Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 830: Wei Jietian goes out

On this day, Tianshen College was much more lively than before, and many students were talking about what they were talking about when they met.

At this time, on a road leading to Houshan, a group of students in the inner courtyard was walking while talking to each other.

"Have you heard? Senior Wei Jietian is in the late stage of His Holiness." One of the crowd whispered.

There are thousands of students in the inner and outer colleges of Tenjin College, but there are very few who can break through into the late stage of the Venerable when studying in the college, and, if anyone breaks into the late stage of the Venerable, there will be a lot of sensation.

Because this is not just adding another peerless genius, but more importantly, the top 20, or even the top 10 rankings in the sky list will cause a change.

Wei Zhetian, who entered the later stage of His Holiness, will certainly not be reconciled to the status quo, and will soon challenge the top-ranked strong men in the sky.

"Senior student Wei Qitian broke into the late stage of His Holiness? Where did you get the news?" Some people in the crowd heard the excitement on the spot and quickly asked to determine the authenticity of the matter.

"Cut my words are true, and can deceive you."

"No, I don't mean that, I just want to confirm ..."

"Okay, no need to explain, let me tell you the truth. Yesterday, the senior Wei Weitian closed the door, there was an extremely powerful force of coercion. Early this morning, according to the children of the Wei family, the senior Wei Weitian That step has been taken into the late His Holiness. Hey, it will not take long for this news to spread throughout the college. "

"Hey, I look forward to it. I don't know who Senior Wei Weitian will challenge. Senior Luo Yan ranked number 10, or Senior Fang Ping ranked ninth ..."

"It doesn't matter if Wei Jietian challenged anyone. I only care about it now. After getting out of school, Wei Jietian learned that Wei Feng was abolished by the newcomer Wang Luchen, and I don't know if he would jump like thunder ..."

"I almost forgot about this matter. Xue Xuechang said it well. After Wei Jietian left the customs, the first hapless one must be Lu Chen."

At this moment, there was a sudden agitation not far away, this group of people looked up in doubt, and even though they saw a group of people, they were walking slowly towards this side, the front of the crowd, with a cold face and a frowning sword Feng, exudes a strong and compelling atmosphere.

"Wei Qitian!"

The person in front of the crowd was Wei Qitian.

"Wei Qitian's elder student has hidden a hostility in his eyebrows. This is the prelude to killing. Gee, I don't know which unlucky egg has been stared at by him." Haunted.

"Is this still a guess, it must be Lu Chen, Wei Jietian must be looking for Lu Chen trouble, now there is a good show ..."

Several people whispered and whispered for a while, and when Wei Jietian passed by, a group of people raised their footsteps and merged into the crowd.

A group of people walked back and forth, and attracted many students. During a short period of time, the crowd skyrocketed several times.

Wei Qitian in front of the crowd, his eyes indifferent and cold, his footsteps are not fast, but each step seems to contain some indescribable power that can't be surpassed. For more and more people behind you, don't ask ...

With the help of the two, Wei Feng, who was repaired as an exhaustion, closely followed the footsteps of Wei Jietian.

Lu Chen was alone, practicing swordsmanship in Houshan. The traces seemed to be hard to find, but for those who are interested, they can be found with a little thought.

Seeing the road come to an end, Houshan was looking around. At this moment, a figure rushed out of the mountain.

"Hey, look, Lu Chen came out of the back mountain."

"The speed is so fast, is he getting the news in advance, ready to escape ?!"

"Looking at his hurried behavior, it is very likely that he already knew that Wei Jietian had gone out of school, so he was so anxious ..."

Seeing Lu Chen hurried out from the back mountain, the crowd immediately exchanged ears, and bursts of suspicion and suspense sounded.

At the same time, Lu Chen, who rushed out of the back mountain, also discovered the crowd for the first time, first stunned, but after seeing Wei Feng in the crowd, his heart suddenly became clear.

Lu Chen's eyes slowly moved away from Wei Feng, and finally landed on Wei Jietian who was at the forefront of the crowd. Wei Jietian and Wei Feng were brothers, and they looked 70% similar.

and so.

Although Lu Chen had never seen Wei Qitian, when he saw the latter, the word Wei Qitian appeared automatically in his mind.

Wei Jietian, the most gifted child of the Wei family, is the heir to the Wei family, and he is also a strong name in the Tianbang Academy's Tianbang list. His reputation is extremely loud.

Lu Chen, Wei Qitian, and looked across each other.

The crowd fell into a brief silence.


The sound of breaking the sky sounded.

Liu Wuhai flew out of the back mountain.

When he came out, he looked at the scene in front of him, and was slightly startled. Then he came to Lu Chen and asked, "Sister Lu Chen, what's going on?"

Liu Wuhai did not hear that Lu Chen abolished Wei Feng, so ...

Lu Chen heard that he was about to explain to Liu Wuhai, but Wei Jietian took the lead and said, "Liu Wuhai, Lu Chen's life, I'm going to make up my mind. I advise you not to make mistakes and leave quickly."

Seeing that Lu Chen and Liu Wuhai met each other, and the relationship was good, Wei Weitian thought that Lu Chen's reliance was Liu Wuhai, so he warned.

At this moment, Liu Wuhai was even more puzzled, but vaguely figured out something, and looked at Lu Chen involuntarily.

Lu Chen spread his hands, helplessly explained, abandoning Wei Feng himself, thus offending the causes and consequences of Wei Jietian, simply said it again.

Hearing Lu Chen's explanation, Liu Wuhai knew that Lu Chen and Wei Jietian were endless.

After hesitating, Liu Wuhai took a step forward and looked at Wei Jietian, saying: "Wei Jietian, I know that I am not your opponent, but Lu Chen is my friend and has a life-saving grace for me ..."

During the mission, Lu Chen reversed the situation several times, saying that he had a life-saving grace for Liu Wuhai.

Waiting for Liu Wuhai to finish his speech, Wei Qitian's cold voice came, "This is my thing with him. In the coercion tower, he knows that Wei Feng is my younger brother and still dares to ruthlessly scrap it Wei Feng, this is not to put me in the eye, but to hit my face in public. "


Wei Jietian continued: "Finally say it again, you should not intervene in this matter and do not mistake yourself, otherwise, you cannot afford the consequences."

The second half of the sentence was already a naked threat and a threat in public, and Liu Wuhai was not taken into consideration at all.

Liu Wuhai, Venerable Sixth Cultivation Practice, after the last mission, cultivation was further advanced, and in one fell swoop entered the Venerable Sixth Crest summit, and the rankings of the Heavenly Rankings also increased from 37 to 28.

The top 30 in the Tianbang list, looking at Tianshen Academy, is also a strong party. It is the existence that ordinary students look up to. Now, Wei Qitian is actually threatening him. He is simply hitting him in the face.

Liu Wuhai changed his face and gritted his teeth. "Wei Qitian, you are too arrogant. Although I am not your opponent, it is not something you can insult at will ..."

"Don't get away, wait a moment, the first one to cut you!" Wei Jietian said coldly.

As soon as these words came out, the crowd's heart shook, and the overbearing Wei Qitian even said that he would kill Liu Wuhai. You know, Liu Wuhai is the top 30 in the top list. Such characters can only be killed. Not humiliating!

Liu Wuhai heard the words, his face sullen, and his fists clattered.

"Hahaha, arrogant, really crazy, Wei Qitian, today I want to see how you killed Liu Wuhai."

Just then, a loud laughter came, and then, people saw a figure flying from behind, and in a blink of an eye, the figure had appeared beside Lu Chen and Liu Wuhai.

"Li Tianhong!"

A cry of excitement broke out from the crowd upon seeing the coming person.

Yes, the person is Li Tianhong, the top 30 in the list.

"Sister Lu Chen, I heard that Wei Jietian is going to trouble you, is it all right?" Li Tianhong looked at the landing dust and said.

Lu Chen smiled, indicating that he was okay, Li Tianhong was able to stand up at this time, so that a warm current rose in his heart.

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