Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1053: Venerable Realm Extreme Cultivation for Breakthrough Success

On the first ring, after the first battle ended, Lu Chen walked silently to the center area of ​​the No. 8 ring, then sat down, closed his eyes, and slowly operated the mind to refine the remaining medicine in the body.

It didn't take long, just half a quarter of an hour, Lu Chen refined all the remaining medicinal power in the body, and cultivated a slight improvement in his strength and strength. Without careful observation, outsiders could not find this subtle change.

"It is now possible to make a breakthrough. Without taking Pure Yuan Dan, breaking through the limit of entering the Venerable Realm is only 70%. I originally planned to settle for a few days, and I will improve the grasp to more than 90%, and then make a breakthrough. The pure Yuandan given by Chang, I have also obtained a 70% to 90% ratio in one fell swoop, as long as it is not too bad luck, breaking through the limit of entering the Venerable Realm should not fail! "

Lu Chen exhaled a turbid breath, and then took out pure Yuandan from the storage ring.

Pure Yuandan, with pure white color, round and bright, with a strong medicinal fragrance coming from the face, made Lu Chen's throat roll uncontrollably.

Refining the medicinal materials of pure Yuandan is extremely precious, and there are more than one or two quasi-drug kings alone. The energy and aroma contained in it, few people can bear it.


Swallowing again, Lu Chen licked his mouth, then opened his mouth and swallowed Pure Yuan Dan directly into the mouth.


As soon as the panacea enters the stomach, the pure Yuandan is melted, and the pure power is transformed into the rolling Yuanli, just like a torrent of eruption. Without three breaths, the rolling Yuanli is full of limbs and bones.

The pure Yuandan's medicinal power is extremely docile. Therefore, the majestic energy filled in all the limbs and bones did not chase, but let Lu Chen relax.

He runs the mind method and guides the majestic energy in the body to move quickly and evenly in the body in a special way.

One lap, two laps, three laps ...

Every time the internal force of the body runs, the outside world's breath of Lu Chen will be strengthened. At first, no one paid attention to Lu Chen, only thinking that Lu Chen was meditation practice to supplement the yuan force consumed in Dantian.

However, with the increasing intensity of Lu Chen's breath, it finally attracted the attention of the people around the No. 8 ring platform. Suddenly, one after another, his eyes were cast on Lu Chen.

"Lu Chen's breath is growing steadily, he is ..."

"Won't he make a breakthrough here?"

"This ... it's really possible."

"God, if Lu Chen's breakthrough is successful, how strong should he be?"

Everyone was surprised when the last sentence came out, yes, Lu Chen was only the ninth peak of His Holiness, and he could kill the eighth place. Then when he broke into the limit of His Holiness, he could kill. name?

Seventh place?

Sixth place?

Everyone stunned and dared not continue thinking.

The news about Lu Chen's breakthrough is like a whirlwind. In less than a minute, it quickly swept through the entire Yanwuchang!

Countless people have given up on the game of concern and set their sights on the No. 8 ring and landed on Lu Chen, wanting to see Lu Chen enter the realm of the Venerable Realm.

And Lu Chen ’s on-the-spot breakthrough, for those warriors whose ninth highest peak, but unable to step into the limits of the Venerable Realm, is a great opportunity. They watch Lu Chen ’s breakthrough and have a certain chance of being inspired by it. .

Seeing that Lu Chen was about to break into the limit of the Venerable Realm, some people were happy and worried. Some people who had a good relationship with Lu Chen, such as Vice President, Ji Yao, and Pei Shaoqing, were very happy for Lu Chen.

And those who had formed hatred with Lu Chen began to fidget.

Especially the most typical one is Ying Sheng!

When Ying Sheng learned that Lu Chen was breaking through the limits of Venerable Realm, Qi's almost eyeball exploded on the spot. From time to time, he looked at the No. 8 ring and Lu Chen's eyes, full of resentment and murderous intentions.

He cannot be allowed to break through.

He must not be allowed to break through smoothly.

How to do?

How to do?

Ying Sheng paced back and forth anxiously. If Lu Chen successfully broke into the limit of the Venerable Realm, his strength would inevitably skyrocket again. At that time, the general saints may no longer be able to pose a threat to him.

In a few years, at most three years, once Lu Chen breaks through to become a saint, he will never let him go with the character that the other party must pay attention to.

Thinking of Lu Chen's character that must be reported, Ying Sheng was even more restless.

Damn the turtle rides the wind!

I do n’t hesitate to pay a lot of money to invite you to scrap Lu Chen. What happened? Lu Chen didn't abandon it, he also entered, and wasted his two eighth-order monster cores in vain!

By the way, when he mentioned the turtle ride wind, he suddenly remembered that he had promised to give the two monster cores to the turtle ride wind. He said at the time that after discarding the land dust, he would give the monster core again. Feng is very confident in himself and thinks it's easy to abolish Lu Chen, so he agreed, not insisting on paying first or paying later.

Guicheng Feng and Lu Chen battled each other, and after losing, they didn't have a face to pay Yingsheng, so, in this way, two eighth-order demon cores were still in the hands of Yingsheng.

The two eighth-order demon cores are a sum of money for the heart of the demon holy heart, and destroying Lu Chen to break through the limit of the Venerable Realm does not necessarily require powerful people to do it.

At this moment, under the stimulus of the crisis, Ying Sheng's mind flashed, and one by one insidious scheme passed by.


At the same time, the breath of Lu Chen's body has climbed to the peak, between the critical points, as long as one step further, can open the door to the cultivation of the Supreme Realm.

"Om ~"

The space on the No. 8 ring shocked slightly. Then the heaven and earth elementary forces suddenly became disordered. What followed was a ray of heaven and earth vitality floating in the air, which seemed to be under a gravitational force at this moment, frantically converging towards the landing dust.

The magnificent Yuanli forces came together, and finally formed a funnel-shaped air mass above Lu Chen's head.

At this moment, countless people held their breath, because anyone can see that Lu Chen is on the verge of breakthrough! ! !

"Lu Chen, I will challenge you, but dare to fight me ?!"

At this critical juncture, a sudden voice suddenly resounded, and then, everyone saw a man with a frivolous face and a small figure, who jumped carefully to the No. 8 ring!

When the man who claimed to be the mouse Luo Tian jumped into the ring, the atmosphere in the field was directly detonated, and the human race audience scolded one by one.

"Fuck, shameless, the demon clan is really shameless, even challenging Lu Chen at this time."

"It's shameless, just half-step demon Saint Xiuwei, the fool can see that the challenge is false, and the destruction of Lu Chen's breakthrough is true!"

"Yaozu shameless, shameless ..."

The mouse Luo Tian who boarded the No. 8 ring ignored the overwhelming scolding.

"Lu Chen, I'm going to shoot, be careful!"

Mouse Luo Tian said shamelessly, and then in the overwhelming cursing, swept the Yuanli force, and rushed towards the landing dust storm.

The distance between the two sides was rapidly shortening as the suluotian storm stormed.

Two kilometers.

One thousand meters.

Eight hundred meters.



Five hundred meters,

Mu Luotian was extremely cautious, and suddenly stopped at 500 meters from Lu Chen.

Five hundred meters is a safe distance.

Once Lu Chen broke through successfully, or woke up in advance, at the speed of sturdy sky, at a distance of 500 meters from both sides, he was somewhat sure that before Lu Chen attacked him, he jumped off the ring!

Five hundred meters away, Mu Luotian took out a black long bow and three black arrows from the storage ring.

Under the audience, the dean of Tianshen Academy saw this scene, and was directly angry. Lu Chen is the genius of Tianshen Academy, which is second only to the wind and speech, and it must not be lost.

He strode forward to stop the game, even if he took the initiative to concede the defeat for Lu Chen, he must not let the latter lose half of the point, and, especially others, secretly calculated by vile means.

However, he had just walked forward a few steps, and a figure appeared suddenly, blocking him.

The person coming is not someone else, it is Ying Sheng!

The deputy dean sullenly yelled: "Ying Sheng, get out of the old man!"

Ying Sheng had been prepared for a long time, and the deputy dean could not refute, "Deputy dean, are you going to openly violate the rules of the Darby? You, as a referee, should know better than anyone else. It does n’t violate the rules of the Darby, so even if you are a referee, you have no right to interfere with the game. "

The vice president sullenly said, "Ying Sheng, don't tell me, it has nothing to do with you ?!"

Ying Sheng shrugged his shoulders, neither acknowledging nor refusing, but this attitude is the most irritating, the deputy dean's arrogance is full, the internal force is already functioning, and today, even if he violates the rules of Dabie Can't let Lu Chen have half damage!

The deputy dean was ready to fight against Ying Sheng. He was a sage with four folds, and Ying Sheng was comparable to the sage triple. With all his strength, the latter could not make three moves in his hands.

"Da Da Da Da ..."

At this moment, footsteps came, the deputy dean frowned, looked up in the direction of the sound, and saw eight figures coming together.

The eight figures that came together were the other eight referees besides the deputy dean and Ying Sheng, and the person headed by them was the referee, a strong human race. The sage's five powerful existence!

"What's wrong with you two? Pulling your swords? What's going on, let's hear it ?!"

The head referee frowned and asked.

Seeing eight other referees coming together, Ying Sheng laughed and said: "The deputy dean sees that his children are in danger and he is going to come on stage to interfere with the game. Rules? "

In fact, the referee also vaguely understood the reason. As a human saint, he was biased towards the deputy dean, but he could not do this. He is the chief referee of this session. No, once he favors the deputy dean and favors Lu Chen, the credibility will inevitably suffer. At that time, some people may take the opportunity to jump out and question the results of Dabi.

and so……

He looked at the vice president and remained silent for a moment. He finally asked, "Can this happen?"

The vice-president also simply nodded.

"Zheng ~"

The vibration of the bow string suddenly sounded at this moment, followed by the bleak sound of arrows piercing the air.

"call out!"

The black arrows with a stern explosion burst into the air at a speed as fast as thunder.

Target directly at the heart of Lu Chen!

The real purpose of this arrow is not to interrupt Lu Chen's breakthrough, and then prepare to directly kill Lu Chen.

"be careful!!!"

But all the audience who witnessed this scene exclaimed at this moment.


No one stopped, Lu Chen did not wake up, the black arrow, Zhun'er will hit the heart of Lu Chen directly!

this moment.

The audience is dead!

The hustle and bustle of the field was completely silenced by the arrow hitting Lu Chen's heart.

Countless people froze in place, as if they had been immobilized, and did not move at all.

"Ying Sheng, I will kill you !!!"

A roar broke the silence at the scene, and I saw that the vice-president had to publish his hair, his murderous spirit and Yuan Li were intertwined, as if a generation of killing gods.

Lu Chen is the genius of Tianshen Academy second only to the wind and speech. It is not to be faulted, but now he is shot by vile means in front of him, and the reason why Lu Chen broke through on the spot is also because of his advice.

Therefore, Lu Chen's death, anger and guilt, made the vice president mad, he shot up directly, punched, and mercilessly yelled at Ying Sheng's head.

Under the anger of the deputy dean, without any hands left, one punch, do his utmost, its power is strong, can Yingsheng be able to contend?

Moreover, the deputy dean shot suddenly, too suddenly, Ying Sheng didn't even guard, so when he responded, the deputy dean's punch with violent force was less than half a foot away from his head.

Before the fist arrived, the fist wind had shocked Ying Sheng's mouth and nose.

If that punch is really carried out, Ying Sheng is dead for ten years.

"Stop, don't be impulsive, then Lu Chen is not dead!" At this moment, the majestic voice sounded, almost at the same time, a large hand protruded out of the thorn, snapped, and grasped the deputy dean's fist to Yingsheng.

The power of the punch that can kill Ying Sheng is inestimable, and the big hand stretched out from the diagonal thorn actually took it easily ...

The master of that big hand is none other than the referee, a powerful presence with at least five sages.


A drop of bean sweat dripped from Ying Sheng's forehead. On his face, he still maintained the panic and despair expression on the verge of death. After a short time, he realized he was saved.

Dying to death, Ying Sheng's entire body seemed to be evacuated in an instant, and he staggered backwards, almost falling down.

But at this moment, no one paid attention to Ying Sheng's embarrassment, turning his head one by one, looking at the No. 8 ring.


As the referee said, Lu Chen was not dead, not even injured.

That arrow did hit Lu Chen's chest, but it was blocked by the Black Cloud Warframe, so everything was just a false alarm!

On the eighth ring.

Under the eyes of countless eyes, Lu Chen finally opened his eyes slowly, and then he reached out to pick up the black arrows that fell on his toes.

Black arrows, start with a burst of cold!

Lu Chen said nothing, holding a dark arrow in his hand, and slowly stood up.

And as he stood up, the surging elemental force gathered above his head seemed to have a place to return, and poured into the body of Lu Chen below ...

With the influx of that magnificent force, Lu Chen's breath finally broke through the critical point and reached a new level!

Venerable Realm Realization, Breakthrough Success!

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