Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1245: Kill seven elders of Ziyangzong

"This kid's demon confuses everyone, don't listen to him ..."

After realizing that the slain gang leader started to shake, the elder Ziyang Zong was shocked and yelled.

However, instead of looking at the elder Ziyangzong, the Lord of the Killing Gods looked at Lu Chen, "Lu Chen, can you really speak?"

Lu Chen chuckled and said, "Naturally, as long as you turn around and leave now, I can let you go. If I see you again in the future, as long as you no longer provoke me, I will not shoot you."

"Okay, I hope you keep your promise."

Unexpectedly, the God-killing gang leader actually took this sentence and turned around without hesitation.

Lu Chen was right. As a half-step king, would he be willing to be a dog for others? The reason why he turned to the Ziyang Sect was that the Ziyang Sect was so powerful that the situation was compelled to turn to him, and the second was to worry about Lu Chen and the warriors. After the autumn, he chose to turn to Ziyang Zong for self-protection.

Now he also wants to understand how big the battlefield is outside the territory. With the strength of his half-step king, as long as he does not go deep into the forbidden land, where can he go?

Only when the brain enters the water does it stay as a dog.

What's more, life is still in danger.

In this way, after a few words from Lu Chen, the God-killing gang leader turned around and left without hesitation!

Everyone present looked at this scene dumbfounded.

Looking at the slain gang leader who turned around without hesitation, the elder Ziyang Zong opened his mouth and wanted to keep it, but when he spoke, he couldn't spit it out.

He clenched his hands into fists slowly, and then his gaze towards the master of the gods slaying gradually became cold.

He has made up his mind, and after destroying the warrior, the next is to kill the gang.

The one he hated most was the betrayal, and the Lord of the Killing Gang suddenly left, undoubtedly betrayed. Therefore, although he ca n’t see it on the surface, he has hated the latter in his heart. As long as there is a chance, he absolutely does not Will let go of killing the gang helper.

The gang slayers also understood the character of the elder Ziyang Zong, but he couldn't control so much at this moment. What he had to do now was to leave the heaven and earth of Tianyun God City as soon as possible.

Under the stunned gaze, the figure of the slaying gang leader quickly disappeared into everyone's eyes.

Withdrawing his sight, the vicious and cold eyes of Elder Ziyang Zong fell on Lu Chen. Even if an accident happened, the God-killing gang leader suddenly left. He still had the confidence to kill Lu Chen and destroy the fighters.


He didn't want to procrastinate anymore, just in case the delay would change, so he slammed and followed his feet, killing the landing dust with lightning.

"Huh, if you want to kill Lu Chen, have you asked me?"

Zhan Xiao has been paying attention to the elder Ziyang Zong, who has reacted as soon as the latter made a move. He snorted and killed him with a punch.

The fist wind oscillated, a huge Yuanli fist was hummed, swept through the monstrous momentum, and screamed out, and the place passed suddenly became a vacuum.

This punch, Zhan Xiao has no reservations and is extremely powerful, so that everyone's face is changed.

The elder Ziyangzong felt the huge **** fist, and his face also changed slightly, and then he gave up the fight against Lu Chen without hesitation, and instead swung a punch, with the huge fist coming from the whistling Yin hardened together.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the astonishing and tyrannical perseverance swept away like a storm. Under the shock of the aftermath, some low-level fighters of the warrior warrior martial arts bleed and died.

This is due to Zhan Xiao ’s deliberate convergence, and the fact that Zhan Zhan, Zhan Tao, and others joined forces to resist the aftermath. Otherwise, the half-step king will attack the bomb with all his strength, and the aftermath will be enough to make the Zhanjia mansion directly turn into ruins.

"The warrior warrior quickly withdrew from the war palace!" Lu Chen screamed at the war battle and war Tao, "help the warrior, leave this place quickly."

At the same time, Zhan Yi and the elders of Ziyang Zong also fought together.

The aftermath of the four-and-a-half-step kings' full-strength outbursts is not something ordinary people can afford.

Fortunately, the fighters responded quickly. When Lu Chen reminded him, he was rushing out of the war house under the cover of fighters such as Zhan and Zhantao, and Pei Shaoqing and others were mixed in the crowd. In, away from this place of right and wrong.

"Want to go, have you asked the old man?"

On the side of the Ziyang Sect, a sage ninefold elder, hehe smiled, then swept through the Yuanli force, and killed the fighters in the past.

Although there are many strong warriors, but there are also many warriors with low strength. If you let this person rush into the crowd of warriors, the warrior warriors will inevitably suffer heavy casualties. Pei Shaoqing and others are not even saints. .

Seeing that the old man was about to rush to the crowd of fighters, a bright sword light appeared suddenly, and with a loud noise, he cut off the old man directly.

"Ah ~"

The old man had no time to utter a scream, and he died.

Lu Chen held the Heifeng sword, his eyes were as sharp as the blade, and he swept across dozens of strong men on the side of the Ziyang Sect.

Killing a saint with nine swordsmen with one sword, the strength that Lu Chen showed at the moment surprised these people.

"It's not used, just leave these insects to me alone, and you can just concentrate on guarding the warfare family." Lu Chen said lightly when he saw that Zhan Zhan, Zhan Tao and others were about to come.

The battles, battles, etc. were all stunned ...

Lu Chen domineeringly said: "Trust me, these people are like ants to me. I want to kill as much as I want."

People like Zhan Zhan and Zhan Tao looked at each other and looked at each other. Even they thought Lu Chen's words were a bit arrogant.

"Boy, arrogance!"

"It's a big talk!"


Dozens of strong men on the side of the Ziyang Sect, after hearing Lu Chen's words, were irritated one after another and screamed out loud.

Willing to kill.

At this time, an old man who also wore the clothes of the elder Ziyang Zong stepped forward and shook his head regretfully: "Boy, the old man is the elder Ziyang Zong seven, I miss you young, I didn't want to shoot you, but you are really crazy, Therefore, the old man reluctantly made it difficult for you and gave you a ride. "

The last word fell, and the eyes of the elder Ziyang Zong suddenly froze, the magnificent Yuan Li whizzed out, and then a punch came to the landing dust.

Although the elders of Ziyangzong Seven are not half-step kings, they are definitely among the most powerful of the saints' nineth-level peak martial arts. A single punch will make the void oscillate and the ripple-like space ripples spread open .

Feeling the power of the elder Ziyangzong's seven punches, dozens of strong men on the Ziyangzong's side all showed a cruel smile. They seem to have seen the picture of Lu Chen's death on the spot under this punch.

The battles and battles, etc., also changed their faces, but out of confidence in them, they endured the urge to make a reminder and looked at the scene nervously and nervously.

Among the fighters, Pei Shaoqing and others looked up, their faces pale, and a pair of eyes stared at the slender figure in the air.

"Brother Lu Chen, I believe you must do it."

The old man in front of him deserves to be the elder of Ziyangzong. His strength is indeed very strong, not weaker than that of Sun Tianchi.

The power of this punch is also impressive, and the general saint nine-fold peak warrior, under this punch, must fall with hatred.

The fist that swept through the majestic power, in the blink of an eye, was killed in front of Lu Chen.

"Yes, the power of this punch is good, but unfortunately, no matter how powerful you are, the ending is already doomed ..." Lu Chen said lightly.


The elder Ziyang Zong sneered with a sneer, and immediately the unreserved burst of elemental force in the body came out. The punch that hit Lu Chen was at this moment an abrupt increase in power.

"Dying and struggling."

Lu Chen was unmoved and shook his head.

As the words fell, an extremely tyrannical elemental force suddenly swept out of him, and the terrifying elemental force fluctuated and covered the battlefield with mightiness.

next moment.

Lu Chen moved.

With a punch of Yuan Li, he exploded with lightning.


The two fists confronted each other, and Lu Chen and the air around the seven elders of Ziyang Zong exploded at the same time. A circle of ripples visible to the naked eye also quickly spread away, tearing apart the ground below, and some broken houses were directly transformed into玑 粉.


A crisp bone crackling sound came from the elder Ziyangzong seven elder's arm. He couldn't help but screamed, his face was twisted, his body violently shocked, the whole person was backed by more than ten steps. .


Seven elders of Ziyangzong's face was horrified. He looked up and looked incredulously at the landing dust. His mouth was open and he wanted to say something, but with a puff, a scarlet blood spewed out of his mouth.

But everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Seven elders of Ziyang Zong, whose sage's ninth peak was cultivated, were defeated by Lu Chen.

"I said long ago that you were just dying and struggling. You didn't believe it before. Do you believe it now? Never mind, whether you believe it or not, you should be on the road now."

Lu Chen held a big hand, Heifeng sword was in his hand, while Yuanli was running, his arm shook, a snorting sound, a fierce sword gas ripped through the air, and slashed at the seven elders of Ziyang Zong with a speed as fast as thunder past.

"Boy, the old man admits that you are strong, but if you want to kill me, you are too worthy of yourself ..."

With a low roar, Elder Ziyang Zong looked savage, his whole body was running at high speed, and he punched out.


The fist wind intersects with the sword, but only for a moment. The sword gas tears the fist wind like a roar, and then at a speed as fast as thunder, a big head flutters high.

Seven elders of Ziyang Zong, die!

The dozens of martial artists on the side of the Ziyang Sect were all deterred by this scene. They looked at Lu Chen's eyes one by one, no longer disdain, and some were full of fear and fear.

Seeing Lu Chen's eyes projected, dozens of strong men all stepped back step by step.

"Don't panic everyone, although Lu Chen's strength is strong, but his fists are invincible, he can't beat four hands. Everyone shot together, one person and one move can also bombard him into scum!"

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