Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 834: Six Star Divine Soldier

"Boom! Boom!"

Two powerful Yuanli forces swept out and then collided violently in mid-air, bursting into a low-pitched collision sound, and the energy spilled out, smashing the big earthquake around the two ...

Countless people around me subconsciously held their breath and stared at the fierce confrontation on the battlefield without blinking.

Under the intense gaze of countless people, a flash of cold light flashed in the eyes of both Lu Chen and Wei Jietian. At the next moment, the two were rushing out at the same time, and the two were wrapped in Yuanli, as if they were two. Dao Liuguang, sweeping over the majestic power, slammed together under the gaze of countless Dao eyes.


A dull loud sound resounded through the area, and the two elemental forces erupted at the same time at the moment of collision, forming a turbulent air wave that swept indiscriminately. In the Moon Valley, mountains, vegetation, cliffs, in this aftermath Under the impact of the earthquake, it was directly torn apart and shattered into a devastated ruin.

This confrontation is based on the strength of Yuanli force, and thus the collision with brute force, there is no slight skill at all, and under this brute force collision, only the four tiers of land dust are in a natural weak position.

And Wei Qitian, the Seventh Cultivator of His Holiness, said that the strength and resilience of Yuan Li far exceeded that of Lu Chen, so they took advantage of the innate advantages.

Therefore, in this collision, Lu Chen's decadence was full, and he was retreated by ten steps.

"Lu Chen, did you see that this is the gap between me and you, how about entering the fourfold of Venerable Lord, in front of me, you still have no backhand!"

One blow prevailed, Wei Jietian did not take advantage of the situation, he stepped on the void, overlooking Lu Chen from the top.

"Wei Jietian deserves to be an old student of the college. This kind of scheming is really terrible." Among the crowd, some strong men secretly stunned.

"Yes, one blow prevails, and someone else will definitely chase after the situation, but Wei Qitian gave up this opportunity to fight Lu Chen's confidence with words, but once the latter's heart was shaken, Wei Jietian would not fight. Win! "

After hearing the words, people in the neighborhood felt stunned and palpitated for Wei Qitian's scheming. At the same time, they began to worry about Lu Chen.

"is it?"

Lu Chen sneered, and didn't care at all. His dependence was not on the strength of Yuan Li, but on others ...

In three words, he wanted to beat his confidence and dream!

Lu Chen ’s look changed, and Wei Jietian ’s eyes were full. After seeing Lu Chen was not affected, Wei Jietian was not prepared to continue to waste his tongue. His eyes were cold for a while, and he would defeat him with a destructive offensive. Lu Chen.


Under the eyes of everyone, Wei Jietian slowly extended his big hand, and then, with a violent grip, I saw the magnificent Yuan Li, which swept out like a tide, turning into a huge Yuan Li training, with a deafening deafness Blast the body and wash away towards Lu Chen.

The huge elemental strength is training, the power is terrifying, and the void collapses wherever it passes. Obviously, Wei Jietian unreservedly exerted his full strength.

In front of everyone, he would not only kill Lu Chen instantaneously, deter the heroes, but also tell others that he, Wei Qitian, had officially entered the ranks of top geniuses and was able to compete with the top ten in the Tianbang.

Lu Chen raised her head slightly, and her dark pupils reflected the ever-expanding Yuan Li training. At this moment, Lu Chen's complexion was very calm, and no slight timidity could be seen.


Just as everyone was nervously watching the scene of the collision in the middle of the valley, a sword chanted through the world, and I saw that a dark-colored long sword appeared in Lu Chen's hands.

The long sword came out.

Everyone's complexion, including Wei Weitian, changed at the moment, not because of the Black Abyssal Sword, but when the long sword was in his hand, Lu Chen released the Profound Meaning of Fire, the powerful Profound Strength , Palpitation.

On that day, Lu Chen merged the White Tiger and Suzaku chapters. At the moment of success, at the same time, he realized the dual mysteries of Jinhuo, perhaps because of four nerves, or other reasons. During the period of time, a lot of effort was made, which was directly close to the unchangeable meaning.

At this moment, as soon as the mystery of fire came out, all the talents realized that Lu Chen's greatest reliance was not on his own cultivation, but on the mystery of fire! ! !

No one knows the mystery of fire that is approaching, and its power.

At this moment, Lu Chen wielded a sword, containing the sword spirit of the mystery of fire, exuding amazing destructive power, and then slashing fiercely on the huge elemental force from the soaring fire.


At the moment of impact, the powerful Yuan Li practice was directly cut by a sword. At this scene, everyone watching was stunned. However, at the same time when the Yuan Li practice was cut, the energy of the sword energy was also exhausted. Then, collapse on its own!

Quite well.

No difference.

Even so, the crowd around the Moon Valley also exclaimed. This Lu Chen deserves to be the king of the newcomer. He really turned against the sky, not only broke through the speed of the situation, but also realized the mystery of fire, and now he is more respectable. The seven-layer Wei Jietian made a good match.

Hearing the cries of excitement around him, Wei Jietian was finally unable to maintain his calmness, and his complexion gradually sank. Immediately, he vigorously mobilized the internal forces of his body, and punched his fists with a fierce punch.

Suddenly, a fist seal that was enough to easily break up the mountains screamed out, with the sound of hunting and breaking the air, rolling down towards Lu Chen.

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