Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1292: Provoke everyone

Under everyone's attention, the center of the battlefield, golden light and blood light, finally blasted together.


The deafening pair of roars suddenly rang through the battlefield.


The Yuanli shock wave, visible to the naked eye, spreads like crazy from the center of the battlefield like a genocide storm.

"Boom ~"

Under the turmoil of this shock wave, the ground in the center of the battlefield was finally unsustainable. With a bang, it completely collapsed, forming a circular giant pit with a diameter of three kilometers.

Outside the giant pit, the ground is also covered with ruins, messy, and with fierce cracks, as dense as a spider web ...

In the distance, countless warriors were deeply shocked by the destructive power of this bombing.

While shocked, these people's eyes were blinking, still staring at the center of the energy that was surging unscrupulously.


The golden light and the blood color are intertwined and collide with each other.

The golden wild tiger and the **** angry dragon fight fiercely!

The sound of Longyinhuxiao continued to spread.

The battle didn't last long, and the battle between dragons and tigers would bear fruit.

In the eyes of countless shocking eyes, the entangled golden light became more and more powerful, stronger and brighter.

The blood color is the opposite, quickly dimming ...

In the end, a bleak sound of dragon chanting resounded through everyone's mind.


I saw that the fighting center, the original brave **** angry dragon, under the claws of the golden wild tiger, opened with an unwilling explosion.


Seeing this scene, Li Tianxiao, who was still full of confidence at the previous moment, opened his eyes wide, and his face showed incredible colors.

He attacked with all his strength, and even displayed a killing trick. Instead of killing Lu Chen, he did not defeat the latter's free punch. !

For this result, Li Tianxiao is difficult to accept, and does not want to accept it.

Not only Li Tianxiao, but also the countless warriors in the distance, there was a storm in his heart. The shock in these people's hearts was not much less than that of Li Tianxiao.

If Lu Chen is the king of half-steps, the public and Li Tianxiao have competed equally. These people are shocked but still acceptable.

However, Lu Chen was only the ninth cultivator of the sage, let alone the leapfrogging battle. The target of the battle was still the **** sword of the strong man.

You must know that the blood knife Li Tianxiao is a strong man of 551 on the list. Looking at the entire battlefield outside the territory, it is also a rare peerless arrogance and a genius with the resources of a king.

"Roar ~"

Just as everyone was in shock, a low, roaring tiger roar filled with endless killing gas suddenly swayed across the sky.

Everyone awakened from the shock.

Look up.

I saw that the golden wild tiger that exploded the **** angry dragon swept the endless killing air, shattering the layers of air, and continued to fight against Li Tianxiao.

Seeing this, Li Tianxiao flashed angrily in his eyes, and the blood knife in his hand swept through the rich blood-colored force, and he swiftly struck out with a lightning bolt.

The **** semi-arc-shaped knife gas carried a shrill and sharp sound of breaking through the air, and hacked it out at a speed that ordinary people could not imagine.

The golden wild tiger with little energy left, and the **** semi-arc-shaped sword gas, were strong and hard in the air.


The low sound is thorough!

The world is also shocked!


Under the gaze of countless eyes.

The golden wild tiger and the sword gas burst at the same time!

The violent energy runs wild!

At the intersection, the air exploded, the white mushroom cloud rose up, and the already ruined ground below, also in the rumbling low sound, continued to crack, then sink, sink again ...

Eventually, a huge pit was formed.


Everyone's eyes were attracted by this devastating scene, but Lu Chen was at this moment, a little under his feet, and his body flickered, and quickly deceived Li Tianxiao.

With a cold face, he just looked at Li Tianxiao coldly, and then there was no nonsense, a punch that was ready to shoot out!

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang ..."

From the appearance, this punch can't see the slightest breath, nor does it have any strong fluctuations of Yuanli, and there is no trace of the magic formula.

But, punching out, bursting out of breath ...

The space is also twisted, wavy water ripples in the space, there seems to be signs of breaking!

As soon as this punch came out, it immediately attracted everyone's attention. The horror punch that almost shattered the space suddenly burst into an uproar like this.


Everyone was shocked by the destructive power of Lu Chen's punch!

Li Tianxiao's pupils also shrunk,

Facing this punch directly, he naturally felt the true power of this punch clearly.

Therefore, his face is also covered with unprecedented dignity.


A swift and fierce glance passed by Tian Xiao's eyes, and during the sudden surge of Yuan Li, the blood knife ripped through the air, fiercely punching at the punch that came straight from the front.


The blood knife collided with the fist, but the sound of gold and iron broke out, and the sparks were scattered ...

Li Tianxiao's gaze suddenly froze.

In his perception, a force of terror, roaring like mountains and rivers, slammed with blood knife and clang.

Then, the blood knife was blasted away.

Yu Wei kept his fist blasting away from the blood knife, and quickly blasted Li Tianxiao's chest like lightning.

At the critical moment, Li Tianxiao wanted to evade, it was too late, and finally he could only gritt his teeth, arms crossed on his chest, and the blood-colored element surged, which turned into a blood-colored door, and there were vaguely on the blood-colored door Emerge.

"Blood Heroes !!"

Upon seeing this, Lu Chen's eyes slightly fluctuated. Unexpectedly, Li Tianxiao even had such defensive means. He could feel that to shake the Scarlet Gate, he needed an extremely strong force.

Ordinary half-step kings, even with a full blow, cannot shake the gate of Scarlet.

However, Lu Chen snorted, and the internal force of the body poured into the left fist unreservedly, and the extremely strong punch strength, at this moment, actually forced another three points.

An extremely arrogant punch, blasting the air, then in a fierce gesture, slammed fiercely on the **** door in front of Li Tianxiao.


The energy of terror turned into a shock wave that was visible to the naked eye, spreading unscrupulously, and a low sound like the morning and evening drums also spread with it.

"Look at me punching you and breaking me!"

The icy voice also came from Lu Chenkou like a mountain.

The terrifying fist broke out instantly.


A crack appeared from the **** door, and then, with a bang, it burst and opened.

The moment when the Scarlet Gate burst, the terrifying fist, with Lu Chen's fist, like the tide, slammed fiercely on Li Tianxiao's arms on his chest.



At the same time as the low-pitched sound, there was a faint cracking sound, which was also mixed.

next moment.

Everyone saw that a painful flash flashed on Li Tianxiao's face, and then his body flew out awkwardly.


Seeing this scene, the countless warriors hidden in the distance in the distance, all exclaimed without restraining.

No one had thought that the blood knife Li Tianxiao of the 515th place in the list, defeated Lu Chen, was defeated, and the defeat was so fast and so simple!

In the sky full of exclamation, Li Tianxiao's feet landed, and under the influence of Yu Jin,

After sliding for hundreds of meters to slowly stop the body, there are two deep scratches on the ground.

"This is the strength of the 515th place on the earth list? Disappointment, I was too disappointed. I originally thought you could fight me with me. Now it seems that I am too high to see you ..."

Lu Chen looked directly at the slightly pale Li Tianxiao, ignoring the latter's vicious eyes, shaking his head, disappointed.

Li Tianxiao's eyes were gloomy at the landing dust. His eyes were full of resentment, and he was holding a blood knife. The sound was full of killing in the sound of the sound, "Boy, a little victory over me, I thought I was determined to eat? , I look down upon you too much, so I gave you the opportunity to ... "

Lu Chen didn't give Li Tianxiao a face at all, he directly pouted and interrupted with a wave of his hand, saying: "Don't make excuses for your failure. Failure is failure. You are not my opponent at all. I can be clear about this. Tell you!"

After he finished speaking, he no longer looked at Li Tianxiao's completely gloomy face, and then looked around, provocatively: "Since it's all here, why hide it?"

"Lin Zongming, I feel your breath. I did not expect the last time you spared your life, you even dare to come out, hehe ~ this time, I will not spare your dog's life, come out, let me beat you alive. ! "

"There are other half-step kings who are hidden in the dark, don't you want my head in exchange for heavy money? Don't you want the anti-celestial tactics in me?"

"Hahaha, I'm here. I don't run away nor flash. As long as I can kill me, the bounty and magic formula are all yours ..."

"What are you waiting for? A bunch of waste that can't get on the countertop, come out, don't hide it!"

Lu Chen's arrogant voice came out as Yuan Li spread far away.

The sound falls, and all is silent!

No one expected that Lu Chen would dare to provoke all the half-step kings in the public.

The warrior under the half-step king was ignored by him.



"act recklessly!"

All of a sudden, screams came from all over the place.

However, no one dared to show up.

Not even the gun **** Liu Wuji is the enemy of Lu Chen's trick. Even the blood-sword Li Tianxiao is not Lu Chen's opponent. The general half-step king really dare not stand up.

The gun hit the bird!

The first person to stand up will definitely be the target of Lu Chen's fierce blows.

Therefore, the general half-step king, who is afraid of heart, has the situation now.

"Hahaha ..."

Lu Chen looked around and saw no one dared to stand up, and suddenly laughed wildly, "A group of waste, hundreds of warriors, I was scared to show up by me. You are really waste in the waste."

"Lin Zongming, don't be patient anymore, come out. If you don't come out again, I will leave."

The speech fell, and Lin Zongming, who was hidden in the dark, could not sit still.

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