Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 863: Refining the original source crystal

Yuanli's big hands cover the sky and cover the sun, covering thousands of kilometers. Yuanli's big hands haven't really fallen yet. The strong momentum has made the earth start to crack and collapse.


As a loud noise came, the force of force was dumped on the body of the red armor, directly flipping the red armor to the ground.

Yuan Li's big hand swooped down angrily, directly flipping the earth armor red dragon to the ground. However, looking at the earth armor red dragon looks like that, it obviously failed to cause any substantial damage to it.

"His, so hard scale armor, no wonder it can be comparable to Divine Soldiers ..."

Seeing this scene, Lu Chen couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and was shocked by the abnormal defense of Dijia Chilong.

However, shocked and fleeting, Lu Chen quickly recovered his composure. He turned his palms and shot down again.

Just listening to the boom, the red armor that had just stood up from the ruins took Lu Chen's palm again, and the huge body flew out of the ground.

"Booming ..."

Lu Chen's intention was to devastate and kill the Dijia Red Dragon in one go, regardless of the consumption of the elemental force. Once launched, it was a palm after the palm. The sunk continuously sinking above the ground, hitting a huge deep hole.


A dozen palms were shot in one breath. Rao Shi and Lu Chen couldn't take it anymore. They took a deep breath, then narrowed their eyes and looked at the bottom of the deep pit.


An angry roar came from the bottom of the pit, and then, the earth tremor, a huge figure, broke through the smoke, swept through the power of the bully, and rushed to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen raised his head, and his pupils reflected a rapidly magnificent figure. Between his noses, there was a rushing wind blowing across his face. His eyes gradually became dignified, and he did not dare to have slight contempt. Ao Yi and Jin Zhi Ao Yi were urged by him at the same time, and then a sword was cut on the sharp beast claws of the red armor.


The long sword and the claw of the beast collided. At the moment, two terrible energies continued to entangle and entangle. Then, the wild and violent drove away. The already terrible land below was directly shaken into powder and smoke.

Between the smoke and dust, the red dragon, which is comparable to Venerable Eightfold, was shocked and retreated. Without a foot falling, they all stepped on a deep footprint on the earth.

The front face shook back to the ground red dragon, but Lu Chen's face was not half happy, his body suddenly shuddered, and a ray of red blood slowly overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Taking Lu Chen's current five-level repair of the Venerable as well as the dual profound meaning of golden fire, you can easily kill the seven-level of the Venerable, and even compete with some relatively weaker Venerable Eightfold.

Di Chi Chi Long, although conscious and muddled, but his combat strength, is really amazing, Lu Chen had to admit that under the hard front, he was slightly inferior to Chi Chi Long.


The battle of life and death is not just about fighting strength.

Experience, geographical factors, supplies ... are all crucial and affect the success or failure of the war.

Lu Chen flipped his palm, took out a piece of Wang Pinyuan stone and held it in his hand, and began to relentlessly replenish the elementary force in his body in front of Dijia Chilong.

In front of it, he is not invincible to the ground red dragon, Lu Chen will naturally not be hard to bear with him, he intends to rely on his continuous source of energy reserves, to live to death ground red dragon.

Dijia Chilong has fought against the three Li family brothers one after another. Even though the internal strength is extremely strong, there is not much left after the war.

Lu Chen is confident that as long as he delays for a period of time, the strength of the Dijia Red Dragon will be greatly reduced due to insufficient strength, and Lu Chen will fight back fiercely, and the victory will naturally tilt to his side.

Thinking of this.

Lu Chen held Wang Pinyuan Stone in his left hand and his sword in his right, while madly absorbing Yuan force to replenish his own consumption, and at the same time wielding his sword to harass Dijia Red Dragon.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang ..."

Lu Chen urged Evil God's boots, his body suddenly turned into a residual image, wandering around Dijia Chilong, occasionally wielding a sword, a sword slashing force on Dijia Chilong's body.

However, the scale armor of the ground armor red dragon is really too hard. Lu Chen can do anything with it, unless he exerts his full strength, it can cause some damage to it.

"Roar roar roar roar ..."

The ground armor red dragon roared again and again, sharp beast claws, constantly waving in the air, tearing the space all from life, but the power was there, but the speed was not fast enough, and it was a failure to hurt Lu Chen. .

Time passed slowly.

Unconsciously, Lu Chen and Dijia Chilong have been entangled for half an hour.

During this period, Lu Chen was surrounded by dangers many times. Fortunately, he had blessings of the evil god's combat boots, which was fast enough to let the ground armor's red dragon's attacks fail.

At this moment, no matter the strength, speed, or reaction sensitivity of the red armor is much lower than half an hour ago, the internal force in the body should have been consumed.

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