Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 828: Deterrence


Jian Qi's speed was so fast that, after Wu Xin had reacted, Jian Qi had already deceived him. Finally, under his unwilling gaze, he severely cut his chest. Suddenly, his muscles and bones were The tearing sound sounded, and then severe pain swept the body ...


Wu Xin's body was slashed with a sword, and under the countless stunned eyes, he smashed into the chapped earth.


Looking at this scene, the people present were unable to recover for a long time. After a long wait, they suddenly awakened, and then they breathed in air.

Kill the enemy with one sword!

His Holiness is triple, and one sword slashes His Holiness.

Yes, Wu Xin at this moment, has outgassed more air, less air, apparently unable to survive, on his chest, a smooth and smooth sword wound.

This sword is extremely powerful, tearing the muscles, cutting off the bones, and crushing the internal organs ...

"Now, what I said, you should believe it." Lu Chen's faint voice came into everyone's ears.

Ji Yao and Pei Shaoqing were okay. They were deeply shocked by Lu Chen ’s sudden surge in strength, but there was no fear in his heart, and even a look of surprise. The warriors in Longbo City, on the contrary, were all trembling, and their faces were ashes.


Seeing that the warriors in Longbo City were ashes, Pei Shaoqing shouted loudly.

"Puff puff……"

Before the drunken drink fell, Pei Shaoqing rushed into the crowd. This time, he did not want to escape, but to kill the enemy, he swung a sword, and the sword shadow was heavy. The famous soldiers around him flew out directly, blood Spurting.

With Pei Shaoqing's strength comparable to Venerable Sevenfold, here, basically tigers go down the mountain, wolves enter the flock, a few face-to-face, at their feet are already filled with corpses, blood is like water, and a large area of ​​soil is impregnated ...

"Damn, little beast, how dare you ..."

Looking at Pei Shaoqing, who was unstoppable among the soldiers, and killed the Quartet, a Venerable Seven-folded leader's face was pale, and his voice fell, and a strong throb rose suddenly in his heart. I saw Lu Chen unexpectedly. Silently appeared behind him.

After realizing that Lu Chen was approaching, the Seventh Gen. Gen. General's general was suddenly appalled, and his face changed drastically. Lu Chen beheaded the scene of a Seventh Gen., especially since he was vividly remembered. He did not dare to face Lu Chen directly.

Although he did not want to confront Lu Chen head-on, he was stared at by Lu Chen at this moment, and he had to gritt his teeth to resist. The powerful Yuan Li surged out of his inner body, punching backwards, swept the Yuan Yuan hard Lu Xiang's bombardment.

In this punch, the Seventh-General General of the Venerable Master is trying his best, holding the idea of ​​killing Lu Chen.


However, just as the mountain-like fist was about to hit Lu Chen, a sharp sound of breaking the sky suddenly sounded. I saw Lu Chen holding the sword in his right hand, and slashed a sword diagonally during the force surge.

Jian Qi was in instant contact with the fist wind. At the next moment, the fist wind was opened by everything, reducing the sword energy by one third, and Yu Wei was not reduced. Under the horrified eyes of the Seventh General of the Venerable, he hit **** his Body protection vitality.


The body's vitality shattered.


Blood spilled.

The Venerable Seventh General screamed and was slashed with a sword. At the moment of landing, he was dead.

Successively two swords beheaded the two Venerable Seventh Generals. This scene is deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone ...

"Escape ... escape ..."

"The lord of the city must be dead, everyone will run away ..."


Finally, the last line of defense of the Longbo City soldiers was smashed by Lu Chen with a sword. The original fearless life and death. Thousands of soldiers who squeezed back and forth began to show a lot of signs of defeat. Moreover, once there were signs of defeat, they could not prevent.

"Fuck ..."

After seeing the defeat of the soldiers, the Venerable Eight Powerful of Longbo City scolded and changed his face constantly, especially when looking at Lu Chen ’s eyes, he became frightened and witnessed Lu Chen ’s two swords. After beheading the two venerable generals, he also believed Lu Chen's words.

Huang Bao, the city owner, may have been killed, otherwise, why did he not return? !

Thinking of this, his heart trembled fiercely, and even the master of the city was dead. Was he the opponent of the other party?

At this moment, the intention to retreat quietly rose.

You must escape!

At this moment, Lu Chen's cold eyes fell on the only two Venerables in Longbo City, and suddenly opened, "The two, don't blame me for killing, now, give you a chance, now leave one person, I promise No chase! However, you can only leave one person, otherwise, you can only stay all. Whoever lives and dies, who will go and stay, you decide for yourself. "

"Boy, do you think you can really kill us?"

The two shouted, but the guilty conscience revealed in the tone could be heard by anyone. Obviously, at the moment the two were really scared by Lu Chen.

After hearing this, Lu Chen took a step forward with a sword and sneered, "The two of them refused? If so, then Hugh Blame me to kill ..."

After all, a fierce color appeared on Lu Chen's face ...

And when Lu Chen was ready to start, the two of them tried their best at the same time and fled wildly in the direction of Longbo City.

The two were scared, scared, and dared not stay to face Lu Chen.

No way, Lu Chen easily beheaded the scenes of the seven sages of the two Venerables, deeply imprinted in the hearts of the two, and, together with the death of the city owner Huang Bao, the two lost their confidence in fighting one.

"Want to escape? Leave one person, otherwise, do not hesitate to kill you to the end of the world ..."

Lu Chen burst into roar, but no one noticed that the roar was filled with a trace of weakness.

The roar spread all over the quartet, and at that moment, the Venerable Eightfold Strong who was madly escaping, slammed his teeth, turned and punched the Venerable Seventh.

If the Venerable Eighth Strike, plus the element of sneak attack, how could the Venerable Seventh Strike be able to resist?


At the moment, a mouthful of blood spewed out violently and flew backward backward.


The only one came and shouted, and the seven-folded Venerable who flew away hit the ground fiercely.

At the same time, the Venerable Eightfold strong escaped without looking back.

How can he choose?

One person is better than two people who died together.

After a few breaths, the Venerable Eightfold Powerhouse disappeared into everyone's field of vision. At this moment, Lu Chen's body suddenly shook, and then, his feet were soft and he knelt directly on the ground.

At this moment, Lu Chen was really the end of a strong crossbow, and had no strength at all. The reason why he was able to kill two Venerable Sevenfold with two swords before was all the energy left by the battle with the city host Huang Bao.

You know, when he battled with Huang Bao, the city owner, he used the massive amount of strength to forcibly increase his own strength to the Seventh Level of the Venerable. Although most of the energy was consumed by Huang Bao, the remaining energy still supported him. sword.

Two swords, deter everyone, set the game in one fell swoop.

Ji Yao and Pei Shaoqing, they are still a little embarrassed, but they were shocked when they saw Lu Chen's lack of energy, but when they were about to step forward, they heard Lu Chen's loud voice, "Don't come, get out, kill him ..."

At this moment, the Venerable Seventh staggered to stand up from the rubble, seeing Lu Chen's weak appearance, angry and angry, at this moment, he instantly wanted to understand everything, and he was waiting for others to be tricked.

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