Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 823: Huang Bao chasing

The three Wang family brothers were successively killed, but none of Lu Chen's group and five people died.

The eyes of the five people met, and they all smiled for the rest of their lives after the robbery. They battled the three brothers of the Wang family. It was really dangerous. If there was no continuous outbreak of Lu Chen, it would be them lying on the ground at this time. Think of this, Ji Yao The four people cast grateful glances at Lu Chen.

For the grateful eyes of the four people, Lu Chen waved his hand indifferently, then sat on the ground and gasped irrespective of the image. During the rest, he took a lot of resources to restore his strength.

The three brothers of the Wang family have already died, and Lu Chen and his five people seem to have lifted the crisis, but Lu Chen is naturally cautious and will never let himself be in the weakest state.

After seeing Lu Chen's behavior, Ji Yao saw Lu Chen's concerns after a few thoughts, and then learned Lu Chen, sitting on the spot and starting to seize all the time to recover.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Lu Chen opened his eyes first and exhaled a breath of gas. His injuries were not serious. The main reason was that the three consecutive overload explosions drained the body's strength, devoured and refined some resources, and became again. Spirited up.

Eyes swept around Ji Yao four people, seeing that they were still recovering, Lu Chen did not disturb quietly, got up and walked to Wang Fulong's body, took off the latter's storage ring ...

The three brothers of the Wang family are notoriously famous, and they have done a lot to copy the family and destroy the sect. Otherwise, it will not be possible for the nine major forces to issue heavy rewards. Over the years, the wealth accumulated by the three brothers of the Wang family has been an amazing number.

Not to mention the other, it is said that the Longbo City auction house was robbed not long ago, the culprit is the three brothers of the Wang family, and the treasures in the Longbo city auction house can be said to be eye-catching, and more importantly, the final treasures are A mysterious martial art.

Aowu martial arts are uncommon in Donghuang. They are usually priceless and no market. The most common and inferior Aowu martial arts are enough to exhaust all the net worth of an ordinary six-grade power. At Tenjin Academy, at least one million points are required to redeem a transfer to Ao Yi Wu Xue.

It can be seen from this that Ao Yi Wu Xue is precious.

Lu Chen held Wang Fulong's storage ring in his hand, and his heart could not help getting nervous. Rao was used to treasures, but Ao Yi Wu Xue had never seen it before.

The strength of Aoyi Martial Arts, he also got a rough idea from Wang Fulong. Wang Fulong is only a casual repairer, and he is the seventh highest peak of the venerable ancestors with Ji Yao's sister. The previous life and death fight, why can it suppress Ji Yao, it is not the reason of Ao Yi Wu Xue.

Lu Chen's mind moved, and the consciousness probed into the storage ring. Wang Fulong wore a top-grade storage ring, and the internal space was huge. However, a large number of heavenly and earthly treasures almost filled the internal space of the storage ring. The spirit pill, martial arts, secret methods, strange stones, **** gold, **** soldiers are all available.

The meta stones in the storage ring are piled up into a mountain, and the middle grade and top grade stones are randomly piled up in the corner of the space, and there are also many excellent grade stones, as many as ten boxes, each with a hundred thousand pieces, a total of one hundred Wanji Pinyuan Stone, with such wealth, is definitely called a 'rich country'.

After being a little surprised at first, Lu Chen quickly recovered his mind, Yuan Shi, and ordinary Tiancai Dibao. For Lu Chen, there was not much attraction. Well, the inner space of Linglong Pagoda is not short of Yuanshi ore veins, even Wang Pinyuan veins that are almost extinct in Donghuang have half.

So, in the face of this crazy rich man, Lu Chen just glanced lightly, and then began to carefully search for Ao Yi Wu Xue.

This rummage continued for a moment, Lu Chen's expression suddenly moved, the light flashed in the palm of his hand, two jade jades flashed out, and the moment when the jade jade started, a gentle and tender touch came.

Moreover, I feel carefully that the two jade slips exude two mysterious and unpredictable breath, like the sound of the road, which is fascinating.

Two jade slips are one green and one red, and the blue jade slips are held in the hands, as if the breeze is blowing, and the red jade slips convey a warm breath ...

"The Mysterious Martial Arts of the Wind, the Mysterious Martial Arts of the Fire ..."

Lu Chen looked at the two jade jades in his hand and murmured in a low voice. He obtained two jade jade swords from Wang Fulong. Lu Chen did not have any surprises. When Wang Fulong played the arcane martial arts in the wind, he guessed that there must be arcane meaning Martial arts, plus two from the Longbo City auction house.

At this time, Ji Yao and several others awoke from the training one after another. However, Liu Wuhai and Li Tianhong were seriously injured, and within ten days and a half months, they could not be completely healed. Now they only temporarily suppressed the injury and could not proceed anymore. War.

After seeing Ji Yao wake up several times, Lu Chen shook the storage ring in his hand and two Aoyi Wuxue jade slips. Suddenly, the four people were immediately attracted by Lu Chen. Eight eyes stared directly at the two Aoyi Wuxue jade slips. Wang Fulong's storage ring was nobody's concern at all.

"Student Lu Chen, this is ..."

After seeing the jade slips in Lu Chen's hands, Ji Yao's heart burst out, a little uncertain, and in his voice, it was hard to hide his disappointment.

What she comprehends is the mystery of water, and she can only practice the martial arts of water, and the two mysteries of martial arts obtained from Wang Fulong are wind, fire, and mystery, which makes her happy.

Lu Chen also heard the disappointment in Ji Yao's voice, but he could not change anything. He nodded realistically, and immediately, with a throw of his hand, Jade Jane and Storage Ring flew to Ji Yao.

After the people checked it all, they were all stunned by the storage or the treasures inside, even Ji Yao was also disappointed before, and his face was full of excitement.

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