Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 810: Dog-like stuff

Mo Fen was standing in front of the city gate, staring at the warrior with a gloomy face. A few days ago, he was out of luck and angered his master, Longbo City Young Master, who was sent by the latter to look after the city. .

From the personal guard of the young city master to the captain of the gate, the status can be said to have plummeted. In the past, the men who were despised by him began to sneer at him, which made him angry and angry.

The anger in his heart could not be vented, which made his temper more and more violent. No, a quarter of an hour ago, the wrathful Mo Fen faced the martial artist, and personally slaughtered a casual repairman who was going to sneak into the city. The warriors who came and went were frightened and dared to speak, even the soldiers and soldiers of Mo Fen were trembling, fearing that they might cause Mo Fen to cause death.

Mo Fen held a long knife with red blood remaining on the blade. Under his feet was a broken and corpse. He leaned on the side of the city gate and stared at the passing martial arts.

Suddenly, his spirits startled and his eyes were fixed on the line of people who were coming slowly. More precisely, his eyes fell on the front of the group of people in this group of people.


"What a beautiful woman."

Mo Fang stared at Ji Yao, murmured in his mouth, and for a moment, he was a little infatuated and froze in place.

More than Mo Fen was alone. At this moment, the male warrior who came to the gate of Longbo City looked at Ji Yao intentionally or unintentionally, and his eyes flashed with amazing colors.

Ji Yao ’s brows frowned slightly when she reacted to these people, but she seemed to have experienced a lot of such situations. Several people with faces and landing dust slowly entered Longbo City.

However, just as Lu Chen and his party were preparing to enter Longbo City, a slightly excited voice sounded at this moment.

"Slow down!"

Lu Chen turned around and saw that the voice came from Mo Fen's mouth.

Of the five people in this party, which one is not the top 50 in the top list, especially Ji Yao, it is also the top ten in the top list. It is simply too lazy to deal with such small figures as Mo Fen, and it is more apt to describe it as a disdain. .

Ji Yao glanced at Mo Fen indifferently, and then turned to continue into the city. Pei Shaoqing, Liu Wuhai, and Li Tianhong said nothing and followed closely. Lu Chen did n’t want to be arrogant, and after thinking about it, he took out a few pieces of top grade Yuan Shi and randomly threw it to a soldier. He looked at the darkened face and burnt his face, and said with a blank expression: “The fee for entering the city is paid. Let ’s enter the city. . "

With that said, Mo Fen was not allowed to reply, and he turned and left.

The actions of Lu Chen's people seem to be arrogant and arrogant, and they do not take the soldiers of the city into their eyes, but they are inverted to their present state, and, backed by the Academy of Heaven, both the strength and the background are strong enough, would you care about a How does the guard of the city feel?

Mo Fen looked gloomy like water, looking at Lu Chen who was about to enter the city, and suddenly screamed, "Bold, who allowed you to enter the city?"

The screaming just fell. Hundreds of soldiers on both sides of the gate pulled out weapons around their waists, hula came forward, and surrounded Lu Chen's group of five.

The warriors entering and leaving the city saw all of them with sympathetic eyes. The land of the dragon and the five people, Longbo City, although mixed with fish and dragons, the main city of the city is still the first force, firmly controlling the entire city, and its status is as stable as Mount Tai. No force can shake it. .

In the city of Longbo, the fierce evil head is the most dangerous, and the most difficult is to be the guard of the main palace.

Offending the fierce and evil devil, there is still hope for survival, and offending the city's mansion, or being targeted by the city's soldiers and guards, no matter whether the strength is strong or not, there is no good end.

Surrounded by hundreds of soldiers, the performance of Lu Chen's five people was slightly surprised by the crowd who stopped to watch the lively crowd, because, in the face of this situation, Lu Chen's face could not see the slightest confusion, as if not Realize that the crisis is average.

"What does it mean to stop us?" Ji Yao's eyes were slightly cold, and his original soft voice was also cold.

Mo Fang's ear echoed Ji Yao's voice. Although the voice was cold, it was still crisp and nice. Such a beauty, even if angry, made people's eyes shine.

Staring staringly at Ji Yao, Mo Fang already had a decision in his heart. The beauty in front of him was about his future, and he must not let go.

Following him for a period of time with the young master of Longbo City, he knew that the young master was a lustful person. If he could send the beauty in front of him to the young master ’s bed, he would be rewarded by the young master. At that time, he The status of the company will also increase ...

Thinking of this, Mo Fang's gaze to Ji Yao became more and more intense.

Ji Yao frowned, and Mo Fang's eyes made her very unhappy. If it was not for the task, the latter dared to look at her with such eyes, she had already shot.

"A group of people were born very hard and wanted to be not the warriors of Longbo City. Tell me honestly, who are you? Why did you come to Longbo City?" Mo Fen licked his mouth and suddenly asked aloud.

Lu Chen said faintly: "The five of us and our group are doing loose cultivation and entered Longbo City just to buy some cultivation resources."

"Nonsense, I think the five of you are warriors from other cities and want to plot against me in Longbo City." Mo Fang waved his hand and ordered: "The men killed on the spot, and the women were arrested and tortured."

At this moment, Lu Chen and several people no longer understood Mo Fen's intention, it was really stupid.

The four men of Lu Chen all glanced at Ji Yao with a pretty face and frost.

Dangerous face!

Ji Yaoqi's pretty face and cold frost, how many years have passed, since she played her talents against the sky, this kind of dare to openly attack her idea has not happened for many years.

She, Ji Yao, the top ten of the heavenly academy of the gods, and the posthumous cultivator's post-cultivation, their strength is unfathomable. Even the senior leaders of the nine forces, they dare not threaten to beat her. Walking outside, some masters of the Sixth Grade Pinnacle forces saw her and were polite and courteous ...


did not expect.

Today, but here, someone even hit her mind, and more importantly, the one who hit her mind was just a celestial spectacled ant.

Something like a dog.

Not only Ji Yao, but Lu Chen were also angry. They originally wanted to act in a low-key manner, so they converged their breath, but they didn't expect to be guarded by a dog-like gate, threatening to 'kill on the spot'.


When a group of five people gritted their teeth, nearly a hundred soldiers had raised their weapons and swarmed to kill them. All kinds of moves broke out in a moment, and the swords, halberds, and other people came to Lu Chen.

After seeing this scene, the people who stopped in and out of the city sighed secretly. Obviously, in the eyes of these people, the ending of several people in Lu Chen was doomed. The male was killed on the spot, and the female was not dead, but the outcome was probably better than It is painful to die.

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