Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 819: Reversal

"Brother, second brother, avenge me!"

With the frustration of infinite despair, Wang Fubao only came and shouted.


The sound fell, and the huge sword gas flashed past Wang Fubao. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his body.


A terrible howl came out, and Wang Fubao flew a few meters away, and then, with a bang, he fell to the ground ...

In the ruins, the expression in Wang Fubao's eyes passed by quickly. Above his body, there was a shocking sword mark.

This sword mark, from top to bottom, almost split him into two halves, and through the fierce sword mark, I could see the internal organs shattered by sword gas in my body.

With such a serious injury, the medicine stone is difficult to cure, and the fairy is difficult to save ...

And Lu Chen, after slashing that sword, Yuan Li in the body was evacuated at once, his eyes turned black, his hands stood with the sword, and he did not fall on the spot.

When Wang Fubao swallowed his last breath, Liu Wuhai, who walked back thousands of kilometers, only reacted from the shock, and then his face was full of excitement.

Lu Chen really killed Wang Fubao with a sword.

In the distant battlefield, Ji Yao and Pei Shaoqing looked at the sword standing on their backs, and their faces were horrified. Who would have thought that a venerable triple warrior could cross four small realms and kill Wang Fubao with one sword.

With Wang Fubao's death, the precarious battle situation suddenly reversed.

"The third brother ... is dead, no, how can this be?" Wang Fulong, Wang Fuhu, looking at the breathless figure, were startled and angry.

To his surprise, Wang Fubao was dead, and the victory or defeat was skewed, and they were in jeopardy.

Angry, the third brother Wang Fubao was even beheaded by a sword under his own eyes.


at the same time.

Long Bo City.

Huang Bao, the city's lord, stepped on the void and looked at the soldier with heavy casualties. Huang Bao was really furious and stood in the same place for a long time ...

After a long time, a cold ice appeared in the dark eyes.

"Okay, okay, so good ... I haven't shot for many years. It seems that the world has forgotten me. Today, no matter who you are, what you are relying on, who you are instructed, the city's lord will not let go."

Huang Bao laughed with anger, his voice was cold and bone-filled, full of murderous opportunities.

Someone took advantage of his retreat and not only looted the auction house in Longbo City, but also dared to massacre the soldiers in the main palace. This time, if he did not leave the customs in time, Longbo City might be seriously injured.

"City Lord, those thieves fled to the east." The ruins below, the Venerable Seventh Strong who was hit hard by the three brothers of the Wang family, got up hard, trembling their fingers to the east, and screamed with the last power in their bodies.

Without being reminded by the Seventh Powerful of the Venerable, Huang Bao also knew the location of Lu Chen's escape, because he felt that there were several violent fluctuations in the force of three hundred miles from the east.

at this time.

A rather arrogant breath suddenly disappeared.


Huang Jia's eyes flickered, thoughtfully, but at the next moment, his body flashed into a streamer, flashing towards the east like lightning, and after a few breaths, he disappeared from everyone's sight.


After killing Huang Fubao with a sword, the elemental force in Lu Chen's body was evacuated in an instant. The strong sense of weakness swept over and stood on the sword. Lu Chen quickly took out a large number of days under the shock of Ji Yao's eyes. Tidibao, refining, absorbing ...

Tiancaidibao entered the abdomen, turned into a strong elemental force, and gathered in the almost exhausted Dantian. In a short time, Lu Chen recovered about 10%. Thanks to his loss, he swallowed a large amount of Tiancai Dibao .

When seeing Lu Chen constantly devouring heavenly and earthly treasures, Wang Fulong and Wang Fuhu shook their bodies and recovered from shock and anger.

"Kill my third brother, small animals, you can't leave you today!" Wang Fulong roared, gave up Ji Yao, turned and killed Lu Chen.

He was very clever and knew that he would continue to fight Ji Yao for a short period of time, and he would not be able to win the latter at all. Once Lu Chen was given enough time to wait for his recovery, they would be doomed to defeat by then.

Kill, only when Lu Chen is weak, kill them, they will have a chance to make a comeback.

As for Liu Wuhai and Li Tianhong, it is not that Wang Fulong looked down on the two, but that the injuries of the two were so severe that they could not be healed within half a month. If the two of them were seriously injured, if they participated in their fight, they would be killed.

On the other battlefield, Wang Fuhu made the same decision as Wang Fulong, gave up Pei Shaoqing and killed Lu Chen instead, vowing to kill Lu Chen while he was weak.

Ji Yao and Pei Shaoqing reacted in the first time. The two naturally knew the intentions of the two brothers of Wang Fulong, so they didn't remember the expendable means of display and entangled their opponents.

Although the two of Ji Yao tried their best, the battlefields of the two sides continued to approach Lu Chen. After a while, the aftermath caused by the confrontation was able to reach Lu Chen.

And Lu Chen, ignoring it directly, is still madly refining Tiancai and treasures, consuming a lot of Tiancai and treasures. At this moment, he has recovered 30%, but 30% of the power is obviously not enough, even self-protection No, let alone help Ji Yao and Pei Shaoqing cut the enemy.

"Lu Chen, leave quickly ..."

While holding on to Wang Fulong, Ji Yao was distracted to see that Lu Chen was standing motionless on the spot.

Upon hearing this, Lu Chen's eyes moved, and he took a deep breath, as if he had made an important decision. With the palm of his hand, a human fruit was taken out by him.

After many consumptions, there are not many human resources, and Lu Chen will not use it under the last circumstance. At this moment, the situation is urgent and he cannot be allowed to continue to delay, so ...

Eat a big bite and swallow the human fruit.

Human Yuanguo, one of the ancestral spirits of Tianyongzong Town, is of course worthless. As soon as Lingguo enters the abdomen, there is a muffled sound in the stomach. Everywhere in the body spread away, just a few breaths, the strength of Dantianzhong recovered to about 50%, and ...


Six and a half.




At the same time, Wang Fulong dragged Ji Yao to appear at a distance of thousands of kilometers from Lu Chen, looking at Lu Chen who was recovering quickly. He knew that he could not continue any longer. He gritted his teeth and ate Ji Yao, Wang Fulong rebounded The force flew to Lu Chen.

"Little animal, let me die!"

With a loud roar, Wang Fulong clenched his palms suddenly, and the elemental force in his body also reached its peak at this moment.


The majestic Yuan Li is like a billowing smoke, rising from the sky, Wang Fulong shot it with his palm, and I saw that the sky full of Yuan Li was rushing, and the Yuan Li rushed directly into a huge palm print, with a horizontal push Attitude, crushed the landing dust.

"Be careful……"

Ji Yao saw this and reminded loudly.


The vitality was tumbling, and huge imprints of the palms were pushed horizontally. Even the air in front was crushed, and the ground below was collapsed by the palm wind.

Wang Fulong's shot is a killing move. Such a powerful blow can easily kill the Sixth Venerable Lord. Even the ordinary Seventh Venerable faced the danger of serious injury.


After consuming a lot of heavenly and earthly treasures without remembering the achievements, Lu Chen's strength finally recovered 80%!

Bacheng Yuanli, even though it is still a bit short of the peak, is enough to cope with the situation at hand. Moreover, the natural treasures in the body, especially human Yuanguo, still continue to provide him with majestic energy.


Lu Chen raised his head and looked at the force of Yuan Li who was pushed horizontally. The Yuan force in his body exploded suddenly, and the double profound meaning of the golden fire on the black abyss sword circulated.

Lu Chen swung out a sword, under the blessing of the Golden Fire and Double Profound Truth, a brilliant sword qi, tearing the void, directly chopping on the Yuanli big hand that was pushed horizontally.

This sword is not gaining momentum.


The power is still extremely terror.


At the moment when Jian Qi collided with Yuanli's big hands, two Yuanli bursts at the same time. At the next moment, a strong Yuanli wave spread and spread, and a shocking crack appeared on the ground instantly.

Under that kind of violent collision, Lu Chen's shoulder shook violently, and his footsteps staggered back several steps.

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