Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 963: Four Thunder Beads

Leng Jun's face is ugly and coldly said: "The sage is insultable, kid, slandering the sage is a death sentence, but look at the circumstances of your first offense, death is unavoidable, live crime is inescapable. Kneel! Kneel to confess, I spare you Life, otherwise you will slander me, no one can save you, even if the dean of the Tenjin Academy is there! "

Lu Chen raised her eyebrows and looked at the cold man, disgusted: "Let me kneel? It's up to you too? Don't say you are just a saint, that is, the king came in person, and it's impossible for me to kneel down in Lu Chen's life.

Again, if you want to kill me, you can do it yourself, you do n’t have to secretly engage in unscrupulous activities.

Moreover, if you dare to dare to admit it, even if you are a saint, it is hard to conceal your mean behavior. "

The speech fell flat, and everyone was shocked. Everyone looked at Lu Chen with stunned eyes. This Lu Chen couldn't be mad. He knew that the cold man was a saint, and he dared to swear.

Is this the rhythm of preparing to die?

Qiu Shaoping's heart was ecstatic, Lu Chen's move was undoubtedly a self-defeating way, annoying the sage, no doubt he would die.

The crowd watching in the distance is also a lot of discussion. For Lu Chen, everyone has different attitudes, sympathy is there, there is gloating and gloom, there is nothing in silence ...

"The ending is set, today, Lu Chen will die!" Wei Qitian happily blamed the crowd.

Tian Chong, who stood side by side with Wei Jietian, shook his head and regretted, "I don't know if Lu Chen would rather be indomitable or extremely stupid. The saints are all ants, the saints should not be humiliated, and the saints should be angered. Ancient ruins. "

There was a trace of regret in the tone, but more of it was gloating and sighing with relief.

When the conflict between Lu Chen and Qiu Shaoping broke out, Tian Chong and Wei Jietian happened to be at the exit. The two witnessed the battle between Lu Chen and Qiu Shaoping.

Seeing the power of the latter, the two who had a feast with Lu Chen, who was scared and pale, had secretly vowed in their hearts that no one could be an enemy with Lu Chen in the future.

Just as the two were worried about Lu Chen ’s fall afterwards, the latter was so angry with the sage that they angered the saint, and Lu Chen was not far from death, so the two were relieved.

As long as Leng Jun ’s men shoot Lu Chen, they do n’t have to worry about Lu Chen ’s fall accounting!

Leng Jun's face grew darker, his voice was cold, and a murderous intention came out of him. "I didn't want to kill you. Now I will give you one last chance. Kneel down and knock down and apologize!"

Lu Chen had no fear, right handed sword, provocative sword pointed to the cold man, "It is still the same sentence, I want to kneel down and apologize, you are not worthy!"

Lu Chen is angering the cold man, at the same time betting that the latter will not immediately kill themselves in front of everyone, even if they want to kill, in the state of the cold man's anger today, and before only dare to secretly target him, the latter Most of them will not directly kill themselves, and will humiliate and torture them first, and then kill themselves by the hand of others.

Although the identity of Leng Jun ’s man, Lu Chen is still not very clear, but combined with the previous findings, probably guessed some, which is more certain of his guess.

For some reason, the Leng Jun man will not behead himself, at least not in public.

"Crazy! I don't know what to do! This saint has given you the opportunity to cherish it, since you don't kneel, then I will help you!"

At last, the cold man stepped forward violently, and the horrible breath of the saint broke out directly, making the world change color, and then the terrifying breath was pressed hard against Lu Chen like Foshan Yue.


Under the horrible oppression of the saint alone, Lu Chen's face was white, and his knees could not help bending. Immediately, he roared, and Tan Tianzhong's Yuan Li was mobilized by him to resist the oppression of the cold men.

Seeing that Lu Chen could stand still under the pressure of his breath, the cold man's expression was cold again, and immediately said, "Sovereign Eightfold has such strength, your qualifications are quite acceptable, but the character is too proud Now, I do n’t know what ’s going on, and it ’s murderous. Today, I will give you an unforgettable lesson in my life on behalf of the dead souls who died in your hands! "

He took another step forward and said with a deep voice, "Kneel!"

The sound is like Chen Zhongmu and Drum, hitting Lu Chen's soul directly.

Breath oppression is even more terrifying!


The ground under Lu Chen could not withstand the oppression of the cold and manly atmosphere, and actually began to crack and sink, but Lu Chen's body was trembling, but he still did not kneel.


Leng Jun's man raised his eyebrows and took the third step.


The ground under Lu Chen finally collapsed and fell, and a large pit with a radius of 100 meters appeared. When Lu Chen stepped on the void, his body also bent a point.

Although Leng Jun's masculine oppression mainly targeted at Lu Chen, the overflowing momentum still made Qiu Shaoping, who was far away from Lu Chen, uncomfortable and began to retreat slowly.

Qiu Shaoping also had the opportunity to kill Lu Chen, but after some hesitation, the idea was dispelled. The main reason is that, in their view, since Lu Chen offended the cold man, they are doomed to escape today. If this happens, if the offending man is offended, it will not be worth the loss!

"Kneel, confess, admit mistakes!"

The cold man took the fourth step and was less than three kilometers away from Lu Chen. The distance of three kilometers was too close for the saint. The surging breath whistled and pressed on Lu Chen's body.



Two clear sounds came. The first sound was the sound of Lu Chen's body around the void, and the second sound was that Lu Chen's bones could not bear the pressure of the breath, and there was a trace of cracks.

"Kneel, confess, admit mistakes!"


"Kneel, confess, admit mistakes!"


"Kneel, confess, admit mistakes!"


The gloomy and cold-looking man took three steps at a stretch, each step was about 800 meters away, and Lu Chen was less than 600 meters away. The powerful breath pressure was more than a little bit stronger than before, and Lu Chen was breathing Under pressure, the body is almost rickety, and the corner of the mouth overflows.

Lu Chen's head was slightly drooping and his face was crimson, and a drop of blood began to slowly ooze from under his pores, dyeing him a blood man.

Even so, Lu Chen's slightly dangling eyes remained calm and calm, even revealing a hint of madness, a bit of perseverance, and a hint of scheming pleasure.

Looking at Lu Chen, who was stained with blood and shaken as a bran, the scene suddenly became much quieter. Some people who were originally gloating or disappointed also chose silence, and looked at Lu Chen with a trace of admiration.

The cold man looked at the blood stained all over the body, but still insisted on standing Lu Chen, and inexplicably raised an irritability in his heart, wishing to immediately shoot the person in front of him, his hands were slowly clenched, but at the next moment, he slowly released ...


Don't you want to kneel?

Do n’t you have your own loneliness?

Today, I want to let you kneel in public, trample your face and your pride under your feet, let the heart of martial arts collapse, and let your dignity sweep away.

Leng Jun's man thought bitterly.

Just as he was about to take the eighth step, the world suddenly shook hard. Everyone was startled, looked up and saw that the end of the field was dark.

The earth keeps collapsing.

Space is annihilating rapidly.

The space storm is finally here.

The ancient ruins are about to go to destruction.

At this rate, the total destruction of the ancient ruins is less than half a tea time, or even shorter ...


You can't stay here, you must leave as soon as possible.

No one can guarantee that the space to which they belong will be annihilated next.

Seeing this scene, Leng Jun's man was also stunned for a moment, and there was a trace of looseness in the majestic breath pressing on Lu Chen.

good chance!

What a surprise!

At the same time as Lu Chen's ecstasy, the speed is not slow. The purple light flashes beneath him, and the whole person quickly retreats at a terrifying speed ...

For this moment, Lu Chen has been gaining momentum for a long time, so, in an instant, his speed has been raised to the extreme. Duan Teng's speed has surpassed all the Venerable Nine Heavy Peaks ...

"Want to escape from me, delusion!"

Seeing Lu Chen pull back suddenly, Leng Jun's heart sneered. No matter how fast Lu Chen is, compared with him, it is not worth mentioning.

However, just when Lu Chen withdrew and retreated, an inexplicable crisis enveloped him. The first thought of a cold man was to attribute this sense of crisis to the destruction of ancient ruins ...

He glanced at Lu Chen's standing position for a moment, and the pupil shrank suddenly, and the subconscious shouted in horror, "This is ... Four Thunder Beads !!!"

The four-layer thunderball, as the name implies, contains a ray of four-layer thunderjacket. It is the supreme strongman who intercepts a ray of thunderjacket, sealed in the beads. Once urged, the ray of thunderjacket sealed inside the beads will be released Go out and cause terrible damage.

This four-layer thunder bead in Lu Chen's hands was given to Lu Chen's self-defense by secretly when Zier left. This is also one of the main reasons why Zi'er has encountered two crises and has been reluctant to use this thing.

Originally, Lu Chen didn't want to use this thing easily, but the cold man's behavior was really disgusting to him, and he didn't give the latter a painful lesson.


From the moment when I saw the four-layer thunder-robbing beads, the cold man had only one thought, that is, escape!

Quadruple Thunder Tribulation is a thunder triumph experienced by the saint triple breakthrough the saint quadruple. It is powerful and destructive. The saint triple strong is also changing, and he is only a saint. Even in the face of a ray of four thunders, there is also a crisis of serious injuries and even death.

Just as the cold man was about to pull back, he was flooded with a thick and bright thunderstorm, and then the breath of destruction came.


There was a thunder on the ground.

Everyone has a pain in their ears, a brief hearing loss, and the vision in front of them is also filled with a thick and dazzling thunder ...

Qiu Shaoping's hair stood up in horror and was shocked. They were also very close to the place where the Four Thunder Tribulation Beads erupted.


Another thunder sounded through the world, and the 5,000-meter radius was directly turned into scorched earth by thunder robbery.

Amidst the smoke and dust, a rather embarrassed figure flew out and then hit the ground heavily.

In the distance, the people froze in place and were stunned by this sudden change. When they saw the face of the fallen man, in addition to shock, it was lingering panic and fear.

This person is Lu Chen!

"Cough cough ..."

Lu Chen was scorched black, coughing up blood, and he withdrew immediately. He was still affected by thunder and robbery. Because he was far from the explosion center and prepared in advance, the injury was not serious.

Coughing and coughing, Lu Chen suddenly stood up, looking at the place shrouded in black smoke and laughing broadly.

The laughter spread wildly and spread to everyone's ears.

Everyone was together, looking at Lu Chen, who was laughing broadly, and there was a icy cold in my heart ...

This person must not provoke.

Ningya saint, not enemies.

Everyone secretly made up their minds.

On the horizon, the space is still collapsing rapidly, and the black smoke dissipates nearby ...


Chaos Sea, the entrance to the ancient ruins.

Countless people gathered here, and the elders and masters of the major forces did not know what the reasons were, but they also came here in person.

"It is said that the ruins are collapsing, and my disciples haven't come out yet, is it already ..."

In the crowd, an old man who looks like an elder sighed.

"How come Big Brother hasn't come out yet?"

Zier stared at the entrance with big eyes, and his face was worried.

Ji Yao ’s faces were not very good. As time passed, they did n’t see Lu Chen. They knew that the latter was in big trouble. Otherwise, with Lu Chen ’s strength, he should have come out.

At this moment, the entrance energy flashed, and several figures walked out of it one after another.

"Oh, uh ..."

It seems to countless eyes that after seeing a few people, some people rejoice, some are disappointed and shake their heads. Of course, some people notice that the appearance of the few people seems to be wrong, and there is fear and shock on their faces.

"My son, why is his face so embarrassed?" A middle-aged man flashed beside him, anxiously asking.

"Father, father, the children are a little, a little shocked, frightened ..."

The voice trembles, intermittently, obviously this person is still in great shock even if he has stepped out of the ancient ruins.

"What happened inside?"

Seeing the strong man nearby, he quickly gathered around and asked.

The man who was surrounded by the people took a deep breath and tried to suppress the fear in his heart before he intermittently revealed what he saw and heard in the ruins.

"What ?! Saint !!!! Four Thunder Tribulation !!!"

After hearing that person's story, everyone around was shocked and stunned. They did not expect that not only did the saints appear in the ancient ruins, but some people dared to call the saints and even tried to kill the saint with four thunders.

Who is that saint?

Lord of the nine forces?

Lord of the hidden family?

And who is the one who dares to disobey the saint and wants to kill the saint?

Finally, what is the result?

Is the sage dead or injured?

"As a result, what was the final result?" Finally, someone asked.

"This, this, I don't know, because the ancient ruins are about to be completely destroyed, plus these changes have brought me a huge impact, so I advance ..."

At the end of the day, the man's face flushed and his voice became smaller and smaller. He came out early because he was too afraid.

"Big brother……"

Outside the crowd, Zier's small face was covered with worries, and outsiders may not know the identity of the person who wanted to kill the saint, and Zier knew best, because the four-fold thunder bead was she handed to Lu Chen of.

"Brother Xiao, what did you do inside?"

The beautiful woman does not know when to show up, she speaks with a few unheard voices.

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