Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1136: A chance encounter with the Desert Wolf Society

After the Red Scale Cow, Lu Chen no longer dared to be distracted, the spirit was highly concentrated, and the consciousness spread out, always vigilant around.

Under the sense of Lu Chen's magnificent consciousness, he avoided the wild beasts one by one in advance, which is really unavoidable. Under the joint of the two, they can also kill the wild beasts cleanly and quickly in the fastest time Leave calmly.

Unconsciously, three or four hours passed.

"How far is it from the ravine where Leiguo is located?" Lu Chen opened his eyes from a rest in a hidden place, looking at Li Xiaoran who was alerting him on the side and asked.

Just now the two were attacked by two wild beasts at the same time. After a lot of battles, they killed the wild beasts. As the main force to kill the wild beasts, Lu Chen also consumed part of the elemental strength, so after a long time away from the battlefield, stay here for Restore the strength.

Faced with Lu Chen's question, Li Xiaoran gave a vague answer, "If it goes well, it will arrive in half a day at most. At that time, Lei Guo has almost entered the mature stage."

He also only learned the information and approximate location of Leiguo from the mouth of the adventurer, so he could not give Lu Chen an accurate answer.

Lu Chen got up, dusted the dust off her body, and said, "Go on!"

As the words fell, the two flashed and disappeared in the jungle one after the other.



The violent elementary force burst out, the earth trembles violently, and the void is disordered.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of collision, beast roar, and blast sounded resounding and spread far away.

Lu Chen, walking in the jungle, suddenly stopped and looked forward.

"There is a battle erupting ahead, and it is not a battle between wild beasts, it should be that humans and wild beasts are fighting."

"Look at it in the past."

The place where the fighting broke out in front is the only place to go to the canyon. If you detour, at least one more hour.

Following the sound of the hands and the fluctuation of Yuanli, Lu Chen and Li Xiao rushed past silently.

When there was still a certain distance from the battle site, Lu Chen and Li Xiaoran stopped their steps.

The warrior went to the saint to practice, and his perception was extremely keen. If the two get closer, there will be a risk of revealing their whereabouts.

In front, the original green jungle turned into an empty ruin during the battle.

Above the ruins, five warriors armed with swords are besieging a huge beast like a tiger.

After seeing the beast under siege, Li Xiaoran lowered his voice and exclaimed, "The rock crocodile is the peak of the mid-eighth stage!"

"The eighth-order mid-peak peak beast, isn't its strength comparable to the saint's six-fold peak warrior?" Lu Chen was also a little surprised. Looking at the warriors who besieged the rock crocodile and the fierce tiger, his eyes were a little more vigilant.

Rock crocodile fierce tiger, the eighth-order mid-level peak beast, because the combat power of the same level of wild beasts is generally above the monsters and humans, so the general saint six-fold peak warrior encounters the rock crocodile fierce tiger, and eventually can only fall. A frightened end.

However, the fierce tiger of the rock crocodile in the ruins, under the siege of the five warriors, is already in jeopardy. It seems that it will not be long before it is drunk under the sword.

And the real reason for Lu Chen to be vigilant is that the five people who besieged the rock crocodile tiger have relaxed expressions and have free conversations when fighting, apparently not using their full strength.

The rock crocodile that kills the tiger without any backhand is able to kill the five crocodiles without any accident.

Realizing that the five people are not simple generations, Lu Chen did not want to stay here because once their whereabouts were exposed, it was likely to cause unnecessary trouble, so he withdrew his gaze from those five or six people and was about to leave. However, he saw Li Xiaoran's dignified expression on his face, and his eyes were even more dreadful.

Seeing this, Lu Chen moved, and asked casually, "Know them?"

Li Xiaoran first nodded, then shook his head, immediately lowered his voice, and whispered to Lu Chen, "I don't know them, but I know which force they belong to."

The sound pressure is very low, almost inaudible, so it can be seen that Li Xiaoran is also extremely afraid of the five people.

After feeling Li Xiaoran's fear of the five people, Lu Chen's voice lowered involuntarily. "What force?"

"Desert Wolf Club!"

Li Xiaoran slowly spit out three words.

The word "Mo Langhui" seemed like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, splitting into Lu Chen's mind, causing his pupils to condense, and the breath of his body also leaked out of control.


At the same time, there was a sudden burst of breath in the ruins.

Immediately afterwards, what made Lu Chen and Li Xiaoran look the same was that the powerful Qi machine instantly locked them.

What made Lu Chen and Li Xiaoran look different was not because of whereabouts, but the person who made a rant, not the five who besieged the rock crocodile, but the sixth person!

A warrior who was never discovered by them.


If Lu Chen carefully perceives, with his powerful consciousness, he will not make this fatal mistake!


The sound of breaking the sky came.

The sixth man turned into a streamer and stormed the direction of the landing dust.

Not only that, the five people who besieged the rock crocodile and the tiger were also divided into two at this moment, and looted and surrounded them.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chen's face was dignified, and after his eyes stayed on the sixth person for a moment, his gaze was once again fixed, because the sixth person was a holy saint.

It ’s no wonder that the seven saints of the saints can avoid their perception. In addition, the two who surrounded them, although they are not the seven saints of the saint, are not weak, but they are all the six saints of the saints. Not even Li Xiaoran is a rival.

At this moment, Li Xiaoran's face was not much more than Lu Chen's, and even paled a little. Obviously, he was extremely afraid of the Desert Wolf Society. The forces under the three echelons have unparalleled deterrence.

Li Xiaoran is the deputy captain of the Thunderbolt Squad. He also knows the style of the Desert Wolf Society and the "results".

The more he understands the Desert Wolf Society, the more he is afraid of the Desert Wolf Society.

"It's Yang Tiange, the saint's seventh rebuild is !!!"

Li Xiaoran's solemn voice was introduced into Lu Chen's ears at this moment. He didn't know the other five people, but he knew the Seventh Martial Artist named Yang Tiange.

Lu Chen nodded, indicating that he knew, and immediately walked out of the hiding place, and at the same time sent his energy to Li Xiaoran.

"In a moment, if you can't avoid a life-and-death battle with the Desert Wolf Society, I will hold them back and you will leave first."

Li Xiaoran had a good health, and looked at Lu Chen with some surprise. He did not expect that at this critical moment, the latter would let him go first.

According to normal thoughts and normal circumstances, it is normal for him to stay for Lu Chen after breaking.

"I ’m not kidding, you should also know that my speed is not slower than that of the Seventh Sage. I stayed for a moment, and 90% of them were sure to withdraw safely. Remember, once the battle is inevitable, when I shoot out Immediately withdrew away. "

Lu Chen Yuguang glanced at Li Xiaoran's stunned face, knowing that the latter was a little surprised, and some were not convinced, so he once again whispered his voice and warned the latter.

Li Xiaoran glanced at Lu Chen, then nodded silently.

"Misunderstanding, friends of the Mowol Association, everything is misunderstood. My brother and I were attracted by the aftermath of the battle, and had no other meaning." Lu Chen came out of the hiding place and faced the looting The three members of the Desert Wolf will explain loudly.

Although he is not too afraid of the opposing wolf warrior, he does not want to engage in unnecessary fighting with the desert wolf warrior at this moment and here.

Of course, he did not want to break into conflict with the Molanghui martial arts at this moment, which does not mean not dare, but does not want to. After all, he has an endless hatred with the Longyuan of the Molanghui. thing.

Therefore, before entering the extraterritorial battlefield, he was well prepared for the enemy with Mo Lang.

The three headed by Yang Tiange, after hearing Lu Chen's words, slightly slowed down, and stopped a thousand meters in front of them.

Yang Tiange's gaze was like a snake, crawling slowly on both Lu Chen and Li Xiaoran. At the next moment, he smiled coldly: "You said nothing else, did you mean nothing else? Why should I believe you? A saint bears the same weight The warrior, a saint with six heavy warriors, dared to spy on in secret and coveted us, it seems that you two are tired of living. "

While speaking, Yang Tiange was already full of murderous intentions. In his view, what Lu Chen said was true or not, it didn't matter much, because, regardless of the truth and the false, they dare to watch them in secret in the wolf society. It should be killed by drastic means.

Acting overbearingly, indifferently, and cruelly is one of the main reasons why the wolf can be frightening.

Lu Chen felt the sensational murderous intention emanating from Yang Tiange's body, and knew that the latter had killed them, and his eyes gradually became cold.

Before entering the extraterrestrial battlefield, he would never have thought that he would grudge against Mo Lang, not because of Long Yuan, but because of an accidental encounter.

Knowing that Yang Tiange had killed him, Lu Chen had no intention to dispel the other person ’s killing thought. While the internal force was quietly running, the vitality sent a voice to Li Xiaoran, "Be prepared. After three seconds, I will be indifferent. The three of the Wolves will launch an offensive. By then, you will take the opportunity to escape! "

"Wait a minute." Li Xiaoran jumped in the corner of his eyes and hurriedly sent a voice to Lu Chen.

Afterwards, he took a step forward and respected Yang Tiange: "Captain Yang, I'm Li Xiaoran, the deputy captain of the Perak Squad. This time it was really a misunderstanding. The Desert Wolf will shock the outer field of the Megatron. My brother ’s humble strength, and his bad intentions towards you, is n’t that the death?

Li Xiaoran put his posture very low, in order to dispel the killing thoughts of the other party, he even took the initiative to expose his identity.

The desert wolf club is strong and there are many strong men. The internal forces are divided into three brigades. Under each brigade, there are nine teams. Yang Tiange is the vice captain of the seventh brigade under the third team of the desert wolf club!

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