Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 917: I will kill this person

Compared with being caught up and killed by Lu Chen, Xiuwei's drop is worth mentioning.

The burning of Yuan Li made Wu Shixun's speed increase in a short time, and gradually distanced him from Lu Chen again.

Although Lu Chen was reopened by Wu Shixun, his victory lasted for a long time, and he could keep his peak speed for a long time, but Wu Shixun could not.

Sure enough, after half an hour, the effect of Yuan Li's burning gradually disappeared, and Wu Shixun's speed also dropped.


Lu Chen's speed did not decrease but increased, and soon the distance from Wu Shixun was re-closed to within a kilometer ...

Wu Shixun, whose speed had fallen, was pale and scary. However, his face was terrible. He hated Lu Chen very much, he did not hesitate to burn the force, and Lu Chen still refused to let him go. This is an iron heart. Kill him!

Damn it!

damn it!

Wu Shixun roared angrily in his heart. He thought with bitterness. If he can survive this time, he will let Lu Chen and Mo Yu die in the future! .

And just when Wu Shixun was thinking bitterly, Lu Chen shot, and he saw that he raised his right hand, and suddenly Yuan Li rushed to take a shot.


The Void Earthquake, a force of Yuan Li broke through the Void, and faced Wu Shixun, who was fleeing in embarrassment, to suppress it.


There was another loud noise.

Yuan Li's big hand swept the monstrous prestige, and the heavy shot fell down, and the void was broken, and the earth under the attack of Yuan Li's big hand was suddenly blasted into a bottomless giant pit, with a huge crack facing. Spread around.

Look at this goal again.

Wu Shixun's small body disappeared on the spot, the broken body seemed to fly off the kite for thousands of kilometers, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Suffering from such a terrible blow, Wu Shixun was seriously injured and dying, his breath was weak.

Venerable Eightfold vitality is extremely vigorous. If it is changed to the celestial realm, or even the former and middle-aged warriors, suffered such heavy damage, eight out of ten have already died!

Wu Shixun was not seriously injured, and he still has a breath. As long as he has talents, he still has a great chance to survive.


Lu Chen has already moved to kill, does he have a chance to live?

Lu Chen looked at Wu Shixun, who had a weak breath, his hands shook gently, and the majestic Yuan force roared out, wrapping his hands.


Lu Chen stopped his voice suddenly, looked up to the front, and the sound of breaking the sky came, and I saw several figures swarming quickly with the sound of hunting wind.

"Has the strong man at Yanyue Gate finally arrived?"

From the clothing of those people, Lu Chen can be sure that the people who rushed by are the Yanyuemen strongmen.

Moreover, the cultivation of the leader is the ninth peak of Venerable Master, separated by 10,000 meters, which still brings him a lot of pressure.

Frowned, but immediately, Lu Chen made up her mind, "Yanyue Gate and I have forged an early death feud. Today, Wu Shixun was seriously injured. Let me go, since it's so, it's better to kill it and save trouble! "


The fierce color flashed in Lu Chen's eyes, and the palm of Yuan Li's pervasiveness was angrily shot at Wu Shixun, who was seriously dying!

Yuanli's big hands swept through Yuanli and roared out!

"Dare animals, dare you!"

Seeing Lu Chen assassinating Wu Shixun, the two elders who were rushing quickly broke apart, roared, and the whole body exploded with force, and punched away with Yuan fist.

The elders of Yanyuemen appeared in time, tried all means, and grabbed a punch in Yuanli before they killed Wu Shixun in Yuanli.


Loud sound!

The violent energy swept away frantically, wherever it passed, the trees broke, the earth sank, the space shattered ...

The elder Yanyuemen II, the Supreme Master Jiuzhong's peak cultivation base, was extremely powerful, but because of the distraction to protect Wu Shixun, he had suffered a dark loss in the collision, his face was slightly white, and then he stepped back.

"Oh, uh ..."

The sound of breaking the sky sounded.

Yanyuemen's follow-up strongmen finally arrived, including the second elder, a total of four people, in addition to the elder of the second elder, the ninth peak, the other three are not weak in cultivation, respectively, the eighth and one person Venerable double.

The four men looked sullenly and looked at the dust with bad eyes.


The sound of breaking the sky reappeared.

Mo Yu finally arrived late. When she saw the two elders and the other four Yanyuemen strongmen, she only hesitated and walked to Lu Chen under the surprised and puzzled eyes of the four. Four people.

"Sister Mo Yu, you ... are you with this person?" A Venerable Sevenfold man saw Mo Yu standing next to Lu Chen, first stunned, but even if he thought of something, he couldn't believe it. Asked.

Mo Yu was silent for a moment, then gently nodded.

Upon seeing this, the Venerable Sevenfold man pointed to the landing dust and looked excitedly: "This person has done a lot of evil, not only seriously wounded Brother Wu Shixun, but also prepared to kill. If the elders of the second elder rescued in time, Brother Wu Shixun would be killed ... "

The elders of the second elder also watched Mo Yu sharply.

Facing the fierce gazes of fellow brothers and elders, Mo Yu did not flinch, but his teeth were lightly opened, and he slowly said: "Dear brothers and elders, Brother Wu is not kind to his disciples, Lu Chen arrived in time and then from Brother Wu Save the disciples ... "

"A lot of nonsense!"

The second elder shouted loudly and said, "Mo Yu, you colluded with outsiders to attack the disciples of this door. Not only did you not know how to repent, but instead you raked in. You can see that you are not only thinking badly, but also ignoring and trampling on the rules of the door. Out of the Moon Gate ... "

Mo Yu heard that his face was very pale, and his body shook ...

Lu Chen's eyes were fast and he supported Mo Yu with a worried tone, "Are you okay!"

"No, nothing!"

Mo Yu was powerless.

She has been in Yanyue Gate for several years. She has regarded Yanyue Gate as another Tianshui City. Now, the two elders reversed black and white, and arbitrarily drove her out of Yanyue Gate. For a while, some could not accept it.

Lu Chen looked at Mo Yu's slightly blushing face, and inexplicably distressed. He was not familiar with Mo Yu, and he only met for the second time, but because of the truth of the husband and wife, he took her from the bottom of his heart. As one of the closest people, as a woman.

For her own woman, Lu Chen naturally does not want to see her hurt!

"Grandpa, Grandpa, save me quickly, he, he will kill me ..."

At this time, Wu Shixun's weak voice sounded.

The second elder flashed to Wu Shixun's side, took out an elixir from the storage ring, and then served Wu Shixun in pain.

Lu Chen saw that the second elder gave Wu Shixun a quasi-drug king with a drug age of about 80,000 years, and had a very strong healing value. No accident, this 80,000-year quasi-drug king, It should have been obtained from this ruin.

After taking the quasi-drug queen, Wu Shixun exudes vigorous vitality in his body, and the damaged body is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye ...


Wu Shixun's broken body recovered under the powerful power of the quasi-drug king. However, the breath of his body was still weak. Obviously, although a quasi-drug king could repair Wu Shixun's injury, he wanted to make his repair It takes a while to return to its peak.

After breaking away from the danger of life, Wu Shixun cast his grudgery on Lu Chen and Mo Yu. Although he was seriously injured before, he also heard the words of the second elder, so he once again left no room for Lu Chen and Mo Yu to break. Dirty water.

"Grandpa, you have to take charge of your grandchildren. The grandchildren accidentally bumped into this couple of dogs and men to do secretive things. Unexpectedly, they were hunted down by the two of them, who were angry and angry. It ’s in the hands of dogs and men. "

"Grandpa, you must not let go of this couple of dogs and men, especially Mo Yu. She even joined outsiders and wanted to kill her grandchildren ..."

Listening to Wu Shixun ’s left sentence of ‘dog men and women’ and ‘dog men and women’, Lu Chen ’s complexion was completely sinking, and his eyes were boiling.

"This man, I'm determined. I want to see, who dares to stop me?"

Lu Chen was angry, completely angry, he thundered, and stepped forward, the magnificent Yuanli screamed and burst out. !

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