Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 884: Practice

When Lu Chenfei flew to the training station, the training station seemed to be activated in a moment, and moth-sized runes lit up one by one, interweaving to form a mysterious formation of mystery.


The space around the cultivating table was rippled with naked eyes, and the silver-white mask rose sharply, covering the circular cultivating table with a diameter of 100 meters.

Along with this, a heavy, majestic wave emanated from the silver-white mask, giving a firm, unstoppable feeling.

The formation that shrouded the training station was once occupied by this space force, and was specially established for the disciples under the door. Therefore, the defensive formation that guards here is very powerful. If it is not actively opened from the inside, even ordinary saints from the outside Forced attacks, for a while and a half, couldn't shake it up.

At this moment, the gatekeeper of Qingyunmen finally rushed to the front of the cultivation station, looked at the formation that had started on his own, and gritted his teeth. Immediately, the internal force roared into the long knife.

The long knife hacked out, and a hundred-foot-long Yuanli knife awn, sweeping through the terrible energy, fell fiercely on the silver mask.


There was a loud noise.

Around the practice table, a circle of energy ripples wafted, and the violent aftermath swept the air of the earth, spreading out like mountains and rivers.

However, the master of Qingyunmen's gate did his best, but failed to shake the silver mask.

Lu Chenpan sat in the center area of ​​the training station, looking at the scene before him, he was relieved, and there was a faint smile in his eyes. The formation of the guarding training station was as good as he expected. It was powerful and difficult to shake.

At this time, even if the strong enemy circulates, he can practice with peace of mind.

One blow failed to shake the defensive formation, and the owner of Qingyun Gate didn't give up immediately. His eyes fell on the land dust guarded by the formation, and his face gradually became dire, and his long knife released a dazzling light.

The master of the Qingyun Gate came out with a knife again, and the blade was broken, separating the thick air of the ground, tearing the weak space, and slashing fiercely on the formation. The power of destruction contained in the blade was instantly. Pour down.


Energy swept and space collapsed.

Baizhang Daomao quickly wiped out and disappeared, and the silver-white mask wore a faint ripple, and then quickly recovered as before.

The Qingyunmen master gasped, his eyes showing unwillingness and helplessness.

"Oh, uh ..."

Just as the main gate of Qingyunmen was about to give up, the sound of breaking the sky sounded, and the remaining strongmen of Qingyunmen finally arrived.

The strongmen of the Qingyun Gate who rushed to each other, when they saw Lu Chen sitting cross-legged on the training table, their eyes were slightly fixed ...

"Master, this ..."

"Don't talk nonsense, shoot together, blast the formation, and kill the small animals ..." The main gate of Qingyun Gate grumbled and gritted his teeth.

The strongmen of Qingyun Gate heard the words and looked straight. They looked at Lu Chen's eyes with a sense of killing. At the same time, a violent breath of gravity was slowly released from several people.

The main gate of the Qingyun Gate stood in the sky, his eyes crazy, and stared at Lu Chen guarded by the formation. He was wrapped in the powerful elemental force, and his long sword was shining, releasing a breath of knife.

"Do it!"

Vertically, a loud rumbling came from the main entrance of Qingyunmen Gate, and I saw a long knife in his hand, and he took the lead, directly splitting out with a sharp knife, and the knife came out of the sky ...

at the same time.

The strongmen of the Qingyunmen also shot, and the violent attack swept through the rolling Yuanli.

Aim directly at the silver mask!

"Bang Bang Bang Bang ..."

The low-pitched collision sounded in this area, and the silver-white reticle radiated slightly, and then quickly returned to calm.

The strong players of Qingyunmen teamed up with one blow and still failed to shake the array.

This scene made a smile on Lu Chen's mouth, and the strongmen of Qingyunmen, including the master of Qingyunmen, became more gloomy, distorted, and their fists squeaked.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..."

The aftermath of energy dissipated, the violent airflow gradually calmed down, and the thick earth-sharp air around the training station swarmed like an inundated flood, quickly eroding the body strength of the strongmen of the Qingyun Gate.

Xu was caused by the attack of the strongmen in the Qingyun Gate. At this moment, there is an endless stream of ground gas below the center of the mountain. In just a short time, the concentration of the ground gas in the mountain has suddenly increased. More than ...

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..."

The body's vitality is consumed by the rapid erosion of the evil spirit.

In addition to the main gate of the Qingyun Gate, the strong players of the Qingyun Gate face changed drastically at the moment, but they felt that the elemental forces in the body were rapidly being lost and consumed at a terrifying speed, and it would not take long to continue.

"Master, don't stay here for long ..."

"No, the internal force in my body has been eroded by the air of the ground evil. More than half of it is lost. If I don't leave, I'm afraid I will die here."

The strongmen of the Qingyun Gate revealed fear.

The main face of Qingyun Gate glanced at Lu Chen reluctantly, then glanced at the powerful people under the door, and finally waved his hand, gritted his teeth and said: "Go, leave here quickly, wait outside the mountain col, I will not be able to stay Not here. "

"Oh, uh ..."

The sound fell, and several figures rose from the sky, rushing towards the outside of the mountain.

Lu Chen looked at the figure that went away quickly, smiled gently, and then looked hotly around. This mountain depression is undoubtedly a natural ground, after countless years, the air of the ground has accumulated a terrible It is not an exaggeration to call the degree of human being inexhaustible.

The Qi of Qi is the best thing for the Venerable to exercise his body and temper his strength. Today's Lu Chen is in the Venerable Realm, so the majestic Qi of Qi is the most suitable for him.

Under the premise of practicing here and having enough time, it is easy for the power of the flesh to be elevated to the Supreme in one fell swoop.

"These guys blocked the entrance to the Col, are you not going to give up?"

Lu Chen teased the strong men outside the Qingyun Gate outside the mountain, glanced back, smiled faintly, and said.

Lu Chen did not take the Qingyunmen Powerhouse into his heart from the beginning to the end. He was confident. After he got out of the gate, the Qingyunmen Powerhouse, like the ants in his hands, could be destroyed by turning over.

Taking a step back, even if he couldn't kill the strongmen of Qingyunmen, he wanted to retreat with ease, easily.

This confidence, Lu Chen still has.

next moment.

Lu Chen took a deep breath, then slowly closed his eyes, his mind moved, the internal force of the body was running wildly, and an unpredictable suction force came out of him like a torrent of torrents.


At the same time, outside the mountain depression, a strong sound came from the ears of the Qingyunmen strongman. They were horrified and stared at the central area of ​​the mountain depression.

Around the training station, the air of the earthshakes violently surged, and then the majestic air of the earthshakes directly turned into a stream of gray torrents, rushing wildly towards Lu Chen.

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