Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1306: Seed Killer Six

Killing the top saint-level killers in the village easily, Lu Chen's face did not change at all, holding a long sword, standing under the willow tree, waiting for the killers to come to die!

At the scene before the village, the killers in the village immediately drew attention. In a flash, dozens of people rushed out of the village murderously, looking at the land dust under the willow trees indifferently.

These people looked at Lu Chen, and their eyes were cold and abnormal, as if they were looking at dead people, without much affection.

From their point of view, they dare to be arrogant in the branch of Hell Slayer. Unless Lu Chen is the king, he will definitely die today. Even if the king cultivates his way, he will not be able to escape.

In the center of the village, in the house.

A group of half-step king killers headed by the number six were also aware of it in the first time, and immediately, one by one, they showed their murderous intentions.

Someone even dared to go to Hell Slayer's branch! ! !

No matter if the man is unknowingly or consciously, today, he will die tragically!

Since the Hell Slayer organized the Megatron Outer Battlefield, there has been no precedent that someone has entered the Hell Organization branch and finally left Enron.

Therefore, for the prestige of the Hell Killer organization, no matter what the person's identity, background, or strength, today, he cannot let it go.

Otherwise, what happened today will be a stain on the Hell Killer organization.


The quaint houses burst open.

Headed by No. 6, a group of half-step king killers rose to the sky.

"Who dares to be presumptuous here?"

The killing intent of No. 6 was as chilling as the nine cold winds.

"Huh ?! The Saint Nine Heavy Repairs ?!"

When No. 6's eyes fell on Lu Chen, his heart suddenly moved, "Who are you?"

"Aren't you talking about me just now?"

Lu Chen saw the killers in front of him as if nothing, very calm.

A lot of killers heard the words, especially the half-step kings heard Lu Chen's sentence, they were all stunned, and then carefully looked at Lu Chen, it really was the same as the portrait.

More than half of the killers on the scene saw Lu Chen's portrait. I never thought Lu Chen would dare to take the initiative to come to the door.

At this moment, Lu Chen personally admitted that they were convinced that the person in front of him was Lu Chen! ! !

Lu Chen, actually took the initiative to die!

All the killers were stunned.

Some can't believe it!

Is he crazy?

Even take the initiative to die!

But thinking of this man's record against the sky, some of the killers sink in their hearts, and their face also changes slightly.

Lu Chen is not a fool, and he dares to go alone to the Hell Killer Organization Division, and he must have sufficient grasp.

The No. 6 was also dumbfounded, and was just thinking about how to find Lu Chen. Now, the latter turned himself into a net?

God is too good for him!

At this moment, in addition to the excitement in his heart, that is, the excitement, and some unrealistic feelings, because happiness came too suddenly.

Lu Chen has the inheritance of the superior king!

Capturing Lu Chen is equivalent to the inheritance of the king!

In his eyes, Lu Chen is a mobile treasure trove, as long as the treasure trove is opened, he will reap the wealth of his life!

As for whether he is Lu Chen's opponent.

This point, he never considered.

Even if Lu Chen beheaded the deputy owner of the famous Jianshanzhuang and Lin Zongming, in his eyes, he was still a ant.

Because he is not only the sixth seed killer in the Hell Killer organization, but also the 92 strongest in the list!

In the top 100 of the list, there is no weak person, such as the blood sword Li Tianxiao, Lin Zongming and other ranked warriors, in the top 100 of the list, up to ten strokes can be killed!

Therefore, he was extremely confident in his strength, and had never thought about whether he would be an opponent of Lu Chen.

Even if I thought about it, it would just pass by in my mind.

Just when No. 6 was excited by Lu Chen's self-launching net, Lu Chen's cold iron-like cold voice spread out at this moment.

"Very good, everyone is here."

Lu Chen's eyes swept across the crowd, and nodded with satisfaction, "Since everyone is here, then it's not too early, let me send you the 'family' on the road neatly!"

"What ?! He said he was going to take us on the road ?! Hahahaha, jump beam clown!"

"Is Lu Chen not crazy?"

"In my opinion, this kid must have been scared and stupid, saying something crazy."

The killers were furious and sneered again and again.

Lu Chen looked indifferent.

A glance at the half-step kings standing in the void, and then looked at the killer who gathered together at the opposite village entrance!

next moment.

He shot directly.

During the surge of Yuan Li, a punch came out!

The surging elemental force was transformed into a huge and gigantic fist print. Under the gaze of the horrified eyes, it swept through the unparalleled terror, and thundered like a thunder into the crowd opposite!

Lu Chen's shot was too fast, too sudden, and the No. 6 and a group of half-step kings did not take Lu Chen's eyes at all. They regarded the latter as fish on the cutting board and relaxed their vigilance.

Therefore, when these people perceive that something is wrong, it is too late to attempt rescue.


The explosion that pierced the eardrum sounded loudly.

It seemed like the sky was falling apart, the lava was flowing, and everything in front of it fell apart under this fist.

The air exploded!

The earth is cracking!

The village turned into brick and tile ruins!

The ordinary killers gathered at the entrance of the village, without any resistance, were instantly shrouded in huge fist prints, and they were completely killed by bombing! ! !

There was no injury without dying, because everyone's body was bombed, and even a decent body could not be found.

Broken corpses everywhere!

Just a punch!

About two hundred saint-killers all died tragically, and no one was spared! ! !

On the sky.

The killers of a group of half-step king Xiuwei headed by the number six stared dumbfounded at the scene below.

Surprisingly, Lu Chen actually killed about two hundred saints with one punch. This terrifying combat power cannot be achieved by every half-step king.

At least, no one can do it except the number six, even if it is unexpected.

Angrily, Lu Chen's fist almost destroyed this branch. Even if they captured Lu Chen, this shame would be hard to wash!

They will become the first sinners in the history of Hell Killer Organization to be destroyed by their enemies.

"Lu Chen, you ate the bear heart leopard guts, and dare to destroy the Hell Killer organization branch, you are dead ..."

"Courage, how dare he do this!"

"You are tired of life, destroying the branch, your crime is great, this time, you completely offended us, but all the people and forces involved with you must be destroyed because of you!"

A group of people were furious, they were all shocked and annoyed, and there was a roar of resentment.

"You guys, there is really too much nonsense!"

Lu Chen's eyes fell on the bitter roaring people. His body flashed and appeared in front of a group of people. Then he punched him!

With a bang, a punch came out, and the air in front exploded and opened instantly.

This punch, full of power, saw a dramatic change in the face of the killers.

Only the number six, above the ugly face, was calm and calm, and even ... there was a sneer in the eyes! ! !

Obviously, Lu Chen's strength at the moment is not a threat to No. 6 at all!


The number six gave a cold cry.

"Eastern Barbarian, who gave you the courage to be brazen in front of me ?!"

He stepped out, his hands behind his back, facing Lu Chen's punch.

"A barbarian is a barbarian. Even if you are lucky to get the inheritance of the heavens, it will also humiliate the lineage. People like you are not worthy of referring to the inheritance of the upper king!"

During the talk, he saw the palm behind him, with a fascinating glare, and then punched out.

He is a killer who is not fake, but what he is good at is not the assassination of "one hit, a thousand miles away", but the frontal fight. The vast majority of the warriors who died in his hands were killed by him in an upright manner.

No hit, far away, not his style!

"Proactively hand over the heritage, I can leave you a whole body!"

At the same time, a utterance like a gift came from mouth six.

At the end, the number 6 added another sentence, "You are not my opponent, don't bother."

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