Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1096 Gift

The people in the imperial palace looked at Chu Yan. At this moment, his eyes were so gentle and doting. Changshengmu sneered. He also wanted to see what kind of gift Chu Yan prepared for Qingyi.

Reaching out his hand and rubbing Qingyi's hair, Chu Yan turned back and looked at Emperor Qingfeng, and said softly: "Emperor, I was forced to come to the northern part of the fairyland because of being hunted by my enemies. I learned about Qingyi's birthday not long ago. I was very hasty and could not prepare too heavy gifts. I hope the emperor will forgive me."

"This guy..." Everyone was speechless. He just said that he had prepared a gift for Princess Qingyi, but now he has nothing?

"Haha, His Highness Changshengmu prepared a phoenix fairy dress for the princess. If the disciples of the Dragon Alliance cannot come up with a decent gift, it will become a joke." Someone sneered. Now the people who want to see Chu Yan's action are not the young master, for example, the nine princes.

"But today is Qingyi's birthday, so a gift is still necessary. Not long ago, I founded a chamber of commerce in Qingfeng Xian Dynasty. Now I am willing to transfer all the properties of this chamber of commerce to Qingyi as a gift to Qingyi. I hope the emperor will witness it." Chu Yan said word by word, and everyone was slightly surprised. Chu Yan actually founded a chamber of commerce in Qingfeng Xian Dynasty?

The Yue clan even stared at each other. They knew very well what chamber of commerce Chu Yan was talking about.

"Which chamber of commerce are you talking about?" The prince who was in charge of managing the chamber of commerce above the imperial palace spoke.

"The name of this chamber of commerce is taken from one character of me and Qingyi, and it is called Qingyan Chamber of Commerce." Chu Yan said calmly, and countless people's faces changed slightly. Qingyan Chamber of Commerce was familiar to many people present. It has risen very fast in recent years and spread all over the foot of Qingfeng Xianshan. Before the Xian Banquet, many of them had already appeared in the Xiancheng where they were, and even cooperated with many of their clans.

Even if they had never heard of it, they knew just now that it was a chamber of commerce that was personally named and had great development potential.

But who could have expected that this Chamber of Commerce was actually founded by Chu Yan?

Now, he is willing to give all the properties of Qingyan Chamber of Commerce as a birthday gift to Princess Qingyi.

Oh my God, isn't this gift precious enough?

How about Changshengmu's Phoenix Fairy Clothes? It's just a fairy weapon.

But what does a Chamber of Commerce mean? Or a Chamber of Commerce with a bright future.

Compared with the two, they are not on the same level at all.

In fact, Chu Yan had thought about it when he opened the Chamber of Commerce. Naming it Qingyan would show his feelings.

Qingyi blinked her beautiful eyes and was moved in her heart. Qingyan Chamber of Commerce, yes, why didn't she think of it.

Emperor Qingfeng looked at it with a smile in the imperial palace, and also showed satisfaction.

From just now, he has not spoken, and it is also a test. Although he will not deliberately interfere with Chu Yan and Qingyi, Qingyi is his most beloved daughter. If Chu Yan is unprepared for her birthday today, he will probably be disappointed, right?

"Your Majesty, you don't know that in addition to his amazing combat power, Mr. Chu is also a fairy pattern master who can refine top-level fairy weapons. He has extraordinary talent." Yue Changming took the initiative to speak. Now is a good opportunity to repair the relationship with Chu Yan.

The people in the imperial palace were amazed again. Chu Yan, his combat power is beyond words, and he is also a fairy pattern master. This talent...

"You are thoughtful." Emperor Qingfeng nodded in approval. In fact, for an immortal dynasty, no matter how heavy the gift is, it is not precious enough, because Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty itself is the top force in the immortal domain, and it has too much foundation.

Immortal weapons? Are they missing? Obviously they are not missing.

But this is a thought, and the same industry is a matter of attitude.

Chu Yan now does not borrow the Dragon Alliance, but has spent several years to lay the groundwork, establish a chamber of commerce, and give it to Qingyi. There is no better gift than this, right?

"Okay, let's continue the fairy banquet." The emperor smiled and a small episode ended.

The Immortal Banquet was still going on, and there were constantly some Tianjiaos eager to try, including some people with lower realms. Although they were in the Emperor Realm and the Lord Realm, they could not enter the eyes of the Great Emperor, but they naturally did not want to miss such an opportunity to show themselves.

But there was no more exciting battle like Chu Yan, which made the Immortal Banquet seem a little boring.

So more people looked at Chu Yan. They were also curious about what was the difference between this Dragon Alliance disciple and the Tianjiao who caused chaos in the Immortal Realm.

"Brother Chu, I didn't expect that our identities would be different when we met in the past. If I knew that you were a Dragon Alliance disciple, I would definitely pull you to compete. Even now, I still feel itchy. Why don't I try it?" Changshengmu looked at Chu Yan with a smile.

"Brother Changsheng, you are joking. I came here today to celebrate Qingyi's birthday, so I won't fight." Chu Yan said calmly. If it was put in the past, someone would think that Chu Yan was afraid of fighting, but now, no one would think so.

"Yes, then if there is a chance in the future, Brother Chu, please help me." Changshengmu smiled again.

"Okay." Chu Yan nodded in agreement.

"Not long ago, I heard that Brother Chu was assassinated by Emperor Huaqing in the central part of the fairyland. It is rumored that Brother Chu has died. It seems that it is just a rumor?" Changshengmu smiled, but immediately, countless eyes locked on Chu Yan. This is the northern part of the fairyland, so he is not very clear about the things in the central part. Changshengmu knows that because he was born in a top force, his information network is stronger than some princes.

Hearing Changshengmu's words, Chu Yan showed a cold light and smiled lightly: "Since there are rumors, it is naturally true. It's just luck that he didn't die."

"Then Brother Chu is really lucky, but Brother Chu has such a big enemy. Now his identity is exposed, so he should be careful, so as not to lose his life and implicate the princess." After Changshengmu finished speaking, he looked up and looked at Chu Yan. The two looked at each other in the air, but some sparks collided.

"Thank you for your concern, brother Changsheng, but you have to be more careful. After all, the fairyland is vast and full of dangers. If you are not careful, even if one or two disciples of the top forces die, it is normal." Chu Yan said lightly. This Changsheng Mu seems to be very hostile to him?

Changsheng Mu narrowed his eyes and then smiled. This time he came to Qingfeng Xian Dynasty to test the attitude of Emperor Qingfeng. If it is right, he will take a step closer to marriage. But now, Chu Yan's appearance directly made his plan fall through. How can he be willing?

But this is Qingfeng Xian Dynasty, and the emperor has just given Chu Yan the Qingfeng Order. Naturally, he will not touch this brow, so he slowly stood up and bowed to the emperor and said: "Emperor, I came here today to participate in Princess Qingyi's birthday. Now that it is over, I will take my leave."

"After returning, please tell your father for me." Emperor Qingfeng nodded.

"Okay." Changsheng Mu responded, and then walked down from the high platform with everyone in Changsheng Palace and left.

Many princes and nobles felt a little weird when they saw this scene, but they didn't say much.

The Immortal Banquet ended here, and many princes and nobles looked unhappy. They had originally had high hopes for this Immortal Banquet, but now, all of them were fulfilled by Chu Yan, especially the Ninth Prince, whose descendants died on the Xuantian Battle Platform and were killed by the princess.

He naturally wouldn't hold this grudge against the princess, so Chu Yan was the only one left.

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