Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 941: All things

Hearing the words, Lu Chen glanced at her with doubts.

The sudden sentence of Jiujiao Scrophulariaceae made him really puzzled.

Here is the ruins of the Four Gods Sect, this point, Lu Chen entered the ruins of the Zongmen, known from a stone in front of the mountain gate.

However, it has been at least tens of thousands of years since the destruction of the Four Gods Sect. The Jiujiao Scrophulariaceae is the local holy medicine of the relics, and it has been psychic early. It should be known that this is the reason. Why did he mistake him as a disciple of the Four Gods Sect?

Moreover, it is not only him who entered the ruins, why did the Jiujiao Scrophulariae decide him?

Lu Chen was puzzled, but he didn't let Jiujiao Xuanshen wait for a long time, but he shook his head after hesitating a little bit, to tell the truth, "You are wrong, I am not a disciple of the Four Gods."

At the end, Lu Chen reminded again, "Four Divine Sects have been destroyed for tens of thousands of years ..."

Nine Tributes Scrophulariae naturally understands the meaning in Lu Chen ’s last sentence. The stronger the martial arts, the longer the life expectancy. However, for tens of thousands of years, even the saints and even the kings of the kings cannot live to the present.

Jiujia Scrophulariaceae fell silent, and after a while, its voice sounded again in Lu Chen's mind.

"Not to mention whether you are a disciple of the Four Gods. I feel the breath of all things and earth from you. I have just experienced the sky-tribulation. Although I haven't died, I hurt the origin and need rare soil to nourish. It just works for me ... "

Nine Tributes Scrophulariae directly skipped the question of whether Lu Chen was a disciple of the Four Gods Sect, and directly clarified the true intention.


Lu Chen was even more puzzled. He didn't remember when he had obtained the earth of all things. In other words, it was the first time he heard of the earth of all things.

"Yes, all things earth, you are contaminated with the breath of all things earth, very rich, should have been in touch not long ago." Jiujia Xuanshen said.

Lu Chen heard the words, and his heart suddenly moved. At the next moment, a handful of soil suddenly appeared in his palm. "Is this the earth of everything you said?"

"Yes, earth of all things, this is earth of all things." Jiu Tribute Scrophulariae's excited tone, and then said: "I will not take advantage of you, before the collapse of the Four Gods Sect, I will take root here, so, I am barely also four Half of the master of Shenzong, with my guidance, you can effortlessly get the chance within the four Shenzong first step ... "

Lu Chen was not pleasantly surprised by the guarantee of the Nine Tribulation Scrophulariaceae. He looked at the soil in his hand. He was a little surprised, but he was relieved immediately, and the doubt in his heart was also solved.

As soon as he entered the Zongmen ruins, he found a medicine garden in a courtyard. There were hundreds of quasi-drug kings growing in the garden. At that time, because of the emergency, he directly brought all the soil with medicine to the exquisite world.

Afterwards, he also had doubts. He must know that the energy required for a common elixir to grow to the level of the quasi-drug king is massive. The energy contained in the ordinary soil within a ten-mile radius provides the energy required for the growth of a quasi-drug king. The energy has already broken through the sky, and the area of ​​the medicine garden that Lu Chen discovered is not very large, but hundreds of quasi-drug kings have grown. This alone can prove that the soil is extraordinary!

I am afraid that there are only special soils, and soils similar to all kinds of earth can provide the energy required for the growth of hundreds of quasi-drug kings at the same time.

It is impossible to hand over all the earth, land and dust to Jiujiao Scrophulariaceae. He has hundreds of quasi-pharmaceutical kings in his hand and needs all things to maintain the vitality of the quasi-pharmaceutical king. As time goes by, part of the energy in the quasi-drug king will also be lost.

Therefore, it is impossible for Lu Chen to be so stupid as to hold hands with all things and earth just because of the sentence of the Nine Tribulation Scrophulariaceae.

As for the Jiujiao Scrophulariaceae, who couldn't get everything, he became angry and made a forced move. Although Lu Chen was a little worried, he was not afraid.

Nine Tributes Scrophulariae has just gone through the days of Heaven Tribulation, and fortunately saved its life, its strength can no longer be comparable to that at its peak. If Lu Chen is really annoyed, he will do everything he can to win or lose.

"Sorry, everything is of great use to me, and I can't give it to you!" Lu Chen looked at the nine-robbered Scrophulariaceae opposite and refused.

After hearing Lu Chen's refusal, Jiujia Scrophulariae was not ashamed, but rather calm, as if he had expected the rejection of Lu Chen.

"Since everything is of great use to you, I don't force it. I not only feel the breath of everything from you, but also vaguely capture the breath of the seventh-order **** soldier.

The seventh-order magic soldier, the internal self-contained magic soldier space, eighty-nine out of ten things are included in the magic soldier space, so let me enter the magic soldier space, borrow all the earth and earth to use, after the injury is healed, I will know go away.

Of course, I won't take advantage of you. The previous sentence is still valid. I will help you **** the opportunity here. "

Nine Tribute Scrophulariac made Lu Chen very surprised. However, he was more curious that the Nine Tribute Scrophulariae offered to enter the space of the magical soldier, that is, the exquisite world. Is n’t he afraid of having a wicked idea and taking the opportunity to suppress it ...

A quasi-sacred medicine, no, after the baptism of Thunder Tribulation, Jiujiao Scrophulariaceae is likely to have been promoted into a holy medicine. The temptation of holy medicine is not something ordinary people can resist, even if it is a sage, it is crazy to see the holy medicine.

If it were not Lu Chen who was not sure to win the Jiujiao Scrophulariaceae, when the latter appeared, he would shoot directly.

"Put up your greed, even if I enter the space of the Divine Soldier, I can't suppress me with your strength ..." The slightly cold voice of Jiujia Scrophulariaceae sounded in Lu Chen's mind.

Lu Chen recovered from his thoughts, smiled at the Jiujiao Scrophulariaceae, and then thought a little, then nodded and said: "Yes, I can borrow everything from earth to heal you, but in addition to helping me search for the treasures in this place, I There is another condition, promise me, I will immediately accept you into the space of the **** soldiers. If you do n’t agree, no matter how strong you are, do n’t want to get everything from me. "

"What conditions?"

Lu Chen didn't answer immediately, his eyes narrowed, he tried to ask: "After the baptism of Heavenly Tribulation, now you should have transformed from a quasi-holy medicine into a holy medicine!"

Lu Chen asked this sentence, only with the attitude of trying. He did not hold much hope for the answer of Jiujia Scrophulariaceae, but beyond his expectations, the latter only hesitated and nodded. .

"Yes, according to what you humans say, I am now a level of holy medicine ..."

Even after preparing for it, Lu Chen couldn't help but take a breath after hearing the affirmative answer from Jiujia Scrophulariaceae.

The holy medicine is rarer and rarer than the holy man. Since tens of thousands of years ago, there may have been holy medicines, but there is no one on the bright side.

Strictly speaking, the strength of the holy medicine is no longer under the saint, and because of its particularity, the saint is often not an opponent of the holy medicine ...

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