Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1099 Understanding the Immortal Lord's Consciousness

"Of course, it's not just sword cultivators, sword cultivators are the same, including demon cultivators. They can use the power of heaven and earth to operate their own consciousness, so that the power of heaven and earth can completely become their own power." Prince Changyun said, Chu Yan listened quietly and comprehended.

"To be precise, the consciousness of the Immortal Master is more like a realm between heaven and earth. The consciousness of the sword can open the realm of the sword. The consciousness of the sword can open the realm of the sword. Within the realm, it can dominate this world."

"Tell me, how did you feel when you fought with Ye Feng?"

Chu Yan recalled, thinking about the scene at that time, and responded: "It felt like the world had become strange. It didn't feel like I was between heaven and earth, but more like I was in Ye Feng's world."

"Yes, this is consciousness. His consciousness has taken a domain from the world and made it its own world. In that world, he is the king."

"This is also the reason why the Immortal Throne can never defeat the Immortal Lord. The Immortal Throne fights between heaven and earth and borrows the power of heaven and earth, but the Immortal Lord is not. Every Immortal Lord fights in his own world and uses You can imagine the result of the power of your own world. You will always be borrowing the power of the former, but not the latter. He can even deprive you of your power." Prince Changyun said with a smile: "Do you want to feel my immortal consciousness?"

"Is it okay?" Chu Yan said in surprise. No matter how many sermons he preaches, it will never be as profound as actual insights.

"Of course, you just have to bear it."

Changyun Prince Lang smiled brightly, and then raised his hand, a buzzing sound came from his body, and a force was generated. The force was extremely overbearing, as if it was going to tear the entire world apart.

"Buzz!" Under that power, Chu Yan's eyes changed in shock for just a moment, and he felt as if he was about to be crushed. His whole body was bearing an extremely huge weight, and the world changed, like mountains pressing down on him. To tear his body apart.

That feeling only lasted for a few seconds. Prince Changyun waved his hand and everything dissipated. During the whole process, he seemed to have done nothing. But at this time, Chu Yan was greatly shocked. The power was too strong. , even if it is just consciousness, it is something that he cannot resist now. The gown on his back is completely soaked with sweat.

Although it was short-lived, Chu Yan discovered that the consciousness of Prince Changyun was completely different from that of Ye Feng. The latter was just a prototype, but the former was a real realm. It was as if he had entered a forbidden land. As long as Prince Changyun One reason, one thought, and he will be doomed.

"So strong..." Chu Yan exclaimed, the impact was too strong, and then he fell into a kind of selfless contemplation. Ye Feng's consciousness was still a little bit worse before, but this time he understood the consciousness of Prince Changyun, making him Some doubts have been clarified a lot.

Seeing Chu Yan's silence, Prince Changyun mistakenly thought that Chu Yan was feeling pressure, and said with a smile: "How is it? Is it a little difficult to understand? But you don't have to worry. Now you are only at the fifth level of the immortal position, and your realm is slightly lower. You have no control over the immortal power. Your control is also quite limited, but with your talent and luck, you will naturally step in, and you don’t have to feel pressure.”

"No, I'm just thinking about which one I should choose if I understand the consciousness of the Immortal Lord." Chu Yan shook his head. Prince Changyun was startled, and then laughed: "You kid really dares to say anything. Immortal consciousness is a hard thing to find. Many people reach the top of the Immortal Realm and have a breakthrough. There has always been a rumor in the Immortal Realm that people are chosen by consciousness. You actually want to choose consciousness? "

"Boy, young man, it's a good thing to be motivated, but sometimes you have to retreat despite difficulties. It's too early for you to realize the immortal consciousness. It won't be more than ten years. Don't think about it." Prince Changyun persuaded again. In one sentence, he admitted that Chu Yan's talent was indeed very strong, and the two ninth-grade life souls were against the endless sky, but the consciousness of the Immortal Lord was still too early for him.

But he didn't deliberately suppress Chu Yan.

Chu Yan smiled calmly and did not explain, but there were already thousands of thoughts in his heart.

For a while, Chu Yan stayed in the Hou Mansion temporarily and practiced cultivation. During this period, many princes and descendants came to visit, which made the previously quiet Hou Mansion lively.

Of course, the so-called visit was just a gimmick. The real purpose was more like exploring the bottom. There were also some people who directly requested to discuss with Chu Yan.

But Chu Yan rejected all such requests. If he didn't fight, the princes and descendants would have nothing to do. After all, Chu Yan was favored by the emperor now, and he had the Qingfeng Order, so he couldn't attack by force, right?

So I could only scold Chu Yan in secret, feeling unhappy.

On this day, under the cover of night, Princess Changge played the harp under the moonlight. Chu Yan came looking for the sound. The sound was very clear and pure, giving people a sense of tranquility.

After a long time, the sound of the piano stopped, and Princess Changge looked at Chu Yan with a smile: "Mr. Chu, have you seen enough?"

"Princess." Chu Yan looked a little embarrassed: "Hearing such pure piano music, I am inevitably attracted. I hope Princess won't be surprised."

"Master Chu also knows how to play the piano?" Princess Changge asked with a smile.

"don't know."

"Then how do you know that my music is pure?"

"Although I don't understand the sound of the piano, everything in the world is a practice. When we seek immortality and ask questions, it is a practice. Playing the piano and painting are also a kind of practice. It's just that the things we practice are different, and the results we get are also different. But no matter what we practice, the essence is No matter what, the sound of the princess's piano makes people feel calm and free from distracting thoughts. I think the princess herself is also an extremely pure person." Chu Yan said with a smile, this was what he said from his heart. He himself is a practitioner of immortal patterns and martial arts. In the eyes of ordinary people, You cannot have both, but he himself does not think so. Cultivation is inherently interoperable, complements each other, and does not delay.

"No wonder Master Chu is so good at fairy patterns and martial arts." Princess Changge smiled approvingly. This kind of vision and mind are probably the so-called talent.

"Recently, many princes and nobles want to learn from you. Why do you refuse so many times?"

"It's unintentional. Agreeing is just a waste of time." Chu Yan smiled faintly and shook his head. Princess Changge's approval was even stronger: "Master Chu's character is incomparable to ordinary people. No wonder Qingyi is attracted to you."

"Don't bother the princess." Chu Yan smiled calmly, and without saying much, he turned around and walked towards a secret house for cultivation. After these days of cultivation, he has some understanding, so today, he wanted to retreat, but was attracted by the sound of the piano.

In a blink of an eye, several days had passed. During this period, Chu Yan had been in seclusion in the Marquis' Mansion, not asking about external affairs. However, the number of princes and descendants who came here increased instead of decreased. However, since they could not see anyone, they could only leave in dissatisfaction. It seemed that since that day, no one had seen Chu Yan again. He seemed to have evaporated from the Imperial Palace.

On this day, a golden holy light suddenly shot up into the sky in Changyun Marquis' Mansion, penetrating the sky, like a god descending to the world.

The strange light was too bright, covering the entire Imperial Palace. In just a moment, there was a sensation inside and outside the Imperial Palace. Many people looked up and showed a touch of shock.

"What is that?" Someone trembled. The holy light seemed to contain a world, and it seemed to be a huge will that affected their souls.

"A strange phenomenon in the sky?" At this moment, many princes and nobles jumped out of the air one after another, frowning.

They were princes and nobles, so they knew very well that strange phenomena in the sky must be caused by evil spirits, but they did not know where this holy light came from.

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