Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1168: Member of the Thunder Squad

In the overwhelming horror, the head of the Xiao family raised his head, revealing a face full of astonishment. In those eyes, overbearing self-confidence was absent, while others were unbelievable and deeply frightened.

There was still blood spilling from the corners of his mouth, but at the moment he had no time to ignore it, letting the blood drip from the corner of his mouth drop by drop, onto his clothes, and into the rubble under his feet.

The head of the Xiao family was so embarrassed that it fell in the eyes of those who watched the war, with a missile and a clamor that just fell back, and it rose into the sky again. ... all the sounds were mixed and spread far away.

The major forces in the East City of the Heavenly Cloud God City were shocked by the soaring noise at this moment.

Regardless of the major forces that are being disturbed, what choices will be made to draw attention to the war.

The defeat of the head of the Xiao family was greatly shaken by outsiders, but it was far less powerful than the inner shock of the Xiao family.

When I saw the scene of the Xiao family head being blown away by Lu Chen, whether it was a warrior in combat, or someone who was preparing to participate in the battle, or those ordinary Xiao warriors who had retreated to a safe distance, at this moment, Inwardly, there was a turbulent wave.

The Xiao Jiawu who was fighting against Li Xiaoran, Black and White Shuangsha and others, could not help but stiffen. Li Xiaoran and others seized this fatal mistake of their opponents, killing many strong men in an instant. , Ended up with a **** cough.

The battle between the two sides lasted only a short time. The Xiao family, which has an advantage in number, has fallen into an absolute disadvantage.

"You ... you ... how could you be so strong ... you must have hidden the cultivation base, yes, you have hidden the cultivation base, you can't deceive me ..."

The head of the Xiao family wiped the blood stains at the corners of his mouth and looked at the dust on the ground. He was startled and angry. After a while, he said in an uncertain tone.

He slammed the seven saints of the sage, which is definitely not something that a saint triple warrior can do, even if Lu Chen has mastered the means to improve his strength, then, in the eyes of the Xiao family, there is only one possibility, Lu Dust hides cultivation.

Mastering special means, or special magic soldiers, and concealing cultivation practices can also achieve the same thing as Lu Chen, even if the war is not noticed.

Therefore, after the initial shock, he determined that Lu Chen had concealed his true cultivation behavior. From his perspective, judging from the combat power displayed by Lu Chen just now, the latter ’s true cultivation behavior is likely to be the Seventh Sage, The Seven Peaks of the Sage is also possible.

After hearing the vowed words of the Xiao family head, Lu Chen sneered and did not bother to answer.

It ’s good to hide and cultivate, but not to hide. Today, the head of the Xiao family ca n’t escape death.

At this moment, Lu Chen shot, still without any remaining hands, full combat.

I saw that his whole body was violently surging, and there was also a red elemental surging on his right hand, a violent, violent breath, slowly spreading from him.

"Intermediate Austrian Martial Arts, fiery flames!"

The cold and deep violent rumbling sound spread with the spread of the fierce breath, and then everyone saw that the empty land dust, five fingers first opened, and then slowly lifted.

The moment he lifted his palm over his eyes, the world suddenly shook. Then, everyone was horrified to see that the earth and earth vitality within a radius of 10,000 meters, with Lu Chen as the center, swarmed and gathered, majestic. Heaven, Earth, and Vitality gathered together and turned into a torrent of Yuanli ...

After the vitality of the day converged to an astonishing level, I saw Lu Chen's raised palm, and finally shot down.


The torrent of Yuanli flooded in, interweaving and condensing into a huge flaming giant hand, as Lu Chen's palm fell down and bombarded.

The flaming giant hand swept the majestic force of the sea and launched a deadly offensive against the head of the Xiao family.

In terms of power, this palm is not comparable to the punch before.

Wherever the flaming giant hand passed, the air exploded, and the collapsed palace building below spontaneously spontaneously ignited at this moment. Under the wind, he was shot directly and flew out without knowing his life or death.

After seeing this scene, the head of the Xiao family changed his face greatly. His combat power was only average among the seven sages. The punch before Lu Chen was out of power. Palm, Ken is simply unable to resist.

When he saw the roaring flaming giant, the first thought in his mind was not to resist, but how to evade to ensure foolproofness. However, in the end he was horrified to find that the flaming giant was too fast, He dodges with all his strength, and the success rate of avoiding the attack range of the Flame Master is less than 30%.

Moreover, Lu Chen's gas engine has always locked him, as long as he chooses to dodge, even if he avoids this blow, he cannot avoid the next blow.

Fear, helplessness and other emotions spread in my heart.

He was struggling, and finally chose to face up.

Looking at the overbearing offensive that could threaten the seven saints of the saint, the head of the Xiao family hoarsely snarled and snarled, and a large knife did not know when it appeared in his hand.

The majestic Yuan Li was poured into the sword, and when the Xiao family did not remember the Yuan force consumption, the sword exploded.

"Little beast, you want to kill me, but you are still tender."

In the countless gazes, under the oppression of death and under the pressure of death, the head of the Xiao family, in the face of countless people, cut out the strongest knife in life.

Carrying a blade of majestic force, he crossed the sky, torn the void, brought a sharp sound of breaking the sky, and a low air explosion

The sword hacked out, and the sword gas exploded. Between the world and the world, a dazzling and fierce sword gas burst out of the air.

"Crack the air knife!"

Almost at the same time that the head of the Xiao family hacked the strongest knife in this life, another battlefield suddenly heard Li Xiaoran's cold and ruthless voice.

Some people looked for it, and they saw a glorious sword gas that penetrated the heavens and the earth. At the moment when the sword gas appeared, the killing gas between heaven and earth was slightly enhanced. Overwhelmed the knife of the Xiao family head who made every effort to break it.

Countless people were attracted by the knife Li Xiaoran cut out, looking at it side by side.

Under the gleam of Huanghuang's sword, he blew out a few times and blasted three Xiaojia Wushous in succession.

Everyone who saw this scene was exclaimed again and again, because the three Xiao Jiawu who were slashed by this knife were not weak. One saint was six heavy and two saints were five heavy!

"It's him, Li Xiaoran, deputy captain of the Perak Squad!"

In the distance, some of the people watching the battle recognized Li Xiaoran and exclaimed suddenly.

Outside the crowd, six martial artists looked at this scene with shock in their faces.

One of them suddenly said: "The captain, is the deputy captain Li, he broke into the Seventh Saint ..."

The shock of tone contained undisguised surprises.

As soon as this remark came out, other people went back to their minds, and another said: "How did Vice Captain Li clashed with the Xiao Jiawu warriors? And he killed three Xiao Warriors in public ..."

There is no slight joy in this person's words, but there is worry and faint dissatisfaction.

"Yeah, it's a good thing that Vice Captain Li broke into the Seventh Sage, but how dare he provoke the Xiao's family, but the Xiao's family has a sage's eighth strong who sits in the town, and there is a Wu family backing behind him, offending the Xiao's family, Tianyun God City There is also a place for my Thunderbolt team to stand? "The person who spoke was full of worry, and the tone pointed directly at Li Xiaoran's work regardless of the consequences, worrying about being implicated by the latter.

"Captain, what do you think we should do now?"

"Yeah yeah, Lieutenant Captain Li did nothing with regard to the consequences and offended the Xiao family. We must also be implicated."

Zhao Miao, the captain of the Perak Squad, sighed impatiently, "Enough!"

The few people who complained saw Zhao Miao angry, and closed their mouths in an interesting way.

Zhao Miao glanced coldly at the five people and took a deep breath before saying: "Li Xiaoran is hostile to the Xiao family. I don't know anything about these major events. I have nothing to do with the Perak team. Li Xiaoran is Li Xiaoran, and the Perak team is the Perak team. What Li Xiaoran does outside has nothing to do with the Perak Squad ... "

The first person who spoke up, after hearing Zhao Miao's words, stood up and asked, "Captain, what do you mean?"

Zhao Miao narrowed his eyes, and coldly condensed between the eyebrows, "Yu Jin, did I let you talk? Do you still have a sense of respect and respect? When I talk, you stand up to interrupt, why do you care?"

Yu Jin, who stood up to speak for Li Xiaoran, turned pale and white, trying to refute, but he could not speak.

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