Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1194: Mowol will kill the gang

While Xiao Hongshan was talking with the head of the Cang family, Lu Chen's eyes fell on the Qingmu Spring in the central area of ​​the mountain stream.

There is an oval pool in the center of the mountain stream. The area of ​​the pool is not very large, but it is not small. It is about 100 square meters. The water of the pool is light green and exudes a strong life force.

This is the purpose of Lu Chen's trip, Aoki Spring.

After looking at Qingmuquan for a moment, Lu Chen withdrew his gaze, sat down cross-legged, and started to work on the exercise method to restore the energy consumed along the way, keeping his state at its peak.

Without letting Lu Chen and others wait for too long, Mo Lang and the people who killed the gods would come one after another.

The people of the Quartet gathered in the mountain stream.

The person who can lead the desert wolf is the president of the desert wolf club. He looks like a middle-aged man.

The gang leader of the sacred gang is a white-faced, weak-looking middle-aged man, but no one dared to underestimate him because he is also a half-step king.

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, this time the Aoki battle invited Xu Lao, the principal of the Tianyun God City Martial Arts Union Branch, to be the referee of the Aoki battle.

Xu Lao, the principal of the Budo Union Branch, is an old man with white hair and white hair.

Xu Lao may not be as good as the half-step kings of Cang Family Patriarch and Mo Wolf Association President, but whether it is the President of Mo Wolf Association, Cang Family Patriarch, or Zhan Xiao and the God Helper, when facing old Xu They are all polite and dare not put on the shelf of the half-step king.

Because standing behind Xu Lao is the Budo Union.

Cangjia, Zhanjia, Molanghui and the Killing Gods dominate the Sky Cloud God City, while the Budo Union is the human territory that dominates the battlefield outside the domain. The two forces are not at the same level.

The chairman of the Desert Wolf Society glanced at everyone present, then did not rest, and directly said: "Since everyone is here, then start according to the agreement."

Hearing the chairman of the Mowol Association, the God-killing gang leader had no opinion, and then said: "Okay, let ’s get started, and then drag on, the vitality released by the Aoki Fountain may attract more and more. Wild Beast. "

"The warrior has no opinion. Since everyone can't wait, then according to the agreement, let Lao Xu host the lottery for everyone." Zhan Xiao also said at the moment.

The battle of Aoki is a group battle system in the wheel battle. Five forces from each side can not be substituted in the middle. One-on-one battle. The loser steps down and the winner can continue to accept the challenge.

The Quartet ’s lottery determines the order of the battle. The time is divided into two days. The first two are determined on the first day, and the two strongest players are engaged the next day to determine the final winner.

Because only one side is the winner, there is no need for the Quartet forces to fight one-on-one.

For example, the warrior will fight against the clan and the warrior will win, while the Mowol will fight against the Cangjia and the Cangjia, then the warrior will then fight the Cangjia to divide the final champion.


"Hopefully, it's not that the wolf will be with the Cang family."

Beside Lu Chen, Zhan Xiaoman folded his hands together and whispered.

Zhan Tao also whispered in a low voice, "Kill the gods, you must get the godss!"

The strength of the combatants of the Molanghui and the Cang family is very strong. If the fighters encounter them in the first game, they will inevitably experience a big battle.

Lu Chen was very calm, no matter which side of the power was drawn, it was the same for him, as long as his strength was strong, he would not pin his hopes on the opponent's weakness.

Under the watch of everyone, the white-bearded and white-haired Xu Lao walked with smile to an open space in front of him, and took out a box from the storage ring. The box was black, and the material was very special, not gold or wood, and It has an isolation effect on the consciousness.

After taking out the box, Xu Lao took out four smaller **** of the same size and said to everyone: "These **** are the same size and the same weight. The only difference is that 1, 2, 3, and 4 are written on it. Next , The four major forces of yours, each sent a person to draw up, and finally the forces of 1 and 3 were drawn to fight against the forces of 2 and 4. Well, no more nonsense, who of you will come up to draw first? "

As soon as the old saying of Xu fell, the head of the Cang family walked out of the crowd, came to the box, reached into the box, and after the hand was taken out of the box, the ball ‘2’ was lying in his hand.

Next, Sun Tianchi, the vice president of the Mowol Association, moved forward to draw the ball ‘1’.

Upon seeing this, both the warriors and the slaying warriors showed a look of disappointment on their faces, while Molanghui and Cangjia warriors were relieved.

The Cang family drew the No. 2 ball, and the Mo wolf will draw the No. 1 ball. That is to say, the Mo wolf will play with the Cang family, the two seemingly strongest forces, to avoid the outbreak of fighting in advance.

The third killing warrior who came forward to draw the ball, the killing gang got the ball No. 3.

In this way, the warrior is the No. 4 ball.

According to the small **** drawn by all parties, the next game sequence is:

Desert Wolf will kill the gods!

Fighters against Cangjia!

"In the first round of the match, Mo Lang will kill the gang!" Xu Lao announced loudly.

As Xu Lao's voice fell, the side of the desert wolf stepped out of a saint peak warrior.

Obviously, it is not Sun Tianchi who is the first person to fight the desert wolf, but this person.

The killing gang is also a saint eightfold peak warrior, and the first battle between the two sides is almost the same.

"The name of the man who killed the gang of gods was Liang Hao. This person was three years ago, the saint's eighth peak, and his strength is quite good among the saints.

The battle next to Lu Chen, for unknown reasons, started to whisper basic information for Lu Chen.

Lu Chen nodded his head, his confidant knew each other and won a lot of battles, and learned the opponent's information in advance, which was also useful for him.

"Will the wolf know that man?" Lu Chen asked.

Zhan Tao said: "You should have heard of the man from the Wolf Association, his name is Long Yuan, and he is also from Donghuang ..."

Lu Chen was refreshed, looking at Zhan Tao, and asked, "What? Do you say he is called Long Yuan? Is it also from Donghuang?"

Although Zhan Tao didn't know why Lu Chen was so excited, he nodded faithfully.

He is the leader of the second generation of fighters, and he has the right to mobilize the huge machine of fighters to serve him. For today ’s Aoki battle, he can be said to have made sufficient preparations. Not only did he get the list of the other three forces in advance. The training behavior and basic information of the combatants are also clear.

Long Yuan is one of the five people who will play in the desert wolf. He has investigated his identity information clearly.

Zhan Tao looked at Lu Chen with a puzzled look, "Have you never heard of his name?"

In his opinion, Donghuang is a barren land, and the area is not very large. A strong man like Long Yuan should have a great reputation in Donghuang. Lu Chen also comes from Donghuang. The name of Yuan.

Lu Chen whispered: "I have heard of it, why haven't I heard it, Long Yuan, Qiu Shan Longjia strong ..."

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