Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 851: Energy of destruction

After lightly describing the trio of old people, Lu Chen slowly walked towards the entrance to the Chaos Sea under the awe of the eyes. After passing by, the crowd let out, and after seeing Lu Chen's strength, these people finally dared not underestimate. dust.

After passing through the crowd and entering the chaotic sea, the figure gradually disappeared from everyone's field of vision, and then the crowd burst into a discussion, and everyone whispered and talked.

Crowd reaction.

Lu Chen naturally did not know, nor had any psychological experience.


He was closing his eyes and carefully feeling the difference between Chaos Sea and the outside world.

After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes.

In the air of the Chaos Sea, there is a thin air of destruction. The air of destruction and death are somewhat similar in appearance, and they are both light gray. But the two are very surprising in nature.

The destructive gas outside the chaotic sea is extremely thin, and it can even be ignored directly. Being in this place, for a period of time, it is not very harmful to the human body. Stay for three days and two days, and then go out and keep warm with Yuanli The flesh is fine.

However, in the sea of ​​chaos for a long time, even in the outer area, the air of destruction in the air will erode the flesh. Seriously, even intelligence will be affected by it.

The native creatures of the Chaos Sea have been eroded by the gas of destruction since childhood, and the flesh may be okay. Even the body is immersed in the gas of destruction for a long time, and the flesh is further, but the consciousness will be affected.

Because of the gas of destruction, even if the monster in the chaotic sea breaks through to the seventh or even eighth level, it is still muddled, and the spiritual wisdom is not open, just like the beast, acting by instinct.


Outside the chaotic sea, a figure walked slowly, with a steady and powerful step, and his foot stepped on the cracked ground, making a clicking sound. That was the sound of soil cracking.

Not far away from the figure, there was a dead hillside. On the hillside, a tiger with two wings on its back, slowly stood up from the prostrate state, and the scarlet **** beast pupil, pierced the void, locked the slow The figure walking around.

This is a monster that is already on the verge of extinction. It is called the two-winged monster tiger. After adulthood, it can smoothly enter the middle of the seventh order. The strength is quite good. The nature is cruel and murderous. Most of them lost, and Venerable Qizhong also felt quite troublesome.

Judging from its breath and body shape, the two-winged monster tiger on the hillside is obviously an adult, in the middle of the seventh order.

After the figure appeared, the two-winged demon tiger noticed, watching the bloodthirsty color of its tiger pupils. Obviously, it had used that man's film and television as its prey and was not ready to let it go easily.

When the figure appeared below the hillside, the two-winged monster tiger finally shot at the prey. The huge wings fluttered violently. Suddenly, the wind raged and the sand flew away.


In an instant, the two-winged demon tiger raised its speed to the extreme. As soon as it thundered, the afterimage shook away, and the deep air explosion continued to explode behind him.

From standstill to extreme speed, it only takes a short time, and the speed is staggering.

Such a quick raid is unpredictable.

The speed of the two-winged monster tiger is extremely fast, plus the long-term accumulation, almost across the tens of thousands of meters between the interest rates, appearing directly above the figure, the blood basin wide open, facing the figure below The head bite hard.

Full of teeth, **** face, look at its fierce attack means, if it is really bitten, that figure will definitely die.

However, when he saw that the man was about to die, a sword yin suddenly sounded, and then, a brilliant sword gas shot from the bottom to the top, and the target was the two-winged magic tiger.


Although the two-winged monster tiger was eroded by the gas of destruction, it has already been muddled and acted instinctively, but its sense of danger has not diminished. It can feel that the sword energy from the soaring fire has the power to threaten its life. , So, hurriedly vibrate your wings and want to avoid it ...

The movement of the two-winged magic tiger is correct, but after all, it is half a step slower, and the sword gas flashes from the left wing of the two-winged tiger.


The sound of the sharp blade cutting the flesh sounded.

Blood spilled all over the sky.

A truncated wing flew high.


The two-winged demon tiger took pain and roared upward.

The severe pain caused by the broken wings completely stimulated its fierceness. The two-winged devil tiger boiled its energy and swooped down. The sharp animal claws swept through the sky and took Lu Chen's face straight.

Alas, the air was under the claws of the two-winged demon tiger, and it was weak as if it were thin paper. It was directly torn open.

"Uh, the two-winged monster tiger, the outside world is almost extinct. The body contains a trace of blood of the ancient monster tiger. On the blood vein, it is not more than the ice dragon. It is hard to cultivate. Taking some elixir that stimulates the blood vein may be able to go further. In the late seventh grade, even the eighth grade might not. "

Lu Chen shook his head and regretted: "However, it is a pity that the gas of destruction is eroded all year round, and the consciousness is chaotic. It is all instinct to act. Well, since it happens, you are unlucky, let me give you a ride!"

After all, Lu Chen urged the mystery of the fire, and at the same time, the pure elemental force was instilled on the long sword, and the sword gas was vertical and horizontal. As he wielded a sword, a small crack appeared in the space in front of him.

The dazzling sword gas screamed out, and instantly chopped on the claws of the wings.


When the sword gas and claws collided, the sound of gold and iron symphony broke out, and the collision center also had a splash of fire.


The stalemate is only momentary.

next moment.

With a click, the claws were cut off flatly, cutting off the claw's sword qi, Yu Wei's undiminished, flashing from the neck of the two-winged magic tiger at an incredible speed.


The grisly head of the two-winged monster tiger flew high, and after landing, it grunted and rolled over ten meters. The huge body that lost the head seemed to be evacuated of all its power in a flash, and then fell vertically.

With a bang, he smashed into the ground ahead, and the ground was slightly shocked.


Lu Chen pointed out a finger, pierced through the wings of the two-winged magic tiger, and then sucked in the palm of his hand, and a demon core the size of a fist was ingested into his hand.

The monster core of the seventh-order mid-level monster is placed outside, but it is rare ...

Moreover, for special reasons, the monster core of the monster in the chaotic sea contains some pure energy of destruction. Although there are not many, it does exist.

The energy of destruction, the power of destruction, is one of the most powerful forces in the world. If you can use the energy of destruction in the demon core to comprehend the mystery of destruction, your future achievements will certainly not be underestimated.

Logically speaking, the air of destruction is hidden in the air of the chaotic sea. If you want to understand the meaning of destruction, you can directly understand it here.

The idea is good, the reality is cruel.

The air of destruction and energy in the air are not suitable for absorption, comprehension, and forcible absorption and cultivation. The best result is the same as the monsters here, unconsciousness, and the worst result is death on the spot.

The destructive energy contained in the demon core is different, pure, peaceful and stable, the warrior can try to absorb refining, so as to realize the meaning of destruction ...

Putting up the demon core, Lu Chen stepped up and continued to hurry to enter the chaotic sea. It has been half a day. During this time, he encountered the monster beast repeatedly and felt the danger of the chaotic sea.

You know, he is still in the outer perimeter of the outer perimeter, and the dangers he encounters can threaten some of the venerable warriors in the early and middle stages.

Lu Chen guessed that even the saints did not dare to guarantee unscrupulous rampage in the outer area of ​​the Chaos Sea. Then, the danger of the inner area of ​​the Chaos Sea can be imagined!

Qianwang Palace, once flashed outside the Chaos Sea, the exact trace has not been locked, so you need to look for it in the outer area little by little, if the tone is good, you can find the Qianwang Palace just after entering the Chaos Sea, luck If it is poor, no one has found that it may happen for ten days and eight months, or a year and a half.

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