Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1108 The Emperor's Conversation

If your mother's surname is Qin, then that's it.

A very ordinary sentence, but when it fell on Chu Yan's ears, it was extremely heavy and full of waves. His expression became serious. He had always been like this about his parents and did not dare to be careless.

From the mortal world to the present, he has learned about the identity of his father and mother, including the magnificent deeds they have left in this fairyland, but it is also true in justice. He needs to be more careful about this matter. After all, he does not know yet, what happened to his father back then? What exactly has my mother experienced in the Immortal Realm, and will Emperor Qingfeng have any grudge against his parents?

Along the way, no one had ever told him that his path of cultivation in the Immortal Realm would be extremely difficult. The Divine Palace had always been coveted by countless people in the Immortal Realm, and he was the heir to the Divine Palace. On this level alone, His identity was enough for some of the top Immortal Emperors in the Immortal Realm to kill him.

So he knew very well that as long as he nodded now, it meant that he admitted some of his identity.

On the mountains, the clouds rolled and rolled, and Emperor Qingfeng stood there, not urging, just waiting quietly.

"Huh..." Chu Yan let out a long breath and turned to look at Qing Yi. Looking at the cold but worried face, he seemed to have made up his mind.

"Senior, my mother's surname is Qin and her name is Ruomeng." Chu Yan looked at the emperor and said seriously. Since he is here, he wants to express his feelings to Qing Yi. As for what will happen in the future, he will face it.

"As expected." The emperor also became serious. He was Emperor Qingfeng, who ruled the unified Fangxian Dynasty, and his eyes were full of majesty.

Although he had already made a guess, even he did not dare to draw a conclusion on this matter. The status of those two people in the Immortal Realm was too heavy.

So when Chu Yan admitted it, he was inevitably confused. Is all this really destiny?

"Senior, have you met my parents?" Chu Yan asked curiously. He also wanted to know more about his parents' deeds in the Immortal Realm.

"I don't know." Emperor Qingfeng looked at Chu Yan, his voice became gentle, and he shook his head: "Qin Ruomeng and Chu Hanfeng, one is the Lord of the Divine Palace, and the other is the God of War from heaven, in front of the two of them. , Even I am only a junior, but the two of them are a legend and a taboo in the fairyland. "

"I originally thought that you had never seen them. After all, according to time, they have disappeared for thousands of years. But from the look in your eyes, you should have seen them. The legend about their fall is self-defeating. They may have just changed the world," Emperor Qingfeng said softly.

"Senior, I have indeed seen that my mother left when I was three years old, and my father left when I was twenty-one, but no matter where they are, they are still alive." Chu Yan said firmly.

"I also believe in this." Emperor Qingfeng nodded approvingly: "The daughter of the divine palace who wants to bring peace to the fairyland for ten thousand generations will not fall easily."

Chu Yan clenched his fist fiercely again, Mom and Dad, what did you do in the Immortal Realm and where are you now.

"There is nothing wrong with you coming here today. I just want to confirm some doubts in my heart. I also want to see what it is you have that makes my daughter so insistent on you." Emperor Qingfeng said softly, his voice was very gentle. , without any immortal power. After hearing this, Chu Yan clenched his fist slightly and became a little nervous.

"Do you know? After seeing you, I really regretted sending Qing Yi to the stars in the lower world. If possible, I would rather turn back time and let her endure everything than let her know you." The voice of Emperor Qingfeng Suddenly he became much more majestic, and the clouds stirred, as if there was terrible immortal power oppressing Chu Yan.

Chu Yan stood there, feeling sweat pouring out, and his clothes were wet. Qing Yi stood next to him, looking up at Emperor Qingfeng, with determination flashing in his beautiful eyes.

As if feeling Qing Yi's gaze, Emperor Qingfeng finally sighed.

"Do you know why this is?"

"It's because of my status that I'm not worthy of Qing Yi." Chu Yan said truthfully. He had always thought so. He knew at the beginning that Qing Yi might be a princess of a big place and an extraordinary person, but he was just a small person in the lower world at that time. negligible.

"No." Emperor Qingfeng shook his head and said seriously: "On the contrary, it is precisely because of you that you are so extraordinary. Maybe you still don't know what kind of power you have in the Immortal Realm. Qin Ruomeng, the daughter of the Divine Palace, , is known as the world's best immortal pattern master, proficient in star calculations, and can see the past and the future, and you are her son, how could she not have seen your destiny? Since she has, she still lets you embark on this journey. There is a road, so why didn’t she pave the way for you? "

"I guess it's just because your current level is too low, but when you reach a certain level of strength, everything she has prepared for you will gradually surface. You must be a person with great luck."

"And you, like this, are still destined to have ups and downs in the future. Your path to cultivation will be long, and your road to fame will definitely be an uphill climb with many crises."

"To many people, they may think that you are the proud son of heaven, the man of destiny, destined to reach a certain height in the future. Qing Yi will follow you. Now in the eyes of outsiders, maybe you have taken advantage of my Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty. But I know very well that soon I, Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty, will take advantage of you."

"But, after all, this is just a snobbish view. Qingyi is my daughter. In my opinion, what does it matter if you bear the fate? What if you will be the king of the fairyland in the future? I don't care, I just want my daughter to live. Live an ordinary life, free from restraints." Emperor Qingfeng said solemnly, but Chu Yan's heart was shocked. These things were all unexpected by him. He thought that Emperor Qingfeng's retort was just because he was not worthy of Qingyi, but he didn't expect it. , he saw more.

He simply doesn't want Qing Yi to be in danger. Maybe he is an ordinary person, so he won't refuse, right?

"If I asked you to give up the hatred in your heart and stop pursuing your parents' deeds for Qingyi, would you be willing?" Emperor Qingfeng said seriously. Chu Yan's eyes narrowed. For Qingyi, would you give up looking for your parents and those hatreds?

Chu Yan struggled for a long time, but he finally shook his head: "Back to my predecessors, my body, hair, and skin are all inherited by my parents. Although I don't know how strong my father and mother's enemies are, but I am a child, how can I have such hatred?" How can I not take revenge? If I really agree and can give up my revenge on my parents, how can I be worthy of Qing Yi? "

Qing Yi was always listening, but also raised his head and looked at Emperor Qingfeng stubbornly: "His hatred is my hatred."

"For letting my daughter accompany you on this road of no return, I really want to kill you right now." Emperor Qingfeng sighed, but the pressure finally dissipated, and he turned to look at Qing Yi.

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