Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1216: If I mean it, then fight

Lu Chen's heart was relieved with palpitations. Only if he responded quickly and decisively performed Qinglong Shenxing, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Immediately, his face suddenly cold, turned to look at the person who shot.

The person who shot was none other than the president of the Mowol Association.

Seeing Lu Chen's cold eyes, the President of the Desert Wolf did not take Lu Chen's anger at all.

Although Lu Chen defeated Sun Tianzhi, in his eyes, he was still only able to kill ants, as long as Lu Chen did not become a half-step king in one day, then Lu Chen had no threat to him.

He also had no guilty conscience behind him, and he saw no signs of partial loss.

In everyone's unusual eyes, he looked at the landing dust indifferently, and a dominating tone of a bird's-eye view, said lightly: "Being a man, staying in the line, and seeing each other in the future. Since Sun Tianchi is defeated, why should you rush to kill it ?! "

Lu Chen heard the words and directly sneered, with unabashed sarcasm and ridicule.

The president of this desert wolf club is worthy of being a half-step king, with strong strength and thick skin, which is extremely shameless.

Not only did he arbitrarily interfere with the game, but at the moment, he was condescending and implied that he would kill him. The battle of Aoki was a battle of life and death. This is the default of all four forces.

Moreover, Sun Tianchi beheaded Hansen, why didn't you come out and speak for Hansen? Killing the **** Qin Lei was almost killed by Sun Tianzhi, why didn't you see you block it?

The expressions on the faces of other people are also different. Most people look at the chairman of the Mowol Association, revealing a slight contempt, just because they are afraid of the latter's strength, and they dare not show it unscrupulously.

"Why kill it all?"

Lu Chen sneered in the corner of his mouth, staring at the president of the Mo Wolf Association, and asked one word after another.

Faced with Lu Chen's rhetorical question, the president of the Mo Wolf Club just glanced lightly, and then ignored it, turning to Zhan Xiao and Zhan Yi.

"I will admit defeat in this battle, and there is no need to continue the follow-up battle. The final winner of the battle of Aoki is the warrior, but I have a request to let Lu Chen hand over Sun Tianchi's Divine Soldier Broke my arm ... "

Both Zhan Xiao and Zhan Yi heard that their faces were sinking. They had not yet investigated the incident of Lu Lang ’s president attacking Lu Chen. At the moment, the latter dare to make such a ridiculous request.

Not to mention that Lu Chen has an irreplaceable effect on their fighters, but if they don't, they can't do the stupid thing that makes Lu Chen cut himself off.

If you really want to do that, you will not only chill Lu Chen's heart, but I am afraid that even the warrior warrior will also be distracted.

Therefore, for the unreasonable request of the chairman of the Mowol Association, they did not even consider it and directly refused.

Before the two refused to speak, Lu Chen broke out, his murderous intentions surging, his words cold, "Old things, your face is really thicker than the walls of the Heavenly Cloud God City, first attack me without saying, now it is grand Let me surrender my **** soldier, and then cut myself off. Haha, I want to ask, who gave you confidence. "

The icy voice spread and spread. In this sentence, Lu Chen said that he was merciless, directly in front of everyone, and yelled loudly at the chairman of Mowol.

Lu Chen was also angry with the ugly face of the President of the Wolf Association. Not only did he attack him silently, but now he was asked to cut off his arm. He has seen shameless, and he has never seen him as shameless as the President of the Wolf Association. Shameless person.

The desert wolf club's eyes suddenly fell cold, and looked at Lu Chen coldly, "Don't think that you defeated Sun Tianchi, you can sit on an equal foot with the half-step king. Are you talking to me, are you looking for death? "

"Then do you know that you are also dying?" Lu Chen greeted the cold eyes of President Mo Wolf without fear and replied coldly.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked.

Killing the **** gang and the warriors of the Cang family, they were all stunned at this moment.

Lu Chen's courage was too big, he dared to provoke the president of the Desert Wolf in public. Doesn't he know that the President of Desert Wolf is famous for his eyebrows? Once he provokes the latter, even the half-step king will risk falling .

A few years ago, a half-step king provoked the chairman of the desert wolf club. The final result was that all the soldiers of the desert wolf club headed by the chairman of the desert wolf group were dispatched. As a result, the Wolf Club became so famous that it became the least provocative force in the Sky Cloud City.

If it is said that which force is the strongest in Tianyun Shencheng, it is undoubtedly the warrior. If it is said that which force is the least provoking, hundreds of millions of warriors in Tianyun Shencheng will not hesitate to choose Molanghui.

Although Lu Chen defeated Sun Tianchi, it still has an insurmountable distance compared with the half-step king. Now it is provoking the president of Mowol, isn't he looking for death?

If the president of the Mowol Association regards it as a must-kill, he must kill Lu Chen at all costs. I am afraid that the warrior will not die for the latter and Mowol?

Of course, this is everyone's guess.

"Little animal, shameless face, originally wanted you to cut your arm, now I have decided, I want your life!"

The chairman of the Desert Wolf Society spit out a word coldly, and then looked at Zhan Xiao and Zhan Yi, and said: "The two of you, you also heard, Lu Chen is disrespectful to me. Will he and I die in wolf? "

Waiting for Zhan Xiao and Zhan Yi to speak, he continued: "Lu Chen is just a warrior invited by your fighter. He has little friendship with your fighter. As long as the fighter is willing to stand by and watch, I will not desert Aoki Spring. I will fight again. In addition, I would like to send Sun Tianchi ’s magical soldier to the warrior. What do you think? "

The chairman of the Mowol Association believes that the conditions he has developed are good enough. Zhan Yi and Zhan Xiao are unlikely to refuse. After all, Lu Chen is not a warrior warrior, but only invited by the warrior to participate in the battle of Aoki.

Now as long as they are willing to stand by and watch, not only can they get Aoki Spring, but they can also accidentally get a Seven Star Divine Soldier. Such a good thing, I am afraid that few people will refuse it.

However, to the surprise of the chairman of the Desert Wolf Association, both Zhan Yi and Zhan Xiao shook their heads blankly.

"Why? Are you reluctant? Or do you think the conditions I offered were too low?" The chairman of the Mowol Association saw the two of them and shook their heads without hesitation. They thought they were preparing a lion's mouth to ask for more. the benefits of.

He frowned, and said, "Well, I will give you another 10 drug kings of warfighters. Will the two of you be satisfied with this condition?"

Zhan Xiao shook his head with a firm tone, "Since Lu Chen is fighting for my fighter, my fighter will have an obligation to protect him, so no matter what conditions you open, my fighter can't stand by."

The president of the Mowol Association said with a sullen face, "What if I insist on killing Lu Chen? Your warrior will die with me for the wolf for his sake?"

The president of the Desert Wolf Association spoke in a loud voice, and he could n’t help saying, “Big Brother and Second Brother, what nonsense do you have with him? When my warrior settled in Tianyun God City, when did I fear it? Fight, fight! If they do n’t die, they will die! "

As soon as the words of the war fell, the warrior warriors also spoke separately, "Yes, since the desert wolf will fight, then my warrior will accompany me to the end!"

"The warrior is not afraid of anyone."

"Lu Chen was born and died for my warrior. If my warrior stands idly by now, what other face does the warrior have a foothold in Tianyun God City?"

"War! Who is afraid of who?"

"It has been a long time since I saw that the wolf would be unsightly. They said that killing Lu Chen would kill Lu Chen? Is it true that Yunshen City is the only one of his wolf society?"

The voices of the fighters asking for battle were ups and downs, and the Mo Wolf Association would see a long face. He had never expected that the fighters of war fighters would really dare to fight for Lu Chen for Lu Chen.

Hearing the more and more fierce battle calls, the face of the desert wolf will become pale, and the comprehensive strength of the fighter will be above the desert wolf. Once the war with the fighter is started, the desert wolf will inevitably suffer heavy losses. .

Zhan Xiao squeezed his hand and stopped the call of the warrior warrior. He looked at Lu Chen holding the sword in the field and said, "Lu Chen, what do you think?"

The move of Zhan Xiao made the chairman of the Desert Wolf Association change again. Zhan Xiao asked Lu Chen's opinion at this moment, which shows that the relationship between Zhan Xiao and Lu Chen is extraordinary.

Killing the gods and the Cangjia warriors is also a slight accident, but it is not related to their own. The two warriors still have no intention of intervening. The warriors and the desert wolf will fight, and for them, they will be harmless. Would like to wait for the two to be endless, it is best to even hit the dog brain.

"What do seniors mean?" Lu Chen looked at Zhanxiao pretendingly.

Zhan Xiao laughed and scolded: "Is your kid confused now?"

Lu Chen asked with a smile: "Predecessor means that I can represent the warrior in full power. If I say war, the warrior will fight against the desert wolf without turning back?"

Zhan Xiao nodded, "Yes, you can represent the fighters in full power, as long as you say war, then fight!"

As soon as this word came out, the appearance of most warriors on the battlefield changed.

The president of the Mowol Association narrowed his pupils and shouted sharply: "Zhan Xiao, the warrior and the Mowol will fight. Do you know what the consequences will be?"

Zhan Xiao ignored the president of the Mowol Association, but his eyes remained on Lu Chen, waiting for the latter's answer.

Obviously, Zhan Xiao has been upset for a long time for the president of the Mowol Association.

"Before I entered the extraterritorial battlefield, I heard about the Desert Wolf Society. People all said that Desert Wolf would be rewarded and could not be provoked, but what I want to say at the moment is that Lu Chen is also a person who has revenge and revenge. The president of the Wolf Association threatened to kill me at all costs, and it was a formidable feud with me. Since the two sides have reached an unadjustable point, as I mean, let's fight! "

Lu Chen said lightly.

In a word, the battle between the two forces of Tianyun God City was determined.

After he finished speaking, he didn't look at the angry face of President Mo Wolf, and turned his eyes to kill God and Cangjia.

Seeing Lu Chen's eyes, the ancestors of the Cang family chuckled and quickly expressed in public, "This is the grievance between your fighters and the Desert Wolf Association, and my Cang family will not mix this matter."

The slain gang leader naturally knew what Lu Chen was worried about at the moment, and immediately said, "The slain gang is also not mixed in."

The ancestors of the Cang family and the masters of the slaying gangs are all mature, knowing that if they do not express their attitude, the warrior and the wolf will not be able to fight at all. State.

Naturally, Lu Chen would not fully believe the words of the two, and kept a basic vigilance against the Cang family and the God-killing gang.

The Cang family and the slaying gang are honest, and they do n’t make a pass. Both sides are okay. If they want to take advantage of the opportunity, he will let the sang family and the slaying gang know what regret is.

He took a deep look at the ancestors of the Cang family and the deity help gang, and then looked at Zhan Xiao and Zhan Yi, and said loudly: "The two seniors shot against the president of the Mo Lang, and the rest of the mo wolf will be handed over to me. ! "

"Little beast, I will kill you first!"

The Desert Wolf will grow furious, and with a scream, it will strike Lu Chen.

How did Zhan Xiao and Zhan Yi make the President of the Wolf Association against Lu Chen, the two of them flickered and stopped in front of the President of the Desert Wolf, "Your opponent is us!"

The president of Mo Wolf Club looked at Zhan Xiao and Zhan Yi who were standing in front, and shouted, "Zhan Xiao, Zhan Yi, are you crazy? For the kid, do you not hesitate to go to war with me Mo Wolf?"

Zhan Yi said lightly: "This battle was initiated by you on your own initiative. If it weren't for you, you and I wouldn't see each other."

The chairman of the Desert Wolf Society saw that Zhan Xiao and Zhan Yi were determined, and threatened viciously: "The two of you join forces, and I think that I am not an opponent, but it is easy for you to defeat me, and it is difficult to kill me. Are you not afraid of me? revenge?"

Zhan Yi and Zhan Xiao heard the words and changed their face slightly. It is undeniable that the words of President Mo Wolf would be extremely threatening.

The warrior and the desert wolf will fight. Even if the warrior defeats the desert wolf, it is difficult to kill the president of the desert wolf. A half-step king hidden in the dark has a deadly threat to the warrior.

Thousands of children of the fighters, except Zhanyi and Zhanxiao, other people can't avoid the assassination of President Mowol.

Lu Chen snorted coldly, sneered at the President of the Mo Wolf Club, and said, "Do you really think you can leave safely today?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Zhan Xiao and Zhan Yi, and said loudly: "In a battle with the president of the Desert Wolf Society, if you can kill, then you can kill him. You kill him! "

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