Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 812: Ji Yao is angry

As for the stall owner's "knowledge", Huang Chai didn't care much, as if it had been expected, when he was about to reach out to take Xinghuicao, but one hand was his first step ...

Xinghuicao was robbed by someone halfway, and Huang Chae's expression suddenly stagnate. He obviously didn't expect that someone in Longbo City would openly grab something from him. Under everyone's astonishment and shock, the yellow chaotic face Sinking gradually, he looked up and looked at Lu Chen's eyes, full of sensation.

"Boy, dare to grab my stuff, don't you want to live?"

Lu Chen gave Xinghui grass to Senior Liu Wuhai, with a chuckle, calmly said: "Can't I say that, Xinghui grass is my first Liu Wuhai senior to see, and has paid Yuan Shi, said It's not an exaggeration to disregard money and goods, so why should you grab something from you? "

"Bold!" Lu Chen's words just fell, and he didn't wait for Huang crack to speak. The owner hurriedly expressed in front of Huang crack, and shouted at landing dust: "Xinghui grass is my thing, who I want to sell to Whoever it is sold to, here is the 500,000 top grade Yuan Shi, for you, quickly give Xinghuicao to the Master of the Yellow Split! "

With that said, the stall owner took out 500,000 top grade Yuan Shi and threw it to Liu Wuhai without hesitation.

Young City Lord? It is no wonder that the owner of Longbo City has no bottom line to please.

Liu Wuhai didn't pick up the Yuanshi that he threw, nor did he hand over Xinghuicao, but turned his head to Lu Chen and said: "Lu Chen, brother, we should go!"

Seeing Lu Chen and Liu Wuhai preparing to turn around and leave, the owner's eyelids jumped fiercely. He knew very well that if Lu Chen and Liu Wuhai had really gone, they would surely endure the yellow cracked anger, so step out, They stopped the way.

"Go away!"

Lu Chen did not have the slightest affection for the bully and fearful stall owners. At the moment, when he saw the latter dare to stand up and stop their way, he immediately took a shot with no palm of hesitation.

With this palm, he only used less than 10% of his strength. Still, it is not a typical Celestial Realm stall owner who can come next, only to hear a muffled sound, the stall owner's face suddenly became bloodless, and his throat was even more It was a groan, his footsteps staggered back, and finally the embarrassed paralysis fell to the ground, causing a laugh.

When the two of them stepped up and were about to leave, they suddenly said something, and a figure stood in front of them.

"You can't go anywhere before you hand over Xinghuicao."

The eyes of Lu Chen and Liu Wuhai squinted at the same time, and the person who blocked their way in front of him was actually a Venerable Six-Peak Peak Powerhouse. Such a strongman was actually just the guard around the Yellow Split, who could use Venerable Six The strongest of the peaks is the guard, and the power of the main palace of Longbo City is really not ordinary.

Venerable Sixth Peak is strong, but if you want to leave Lu Chen, it is not enough to watch.

"Give up, don't block the road!" Liu Wuhai took a step forward, silently protecting Lu Chen behind him, said indifferently.

At this time, the Huangchao, the master of the Longbo City, opened his mouth, "No one in the Longbo City dared to grab something with me. The two of you were the first time, handing over the star grass, otherwise, no matter who you are, what Background, do n’t even think about stepping out of this street today! "

"Oh, it's such a big tone. I want to see how you can't get us out of this street half a step?"

Outside the crowd, Ji Yao ’s sister ’s voice came.

The crowd was stunned, and then they opened up a channel one by one, and the sister Ji Yao walked slowly, followed Pei Shaoqing and Li Tianhong behind her.

When Ji Yao appeared, the eyes of those present were attracted to her because she was so beautiful ...

"What a beautiful woman, good, good, I changed my mind. You can take Xinghui grass, but this woman must stay."

Huangchao, the master of Longbo City, stared at Ji Yao greedily, licking his mouth, and immediately pointed to the latter.

As soon as this remark came out, all the martial arts players in the Longbo City were surprised, and they looked at Ji Yao with regret. In that way, as if a rare treasure is about to appear flaws, regret, sympathy.

And Lu Chen, Pei Shaoqing and several others, all stunned, and then, with sympathetic eyes, looked at Huang crack, dare to publicly ‘trick’ Ji Yao, sister, this Huang crack may not know how to write the word ‘death’!

"Take this girl and send it to the city's main palace!" Huang Lisi didn't know that he was in a terrible situation. At this moment, he was already stunned by lust, and he couldn't wait to command him to take Ji Yao.

After receiving the order from Huang Ri, the Venerable Sixth Peak Peak Strongman, who was standing in front of Lu Chen, rushed towards Ji Yao, grabbed his big hand, and tried to capture Ji Yao .


As Lu Chen and others guessed, an arrogant Ji Yao, at this moment, the anger in his heart had accumulated to the extreme.

As soon as the Venerable Sixth Peak had movements, she no longer suppressed, stepped out in one step, the majestic air machine poured out, the space around her seemed to be unbearable, and began to tremble, making people have This kind of heart-shattering sensation, immediately, the elemental force surging, a powerful force sprayed out thinly, and instantly shook the Venerable Six Peak Peak Power who rushed to her.

"How is it possible, how could she be so strong? Venerable Six-Pin Peak Powerful, in front of her could not withstand a blow ..." Seeing the lively crowd around him saw Ji Yao alone, by virtue of her own strength, she would honor a Venerable Six The strongest person at the top of the mountain was spitting out blood, and could not help exclaiming, but his face was horrified.

Not only these people, but also Lu Chen and others were deeply surprised. The top ten sisters of Ji Yao in the list were stronger than expected.

You should know that Venerable's six-fold peak strength is enough to rank in the top 50 or even the top 30 of the sky list. It is such a character. In front of Ji Yao, he can't even take one move, no, half move.

Does this mean that Liu Wuhai and Li Tianhong, including Lu Chen, are not the enemy of Ji Yao's blow.

As for Pei Shaoqing, the thirteen strongest in the top list, the Sixth Master of the Supreme Master, and realized the mysteries of the wind, perhaps not Ji Yao ’s opponent, but the latter would have to exert some effort to defeat him.

Ji Yao's strength is beyond the expectation of Huang Crack, but instead of making him fearful, he aroused his desire to conquer and more desperately wanted to get Ji Yao.

Strong and beautiful woman, who doesn't want it?

"Stunned what you do, you go together, it is bound to take this girl, otherwise, you know the consequences ..."

Huang Lie's words made the martial artists who were beside him stunned, and then looked at each other, gritted their teeth together, pressed down the fear of Ji Yao in his heart, and surrounded the latter.

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