Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 886: Tripartite

"That kid is really abominable, he even monopolizes the cultivation platform, and places me and everyone else?"

Wang Zhu said with a cold killing in his voice.

"After the five days of cultivation, the kid might have improved his strength. If he wants to compete with me and so far away, at this moment, it is not the kid, but the defensive formation that hinders me from ascending the training platform ... … "

Qingyunmen ’s gatekeeper said here, he paused, and then glanced at Jujianmen ’s gatekeeper, as well as Wang Xiu, a casual repairer, and continued to say, "Although the defensive formation is indestructible, after all, it has gone through countless years It is far from being compared with the peak period, as long as our three forces join forces, 70% of them are sure to break the formation and set foot on the training platform. "

The master of Jujianmen heard his words, and his eyes flashed. Now, around this mountain depression, because the air of the ground evil gathers hundreds of powerful men, they are divided into more than twenty forces of different sizes.

Among these forces, there is no doubt that Qingyun Gate, Sanzhu Wangzhu and the giant sword gate behind him, the three parties are the most powerful ...

The combination of the three forces can sweep down all the forces on the scene.

At that time, after occupying the cultivation platform, the benefits obtained by Jujianmen should be more reasonable.

"I agree to join forces!"

After some thought, the owner of Jujianmen nodded without hesitation.

On the other hand, Wang Xiu, who had been repaired for a long time, passed a bit of hesitation in the depths of his eyes. He was alone, and he was not afraid of anyone on the battlefield. However, no matter whether it was Jujianmen or Qingyunmen, there were more than six people. In terms of overall combat strength, he is only one person, obviously not occupying any advantage.

Thinking for a long time.

Wang Zhu gritted his teeth sharply and nodded, "Okay, join hands! But before joining hands, I have a condition ..."

This remark came out.

The master of Jujianmen, frowning slightly, gave Wang Zhu an unpleasant glance.

"Brother Wang, let me mention any conditions, as long as I can bear it, I will never refuse it." Qingyunmen gate master laughed and chuckled.

"My conditions are very simple ..." Wang Zhu reached out and pointed at Lu Chen on the training platform with a tone of voice, saying: "After breaking the defensive formation, you will help me kill this son."

The Master of the Qingyun Gate was stunned, and then he laughed and said: "This son killed me the three elders of Qingyun Gate, robbed me of Qingyun Gate's chance, and forged an irreconcilable death with me, even if the prince did not mention it. When it is broken, I will do everything possible to eliminate it. "

The master of the Great Sword Gate said, "This child has already realized the transformation of mystery at a young age. His talents are very good. Today, if our three forces break the formation and occupy the cultivation platform, they will form a grudge against them in order to avoid future He came to the door, this son must die! "

After seeing the host of Qingyunmen and the master of Jujianmen expressing their opinions one after another, Wang Zhu, a casual repairer, also smiled.

"Since everyone agrees to kill this person, let's do it together."

Saying that, the violent surge of Wang Xiu around the body of the monk repaired the majestic Yuan force. At the next moment, he saw his foot slammed fiercely.

There was a bang, a loud noise, the earth shook violently, and deep cracks spread from his feet to the surroundings, his body flickered slightly, turned into a streamer, and rushed in with lightning speed Among the cols, looted toward the training station.


Seeing that Wang Zhu was about to leave, the master of Qingyun Gate sipped and took the strong man of Qingyun Gate, followed by Wang Zhu and rushed into the mountain depression.

"We also enter!"

"Oh, uh, uh ..."

The sound of breaking the sky sounded.

The giant sword gate strongman, the speed is not slow, almost rushed into the mountain side by side with the Qingyunmen strongman.

The rest of the strong men around the Col saw the scene with different expressions on their faces.

However, these people acted cautiously because they were afraid of the joint efforts of the three Jianmenmen, and no one acted recklessly because of their greed.

Everyone is tense in spirit, and the internal forces are secretly operating. As long as the three forces of Jujianmen have a tendency to break through the defensive formation, these talents will gather together and compete for their chances.

Triangular horses rushing into the mountain valley, glimpsed a wait-and-see look around the crowd, with a sneer on their faces.

Stand by and wait?

Get nothing for nothing?

Not wanting to pay, and wanting to win the fruits of victory at the end, is it true that the three parties can't bully them?

After defeating the formation and killing Lu Chen, if the crowd outside the mountain is honest, but if they want to gather together and pick the fruits belonging to their three parties, then blame them to join forces and slaughter these people. Exhausted.

Crowds outside Wang Zhushan's Collapse of Sanxu Collapsed their gazes and looked at Lu Chen on the cultivation platform. While jealous in their hearts, they rushed to kill.


Accompanied by a low drink, resounding in this mountain depression, I saw the monk Wang Xiu, the breath of his body climbed suddenly, just a short time, it reached its peak.

As soon as that breath came out, he directly oscillated the Qi of the ground evil around his body. His hands were sealed, and the fingers wrapped by Yuan Li point out. The space in front of him was directly torn, a bright and fierce finger. Breaking out of the sky, as fast as thunder and bombarded the formation.

At the moment when the mangled the sky, the eyes of everyone around the mountain collapsed without blinking. Immediately, these people were awe-inspiring and could n’t help but breathe their air. The Venerable Nine is really powerful. The power of killing the Eightfold.

Faced with such an arrogant finger, I wonder if the formation that guards the cultivation platform can resist?

In everyone's shocked eyes, the bright fingers carried a thunderous loud noise, and they slammed directly into the formation.


Refers to the fierce battle array method, the sudden and overbearing power is like a torrent of eruption, and suddenly dumped ...

The silver-white mask wafted a trace of ripples, and then, in the hundreds of horrified, startled, and unbelievable eyes, the calm was restored again, without any damage!

This scene, contrary to everyone's expectations, Wang Zhu's finger, in terms of power, is enough to kill ordinary Venerable Eightfold, however, such a brutal attack has failed to shake the array.

Wang Zhu also frowned. He was a genuine Venerable Jiu Zhongxiu, and he was far behind the Qingyunmen and Jujianmen in terms of individual combat power.

In his original conjecture, although the training station's defensive formation was strong, but after countless years, no matter how strong the formation was, with the passing of time, its power was also indefinite.

Although he was unable to break through the formation with his fighting strength, he could at least shake some of it, but the result was beyond his expectation, which surprised him, and a strong sense of frustration also burst into his heart.

"Brother Wang, don't be discouraged. This method can't be broken by one or two people. At first, under the cooperation of all the strongmen of Qingyunmen, they couldn't shake their points ..." , Quickly persuaded.

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