Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1201: Fighters vs. Cangjia

"Since Qin Lei has already conceded his defeat, there is no need to kill it all?"

It was not someone else who suddenly appeared and blocked Sun Tianchi's killing. It was the slain gang helper. At the moment, he looked somber, with an unshakable chill in his voice.

Qin Lei Ming Ming has admitted to lose, but Sun Tianchi is still pressing step by step, ready to kill, killing Han Sen alone is not enough, but also to let Qin Lei die, Sun Tianchi is too crazy to kill him at all God help in the eyes.

What surprised him was that he had just rescued Qin Lei just now. Although he did not use his full strength, he only used less than 30% of his strength.

However, the 30% strength of the half-step king is still not to be underestimated. It is more than enough to kill the general saint nine-fold peak warrior.

He thought that even if he couldn't hit Sun Tianchi, he could teach the latter a lesson.

I didn't expect that the latter would fight back against him, but he only stepped back a few steps, not to mention serious injuries, even minor injuries.

This made him feel very angry, but also felt very faceless.

"Keep confessing?"

Faced with the half-step king powerhouse of the slain gang helper, Sun Tianchi was not half fearful. He sneered and looked directly at the former without any words. "Why didn't I hear him admit defeat? It's not just me, you Ask everyone if you heard it, yes, Xu Lao is the referee. Would you like to ask Mr. Xu if he heard it? "

If it was put a few years ago, he might not dare to be so arrogant, because the half-step king is the existence he can't afford, and now he breaks through, he will also enter the realm of the half-step king, and kill the **** of the half-step king. Gangbang is naturally not as respectful as before.

The God-killing gang master heard his words, his eyes narrowed suddenly, his body was full of vitality, this Sun Tianchi was too presumptuous, and he was not a half-step king. He dared to disrespect him in public, really thought he could not kill him?

The atmosphere was tense at once.

Seeing the warriors and the Cangjia martial artists, they were secretly happy, and they were eager to kill the **** gang and the Molanghui directly.


The president of the Desert Wolf appeared directly next to Sun Tianchi, looking at the gang leader of the God of Killing, the voice was cold and overbearing, "Aoki ’s struggle is life and death, do n’t you lose it? Or bully me, Desert Wolf will be nobody ? "

Questioned by the president of the Mowol Association in public, the face of the gang leader became more gloomy. When he was about to speak, the referee Xu Lao finally said in time, "Two, do n’t be angry, since everyone invited me to come Host this game, can you give me a face, just stop? "

The chairman of the Mowol Association and the helper of the gods kill each other, in fact, they are afraid of each other, and they will not start the war lightly under the last circumstance. At this moment, Xu Lao opened his mouth to mediate, and the two happened to have a step back. Looking at each other, they all coincide, saying:

"Since Xu Lao spoke in person, then I should give Xu Lao a face."

After finishing speaking, the slain gang leader waved his sleeves and took Qin Lei to the end. When he turned around, he coldly took the next sentence, "This squad, I confess that the slain gang is not an opponent of the Mowol."


After seeing the strength of Sun Tianchi, the sect gang leader didn't have time to take care of the others and directly admit defeat in public.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was not surprised by many surprises. In two consecutive games, Sun Tianchi beheaded Han Sen first, and then clicked to kill Qin Lei. His strength was revealed. The remaining warriors who killed the gods were not his enemy. Instead of giving up for nothing on stage, it is understandable to admit defeat.

The referee Xu Lao was stunned after he heard the words of the leader of the slaying gang, and immediately announced aloud, "The slaying gang and the desert wolf will fight, and the desert wolf will win!"

With the fall of this sentence, the martial arts warriors of the Mowol congregation burst into cheers, while the warriors who killed the gods looked slightly ugly.

At the same time, the Cangjia and Zhanjia participants were also tense, because it was their turn to play next!

Sure enough, when the cheers stopped in the direction where the mowol would march, the referee Xu Lao's eyes fell on the direction of the Cang family and the warrior.

"Next, the Cang family will play against the fighters!"

Xu Lao's words fell, and Zhan Xiao's eyes fell on Zhan Zan. "Seven younger brothers, you are responsible for starting, remember, you must win!"

After hearing the words, he nodded silently without saying a word. He was not a fool. He naturally knew the real reason why Zhan Xiao made him start.

The victory or defeat of the first game has a crucial impact on the morale of the entire team.

Victory, the team's morale increased.

Defeat, the team morale is low.

The morale of the team does not seem to have much effect on the battle situation. In fact, otherwise, the team with high morale can not only play exceptionally when fighting, but at least it can exert the corresponding combat power level.

A team with low morale, affected by morale, can achieve eight achievements in its combat power.

Therefore, the level of morale, seemingly useless, is actually very important and has a decisive influence on victory or defeat.

Under the watchful eyes of the warriors, the war nodded and strode toward the battlefield without a word.

At the same time, in the direction of the Cang family, the Cang family head also walked out of the crowd and entered the battlefield.

Obviously, the Cang family had exactly the same ideas as the fighters. They did not hesitate to deploy the strongest fighting power, but also won the first battle.

In this way, the first game is the battle against the head of the Cang family!

Both of them are sages nine-fold peak cultivation practice!

The Battle of Heaven possesses the Seven Star Divine Soldier Flame Gun, and the owner of the Cangjia family, who is the dominant person on the bright side of the Cang family, naturally has his own cards.

When the battle came on, he did not immediately launch the offensive, but instead held his fists in both hands and paid a courtesy to the head of the Cang family.

Although Cangjia and Zhanjia have never dealt with each other, and secretly kept on competing, but at the moment they saw Zhanjia taking the initiative to salute.

After the salute of the two ended, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became abrupt.

The war was not in a hurry to attack. He looked at the opposite head of the Cang family with dignity. For the latter, he did not dare to be half underestimated, not for anything else, but because the latter was like him, he was also a saint. The Nine Heavy Peak Warrior, although he has the Seven Star Divine Soldier Flame Gun as the bottom card, but also can't prevent the opponent from having the Seven Star Divine Soldier.

The Cang family's battle against today can be described as a long-term preparation, and it is bound to be won. It is not surprising that the Cang family owner as the strongest member of the Cang family's combatants, even if he has the Seven Star Divine Soldier.

While the battle looked dignified at the head of the Cang family, the latter was also looking at him. Both sides were very cautious about this battle and paid special attention to each other.

The two fell into confrontation for a while.

Although the two were motionless, the momentum was already in the confrontation, and the deep blast of air continued to spread. The air in the middle of the two was twisted.

The two men have similar strengths, and the competition of momentum is naturally half a catty.

Everyone watching in the distance saw this scene, and did not show impatientness, but stared at the two in the field.

After a while, the war broke down the confrontation.

With a palm of his hand, the blaze of flames appeared in his hand.

The battle with the Cang family, especially the first battle, can only be won or not defeated, so the battle used the strongest card, the Seven Star Divine Soldier Flame Gun!


Armed with the Seven Star Divine Soldier's Flame Gun, the momentum of the battle suddenly exploded, and the pure and pure vitality, like boiling magma, exploded from his body, and the air around his body seemed to be under the pressure of his strength. Vibration violently.

The momentum that was originally stuck in a stalemate is also showing a one-sided trend at this moment.

The main body of the Cang family shuddered and took a half step back. The competition in the momentum was crushed by the war, but he couldn't see the feeling of frustration in his face. His fingertips gently stroked the storage ring At the next moment, an ink-colored long sword appeared in his hand.

With the ink-colored sword in hand, the momentum of the head of the Cang family was also swayed in an instant, and the momentum was suppressed by the war at the last moment. At this moment, it is evenly divided with it, regardless of up and down.

When the owner of the Cang family took out the ink-colored long sword, Lu Chen's sight was attracted by the handle of the ink-colored long sword, and there was a scorching glance under his eyes, because the handle of the ink-colored long sword was a seven-star **** soldier!

To Lu Chen's current cultivation practice, the Shard Cloud Sword has no much increase in his strength, but the Seven Star Divine Soldier is different. The Seven Star Divine Soldier is the most suitable weapon for the saint, and the increase in the combat power of the saint is also very high. Holding the Seven Star Divine Soldier, it is conservatively estimated that Lu Chen will increase his combat power by at least 30%!

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