Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1263: Lin Zongming

"Huh ?! The kid who just arrived seemed to provoke the three elders of the famous sword villa ..."

The three elders of the famous Jianshanzhuang Village are one of the few half-step kings present.

At this moment, the sharp eyes of the three elders of the famous sword mountain village looked to Lu Chen, which immediately attracted the attention of others. In an instant, everyone's eyes were gathered.

Under the gaze of everyone's eyes, all the people in the famous Jianshanzhuang headed by the three elders walked slowly towards Lu Chen. Wherever they passed, all the warriors who were blocking the way gave way to a path, showing that the power of the half-step king was high.

"Boy, which force are you children?"

The three elders of the famous Jianshanzhuang stared at the landing dust with unscrupulous eyes, and his eyes flickered immediately, because he found out that with his cultivation practice, he could not see Lu Chen ’s true cultivation behavior. It is carrying a special artifact.

Moreover, the younger generation can easily defeat Xiao Lang, the saint's eightfold, which shows that his talent is high. In his view, Lu Chen is likely to be a disciple of a certain powerful force.

Although Mingjian Mountain Villa is a king-level force, and it is also one of the overlord-level forces that no one dares to provoke near Miluo Shencheng, but the vast extra-territorial battlefield, the strength above Mingjian Mountain Villa is not one hundred and eighty.

If Lu Chen is a child of ordinary forces, or it is casual training, kill it, and kill it. If it comes from a force that even the famous Jianshanzhuang can't afford, it will undoubtedly give him and his name to kill Lu Chen in public. Jianshanzhuang attracted the disaster.

Therefore, he didn't take a sudden shot when he came up, but wanted to ask Lu Chen's true identity.

From the sentence of the three elders in the famous sword mountain village, Lu Chen can naturally see the meaning implicit in the other party's words. He smiled and did not hide it. To tell the truth, "I am alone, there is no power behind it, nor is it big. Powerful children. "

When Lu Chen spoke, the three elders in the famous sword mountain village kept staring at the landing dust. Seeing that the latter didn't seem to lie, the last trace of concern in his heart suddenly disappeared, and the glance at Lu Chen's gaze suddenly rose.

"Boy, you can be guilty!"

Under the eyes of everyone, the three elders of the famous Jianshanzhuang complexion sighed and shouted.

Facing the loud shouting of the half-step king, and changing to other saints, the nine-fold warrior, I am afraid that his face was pale and his legs were soft, but Lu Chen's face did not change, and he took the initiative to meet the three elders without fear Stern eyes.

"I don't know why I'm guilty?"

He looked the same, calmly asking.

Lu Chen's calmness fell into the eyes of the three elders in the famous Jianshanzhuang village, not to mention the naked face. Under the eyes of everyone, he was a half-step king. If he could not be shocked by a loose repair boy, wouldn't he be looked down upon , Become a laughing stock for others? What's more, let other martial artists despise the famous Jianshanzhuang by three points.

Thinking of this, his face became more gloomy, and his eyes were as sharp as a knife. "Boy, you are still hard-mouthed at this time. I will ask you, three days ago, did you attack my clan disciple?"

"Sneak attack? Who told you I attacked?" Lu Chen gave a mocking glance at Xiao Lang next to the three elders, and then smiled lightly: "It hurts your disciples, I admit, but if you say a sneak attack, it is A joke, a big joke ... "

Xiao Lang blushed and said aloud: "Nonsense! Obviously you attacked me with me, otherwise you will be your opponent because of your lowly cultivation."

Lu Chen gave Xiao Lang a cold glance, with an overbearing tone, "Go away, dare to bark in front of me again, believe me or not?"

As soon as this remark came out, the Quartet martial artists were horrified.

In the face of the elders of the famous Jianshanzhuang, dare to say such arrogant and arrogant words, this is completely looking for death.

The three elders of the famous Jianshanzhuang laughed, and suddenly looked cold, coldly said: "Boy, in front of the old man, dare to be so arrogant, you are the first, you are not afraid that I will kill you ?!"

As soon as the three elders of the famous sword mountain villa fell, everyone around them cast their eyes on Lu Chen. With the strength of the elder half-step king of the famous three sword mountain villas, if he wanted to kill Lu Chen, Lu Chen would definitely die.

Surprisingly, Lu Chen's face did not show half fear when he heard the words of the three elders in the famous sword villa.

When everyone saw it, they sighed, wondering if Lu Chen had confidence, or pretended to be calm.

In the eyes of the three elders, there was a strong killing intent, the internal force of the body was running, and the figure was slightly shaken, and he would shoot.

Lu Chen's eyes narrowed, and the surging elemental force in his body was operating silently. He was originally prepared to play the role of a pig and eat a tiger to win the star **** grass, but now it seems that he has to expose his strength in advance.

Not to mention, then take the famous three elders of Jianshanzhuang Liwei first!

Unexpectedly, just when the three elders were ready to shoot, and Lu Chen was ready to expose his strength ...

An old man with a cold voice came at this moment.


When everyone heard it, they saw an old man in a black robe with cold eyes walking out of the crowd.

When I saw the old man, the name of the three elders in the famous Sword Mountain Villa changed slightly, because the old man was not an ordinary warrior, but a half-step king who was very famous in the casual repair, the old man of the dark devil!

Thousands of martial arts gathered here, and the strong men cultivated by the half-step king are more than the three elders of Jianshanzhuang.

In addition to the three elders of the famous Sword Mountain Villa, there are also the old man of the Black Devil, Kunting with the broken arm knife, and the unstoppable gold of the barbarian.

And the person who stood up at the moment was the dark old man who was famous for his fierce behavior.

For the old man of the Dark Lord who is also a half-step king, although the elders of the famous Sword Mountain Villa are not afraid, they are also somewhat afraid.

"Elder Dark Lord, you know this person, want to save his life?"

Elder Dark Devil avoided the question from the elders of the famous three swordsman villages, pointed to the landing dust, and said to the elders, "How do you give this person to me?"

The three elders of the famous Jianshanzhuang raised their brows and keenly noticed that the old man of the Dark Devil had made a plot. He looked at Lu Chen carefully without any traces, and immediately moved his heart.

Does the old man of the Dark Lord want to get a hidden breath from this kid?

At the same time, the old man of the Dark Lord glanced at the little demon next to Lu Chen without a trace, a glimpse of greed deep in his pupils.

Lu Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and since the old man of the Dark Lord appeared, he paid attention to the latter, and at this moment it happened to capture the greed in the eyes of the other party when he looked at the demon.

Suddenly in his heart, the old man of the dark devil recognized that the little demon was a **** beast moon shadow cat. On the surface, he came for him, but he really wanted to get the little demon quietly.

The thousands of martial artists on the field are all high-level martial artists. It is not surprising that one or two people who recognized the demon body as a **** beast.

"Brother Liu, hand him over to me for treatment, and I owe you a favor."

The old man of the dark demon was obviously determined to win the little demon. At this moment, seeing the three elders in deep contemplation, he immediately said with energy.

The three elders heard the words and blinked their eyes. They were more sure of the speculation in his heart. The old man of the dark devil really was for the means of concealing the breath. Real cultivation, with such means, does not lose a hole card.

At this moment, even he was a little emotional.

But since the old man of the Dark Lord took the initiative to speak, he was not good at conflicting with the former.

In the end, the three elders of the famous Sword Mountain Villa took a step back and sent a voice to the old Black Demon, "This person can be handed over to you, but you have to promise me that I will help me fight for the Star God Soul Grass later!"

The old man of the Dark Lord heard his words and was ecstatic in his heart, but on the surface he remained quiet. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded. "Okay, I promise you, give me the kid, and I will help you take the stars."

After the two met the conditions, they smiled at each other.

Then, two pairs of eyes looked at Lu Chen at the same time.

Upon seeing this, Lu Chen's heart moved, and he guessed that the two must have reached a consensus condition.

The next thing he is likely to face is the collaboration between the elders of the famous Sword Mountain Villa and the Dark Lord.

With his current combat strength, he can confidently deal with a half-step king easily.

Once the three elders and the dark elders join forces, although he also has the confidence to win, but in that case, he will surely become the target. By then, his opponent is likely to be everyone ...


At this moment, he undoubtedly fell into a passive.

When his eyelids were drooping, and his mind was running fast, the sound of breaking the sky revived, and he saw a figure, which came unscrupulously.

The man was in purple clothes, and after appearing, he didn't look at everyone, and his eyes fell on the star **** grass on the small island in the center of the lake for the first time.

"Okay, okay, it's really the starry spirit grass. My luck is good. I want this starry spirit grass!"

The man in purple said lightly, with undoubted and overbearing in his voice.

Someone was dissatisfied with the tone of the man in purple clothes and sneered with a low voice: "What a arrogant tone, who is this person? As soon as he appeared, he announced the ownership of the star soul grass, he was not afraid to anger the public?"

"It is Lin Zongming, the young master of Ziyang Sect!"

After seeing Lin Zongming, a great force's child lost his voice: "This Lin Zongming is not only the young master of the Ziyang Sect, but also the well-deserved first genius of the Ziyang Sect. It took only three hundred years to break through and become a half-step king, and It is extremely powerful and is a strong player on the earth list. It is hoped that the king will succeed !!! "

"It turned out to be him. I heard about him. It is said that after he broke through to become a half-step king, he killed a half-step king strong in public ..."

"I have heard about Lin Zongming, but what about the list?"

"The Budo Union promulgated two lists, namely the sky list and the earth list. For those who want to be on the sky list, the minimum requirement is the cultivation of the king. The earth list is the list under the king and wants to be on the list. The earth list is not so easy, because the people in the earth list are not weak, and the weakest people are all half-step kings. The hundred people in the sky list, the thousand people in the earth list, and Lin Zongming, the master of Ziyang Sect, is ranked Peerless genius of 872.

"Eight hundred and seventy-two, is it a bit low?"

No matter how difficult it is, whoever is on the list is not a peerless genius.

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