Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1259: Kill Gal

If the previous Lu Chen could not compete with the Gale of the Half-Step King, but at this moment he did not hesitate to damage his body. After forcibly urging the fourth level of the God of War, the strength of the breath was already slightly above Gal.


Stepping out, the whole world shivered violently at this moment, layers of ripples visible to the naked eye, rippling away from Lu Chen ’s feet, a suffocating oppression, also roaring from Lu Chen ’s body and swept out , A tyrannical and violent breath instantly enveloped the audience.

Feeling the strong and screaming breath that roared from Lu Chen's body, Rao was the Gale of the half-step king, and at this moment, his pupils shrank, and he stepped back subconsciously.

After he recovered from the shock, the shock and fear on his face were instantly replaced by shame. He was irritated by his retreat. The look at Lu Chen's eyes became more cruel and angry.

"You are a little bit stubborn ants, but today you are going to lose ..."

At the time of the sound, the rich and violent blood of the body was also urged by him without reservation.

"Blood Devil destroys the palm of the sky!"

With a loud drink, it suddenly resounded, and I saw the majestic and violent **** force, as if the flood of the embankment broke down, screaming from his body and swept out, and immediately formed a cover above his head. The giant blood palm in the sky.

The moment when the blood palm condensed and formed, a breath of breath spread out from it. This momentum was enough to kill any saint, and even the half-step kings such as Lien Zhan Yi and Zhan Xiao did not dare to face it.

"The ants are ants after all, you want to shake the blood dragon in the sky, you are so naive!"


The low roar, like a hurricane, came from Galina's grisly mouth, and the blood palm that covered the sky was suddenly shocked, and then swept the power of the world, ruining the ground and destroying the dust. Rage down.

In the face of this enough to kill any saint, so that the half-step king did not dare to face his giant **** palm directly, Lu Chen's face was still peaceful and terrifying, and the dark double pupils were even surging at this moment. Of war.

"This battle should be over."

In a whisper, the next moment, Lu Chen's feet moved, his body transformed into a residual image, and swept across the **** giant palm that roared down.

"court death!"

Seeing Lu Chen's retreat, Nagli passed a happy look in his eyes.

"call out!"

Lu Chen stepped on the Blue Dragon God's technique to maximize the speed. In an instant, he was close enough to the **** giant palm, and then he saw the pinch of his left hand, and the magnificent force quickly gathered. The five fingers clenched into a fist, and one punch came out, and in the cruel and disdainful eyes of Gali, it sturdily slammed on the **** giant palm.

"This battle is over!"

Seeing Lu Chen grow so big, he shook his hole cards with ordinary moves. Gali gave a cruel smile, and was able to anticipate the miserable end of Lu Chen's broken bones, and even more, he was directly shot into blood by the giant blood palm fog.

The corner of Lu Chen's mouth was slightly hooked, and he also sneered. Although this punch is not a terrifying move, in his current state, he can blast a punch at will and can already compete with the half-step king.

What's more, this punch is not as simple as it seems.

Under the blessing of speed, the power of this punch has virtually increased by three points, and this punch combines a variety of arcane powers. Although the move is simple and crude, the destructive power is definitely not worse than some inferior skills.


In the cruel smile of Gali, and the sneer of Lu Chen, the deafening confrontation sounded suddenly at this moment, and then, the moving Yuanli storm, from the center of the confrontation, with a terrifying Speed, swept away in all directions quickly.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang ..."

Suddenly, pieces of air exploded and burst, clouds of mushrooms rose in the sky, the ground below continued to sink in the sound of low cracks, and the mountains and trees in the distance were also devastated damage.

The area of ​​the ruins is expanding infinitely.

"Break me!"

While the sky was full of energy storms, a deep rumbling sound suddenly rang out from the center of the boom.


The moment when the rumbling sounded loudly, the world and earth were shaken violently, and then I saw the **** giant palm, at this moment it was a crack.

"This is impossible……"

Witnessing this scene, Galic exclaimed.

"There is nothing impossible in this world." The cold and ruthless voice wafted out of the center of the blast and passed into Galilean, causing his body to tremble slightly.


The loud noise of the sky rang out at this moment.

In Gale's horrified eyes, the **** giant palm finally couldn't hold up and exploded open.

At that moment when the **** giant palm exploded, Gali's complexion was white, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

At this moment, although he didn't want to admit it, the result of the fact was that a lingering horror surged in his heart.


Under the influence of this lingering horror, he chose to retreat without hesitation, the air under his feet suddenly burst and opened, and his figure retreated backward at an incredible speed.


No matter how fast he is, he can't be faster than Lu Chen. When he stepped on the blue dragon to perform magic surgery, Lu Chen's figure was almost instantaneous, and he deceived himself in front of Gali.

Gali ’s pupil shrank, and the **** elemental force of his whole body was violently surging. When he was preparing to fight back, Lu Chen ’s fist was already punched out, and the majestic elementary force screamed out, turning into a bright fist print, with lightning The speed, with a loud bang, banged fiercely on Gali's chest.



The shocking and violent fist wind erupted in an instant, directly shattering the body strength of Gali, and then destroyed the Gali chest directly, and at the same time, the sound of bone bursting was also heard.

Eating Lu Chen with one punch, even if the Gali Ten-Blood Protoss, defended and chased the fierce beasts of the same level, but was still blasted out, and fell into a chest depression, the sternum burst burst miserably.


Gale screamed, and the whole person flew out for thousands of kilometers before landing suddenly, and then with his energies, his body slid hundreds of meters in the ruins again, leaving a deep scratch.


The half-step king's Gali, the blood **** clan strong man, was finally completely defeated by Lu Chen, the saint's seven-fold human warrior.

"No ... Impossible, how could this happen, but I am the blood **** clan half-step king, even defeated by a cheap ants ... I don't believe it, this must not be true ..."

In the ruins, Gale screamed pale and pale. For this result, he was clearly unacceptable. He was always proud and conceited, but he was defeated by the human warrior he regarded as a ants, which he could not accept. of.

The sound of footsteps interrupted the whispering whispers of Galilean's madness, his head raised in his shawl, and he looked at the cheesy ants that stepped towards him stepping with hatred and hatred.

Lu Chen stood ten meters away from Galileo, staring at the latter indifferently, and then a hook in the corner of his mouth, the murderous intention on his body was also released unabashedly.

"Half-step kings cultivated their actions, but lost to my hands. What are your qualifications to be proud of? You think of me as a ants, but have you ever thought about the situation now?"

Icy, with a lightly taunting voice, slowly came out from Lu Chen's mouth and clearly passed into Galilean.

Gali, who had just calmed down, fell into rage and madness again because of Lu Chen's words. His eyes were scarlet like a lamp, and he screamed exhaustedly, "Dear ants, you dare to insult me, I killed you ... … "


The soil splashed beneath him, and Gali suddenly ejected, and the blood-colored force above the claws surged. When the air was stroked, the blood-colored claw marks broke, and the air was ripped, and then ruthlessly shrouded away from the landing dust.

"Battle of the trapped beast!"

Lu Chen spit out a word coldly, and then flashed through the gap of the blood-colored claw marks, with a whip of whimper, and threw it hard at Gali's waist.

If Gale was at its peak, he was naturally not afraid of Lu Chen's whip leg, and he could avoid it even if he was unlucky, but at the moment he was hit hard, facing Lu Chen's fierce whip leg, he could only be slaughtered.


Hearing only a low sound, Nagar snorted, and the cruelty and cruelty of his face were also replaced by pain. The whole person was like a sandbag, and flew out.

"Waste, the king of half-step cultivation, but I can't beat even a saint, the Seventh Level Warrior. I really don't know where you are like waste, where is the pride and confidence ..."

A whip whip flies Gale, Lu Chen did not continue to attack, looked at the miserable Gale in the ruins, sharp words, mercilessly attacked.

"You keep saying that I am a lowly ants, huh ~ now it turns out that the real lowly ants are not me, but you."

Gali's face was fierce, and Lu Chen's gaze was fierce, but after realizing the difference in strength between the two sides, he had no choice but to press the killing intention in his heart.

"Shike can't be humiliated. Today, I lost Gali to your hands. It's not good enough. There is nothing to say ..."

"Want to die? Haha, it's not that easy. Didn't you want me to die better than life? Then I also let you taste the taste of better death than life."

During the speech, Lu Chen showed a cruel smile.

"Twist cramps, thousands of knives, waste to repair to be drowned in the dung pit. Or, thrown into the crowd to let those mortals that you think of as ants, without the power of chickens, kill you ...

"You choose one."

Lu Chen stood in front of Gali, looking down on the latter from a condescending position. When he spoke, his tone was so relaxed.

But the sound passed into Galilean, but it made him not shivering. It was nothing but cramps and peeling skin. He is now alive and dead, not afraid of death, let alone cramping and peeling skin.

What made him fearful was Lu Chen's last words.

He is the half-step king of the blood **** family. He has always been proud and arrogant. He regards humans as pigs and dogs, and dies in the hands of human strong men. It is still uncomfortable. Once this matter is spread, even if he is dead, his reputation will be ridiculed, and he will become a shame for the blood **** family.

Thinking of this, his scarlet pupil finally showed a look of horror.

Perceiving the fear in Gale's eyes, Lu Chen felt a joy in his heart, but at this moment, a breath of destruction suddenly came out from Gali's body. The burly and tall body had a tendency to swell at the moment. .

Seeing this, Lu Chen was shocked.


Gali tried to explode.

He underestimated the courage of the other party.


Lu Chen sneered. In front of him, how could Gale want to explode if he wanted to explode?

Want to explode, have you asked him?


A sword light blasted from Lu Chen's fingertips and penetrated Galileo's abdomen at the speed of electro-optical flint ...


A screaming scream came from Galileo.

In the blood, the destructive breath quickly subsided, and the body that had just swelled back to its original state.

Not only that, the breath on Gali's body was like a deflated ball, sliding straight down ...

Lu Chen apparently abolished Gale directly.

"Ahhh ... you ..."

Gali collapsed and wailed in the pool of blood. The gaze that looked at Lu Chen was bitter and hatred, and at the same time, there was a trace of terror.

"Want to die? Haha ~ Don't worry, as long as you meet one of my conditions, I will give you a happy heart. Of course, if you don't cooperate, I said that in the previous words, it will definitely make you worse than life. Do n’t try to commit suicide. With me there, you ca n’t die even if you want to die. "

Lu Chen's voice was like a devil's whisper, causing Gali's entire heart to sink suddenly, and his body was gradually cold.

At the moment when Lu Chen's words fell, he almost didn't think about it, so he asked, "What conditions."

"Yes, the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie." Lu Chen snapped his fingers, and there was no trace of joy on his face. "Tell me, the true identity of the man in the mask."

The mask man can recognize the demon at a glance, and he is also a half-step king. He is a hidden danger for Lu Chen. If he is not eradicated in one day, he will be difficult to rest assured.

Gale said weakly: "I don't know the true identity of the man."


Lu Chen frowned, and looked at Gali badly. "It seems that you are not ready to cooperate."

Gali hurriedly said: "No, no, I didn't lie to you. I really don't know that person's identity. He is an important piece of Lord Galan in humans. Only Lord Galan knows his true identity ..."

When Gali spoke, Lu Chen's consciousness went deep into the other party's consciousness, and finally found that Gali did not lie.

It seems that Gale really does not know the true identity of the masked man.

Lu Chen couldn't help but sink.

But Xuan Shao shook his head, cutting off the negative emotions in his heart.

Even if you don't know the true identity of the masked man?

What if you are stared at by a masked man?

As long as he is strong enough, why not be afraid of masking a man, the latter does not take the initiative to provoke him, as long as he does not know what to do with life and death, blast him with a punch ...

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's thoughts were instantly accessible, and he immediately looked at Gali, and the cold light flashed in his eyes.

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