Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1139: Kill all

The number of reggae eventually stopped at 103!

The reason for stopping is because the mature thunder fruit on the thunder tree has been eaten up by the thunder beast, and the rest are immature and about to mature.

It can't be delayed any longer, otherwise the Thunderberry in the canyon will be eaten up by Thunderbeast, and the Thunderbeast that eats Thundergod has a significant increase in strength.

We must act as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, Lu Chen quietly retreated.

"There are a total of 112 thunder beasts in the canyon, of which there are twelve heads that are comparable to the six weights of the sage, and twenty-three heads that are comparable to the three weights of the sage ... the last one is not stable, but at least comparable The sixth peak of the sage, the thunder beast is not an accident, it should be the leader of the thunder beast in the canyon! "

Speaking of which, Lu Chen thought of the scene of the thunder beast sharing the thunder fruit, and finally added a sentence, "The thunder beast in the canyon began to divide the thunder fruit one after another, so what I sensed is not necessarily accurate. . "

After listening to Lu Chen's words, Li Xiaoran's brows were deeply frowned together. Not only did the number of thunder beasts in the canyon exceed his expectations, but even his strength was unexpected.

More importantly, Thunder beasts are eating Thunder nuts. The Thunder beasts that eat Thunder nuts will definitely improve their strength. They are now in the canyon. The final face is likely to be an eighth-order late Thunder beast, and a large number of The eighth-tier mid-peak, the eighth-tier mid-level thunder beast.

"Son, although my speed is not as good as yours, it also has a clear advantage over other warriors of the same level ..."

Li Xiaoran gritted his teeth and said, "Next, I will rush into the canyon to lead away the thunder beasts in the canyon. Even if they can't be taken away, at least they must lead the thunder beast's leader and the tenfold that is comparable to the saint The two-headed thunder beasts lead away more than half, and then you take advantage of the potential to dive into the canyon to pick up the thunder nuts. It is best to pick them all. The immature thunder nuts, although not comparable to the mature thunder nuts, are also better Beast! "

Li Xiaoran said his decision, his face showed determination and determination.

Lu Chen asked: "How confident are you that you can save your life under the thunder beast leader and a large number of thunder beasts?"

Li Xiaoran hesitated and finally gave an answer, "30%!"

"Thirty percent is too little." Lu Chen shook his head. "If you really use your method, you will probably fall in the mouth of Thunder Beast."

"I'm faster than you. While leading Thunder Beast, I have 100% confidence to withdraw, but Thunder Beast is not stupid. It is impossible to go all out to chase me down. It is already a good result to be half out. Half of the next Thunder Beasts stay in the canyon. With your strength, under the raid, it is not a problem to pick Thunder. If you want to leave with Thunder, the success rate is still small. "

Li Xiaoran smiled silently, and Lu Chen said nothing. His speed was quite good among the warriors of the same level. Under the guard of dozens of thunder beasts, it is really not easy to **** Lei Guo. After the fruit, it is an extravagant hope to leave with Lei Guo, and the success rate is not large.

Li Xiaoran led Thunder Beast, Li Xiaoran was at risk of falling. Lu Chen chose to lead Thunder Beast, Li Xiaoran had little hope of picking Lei Guo and safely withdrawing.

This game ... no solution? !

Just when Li Xiaoran thought that there was no solution to this game, Lu Chen said, "This method of getting rid of Thunder Beast is doomed, so use my plan."

"What plan?" Li Xiaoran's eyes lit up and could not wait to ask.

Lu Chen said amazingly, "The plan is very simple, one word ... kill! One hundred and twelve thunder beasts, all killed."

The words contain cold killing intentions.

"All ... killed all?" Li Xiaoran's eyes widened, and even the shocked words were incoherent.

He thought for the first time that Lu Chen was joking with him, however, the cold killing intentions exuded from the latter's words let him know that Lu Chen was not kidding.

Lu Chen really intends to kill Thunder Beast all.

One hundred and twelve thunder beasts, all killed, where is Lu Chen's confidence?

The Seventh Sage of the Saints are here, so they dare not say that they have killed all the Thunder Beasts, right?

The Seventh Sage of the Sage is not invincible. The seven or eight Thunder Beasts, which are comparable to the Sixth Sage of the Sage, can work together to kill the Seventh Sage of the Sage.

What can the Lu Chen do without the Seventh Sage?

Where did he come from?

Seeing Li Xiaoran's expression, Lu Chen knew that the other party had misunderstood and chuckled, saying: "Don't get it wrong, I don't have that strength. Under the siege of more than a hundred thunder beasts, I will kill them all.

"so you……"

Li Xiaoran was even more puzzled.

"My plan is to enter the gorge and draw seven or eight heads of thunder beasts each time, and then combine the power of you and us to quickly slash them, kill the seven or eight heads at a time, and lead a few more times. Sooner or later, we will be killed. "

Lu Chen planned to speak to Li Xiaoran again.

"It turns out this way." Li Xiaoran suddenly realized.

This plan is actually very simple, but Li Xiaoran never thought of killing Thunder Beast all at first, so he didn't think of this plan.

"This plan is good, you can give it a try!" After demonstrating the plan in his mind, Li Xiaoran also felt that the plan was feasible.

"The next task to lead the beast will be left to you. Remember, you can only lead at most one head at a time. No matter how much, the two of you and I can't clean and kill the Thunder Beast cleanly." Lu Chen asked. .

Li Xiaoran nodded, showing that he was responsible for attracting beasts, and there was no complaint.

Because he was very clear, Lu Chen had ordered this way, and he had his own reason.

After a brief contact with Lu Chen, Li Xiaoran was convinced that the other party would not let him die, otherwise he would not be able to run away when encountering the strong wolf, and he stayed to resist the enemy.

"Go ahead, be careful yourself." Lu Chen said, turning back into the jungle.

Seeing Lu Chen turn and go deep into the jungle, Li Xiaoran didn't stay, running Yuanli, stepping on the strange asynchronous method, but rushed towards the entrance of the canyon.

When Li Xiaoran rushed to the canyon, Lu Chen took out the Broken Cloud Sword, found a secluded place, condensed the breath, quietly operated Yuanli, and prepared to be able to explode the strongest blow at any time.

"Roar roar roar roar ..."

Suddenly there was a series of low-pitched roars of beasts in the canyon. Then, a figure stepped out of the canyon and stepped out of the canyon, and behind him, followed by six heads of different sizes and different breath The brave thunder beast.

The six-headed thunder beast, three of which are the first stage of the eighth order, two of which are comparable to the five-fold repair of the saint, and one is comparable to the six-fold of the saint.

The six-headed thunder beast roared while striding the ground to shake the pace, followed closely behind Li Xiaoran.

After rushing out of the gorge, Li Xiaoran walked straight into the jungle and felt it, and found no trace of land dust. For this, he did not worry about it. The land dust hidden in the dark could hide his perception. Naturally, it can also conceal the perception of Thunder Beast. Once it is shot, it is as fast as Thunder. In addition, if Thunder Beast is unprepared, the effect is absolutely extraordinary.

Hidden in the dark, the condensed breath of Lu Chen stared at the six-headed thunder beast that gradually entered the jungle.


When the sound of breaking the sky came, Li Xiaoran stepped on a strange step and swept past Lu Chen.

"Boom, boom, boom ..."

A dull voice followed, and the six-headed thunder beast swept with a violent breath, and the distance from Lu Chen was getting closer and closer.

Five hundred meters.

Four hundred meters.



When the distance between the two sides was less than two hundred meters, Lu Chen finally shot.

The first level of the supreme secret art of warfare, operation!


An amazing breath burst out of Lu Chen's body!

Almost at the same time, Lu Chen urged the second turn of the sword, and showed Jin Zhihong in a flowing cloud.

The majestic Yuan force roared out, turned into a huge golden sword gas, swept through a sharp breath, and rushed out at a speed as fast as lightning!

The thunder beast, which is comparable to the six heavy saints at the forefront, was aware of the danger, and it was already inescapable, unstoppable, and only desperately watched the golden sword gas storming, and then tearlessly Split its body.


Blood splatter!

Thunder beast comparable to the six heavy saints, half of his body was torn apart by sword gas, and died directly on the spot!

After beheading the thunder beast comparable to the saint's sixth weight, the golden sword gas continued to slash out.

"Puff puff!"

The sound of three sharp blades cutting the flesh came.

After the golden sword gas, the three-headed thunder beast was beheaded and in the pool of blood almost at the same time.

After continuously beheading the four-headed Thunder Beast, the energy in the Golden Sword Qi was finally exhausted, and with a loud bang, the Sword Qi collapsed automatically.

The six-headed thunder beast, four killed, left two, and the weakest two.

Lu Chen held a long sword and operated with Yuanli force. When he was ready to shoot again, he saw Li Xiaoran shot.

"Evil Moon Slash!"

Li Xiaoran turned around and snarled, and the long-awaited knife came out with fierce force.

Sword qi runs through the world, and under the desperate roar of the two thunder beasts, the two sounds of the thunder beetle slash the two thunder beasts mercilessly!

At this point, the six-headed thunder beasts were all killed, and it was a spike!

"Roar roar roar roar ..."

As soon as the six-headed thunder beast died, the breath disappeared. The remaining thunder beast in the canyon seemed to be aware of it, and immediately roared angrily.

Immediately afterwards, the earth vibrated violently, and the loud noise was transmitted from far and near.

Earth tremors, smoke and dust, ten thunder beasts swept violently, strode violently, rushed out of the gorge, and rushed to the jungle side.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chen was slightly surprised, and immediately said with a smile: "The initiative to kill the canyon is contrary to my expectations, but fortunately, it saves the link of repeatedly attracting beasts.

Two heads are comparable to the six-layered thunder beast of the saint, four heads are comparable to the five-folded saint of the saint, and the remaining four are not enough to fear ... "

Touching his chin, Lu Chen continued, "It's a bit tricky. Once you are fighting with the Thunder Beast, you can't cleanly kill it all. You and I may fall into a passive situation. For the sake of conservativeness, we will kill these ten Thunder Beasts. Introduce deeper into the jungle, and then do it again. In that case, even if the thunder beast in the canyon wants to come out to rescue, it will be too late. "

Li Xiaoran nodded quickly.

Lu Chen again said: "You continue to contain the Thunder Beast on the bright side, and I, like before, hides, accumulates strength, and beats the Thunder Beast by surprise!"

With that, Lu Chen stepped on the void and plundered deeper into the jungle.

Li Xiaoran stayed in place, and when the Thunder Beast approached and found him, he provoked a long roar, and stepped on the strange and asynchronous method in the direction of the disappearance of Lu Chen, and plundered past.

Thunder beasts are wild beasts, and their wisdom is not high, but they can also feel the provocation in Li Xiaoran's long roar. Moreover, when they approached the corpses of their companions, they were completely angry, and their eyes were scarlet, roaring and mad at Li Xiaoran. Hunt down!

As Li Xiaoran gradually introduced Thunder Beast into the depths of the jungle, Lu Chen, lurking in the dark, accumulating strength, licked his lips, and then his eyes became cold.

next moment.

He shot, and still urged the first layer of God of War, against the thunder beast in front of him, the first layer of God of War is more than enough, and the second layer of God of War is completely wasteful.


Under the blessing of the first level of God of War, Lu Chen's breath instantly climbed to a level comparable to that of the saint.

"The supreme mystery of the Blue Dragon God!"

At the moment of urging the first level of the war character tactics, Lu Chen did not hesitate to step on the blue dragon magical operation. Under the situation that the thunder beast was unprepared and undetected, it was already weirdly deceived into a head comparable to the saint Beside the heavy thunder beast.

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