Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1055: The secret man is Ying Sheng

Mouse Luo Tian said to himself, and finally smiled miserably, said: "I shouldn't be greedy for huge profits, and shouldn't be lucky, and fell to the end today, it is my responsibility to blame, huh ~ don't you want to know the people behind the scenes, Okay, let me tell you, the person who inspired me to kill you is ... "

Speaking of which, Mu Luotian raised his head and looked at the landing dust, while Lu Chen also looked at him.

At this moment, the abrupt change appeared, and I saw a dark arrow in the hands of Mu Luotian.

next moment.

With a pop, the dull sound of sharp blade cutting flesh sounded, and the hot blood burst out!

The blood is not Lu Chen's, but the mouse's.

Su Luotian committed suicide!

The dark arrows and sharp arrows pierce the skin, penetrate deeply into the body, and insert into the heart ...

Fatal injury!

Arrows inserted into the heart will definitely die, and after all, Luo Luotian is a half-step demon sacred and has strong vitality. Therefore, at this moment, he fell in the pool of blood, but he did not die completely, but his vitality was quickly lost.

"You ... you don't want to know ... who knows who the secret person is ... who? I now ... tell you now, it's seven ... prince, it's ... Pengqi, I didn't lie to you, and I didn't need to lie You ... "said Luo Luotian, who was falling in the pool of blood, spitting out blood while talking intermittently.

If a man is about to die, his words are good? !

Lu Chen squatted down, sneered at Luo Luotian who fell in the pool of blood, then sneered and said: "I have to admit that you are a little smart, and the acting is not bad, but you are destined to be smart this time. Being cleverly mistaken, you thought you committed suicide, and before death, what I said would win my trust? "

Shu Luotian heard that his loose pupil shrank slightly.

"If you change to someone else, maybe you will really believe your words, and then form an endless hatred with the seventh prince, and I will die with the seventh prince. The final outcome, no matter who wins or loses, should be to you. Baili is harmless. "

Speaking of which, Lu Chen's sarcasm is more intense, paused, and then continued: "If I am not wrong, you and the Seventh Prince should have a hatred, or, you have a hatred with the demon king.

After failing to assassinate me and being caught by me, I knew I was in danger today. As you said before, I promise not to kill you, but just not to kill you.

After realizing my intentions, you should have born a death wish. After all, for the warrior, instead of being abolished to become a waste person, it is better to die directly.

So, after the birth of death, you are ready to lead the disaster, deliberately splash the dirty water on the seventh prince, let me and the seventh prince die, more precisely, let me be in the same vein as the demon king and the golden-winged Dapeng Endlessly.

I do n’t know what I said, right? "

Lu Chen spoke slowly and sarcastically, while staring at the change in the expression of Murotian's face. Under his eyes, even if the latter's face was only slightly changed, he could not escape him. s eyes.

And when Lu Chen finished speaking, the pale paper-faced face of Mu Luotian could not help but glance at a look of surprise.

The slight changes in the face of Mu Luotian naturally failed to hide Lu Chen, which made Lu Chen more certain of his guess.

He smiled contemptuously, and then said indifferently, "Are you curious why I denied Pengqi wasn't secretly instructed?"

Mu Luotian didn't open his mouth. In fact, at this moment, Mu Luotian was already lingering, and if he was angry, he could not speak.

However, Lu Chen read the meaning of the latter from the shock of Su Luotian with an unbelievable look.

You, how do you know?

If Luo Luotian could speak, he would ask in horror and loss of voice.

Lu Chen said slowly, "The matter is very simple, because if the person who secretly instructed you to kill me is Pengqi, he will not tell you that I have a black cloud armor, it is not that I look down on you, although you It is a half-step demon sacred realm. Under full strength, it is impossible to break the defense of the black cloud armor. If you want to kill me, you can only avoid the black cloud armor and lock the target in my head, not the heart, so At this point, I have 60% assurance that the secret person is not Peng Qi.

Moreover, when a person is lying, it is impossible to behave seamlessly. As long as one aspect of his eyes, expression, tone, and consciousness is wrong, it will show obvious flaws.

Your acting is very good. Your eyes, expressions and tone of voice are in place when you lie, which is seamless.

If you change it to someone else, maybe you will be deceived.

What makes me different from other people is that my consciousness is far more than the warriors of the same realm. When you lied, you found out clues from your violently fluctuating knowledge.

Finally, with the first point in mind, I have at least 90% or more assurance that you are lying! "

"As long as I and the Seventh Prince form an endless hatred, no matter what the final outcome is, for you, it is all good and harmless, because I and the demon king are your enemies.

It is undeniable that your strategy is very successful. It is a pity that you have chosen the wrong person, so your suicide is worthless.

As for the secret person that you deliberately concealed, you should not have much affection with you. The reason why you chose to die was not to say that person ’s identity. Just a pulse of hatred. As for the identity of the secret person ... "

Saying that, Lu Chen took off the storage ring of Mu Luotian, and a ray of insight into the storage ring. After three breaths, two fist-sized eighth-order demon cores appeared in Lu Chen's hands.

"Two tier eight demon cores should not be what you can own. If I guess correctly, these two demon cores are the reward of the secret person asking you to kill me."

Lu Chen grinned at the two eighth-level demon cores in his hand, and after a moment of pondering, he slowly said in an affirmative tone: "The secret person should be Ying Sheng!"

Su Luotian's pupils swelled sharply, and there was a trace of surprise on his face.

"It seems that I guessed right, the secret person is really Ying Sheng."

Seeing Mu Luotian's expression, Lu Chen once again affirmed his thoughts, and finally took a long breath, passing a sharp edge deep under his eyes.

Ying Sheng.

it is good.

very good.

He didn't go to find Yingsheng, but the latter was persevering, trying to kill him one after another.

In order to eradicate him, first encourage the turtle to ride the wind, and then the squirrel, and he will not hesitate to come up with two eighth order demon cores.

Ha ha, what a big hand!

Perhaps someone will ask at this time, Lu Chen found two eighth-order demon cores from the storage ring of Muluotian, why would he be sure that the secret person is Ying Sheng, not others?

it's actually really easy!

During the battle between Lu Chen and Gui Chengfeng, the latter revealed to him that he was only challenged by Ying Sheng, and Ying Sheng replied to Gui Chengfeng that the two rewards were the eighth order demon core! ! !

Therefore, when two eighth-order demon cores were found in the storage ring of Muluotian, Lu Chen's first thought was Yingsheng ...

But it turns out that the secret person is not someone else, it is Ying Sheng.

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