Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1 The Best of Waste Materials

Changlong Kingdom, Tianyong City, Liu Family.

The Liu family is one of the three major families in Tianyong City. When the Changlong Kingdom was founded, the ancestors of the Liu family served as the founding generals. Although the family is now declining, in Tianyong City, people are still stamping their feet and shaking the ground. exist.

In the early morning, a red light just rose in the east. Outside the towering door of Liu's house, a frail young man was stopped by two guards.

"Two dog slaves, if you dare to stop me, let me tell you, I am the son-in-law of the Liu family. If you don't give way, I will break your dog legs."

"If you are the son-in-law of the Liu family, I am still the princess's consort. Let me tell you, today is the day when my Liu family welcomes distinguished guests. We have no time to talk nonsense with you, so get out of here!"

In response to the ridicule of the two guards, the young man named Chu Yan was not afraid. Instead, he smiled mischievously: "Look, you also said that you are going to welcome distinguished guests today. The distinguished guest you are talking about is me. I and I Your young lady is engaged and is a noble person in your family. If the auspicious day is delayed because of you, can you bear the responsibility? "

"Fart! Our young lady is a proud daughter of heaven. Will she be engaged to a shabby beggar like you?"

"Then let me ask you, is your family head called Liu Tianfeng? He has a daughter named Liu Qingcheng?"

"Nonsense, who in Tianyong City doesn't know the names of the master and the young lady! What does this prove?"

"So you know, then you must also know that your lady has a red mole on her foot, right? In fact, I also have one on the bottom of my foot. This is the proof of my engagement with her. How about I take off my shoes to show you now? ?”

As Chu Yan spoke, he took off the cloth shoes that wrapped his toes. Under the sole of his foot, there was actually a red mole.

The key is that the two guards didn't know that their young lady had a red mole under her feet, so they still believed that Chu Yan was lying.

"I think you won't shed tears until you see the coffin. What a bullshit red mole. When I hear it, it's a lie you made up!"

The two guards said, and raised their fists directly at Chu Yan, preparing to smash Chu Yan's head angrily.

"Fuck, this is terrible. I met two ignorant idiots who don't even know about red moles!"

Chu Yan was speechless for a while. He did not resist the fists of the two guards because he had no ability to resist at all.

But just when Chu Yan thought he was going to receive a beating, a very deep voice suddenly sounded.


The sound was so effective that the two guards stopped moving.

At this time, Chu Yan opened one eye slightly and looked at the fist that was only a few inches away from him and breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm scared to death. I'm going to get married and have to be beaten. How can it be easy for me!"

The two guards looked back and saw a middle-aged man in the Liu family's mansion. They were startled and knelt on the ground.

"Meet Butler Zhao!"

This middle-aged man is the housekeeper of the Liu family, Tu Zhao. His position in the Liu family is neither important nor important. But coincidentally, he happens to know that there is a red mole under Liu Qingcheng's feet, and he also knows that the red mole is related to the engagement.

Tu Zhao ignored the two guards and walked directly to Chu Yan: "Show me the red mole under your feet!"

"Hey, here comes someone who knows the truth?" Chu Yan was delighted and showed off a red mole again.

"It turns out to be the king's mole!"

Staring at a red mole at Chu Yan's feet, Tu Zhao murmured thoughtfully, then he looked at Chu Yan: "What's your name?"

"Chu Yan!"

"You two, keep an eye on him, I'm going to inform the head of the family now!"

Tutu Zhao became very nervous, quickened his pace and rushed towards the Liu family.

Seeing Tu Zhao's nervous look, the two guards immediately shrank.

Could this beggar boy really be a distinguished guest of the Liu family? Is he the son-in-law of the Liu family?

"How is it? Do you believe what I say now?" Chu Yan saw the two guards deflated and said with a proud smile.

"Boy, don't be complacent! We still don't know what exactly happened. Maybe Butler Zhao will come out later and expose your lie. When he sees it, we won't beat you to death!"

"You are so stubborn. If I were you two, I would kneel down and beg for mercy right now. Maybe I will be in a good mood and support you more when I become the son-in-law of the Liu family. Otherwise, I will kill you. ." Chu Yan sneered.

Although the two guards were unwilling, if Chu Yan was telling the truth, then Chu Yan would be the future prince-in-law.

"Didn't you lie to me?"

"Nonsense, didn't you see how nervous the manager was just now? But it's still too late for you to kneel down now. When I become uncle, I will say a nice word for you two. If you don't kneel down, I will I will definitely kick you out," Chu Yan said with a confident smile.

The two guards gritted their teeth, but still knelt on the ground.

"See my uncle!"

"Easy to say, easy to say!"

Chu Yan laughed, and then he looked through the majestic door of the Liu family, with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

"Liu Qingcheng! We haven't seen you for ten years. How are you?"

In Chu Yan's mind, he couldn't help but think of a scene ten years ago. A little girl who was surrounded by countless monsters showed a gentle smile.


The Liu family's mansion is splendid and magnificent, with a large living room in the center, which is specially used by the Liu family to welcome guests.

In the conference hall, Liu Tianfeng, the head of the Liu family, was sitting here early in the morning. Beside him was a slim and graceful woman, who was quite stunning.

"Dad, I won't marry!"

"Shut up! This is not your fault. No matter what, you must obey this marriage! This is an order!" Liu Tianfeng glared at Liu Qingcheng.

"Why, I haven't even seen who Chu Yan is! Why should I marry him?"

"Qingcheng, listen to your father. Chu Yan is the son of our benefactor of the Liu family. Your marriage has been decided a long time ago. If you don't marry, you will embarrass your father."

"Yes Qingcheng, this Chu Yan is the proud son of heaven. He is that man's son, and he will definitely be a dragon among men in the future! It is your honor to marry him, and it is also the pride of my Liu family." Several elders of the Liu family Advised from the side.

Liu Qingcheng's autumn eyes flashed with cold light, but without giving her a chance to speak, Tu Zhao hurriedly ran into the living room.

"Master, people are here!"

Liu Tianfeng stood up excitedly: "Where is it? Why don't you let us in?"

However, Tu Zhao felt a little embarrassed at this time. He swallowed and looked at Liu Tianfeng: "Master, before that, I have something I want to confirm with you first."

"What's the matter?" Liu Tianfeng said impatiently.

"Master, are you sure... the young lady's fiancé is named Chu Yan?"

"Bullshit, can I still forget the name of my benefactor's son?"


"What's going on? Tell me!"

Tu Zhao sighed: "The man outside the door is indeed named Chu Yan, but he... is a beggar."


Everyone in the conference hall was shocked. Is Chu Yan a beggar?

How could this happen? With that person's ability, shouldn't Chu Yan be the pride of heaven? How could he be a beggar?

"A beggar is what you call a dragon among men?" Liu Qingcheng sneered.

"Presumptuous!" Liu Tianfeng glared at Liu Qingcheng, and at this time he also frowned tightly.

"Tianfeng, no matter what, let Butler Zhao bring people in first. If he is really the son of his benefactor, don't neglect him."

"That's right, Disciple Zhao, hurry up and bring Mr. Chu in!" Liu Tianfeng said.

Not long after, Chu Yan was led into the Liu Mansion. Many elders of the Liu family in the conference hall couldn't help but frown when they saw Chu Yan.

As Tu Yan said, Chu Yan looks like a beggar now. The most important thing is that he should not have bathed for at least a month. As soon as he entered the conference hall, his whole body exuded a disgusting stench.

Liu Tianfeng stared at Chu Yan for a long time.

"Boy, are you really Chu Yan? You have to think clearly. If you dare to deceive my Liu family, it will be a death penalty!"

Facing Liu Tianfeng's oppression, Chu Yan remained humble and smiled calmly: "You must be Uncle Liu Tianfeng, right? Of course I am Chu Yan. I know you may not believe it, but it doesn't matter. I have my own way to be like you. prove."

"What do you think!"

"The Liu family, one of the eight founding families of the Changlong Kingdom, was the former city lord of Tianyong City. Eighteen years ago, the Liu family provoked a group of forces and almost suffered the disaster of annihilation. Since then, they have fallen into abject poverty and were deprived of their position as city lord. If it hadn't been for me, Mom rescued you, now this Liu Mansion should be a wasteland, Uncle Liu, I wonder if what I said is right?"

Liu Qingcheng turned sideways and looked at Liu Tianfeng. She didn't know anything about what happened eighteen years ago. She was just born at that time, but when she saw Liu Tianfeng's serious expression and his silence, she knew that Chu Yan was probably telling the truth. .

"My mother saved you back then. You Liu family all owe my mother. Mr. Liu should still be alive at that time. He was determined to repay the favor and asked the Liu family to be my subordinate slave to the Chu family for life. However, my mother is kind and just let me and you The Liu family has arranged a marriage, and it is this marriage that has saved your Liu family for these eighteen years, am I right? "

Liu Tianfeng's eyebrows were tightly knitted together. What Chu Yan said was hard to hear, but every word was true.

That night eighteen years ago, Liu Tianfeng is still frightened when he recalls it. A super power almost wiped out the Liu family overnight. It was Chu Yan's mother who saved the Liu family.

In the past eighteen years, due to the decline of the Liu family, the vast territory and rich resources, and the control of Tianyong City with more than a gold mine, countless forces were jealous of the Liu family, but they did not dare to take action because of this marriage.

"Master, he is really the son of his benefactor, otherwise it would be impossible to know what happened to the old master of the family."

"Master, you should not be judged by appearance. Maybe Young Master Chu is just a little shabby, but he is actually very talented."

"Yes, people don't look good!" Liu Tianfeng nodded and looked at Chu Yan: "Nephew Chu Yan, I don't know... what your current level of cultivation is!"

"Cultivation level, it must be the first level of the mortal realm! There should be one level."

Liu Tianfeng's old face turned gloomy. Mortal realm? The lowest level of cultivation? And it’s only one layer?

Liu Tianfeng suppressed his composure and said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. There are firsts and lasts along the way to cultivation, but those who come later often come first. So I wonder, nephew Chu Yan, where is your life body? How many stars is it?"

The life body is divided into nine stars, from bottom to top, representing a person's talent. The life body is generally innate, but it can also be changed through the day after tomorrow. However, this is very costly and requires a lot of natural materials and rare treasures. Just go and accumulate.

Therefore, most families will only train disciples with three-star or higher life forms. Those with three-star or lower life forms are called mortals, and most of them have no future.

"Life body? A star."

"A star?" Liu Tianfeng couldn't help coughing anymore: "What about your body?"

"Mortal body!"

On the first level of the mortal realm, the life body is a star, and the body is even more mortal.

Liu Tianfeng felt his eyes go dark. This guy is a complete waste.

And he is a waste that is rarely seen in a century!

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