ultimate level in the Immortal Stage, But in front of the Immortal Lord, it is still not enough. The Immortal Position is still too weak.

"Kneel down!" Zi Shengyang raised his head coldly and proudly, bursting with light, and looked at Chu Yan jokingly: "Kneel down, and I will spare your life."

Feeling the destruction of the light, Chu Yan's face turned pale, but he snorted coldly and did not respond. The sword curtain continued to be compressed, and it was raging crazily at a very close distance around him. The two ninth-grade life souls all bloomed, trying to block it. Those lights.

"You still have a trump card? Interesting, but do you think this will be useful?"

Zi Shengyang's sarcasm became even stronger. He raised his palm, and with a bang, the destructive force pressed down. Chu Yan felt that the space around him was being torn open.

"In front of the Immortal Lord, all immortals are like ants, even if you understand consciousness, it will be the same! If I want you to lose, you will lose. To you, I am a god!"

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