Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 847: Make up

"Is the slave's body beautiful? As long as you want, this body will ruin you."

As Mo Yu said, he lifted Yingbaiyuzu and approached Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked at Mo Yu, who was approaching slowly, and his mouth suddenly flicked, showing his white teeth.

"as you wish."


The voice fell, he shot abruptly, and took a picture with a volley of palm. Suddenly, a great force of Yuanli that covered the sky and sun appeared from the sky, and then swept the Yuanyu to cover Mo Yu.

Mo Yu saw it, his face changed slightly, and in the charming expression, a trace of coldness, a trace of humiliation, passed by.

I have already laid down my body, and even made a shameful posture to feed the demon in order to save my life, so that the Moss family in Tianshui City will not be cut off.


Yuan Li's big hands cover the sky and cover the sun, and he shoots down fiercely. The pink mask on Mo Yu's body appears again, barely blocking the blow.

However, she resisted Lu Chen's attack twice in a row, and the pink mask on her body was also dimmed. Moreover, under the shock of the aftermath, there was a hint of red blood in the corner of her mouth ...

"Defend the Divine Soldier ?!"

Lu Chen murmured, and his eyes flashed a fierce, how about defending the magic soldier, can he block the next two attacks, can also block ten times and twenty times?

In the heart, Lu Chen's palm twisted, Yuan Li was instilled into the palm of his hand, and in the blink of an eye, the entire right arm was wrapped in Yuan Li, and a strong wave of Yuan Li fluctuated from it.

Mo Yu's face changed, she could feel the terrible breath from Lu Chen's body at the moment. The next blow would definitely smash the mask, causing her unimaginable heavy damage, even death.

Under the oppression of death, Mo Yu did not retreat, but took two straight and slender jade legs and appeared in front of Lu Chen.


Lu Chen snapped it, Yuan Li wrapped the palm of his hand, and swept the tyrannical force firmly against the crimson mask. With a click, the crimson mask shattered.


Shaking the palm of the mask, the impulse was not reduced, and he slapped it on Mo Yu's right shoulder. The power burst, Mo Yu Jiao shuddered, and a spit of blood spewed out.

Mo Yu, who was hit hard, did not fly out. She clenched her teeth and swallowed the blood flowing from her throat. At the next moment, under Lu Chen ’s amazed eyes, her hands clasped Lu Chen Neck and **** red lips printed on ...

Lips stick together.

Lu Chen froze.

There was a grass in her mind, what did she want to do, thinking it would let me let you go?

Before Lu Chen reacted, a soft, fragrant tongue had knocked his lips jerky, and then a plume of crimson gas flowed into Lu Chen from Mo Yukou ...

At the same time, a crimson bead in Mo Yu's body was spinning rapidly, and a ray of crimson gas was released.

Lu Chen noticed the strange thing for the first time, and his hands were ready to push Mo Yu up, but when the hand chapter just touched Mo Yu ’s body, an amazing sense of softness came, and his mind could n’t help but sway. What was originally suppressed by him, as if the volcano erupted, was uncontrollable ...

The dark and deep pupils gradually turned red, and the breathing became thicker, and reason was overwhelmed by desire.

At the same time, an abnormal blush appeared on Mo Yu's face, and the clarity in his eyes gradually disappeared, then he was completely confused.


He snarled, and immediately Mo Yu embraced him.

Clouds and rain.

Crimson gas spilled out of the two people, gradually covering the two, vaguely, two fuzzy figures entangled together ...

I do not know how long the past, the crimson gas enveloped around the two, shocked, and then like a whale swallowed, poured into the body of the two.


The moment the crimson gas poured into the body, there seemed to be a shackle broken in the body, Lu Chen's internal force was running wildly, and the breath suddenly rose ...

That breath, awe-inspiring, has broken through the five levels of Venerable.

Scarlet eyes gradually faded away, Lu Chen returned to clarity, and felt stunned on the spot after feeling his own changes.


what happened?

Lu Chen looked dazed.

Do n’t tell me and Mo Yu that one, then, Xiu Wei broke through ...

However, this seems to be the case.

Just when Lu Chen's face was dumbfounded, a sharp breath came across his face, his heart tightened violently, a conditioned reflex burst out.

Because of the sudden attack, he didn't keep any hands at all.


One big and one small fist slammed together, and the two forces exploded in an instant. At the next moment, Lu Chen and Mo Yu groaned at the same time, staggering back.

Steady, Lu Chen looked at Mo Yu who was naked, his face full of shock.

"You, have you broken into the Seventh Sovereign?"

At this moment, Mo Yu, long ago no longer charming, the icy face on the delicate and flawless face, staring coldly at the landing dust.

Compared with Lu Chen's shock, Mo Yu also had a stormy wave in her heart. She never thought that after breaking through the Seventh Supreme Master, and being the peak of the Seventh Supreme Master, she punched her fist with all her strength. Chen worked hard to match.

Lu Chen looked alertly at Mo Yu, the same was true of the latter, the two were ten meters apart, facing each other.

"Cough cough ..."

Suddenly, Lu Chen coughed dryly and said, "Well, can you put on your clothes first."

Mo Yu heard the words, a flash of anger flashed in Leng's eyes, the purpose had been achieved, and, after breaking through into the Seventh Level of Venerable, there was no danger of life. Looking back at the previous scenes, she was both angry and ...

In short, I wish to kill Lu Chen immediately.

Quickly take out a set of clothes from the storage ring to cover the graceful body. On the other side, Lu Chen does the same action. After the previous battle, he is also invisible ...

Mo Yu silently put on his shirt, and the next moment, her cold eyes were fierce instantly. She did not hesitate at all, her feet slammed the ground, and the whole earth was shaken fiercely. Her body seemed like an arrow off the string, Quickly blasted towards Lu Chen.

As she lifted her jade hand, the magnificent Yuan Li roared, turning into a Yuan Li practice.

Looking at the soaring Yuan Li training, Lu Chen did not dare to have any heart of contempt. His toes touched the ground a bit, and his figure retreated, avoiding Mo Yu's attack.

Once the shot fell, Mo Yu didn't stop at all, his jade hand was raised, and another element of strength was formed, and then he blasted away from the landing dust.


Lu Chen urged the evil spirit boots, the speed suddenly soared, and a residual image appeared on the spot. Immediately afterward, the residual image was torn relentlessly by Yuan Li's training, and Lu Chen's real body appeared out of kilometers.

Looking at Mo Yu, who continued to kill him with cold face, Lu Chen was helpless. If, if before the relationship between the two, no matter how beautiful Mo Yu was, he could do it.

And now?

He didn't give up, but he wasn't confused by Mo Yu's beauty, but the principle of being a man.

"Are you afraid ?!"

Seeing Lu Chen continue to dodge, Mo Yu spoke coldly.

Lu Chen evaded Mo Yu ’s offensive and said helplessly: “Well, if I continue to fight, I ca n’t guarantee how many people can survive in the Moss family in Tianshui City ...”

Mo Yu heard that, and also reacted. After taking a full shot, he decisively turned around and rushed towards Tianshui City.

Lu Chen rubbed his face and sighed. What's wrong, how could this be the case? This is hard to do.


He immediately followed Mo Yu and ran towards Tianshui City. Now he can only hope Yuan Mo to show mercy to them. If he kills everyone in Tianshui City, the consequences ...

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