Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 873: Relics open

Lu Chen looked in the direction of Ji Yao's fingers. On the southwest side, a man wearing Xuanjia, he was tall and burly, with a violent breath, emanating from his body.

He just stood there without any action, so that the soldiers around him felt an extremely powerful sense of oppression.

So much so that he formed a vacuum area within a kilometer around him, and no one dared to get closer.

"This man seems to be a wild beast waiting for opportunities, and his body contains a heart-wrenching power. That power is like a volcano that is about to riot. Light, the world loses its color. "

Lu Chen's face was slightly moved, his consciousness was far more than the warrior of the same level, magnificent and powerful, so close to that Makino, it was natural to see the terrible of the latter.

Makino is worthy of the strong presence of the 92nd in the Dragon List. His strength is better than that of Ye Fubo, Qiu Shaoping, and Wang Ze.

Once the hands are on and the strength is fully open, the ordinary Venerable Ninefold Warrior is probably not his three-in-one enemy. Can't connect.

"This person is terrible, and now I, under normal circumstances, have no chance, less than a last resort, and I can't be an enemy of it."

"As long as it is an enemy, it must be unreserved and must be killed in one blow, otherwise, Makino can instantly kill the power of Venerable Eighth Peak, and it will not give me the chance to fight back at all."

Lu Chen stared at Makino, thinking in his heart like this, just as he was about to take his gaze back, the burly Makino seemed aware, turning his head, beast-like eyes, released two domineering and brutal eyes, fell On Lu Chen.

Cold all over the body!

Locked by Makino's eyes, Lu Chen's body stretched straight, as if locked by a fierce beast in the jungle, which made him feel cold all over, and had the urge to escape.


Lu Chen snorted in his heart, his body's vitality exploded, demolished all the negative emotions, stabilized his mind, and then took the initiative to meet Makino's eyes without fear.

Across the sky!

Seeing that Lu Chen was not only unaffected by his eyes, but actively looking at him, Makino was quite surprised. With his cultivation behavior, he naturally saw Lu Chen's cultivation behavior at a glance.

Venerable five-fold peak cultivation.

For others, the Five-Peak Cultivation of His Holiness is not weak anymore, but in his eyes, the warriors under the Ninefold of the His Holiness are all ants. There are few people who can keep calm under his eyes, let alone stare at him ...

Surprised to be surprised, but He Xuren, Makino, did not take Lu Chen seriously, after all, the latter's cultivation is only the five peaks of the Venerable. Even if the potential is strong, he will not be able to attract him in a short time.

With a chuckle, Makino looked away from Lu Chen and swept Ji Yao a few people.

Ji Yao and Pei Shaoqing, both of them are respected Qiu Chongxiu, and their true combat power has already been able to compete with Venerable Yae Chong, especially the former, and ordinary Venerable Yae Chong is not her opponent at all.

After being swept by Makino's eyes, the duo's body was unconsciously straight, chest tight, and felt like an enemy, but thrown in the bearing range, but his face changed slightly, and then he immediately recovered his composure.

However, Liu Wuhai and Li Tianhong groaned, and there was no blood on his face, his legs were trembling, and he stepped back uncontrollably.

Makino is too powerful. For example, the ancient beasts are just a look. The powerful oppression contained in it is not something that ordinary warriors can bear. The weaker ones may even spit blood and fall.

Makino's eyes swept away, and he didn't pay attention to Lu Chen's few people. However, the reactions of Liu Wuhai and Li Tianhong attracted countless people's attention.

One look made Liu Wuhai and Li Tianhong, the six peaks of Venerable Master, sigh and retreat. This discovery made everyone's pupils shrink suddenly, and the sound of inhaling air was also ups and downs.

For a time.

Everyone's face is constantly changing, and looking at Makino's eyes is also more respectful and awesome.

"Are you all right?" Ji Yao asked worriedly.

Liu Wuhai and Li Tianhong reluctantly squeezed out their smiles and shook their heads.

With a bitter smile.

Originally, they thought that they were not far from the top geniuses of Donghuang, especially in the recent period, they have made rapid progress and have had the certainty of impacting the top 20 of the talent list.

Therefore, they are full of confidence and believe that as long as they continue to work hard, even if they cannot be compared with the top geniuses, the gap is not very large.

But at this moment, Makino was forced to retreat with a look, and suddenly realized that he was too naive, and, wrong, very wrong, they are not a bit worse than the top batch of geniuses, and they cannot be compared at all.

Lu Chen saw the loss of Liu Wuhai and Li Tianhong, and stepped forward to pat the shoulders of the two of them. He did not speak comfortingly, because doing so would be of no avail.

Liu Wuhai grinned, showing a reluctant smile, and said, "Sister Lu Chen, I'm fine, and this setback can't beat me."

Li Tianhong replied: "Yes, this is a frustration. It's not as good as others. No big deal. I believe that as long as I keep working hard, I will one day become a powerhouse like Makino."

Upon hearing the words of the two, Lu Chen and Ji Yao felt a little loose in their hearts. They were really afraid that Li Tianhong and Liu Wuhai would be hit by the shock.


At this moment, accompanied by a loud noise, the vast land of this area suddenly shook fiercely, and the beam of energy rising from the center of the valley was even more dazzling.

And in the cave at the bottom of the pillar of light, an ancient altar rose up slowly, surrounded by dense ancient runes.

As time goes by.

The runes started to be activated one by one. In the end, the dense runes seemed to be bright and bright, like thousands of stars.

At this moment, thousands of warriors present were all converging, staring nervously at all this.

As thousands of runes were activated, the beam of energy slowly dimmed until it disappeared, and then everyone ecstatically saw that the space above the altar began to ripple like water waves.

Ripples rippled, circle by circle, and at the end, thousands of runes swarmed into the altar like Ruyan's home, and at the same time, above the altar, a magnificent light door with a height of 100 feet slowly emerged.

The light door, huge and magnificent, an ancient mysterious breath, burst out from that light door.

The ruins finally opened.

At this moment, in this area, thousands of warriors all looked excited, and there was fiery eyes.

The chaotic sea, called the sea, is actually a broken, round-shaped continent. It is known as a forbidden area, and at the same time it isolates the four regions of the Eastern Wilderness, Western Region, Southern Manchuria, and Northern Xinjiang from Zhongzhou.

For the Four Thousand Warriors, the Chaos Sea is like an iron fence, but it has to be admitted that it is a place where crisis and opportunity coexist. , Treasures, even the saints should be jealous ...

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