Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 837: Fight again

Among the crowd, Ji Yaoxiu frowned slightly, aside from her relationship with Lu Chen, Luo Yan shot to save Wei Jietian, she still did not approve, because, because of its own rules in Luoyue Valley, outsiders are not allowed to fight To intervene, Luo Yan rescued Wei Jietian, which was a broken rule, and the rule was broken in public.

At the same time, Lu Chen looked at Luo Yan, who suddenly appeared, raised his eyebrows slightly, and wondered if it was an illusion. Just now, he sharply captured a hostility from the latter, he didn't know this person at all. Or, because of Wei Zhetian, is he hostile to himself?

"Student Lu Chen has to be forgiving and forgiving. This battle is considered to have been lost by Wei Jietian. What about this battle?"

Feeling the gaze projected by Lu Chen, Nao Yan turned around and looked directly at Lu Chen, first speaking.

Lu Chen heard the words and frowned again. The person in front of him not only prevented him from killing Wei Jietian, but also splashed all the dirty water on him as soon as he came up.

In addition, what should be forgiving and forgiving, it seems that he is aggressive, to know that this battle is not he provoked, but Wei Qitian self-confidence of strength, refused to give up ...

Lu Chen suppressed the unpleasantness in his heart, and did not answer the question, "The senior student is very born, dare to ask who is the last name?"

"Luo Yan."

Luo Yan said slowly.

When speaking. Luo Yan's eyes blinked at Dust's face without blinking, as if he wanted to see shock from the latter's face.

However, what disappointed him was that when he listened to his self-reported name, the expression on Lu Chen's face remained unchanged, as if the word Luo Yan was just an ordinary name that couldn't be more common.

Luo Yan saw that Lu Chen's expression was still the same, without the slightest waves, and there was a sudden anger in his heart.

I was underestimated by others, otherwise, if Lu Chen was a freshman, after hearing his name, would the expression on his face not change at all?

In exchange for other freshmen, or even some old students, when you hear your name, which one is not fearful?

While angry, Luo Yan had to admit that Lu Chen had prideful capital. Just imagine, how many people can go to the present stage in a few months as a freshman?

The better Lu Chen is, the more flustered Luo Yan is, and he hopes to abandon it personally.

Anyone who pays attention to Ji Yao will spare no effort to eliminate it.

At this moment, Lu Chen didn't know what Luo Yan was thinking. When he heard the word Luo Yan, he admitted that he was also surprised. However, with heart preparation, this surprise was naturally reduced to the minimum by him.

The person who can block the second form of true fire swordsmanship has no more than ten students in Tianshen Academy. Therefore, before Luo Yan spoke, Lu Chen had roughly guessed the identity of the coming person. It was nothing more than the top ten or top ten in the list. Strong like five ...

Suppressing his anger towards Lu Chen, Luo Yan took a deep breath and continued to ask: "Brother Lu Chen, give me a face, how about this battle?"

Lu Chen shrugged and chuckled, saying, "Senior, this battle is peace, not my opinion. You should first ask Wei Jietian if he disagrees, because this battle was initiated by him . "

Luo Yan's face was condensed, and Lu Chen's words didn't sound wrong at first, but when he thought about it a bit, he could hear the irony in the words, which was aimed at his words that were forgiving and forgiving.

With anger burning in his chest, Luo Yan wished to shoot Lu Chen immediately, but at this moment, he had to suppress his anger and turned to look at Wei Qitian.

Before Luo Yan opened his mouth, Wei Qitian took a step forward and his eyes were extremely cold. At this time, he had recovered from the danger of life and death just now, recalling the battle just now, although the heart frightened with Lu Chen's last sword Powerful, but I also know that the powerful swordsmanship, with Lu Chen ’s cultivation practice, is difficult to exhibit for the second time. Taking a step back, even if it can still be exerted, after preparing with heart, he is confident that he can take over That sword can be avoided even if it doesn't help ...

Therefore, Wei Jietian did not want to stop the war at this time, but he would definitely be criticized if he said it clearly. After all, he almost fell into the hands of Lu Chen. If he insisted on fighting, it would be shameful.

His thoughts turned sharply, and his eyes turned, saying, "This battle can be stopped, and the grudges between our Wei family and Lu Chen can also be written off, but Lu Chen's abolition of Wei Fengxiu is an indisputable fact, so as long as Lu Chen Xiang Wei Feng knelt down to apologize, and all grudges were cancelled out. "

Wei Qitian's words just fell, and Lu Chen couldn't hold back his anger, he directly sneered and said, "If you want to fight, then fight, how come there is so much nonsense?"

This remark came out.

Wei Jietian was very happy. After knowing Lu Chen's hole cards, he was confident that he could beat the latter. Lu Chen's tough attitude was exactly what he meant. After saying that just now, he was really afraid of Lu Chen kneeling Admit mistakes next.

Right now, this battle, he can justify the fight and continue to fight, and then, beheaded strongly to wash away the previous humiliation.

Luo Yan was happy. Unexpectedly, Lu Chen's tone was so tough, yes, geniuses, who are often arrogant and have their eyes above their tops, how can they succumb to one sentence?

His idea is the same as that of Wei Jietian. Lu Chen's sword is very powerful. This need not be questioned. However, the more powerful sword moves, the more it consumes.

Coupled with the already known land card of Lu Chen, as long as you do n’t shake it with the front, after avoiding that sword, a venerable quadruple is not a concern.

You can get rid of Lu Chen, a potential rival, without having to do it yourself.

Next, Wei Jietian's reaction almost made Luo Yan laugh out loud, he said, he didn't save the wrong person just now.

Wei Jietian sneered and said, "I have given you a chance, because you don't know how to cherish, then, then I will blame me ..."

With that, he exerted force under his feet, and the ground suddenly cracked, and Wei Jietian, with his Poison Stalk, had rushed out with all his strength.

It took less than a few breaths for the communication between the three. When Wei Jietian was holding Lu Tianji to kill Lu Chen, the crowd around the Moon Valley reacted, and bursts of exclamation broke out.

For the masses who eat melons, as long as there is a battle to see, right or wrong, no one will care.

Ji Yao was standing in the crowd, looking at Luo Yan in the setting moon, passing a displeasure in her beautiful eyes. Others may not have heard the conversation between Lu Chen and the three people, but she listened really and watched From the perspective of the author, Luo Yan naturally felt the maliciousness of Lu Chen.

She may have guessed some malicious sources.

at the same time.

When Wei Jietian launched an attack on Lu Chen, Luo Yan receded silently, and stopped until he withdrew from the battlefield for ten thousand meters. His arms crossed his chest and his eyes fixed on the battlefield coldly. He wanted to see Lu Chen dead. A scene.

Wei Jietian rushed to Lu Chen in an instant, and the fierce air of the broken halberd exploded in his hand, bringing up a dazzling halberd and spurting towards the chest of landing dust.

Lu Chen wielded a sword, the sword light was like electricity, and a magnificent sword gas spurted away, shaking with the violent thorn.

Sword Qi collided with the halberd, forming a visible air wave, tearing the air around the two of them, Lu Chen's shoulders shook violently, and Wei Qitian, but stepped back with a few steps. After waiting to stabilize his body, when he raised his head, his face was already unbearable ...

Fighting hard with Lu Chen again, it still fell into the downwind, when Wei Jietian could not accept it.

Not only him, but all the audiences around Luoyue Valley showed a sorrowful color at this moment. Wei Qitian, Venerable Seventh Master, fell into the wind in a flash.

"How could it be so ..." Wei Jietian was a little puzzled and unacceptable.

Lu Chen sneered in his heart, Wei Jietian fought with Liu Wuhai and Li Tianhong first, and then he fought hard with his life and death. The last blow, he did everything. Not only is there little left in the body, but also the body is scarred. At that time, Wei Qitian had no longer the peak fighting power.

And he?

When fighting and talking, the left hand has been shrunk in the sleeve. If someone probes with the consciousness, he will be dumbfounded, because Lu Chen is holding a metastone in his left hand, and it is not an ordinary metastone. It is an extremely rare Wang Pinyuan stone.

Because of Wang Pinyuan ’s continuous supply of energy, Lu Chen can always maintain the peak fighting power and can occupy the absolute upper hand in the collision just now.

At this moment, Wei Jietian raised his head fiercely, staring straight at the landing dust, with an unbelievable tone in his voice, "Impossible, since the battle so far, your elemental strength should be very few, how can you always maintain the peak? Combat strength? "

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