Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1309: The more war, the more courageous, the stronger the war

"Bearing my blow, it was unharmed. If I guessed right, Ziyangjia should be on you."

No. 6 is obviously not ignorant of Lu Chen. At least Lu Chen killed Lin Zongming and obtained Ziyangjia from the latter.

Lu Chen nodded and smiled: "Are you desperate ?!"


With a chuckle, No. 6 shook his fist and said, "What about the Ziyangjia? Since you can bomb Lin Zongming wearing the Ziyangjia, I can kill you!"

"Don't confuse me with Lin Zongming's waste, and don't confuse me with you. In my eyes, you are just like Lin Zongming, they are all waste!" Lu Chen said bluntly.

As soon as this remark came out, No. 6's eyes were cold, and immediately the body was surging, and stepped out,

Instantly came to Lu Chen, Sen Han's eyes glanced across Lu Chen's cheek.

"Look at me punching your defense!"

When the sound started, he punched out, and above the punch, the force was surging, and the breath of terror swept away.


However, just as the thunderous punch of No. 6 was about to hit Lu Chen, his figure flickered, avoiding the punch like lightning.

"It's fast!"

No. 6 eyes condensed!

At the same time, avoiding the dust of No. 6's fist, and walking under the foot, ghostly appeared behind No. 6, the sword in his hand flickered sharply at the moment, and then tore the air, facing the Six without mercy. The fatal part of the heart exploded after the trumpet.

The fierce offensive behind him also surprised No. 6, but he did not panic, turned around quickly, and then punched.

The surging fist force roared out, and confronted the slashing sword gas, head-on!


The fists and swords fought, but the sound of gold and iron broke out. When the sparks were splashing, the body of No. 6 shocked and took a few steps backwards.

And Lu Chen also backed off to stabilize his body, and then looked at the gloomy No. 6, but couldn't help but smiled in the sky. Without the war words, he could fight with No. 6 in this mood. Great cool.

Of course, with his temperament, it is naturally impossible to satisfy this result.

"Hahaha, come again!"

Lu Chen laughed loudly, and with the palm of his hand, the surging Yuanli screamed and wrapped the fist, then burst out with a punch.

Golden Tiger!

No.6, who had just stabilized his body, saw this scene, and his face was slightly irony. Then he punched with all his strength and directly detonated the golden wild tiger.

However, without waiting for him to take a breath, Lu Chen's subsequent offensive was already killed.

I saw Lu Chen rushing out, holding a long sword, and the sword shadow dancing, and a sharp sword gas blasted past No. 6 like raindrops.

In the face of Lu Chen ’s stormy offensive, No. 6 did not dare to neglect. With a big hand, a bronze ancient spear appeared in his hands. The powerful bronze surge speared with corrosive elements The force, the lightning-like bursts of punctures, just in an instant, it was punctured countless times, a tremendous amount of energy, fiercely blasted with the countless sword energy from the detonation one by one.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang ..."

Suddenly, a series of gold and iron sounds went through.

With the sound of the sound of gold and iron, the two figures refused to give way, and at the same time rushed out, holding swords and spears, and the lightning confrontation.

The battle between the two is extremely brutal and dangerous. On the sky, the two figures flicker and flicker, and each time they meet, there will be an explosion sound that pierces the eardrum. The earthquake below was cracked, the hills in the distance were flattened, and the flowers and trees within a tens of thousands of meters were torn into the powder by the aftermath of the two.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang ..."

The sound of gold and iron is intermittent!

The deep explosion sound is also heard from time to time!

The two men joined in short battles and fell into a mad fight. In just a short time, they had hundreds of moves!

The confrontation between Lu Chen and No. 6 was at first an absolute disadvantage.


Because of the indefinite defense of Jin Shenjue, he persevered and persevered. Instead of being quickly defeated by the No. 6, he became more and more courageous and stronger, and his breath did not decrease but increase! ! !

Now and now!

Lu Chen's breath is much stronger than before.

The confrontation with No. 6 is not going down.

Moreover, the invincible golden body tactics have resisted the power of aftershocks again and again, and his physical body is more terrifying, and the indestructible golden body tactics have also reached the peak of the third floor, and there are signs of entering the fourth floor! ! !

At the moment, the No. 6 fighting fiercely with Lu Chen was terrified, and the more he was frightened, the more desperate he was.

From the beginning it took the absolute upper hand, and now it is quite equal, God knows how horrified he is at the moment.

What made him desperate was not Lu Chen's lethality, but his unshakable defense.

At the beginning of the war, no matter how much he occupied, he could not cause substantial damage to Lu Chen. If he was replaced by another person, even if he had ten lives, it would not be enough to kill him.

From the war to the present, he clearly noticed that Lu Chen's strength is rapidly increasing, whether it is defense or lethality, there has been a qualitative improvement!

Weak! ! !

At this moment, a feeling of powerlessness rose in his heart.

The feeling of powerlessness that sounded in my heart also affected the combat capability of No.6. Unconsciously, the battle between the two, Lu Chen actually had a slight upper hand, from the initial defense to the main attack today!

No. 6's face changed slightly, he was obviously aware of his uncomfortable situation, so he wanted to pull back and get rid of Lu Chen's melee attack!

However, would Lu Chen let him succeed?

The immortal golden body tactics made him physically defended, reaching a frightening point, and at the same time gave him far more melee power than ordinary people.

Under the close combat, his fighting ability can be exerted to the fullest!

Seeing that No. 6 withdrew and backed away, Lu Chen stepped on his feet, and his body quickly bullied him.

Pasted the other party, and then the fierce and fierce moves, like a flash of torrents, poured out instantly.

Fist, palm, finger, knee, sword ...

Every part of the body has become his most powerful and terrifying weapon!

The violent attack was like a raindrop, pouring down on No. 6 crazy.

No. 6 gloomy and passively resisted.

"Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom ..."

The sound of deep collisions came out one after another.

Lu Chen pressed the No. 6 attack, and the two retreated while fighting. Wherever they passed, the earth, air, and vegetation were all in the aftermath of the confrontation between the two.

At the same time, some of the nearby warriors who were attracted by the battle looked at this scene from afar, and they were all stunned.

The battle between Lu Chen and No. 6 is not small, and the warriors within a hundred miles can feel it, and then they are attracted by the aftermath of the battle.

Unconsciously, there are already a handful of warriors attracted by the battle.

These attracted warriors were all deterred by the horror generated by the battle between Lu Chen and No. 6, one by one, they only dared to see from a distance and did not dare to approach.

Even some half-step kings, looking at the horrible momentum, were also scrupulous and dared not get close to half-step, fearing that they would be hit by the fish pond.

"Who are the two warring men? Even with such a terrible move, I don't want to be an unknown person, I don't know which Tianjiao person on the list!"

Someone asked in this way, deeply curious about the identity of Lu Chen and No. 6, and wanted to know the identity of the two from other populations.

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted the attention of other people. Obviously, these people also wanted to know the identity of the two fighting men.

"The young man with a long sword seems to have seen me somewhere ..."

Some warriors stared at the landing dust and felt familiar, but they couldn't remember it for a moment.

"That's Lu Chen !!!"

Someone exclaimed suddenly.

Someone asked subconsciously: "Lu Chen? Which Lu Chen ?!"

"Of course it was Lu Chen, which has been full of storms in the city recently!"

"It's him!!!"

"Inheritance of the High King!"

Shouts came one after another.

Everyone looked at Lu Chen's eyes, and they were all fiery, and they wished to immediately shoot Lu Chen.

Although the inheritance of the superior king is good, the life is more important. Although these people are hot and greedy, no one dares to move.

"Who is the person who fought with Lu Chen?" Asked a warrior.

As soon as this remark came out, someone replied: "That was number six. I have had the pleasure of seeing it once ?!"

"Number six?"

"The seed killer of Hell Killer!" The man explained.

The crowd became restless again.

The Hell Killer organization is famous for its reputation, and it is frightening, and the seed killer in the Hell Killer organization is second only to the King Killer, and it is also known to everyone.

According to rumors, the seven seed killers of the Hell Killer organization are all the top 100 gods of terror.

If the person who fought against Lu Chen, if it were the number six, wouldn't he have the top 100 fighting power on the ground?

"The Hell Killer Organization is worthy of being one of the three major killer organizations under the extraterrestrial warfare field. The news is so well informed that the trace of Lu Chen was found so quickly ..."

"Looked at by the seed killer, then Lu Chen is dead!"

"Unfortunately, one step slower, so that **** killer organization succeeded first."

Some warriors shook their heads and sighed.

Seems to be annoyed that he has no chance to inherit from the higher king.

There are also warriors who are very calm and look at the direction of the war. They sneered and said, "Are you blind? Can't you see the war? The number six was hit by Lu Chen ..."


Some people were stunned.


Face to face was horrified.

Hell Killer No. 6 actually fell into the downwind.

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