Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1219: Killing the President of Mowol

"No, the ancestor was killed!"

"What's going on here, but the ancestor is a half-step king, how could he be killed by a move?"

"When the ancestor died, wouldn't my Cang family ..."

"Hurry, run away, if we don't run away, we will all fall here."

With the ancestors of the Cang family being killed by the nine robbers and one finger, the Cangjia warrior suddenly lost his core and immediately fled.

Killing the gods and helping the warriors was so scared that they wanted to escape but did not dare to escape.

The chairman of the Desert Wolf Association and the slain **** helper, at this moment, they were also scared to look pale, especially the latter, and they regretted it. This matter should have nothing to do with him, he should not be mixed. Fit together.


If you don't run away, there is only one way to go.

The president of the Mowol Association and the slain gang helper, both thoughts flashed through their minds at the same time. Since the mysterious woman could kill the ancestors of the Cang family with one finger, they could also kill them and continue to stay. They only had a way to die.

Thinking of this, how dare the two continue to stay, and desperately want to withdraw and leave, but will Zhan Yi and Zhan Xiao let them leave?

Lu Chen glanced at the falling Jiu Tribulation, knowing that the latter would probably not shoot, unless he would use all the remaining two mobile phones.

After seeing the power of Nine Tribulation, Lu Chen became very popular with the remaining two mobile phone conferences. It was less than a last resort and would not be easily used. As for the chairman of the Mowol Association and the slayer, he did not have that qualification. Let him use the remaining two phone meetings.


"Kill the God of Killing God and the Cang Family!"

Lu Chen roared, and took a long sword into the crowd.

At the moment when the ancestors of Cang family fell, the warriors of the **** killer and the people of the Cang family lost their courage, and there was no power to fight them. After seeing Lu Chen killing them, these people were so scared that they did not possess the spirits and dispersed themselves.

However, will Lu Chen let these people run away smoothly?

Arms vibrated, and fierce sword flowers shot out. Each sword flower possessed the power to slash the saint ninefold, but almost everyone who was locked by the sword flower almost fell.

Lu Chen's figure was erratic, traveling through the crowd, arbitrarily harvesting life, but only a few hours, the warrior who died in his hand was more than half, and the remaining warriors were frightened and eager to escape.

Of course, there are also some warriors who, when they know they are going to die, are so fierce that they shoot fiercely and ignore everything.

During the melee, Zhan Xiaoman, Zhanfan, and Zhantao were guarded by several warriors. Zhan Xiaoman was because the cultivation base was too low, and Zhanyan was badly hit. As for Zhantao, it was because of the retort of mystery. The fighting power was temporarily lost.

When the battle erupted from the beginning, there were hostile warriors who wanted to break through the defense of the warriors and kill three of the warlords. At this moment, some Cangjia and the warriors who killed the gods rose up when they knew that there was no hope of escape. The idea of ​​taking hostages to escape from this place, and the three warlords became the first target of these people.

With a wave of rushing kills of martial arts warriors, several warrior warriors responsible for guarding the three warlords were gradually entangled and unable to pull away.

"call out!"

At this moment, a figure shattered the defense of the warrior as fast as lightning, and went straight to Xiaoman.

Sudden changes made Zhan Xiaoman's pretty face lose his blood, and in the hands of the figure, she was not a saint, and she had no backhand at all.

In a hurry, the battle next to Zhan Xiaoman responded. Although he was badly wounded, he was still able to exert a good fighting power despite the fact that his fighting strength was inconsistent.

His arm shuddered, and the flaming rifle turned into a bright red color, and he shot away at the figure who flew towards Zhan Xiaoman.

However, the flying figure is not an ordinary person, but Qin Lei, the sage of Jiuzhong, and his real combat power is even closer to the peak of the sage of Jiuzhong. If the battle is at its peak, Qin Lei will naturally not be able to turn the waves in his hands. , But the ending at the moment is diametrically opposed.

Qin Lei's palm was surging in Yuanli force, but with a backhand shot, the sound of the blaze of flames flew out like a heavy blow, and the battle was also the force of anti-shock. , Shocked to vomit blood back.

Qin Lei looked at Zhan Xiaoman, who looked pale, and said: "Little girl, cooperate well, I won't kill you, otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Since the ancestor of the Cang family was killed by Jiujiao, he noticed the danger and then locked Zhan Xiaoman.

Why is it Zhan Xiaoman, not Zhan Xiao, Zhan Tao, or other fighters?

It's very simple.

Because Zhan Xiaoman's identity is the most special, and his strength is the weakest.

Saying that she is the weakest, everyone can accept this.

So, why is her identity the most special?

Because Zhan Xiaoman is both a strategist and a lover of Lu Chen. When she caught her, no matter whether the fighter or Lu Chen would have scruples, he would not dare to shoot him, then he was truly safe.

Qin Lei grinned, and his hand went to catch Xiaoman, who was unable to hide, and was about to fall into the enemy.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of Zhan Xiaoman as if out of thin air.

Seeing the face of the person who suddenly appeared, Qin Lei felt cold in his heart, and a desperate emotion filled his heart.

Because, no one came, it was Lu Chen!

Lu Chen's hand fell from his sword, and with a snorting sound, a great human head flew high.


Qin Lei shook his headless body and fell heavily.

Lu Chen put away the long sword of blood and turned to face the frightened Xiao Xiaoman and asked, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay."

Zhan Xiaoman's face was pale and she shook her head again and again. At this time, she did not have the arrogant waywardness of the past, but gave people a pitiful feeling.

The battles and battles on the side were relieved for a long time.

Fortunately, Lu Chen appeared in time, and if it was too late for the instant, Zhan Xiaoman was captured by Qin Lei, the consequences would be unimaginable.

at the same time.

Although Zhanyi and Zhanxiao tried their best to entangle the president of the Mowol Association and the helper of the **** killer, the president of the Mowol Association and the helper of the **** killer who were both half-step kings wanted to escape. The strength can't be stopped at all. Seeing that the two presidents of the Mowol Association will get rid of the entanglement of war and war and escape from this place.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chen immediately screamed, "Senior Warlord Yi, don't control the slain gang helper, let him go, and cooperate with Senior Warrior Warrior to kill the President of the Desert Wolf!"

As soon as this remark came out, the warfare that was entangled with the Lord of the Killing Gods Gang just hesitated, then gave up his opponent without hesitation, swept the Yuanli to the president of the Mowol Association, and killed him.

But the sect gangster is ecstatic in his heart. The dead friends do n’t die. He naturally dare not stay. Moreover, he did n’t have much friendship with the chairman of the Mowol Association. Naturally, he will not continue to stay. After a glance at Jiujiao, then Yukong fled without looking back.

He was really frightened, and even the ancestors of the Cang family were killed by Jiujiao in one finger. If Jiujiao wanted to deal with him, he didn't have the confidence to take a trick in the latter's hands.

Therefore, at the moment when Jiu Trib shot and killed the ancestors of Cang family, the battle had already been divided.

The chairman of the Desert Wolf, who was about to escape from Zhan Xiao, waited for Zhan Yi to give up the slain gang leader, and soon after the lightning came, he fell into the predicament of being besieged again.

Zhanyi and Zhanxiao joined forces, and even the Clan ancestors could easily suppress it, not to mention the chairman of the Mowol Association.

On the other side, Lu Chen shuttled through the crowd and continued to harvest the lives of the enemies. After Cangjia and the God-killing soldiers had only two big cats, two cats and two cats left, his eyes fell on the battle of the king in the distance. .

It is easy for Zhanyi and Zhanxiao to suppress the chairman of the Desert Wolf, but it is really difficult to kill the latter, and the success rate is less than 50%!

Jiujiao approached the landing dust and said slowly, "I can sense that you really want to kill that person. Would you like me to kill him for you?"

"No, I can kill him!"

Lu Chen will naturally not let Jiu Trib shot, and the president of the Mo Wolf Club has not been qualified to let him waste a chance.

"Oh, then I want to see how you kill him."

Nine Tribulation suddenly became interested. Lu Chen was only a saint's six-level pinnacle warrior, and was able to kill the saint's nine-level pinnacle warrior, which surprised her. .

She would like to see how Lu Chen killed the president of the Desert Wolf.

Lu Chen rolled his eyes, knowing that the Nine Tribulation was misunderstood, and quickly explained: "Shooting and killing the President of the Desert Wolf, not me alone, do n’t forget that there are still two and a half-step kings, I will help you At least 70% or more of the grasp completely left the chairman of the Desert Wolf. "

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen no longer delayed, stepped on the dragon of the blue dragon, and swiftly slayed in the battlefield of the half-step king.

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