Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 849: Qianwangdian

The consciousness was released and enveloped Zhou Kang's residence. After a little exploration, without much effort, a large number of yellowed books were found in a room.

A thick layer of dust has accumulated on the cover of the book. Obviously, no one has been here since Zhou Kang left, which made Lu Chen a little relieved. He was really afraid that someone would take advantage of Zhou Kang's absence and thus wantonly damage.

The content of the book is exactly the manuscript when Zhou Kang created the exercises and martial arts.

However, after a closer look, Lu Chen didn't find any information about 'Wuhun' in it.

what happened? !

Lu Chen's heart was slightly heavy, and she had a bad hunch. She took a deep breath, suppressed the negative emotions in her heart, and browsed the books again.

Still not.

Lu Chen was a little anxious. There was no manuscript. He wanted to complete Wu Wu's soul completely.

Is it true that Zhou Kang did not write down the manuscript when he created the "Wu soul cultivation method", or the manuscript fell into the hands of others, or for other reasons ...

Lu Chen paced back and forth in the room, his thoughts flying in his mind.


Lu Chen was not willing to give up, and the consciousness was released again. This time, Lu Chen had no reservations. Even some obscure dark cells and basements were difficult to hide completely under his consciousness.

After checking this house back and forth several times, there is still no gain ...

Withdrawing his consciousness, Lu Chen showed a disappointing disappointment on his face. He had originally thought that this time he could hope to improve the "Wuhun", but in the end, he was still happy.

Lu Chen stepped up and walked out. At this moment, the sound of breaking the sky came, Zhou Yuan Yukong came, seeing Lu Chen walked out from the courtyard, his face showed a trace of consternation.

Not long ago, he felt a powerful wave of consciousness, so he arrived at the first time, but he did not expect to see his son walk out of a dilapidated courtyard, and there was a seemingly disappointing disappointment on his face .

He had some impressions of the courtyard in front of him, and he was very impressed. The owner of the courtyard was named Zhou Kang.

Zhou Kang, a family member of the Zhou family, has a low level of practice, likes to study, obsessed with improving martial arts, and even creating martial arts.

Over the years, he has achieved some achievements. Based on the achievements that Zhou Kang obtained, logically, he couldn't even enter his field of vision. The reason why he can remember Zhou Kang is all because of the young girl beside Zhou Kang.

Zhou Yuan's eyes flashed slightly, and he stopped in front of Lu Chen, with a tentative tone, "Son, the master of this courtyard is Zhou Kang, a disciple next to Zhou's family. Are you old with him?"

Lu Chen did not conceal and said casually: "Strictly speaking, Zhou Kang and I are not old. I accidentally entered a cave house a year ago and obtained Zhou Kang's relics. This time I came to Wanshan City, thinking of this on a whim Thing, so, come and take a look, but did not expect ... "

After listening to Lu Chen ’s words, Zhou Yuan sighed and said, “Is that Zhou Kang ’s kid dead? Unfortunately, a year ago, Qinger returned to Wanshan City and found him to no avail. Before leaving, he specifically told me to say Zhou Kang after come back……"


Lu Chen heard the words, moved a little in his heart, and keenly captured some information from Zhou Yuan's words. He set his mind and pretended to be casual, and asked, "Who is Qinger in your mouth?"

"Qing'er, it's Zhou Kang's maidservant, but cultivation talent is rare in ancient times, and was passed by an elder of the beast gate passing by here."

Zhou Yuan paused and continued: "Strictly speaking, the reason that Zhou Kang's kid left Wanshan City was mostly to find that Qing'er, but people are not as good as the sky, and they fell outside."

Qing'er ... Yushoumen ... returned a year ago

Lu Chen put the above three points in series, and boldly guessed a possibility. This might not be big, but after all, there is a glimmer of hope.

The "Wuhun" manuscript, in the hands of that Qinger, is not without possibility, and it has a great chance. After all, "Wuhun" is too terrifying to the world, but once in this world, it is said to subvert the existing cultivation methods of the real continent. For ever.

Therefore, such an important manuscript is likely to be in the hands of Qinger. Of course, all of this is based on the saying that there is a "Wuhun" manuscript.

It is also possible that there is no so-called "Martial Soul" manuscript.

These thoughts flashed through my mind. Lu Chen secretly wrote down the Qingshou Yuermen. In the future, I must go to the Yushoumen ...

After chatting with Zhou Yuan for a few words, Lu Chen summoned several people from Yuan Mo. After explaining a few words, he set off from Wanshan City and rushed back to Tianshen Academy alone.

Because Zhou Yuan wanted to rebuild the Zhou family, Yuan Mo, Long Bing, and Yang Kang needed to continue their training. Therefore, Lu Chen only returned to Tianshen Academy this time.


Hurrying day and night, Lu Chen returned to Tianshen Academy the next day.

Because, not long ago, Luoyuegu defeated Wei Jietian and Luo Yan successively. Lu Chen was famous in Tianshen Academy. As soon as he appeared at the foot of Tianshen Academy, he was discovered and followed by several students at the foot of the mountain. The eyes of respect and worship come together.

Lu Chen directly ignored these people and took a step up. After entering the Tenjin Academy, he did not return to his cave immediately, but went to Pei Shaoqing's cave.

On the same day, in the Moon Valley, Pei Shaoqing, Ji Yao, Liu Wuhai, and Li Tianhong, they did not ask for help in return. Lu Chen always remembered this relationship. At that time, he left early because of an emergency. With thanks ...

A few minutes later, Lu Chen came to Pei Shaoqing's Dong Mansion, but the latter should have gone out and was not in the Dong Mansion.

Lu Chen didn't think much, and turned to Ji Yao's cave house, to his surprise, Ji Yao was not in the cave house either.


Lu Chen went to Liu Wuhai and Li Tianhong Cave, the two are still not in the cave ...

Returning from Litianhong Cave House, Lu Chen finally noticed that something was wrong. If Ji Yao and the four of them were excused if they were not in the cave house, and all four were out, he had to think more.

The four have teamed up to do the task?

Lu Chen thought this way, and thought this guess was reasonable, but the next moment, the conversation between the two in front attracted his attention.

"The Palace of the Thousand Kings is about to appear in the world. I don't know who has the ability to crush the heroes and get inherited."

"The news that the Thousand Kings Hall has been born has spread. The genius disciples of all major forces have gathered together and their competitiveness is not small. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as" cruel "."

"Yeah, the opening of all the palaces has been a **** storm. I don't know who will jump into the dragon this time, and who will die again ..."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Lu Chen's eyes flashed slightly.

"Thousand Kings Hall ?!"

He seemed to know the reason why Ji Yao was not in Dongfu. Unsurprisingly, Ji Yao had already set off for the Qianwang Hall.

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