Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 932: The enemy strikes

Looking at the old man who had fallen heavily on the ground and had lost his vitality, Lu Chen's body shook undetectably, and his face was pale.

Jinhuo's double mystery is urged at the same time, although the power released is extremely terrible, but the consumption is also huge. The sword that kills the old man has at least emptied more than half of his strength!


A murky air slowly spit out from Lu Chen's mouth and walked up to the old man's body. He reached out arrogantly to remove the storage ring from the old man's body and then received it in his arms. The six-star defensive soldier's black shield fell on the side Of course, Lu Chen didn't let it go. With one big move, the black shield was taken into his storage ring.

Ji Yao and three people flew by.

Pei Shaoqing was shocked inexplicably in his heart. Venerable Jiuzhong Peak Power, was killed by Lu Chen's brother?

Looking at the old man's dilapidated body, he still had an unrealistic feeling, took a deep breath, pressed down the violent shock in his heart, and sincerely praised the landing dust.

"Student Lu Chen's strength is getting stronger and stronger. If you want to come to the 100 schools in the near future, the younger brother will shine brightly. By that time, the reputation of the younger brother will spread throughout the entire Donghuang."

Ji Yao and Mo Yu looked at Lu Chen's gaze slightly differently than before, especially the latter, beautiful eyes.

Lu Chen smiled and did not feel proud of Pei Shaoqing's words. He was most aware of his strength. However, in the face of the ordinary venerable Jiuzhong Peak Power, he could barely cope with one or two. Under the double exposure, he was able to Kill the warrior like the old who has just broken through the ninth peak of the Venerable.

However, if he is faced with Ye Fubo, Qiu Shaoping, Wang Ze, and Makino, who are also respected by the ninth peak of the same respect, without a special hole card, he has no chance of winning!

"On the opening day of Hundreds of Great Masters, with the talents of Senior Pei, stepping into Venerable Ninth is a breeze. By then, the seniors' achievements may not be lower than mine!"

Lu Chen said sincerely.

Pei Shaoqing can realize the mystery of the wind by Venerable Sixfold, and his talents are high, and he is not under Qiu Shaoping, the strong leader of Hualongbang. After the end of the chaotic sea, the talents of Pei Shaoqing and the accumulation of this trip break through the respect The eightfold is not a problem.

After breaking through the eighth level of Venerable Master, retreat and practice for a period of time, and then take the quasi-drug Wang Xuelian.

Although Pei Shaoqing tried his best to suppress his joy, anyone could see the joy on his face. Obviously, he also agreed with Lu Chen's words.

At the same time, he is also very grateful to Lu Chen. If the latter donated him a quasi-pharmaceutical king, although his talent is good, but before the opening of the hundred sages, it is obviously impossible to break through the Venerable Jiuzhong.


Lu Chen said to Ji Yao and the three people, but when he was ready to act, his body was slightly stagnate, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Lu Chen only broke through the Sixth Sage of the Venerable not long ago, and thought that it was impossible to enter the Seventh Sage of the Sovereignty in a short period of time. I never thought that at this moment, he had caught the Seventh Severe of the Venerable after the war with the old man Opportunity.

Opportunities for breakthroughs can be met but not sought. If Lu Chen misses this opportunity, the time to become a Seventh Sovereign will be delayed by at least ten days and a half months.

and so……

Lu Chen stopped her steps directly, and then sat cross-legged in the surprised eyes of Ji Yao.

The three of Ji Yao saw Lu Chen's sudden move, and at first he was surprised and surprised. As soon as they realized what they were, the three of them were surprised and happy.

"Student Lu Chen's breakthrough is imminent, and he must not be disturbed by the outside world, otherwise he will fail."

Pei Shaoqing sent his knowledge to Mo Yu and Ji Yao.

The three looked at each other, and then scattered around Lu Chen, guarding nervously to prevent a warrior from breaking into Lu Chen's breakthrough.

However, what are you afraid of?

Lu Chen's breakthrough was instant, two sounds of breaking the sky came from far and near, and Ji Yao's three looked awkwardly, looking alertly in the direction of the sound.

I saw two silhouettes flying by. These two are both respected by the Eightfold Cultivators. Xu was attracted by the battle between Lu Chen and the elders. He stopped a long distance and confronted Ji Yao and the three others.

The confrontation did not last long, and the two apparently recognized Lu Chen, passing a daze in their eyes, and then slowly retreated.

Lu Chen's strength is obvious to all, and they think they are not Lu Chen's opponents. Even if the latter is immersed in a breakthrough at the moment, the two are not willing to take the risk!

After seeing the two retreating, Ji Yao and the three of them let out a sigh of relief. Two Venerable Eightfold Martial Artists, the three of them may be able to cope with it.

However, after the war, the aftermath caused by them is not under their control. As a result, it is likely that the dust in the breakthrough will be affected. If the latter is interrupted or the breakthrough fails, the three people will not see the land. Dust.

But when the three Ji Yao relaxed a little, the two warriors who retreated because of their fear of Lu Chen met the group of five headed by Elder Yanyuemen.

Seeing the elders of the second elders and his party, the two martial men were so pale that they turned around without hesitation and left.

However, the gap between the two's strength and the second elder is too large ...


With a loud noise, the two Venerable Eightfold Martial Artists were slammed by Yuanli's big hands.

Finally, it hit the ground heavily.

"Don't kill me, I know you have a grudge against Lu Chen. As long as you don't kill us, I will tell you where Lu Chen hides ..."

The two warriors were horrified.


"Poof! Poof!"

Fingers broke through the sky, and in the frightened eyes of the two Venerable Eightfold Martial Artists, relentlessly penetrated their heads.

"Regardless of whether it is true or false, look at it in the past!"


A group of five people broke through.


In the open space of the forest, Lu Chen's eyes were closed, his body was surging, and he was immersed in a breakthrough, and the three of Ji Yao took the triangle to guard the landing dust.

With the passage of time, the alertness of Ji Yao's three people has not decreased but increased, because, at this moment, Lu Chen's breakthrough has reached the last critical moment, and at this time, no accident should happen.


Just as the three men were nervous and alert to an accident, a force of force shot out suddenly, and at a speed that was unimaginable, they stormed the landing dust head.

The moment when Yuan Li's training came, the three guarded Ji Yao responded at the same time, Pei Shaoqing punched out, and the majestic Yuan Li screamed out of his fist, slamming fiercely. The force shot at Lu Chen was striking.


A dull collision sound came, and the two forces exploded in an instant. At the next moment, I saw that the burst of Yuanli training easily tore Pei Shaoqing's offensive, and then ruthlessly smashed the latter's shoulder blade and shot from behind While out, Yuan Li continued to practice Yu Wei, and continued to follow the established trajectory, storming the landing dust head.

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