Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1044: Play against the turtle

Lu Chen ’s speed was so fast that he immediately caught up with the tortoise flying in the blink of an eye, and in the exclamation of countless audiences under the stage, he kicked the tortoise with mercilessly. past.

The tortoise flying in the wind is not stable, let alone dodge, and even mobilizing the internal forces to resist the dying struggle is extremely difficult.

At this moment, he could only show his horror, and watched Land Chen ’s foot that swept the elementary force, and flicked towards himself.

No accident happened, Lu Chen's whip legs with a deep sound of breaking the sky, sturdy and slammed on the turtle body.

Along with the sound of "Bang", the body of the turtle was like a meteorite falling at high speed. The sound of "Boom" fell on the ring.

Under the great force, the tortoise slid through the ring by the wind and slid for hundreds of meters. Wherever it passed, a hundred meters of blood was left on the ring.

"Poof ~"

Suffering heavy blows in a row, the tortoise can be said to have suffered serious injuries, but just standing up from the ground, the injury in the body was mobilized, and a bite of blood spit out even if he couldn't help it.

As the blood spit out, the turbulent breath of Gui Chengfeng slipped straight.

"Wow ~"

The change happened on the stage too quickly. From Lu Chen's shot, to the two's bombardment, to the turtle's flying backwards, and finally Lu Chen's victory after the chase, hitting the latter with a foot, it seems that it took a long time, but it is just Less than three breaths elapsed, and countless audiences from the audience reacted to the shock just now, and bursts of exclaimed sounds suddenly broke out.

After Lu Chen pulled the flying turtle to ride the wind, he did not immediately launch a follow-up offensive. He stood still 100 meters away from the latter.

Ok? !

Are you not going to admit defeat? !

Seeing that Gui Chengfeng didn't mean to admit defeat, Lu Chen's eyes narrowed, his body also exuded a dangerous breath.

He did not want to do anything absolutely, and had given the turtle a chance to admit defeat, but the latter seemed to have no intention of admitting defeat.

If the turtle rides the wind and refuses to admit defeat, insists on fighting against him, then next, he will no longer have any remaining hands.

At the same time, there was a trace of curiosity in Lu Chen's heart. He wanted to take a look. In the case of Turtle Wind frustrated and injured, how dare he continue to challenge him, or any unopened cards?

The hole card? !

In the current state of Turtle Ride, if you want to reverse the game, you can't do the usual hole card. Unless there is a similar way to the Seven Star Divine Soldier, otherwise, the defeat is basically determined.

It seemed to be aware of Lu Chen's icy eyes with a curious look, and the turtle looked up at Lu Chen with wind, and his pale face was not sullen because of the imminent defeat, nor irritated by the defeat in Lu Chen's hands. It's just seriousness and self-confidence, and a bit of resentment.

Gui Chengfeng lifted his hands to wipe off the blood stains at the corners of his mouth, staring fiercely at the landing dust, and said: "It is undeniable that you holding the Seven Star Divine Soldier, you have a strong combat power, and I am not your opponent under the confrontation. Do n’t be too happy, because this battle, the final winner, still belongs to me ... "

Speaking of which, Gui Chengfeng sneered, and then there was a roaring sound like an ancient fierce beast, and countless people in the audience shuddered, and then their eyes widened, watching the No. 8 ringing exclaimed Repeatedly.

Guicheng Fenghua became the body.

And his body is really a figure that is not under the ape Ling, even a black turtle! ! !

Xuangui, possessing the bloodline of Xuanwu, a mythical beast. Among the 8th-order monster clan, Xuangui's attack power may not be outstanding, but when it comes to defense, Xuangui is definitely second to none.

After turning into a body, the turtle rides the wind, and its strength naturally exceeds that of human form.

Suddenly, a violent and fierce breath, from the hill-like huge body, madness spread out, and instantly swept the entire ring.

Lu Chen quietly watched the turtle ride the wind. After the latter turned into a body, its strength has increased by at least 30% compared to human form. However, because of the injury on his body, the turtle ride wind at this moment is no less than the human form. How strong is it at its peak.

Therefore, if the so-called bottom card of Turtle Wind, if only turned into the body, Lu Chen was somewhat disappointed.

Turtle ride into the body, the defense force is naturally invulnerable, and a demon saint like Ape Ling, with a full blow, may not be able to break the turtle shell on the body of the turtle ride.

The turtle shell cannot be broken, and naturally it cannot cause substantial damage to the opponent.

But Lu Chen is different. In the case of holding the Qixing Shenbing Tianyin battle set, even if he can't break the turtle's black turtle shell with one punch, two or three punches, and at most three punches, he can open the black turtle shell. By then, the shelter of the black turtle shell will be lost, and the latter will not let him knead?

If you want to hide in the shell as a tortoise, it won't work!

"Disappointed ?! You should be confident enough to break my shell within three punches, ha ha ~ do you think this is my hole card? Next, let me see how you look desperate."

Gui Chengfeng keenly caught the disappointment in Lu Chen's eyes, and immediately sneered.

The voice fell, and a violent, fierce, surging breath suddenly emanated from the turtle Chengfeng ...

Feeling the terrible breath emanating from Gui Chengfeng, not only Lu Chen, but also the countless audiences on stage, as well as the sages of the two groups of people and demon, were all startled. wind.

"This breath ... is definitely not something that Guichengfeng can exude!"

"Yes, this breath is violent, cruel, and surging, even I am secretly fearful, which makes me feel scared. At least it is also the mid-term cultivation of the eighth-order monster holy. The time when the turtle entered the realm of the eighth-order monster holy by wind Short, but not very long, and the strength is only equivalent to the level of the sage in human beings, so it is impossible for him to radiate that breath. "

"It wasn't from the tortoise spreading out of the wind, could it be that the Divine Soldier failed? No, the Divine Soldier's breath was not like this ..."

The saints who watched the battle under the stage were also surprised by the breath of Gui Chengfeng. They could no longer maintain their calm and profound appearance, and whispered one by one in twos and threes.

Eagle Eyed Demon Saint, whose real name is Ying Sheng, felt the terrible breath emanating from Turtle Wind. After a while, his eyes were fixed, his eyes blinked, and he stared at Turtle Wind violently.

At the next moment, he seemed to have thought of something, and his heart was filled with turbulent waves.

This breath is like the treasure of the Xuangui tribe.

It should not be wrong, and only that treasure can exhale the atmosphere that even he must be afraid of!

What caused the stormy waves in Ying Sheng's heart was not that the turtle rides the wind and cherishes the treasure of the Xuan tortoise, but that the latter merges the treasure with himself.

Compared with the integration of the Xuangui clan treasure with the Guichengfeng, he is more concerned about the result of this battle.

Turtle Chengfeng merged that treasure, even if Lu Chen was holding the Seven Star Divine Soldier, he could not break through his defense. Then, there was only one ending for Lu Chen, the elemental power was exhausted, miserable defeat, and the repair was abandoned!

Thinking of this, Ying Sheng's gloomy face was gradually replaced by cruelty and excitement.

Lu Chen first defeated Ape Ling, and then suppressed the turtle ride wind, showing the talents that made Ying Sheng, who had hatred against him, gradually become uneasy, and he was more and more urgent to kill him, even with two eighth-order monster cores For the price, hire turtle to wind against Lu Chen!

The two eighth-order monster cores are not simple things. With Yingsheng comparable to the triple strength of the human saints, all the possessions are at most equivalent to three eighth-order monster cores. That is to say, in order to abolish Lu Chen, he does not hesitate Spend more than half of the net worth.

I originally thought that the turtle rides the wind and abolishing Lu Chen is a breeze, but when the battle starts, the turtle rides the wind and falls into an absolute disadvantage, and finally even frustrated.

But with Gui Chengfeng revealing his cards, Ying Sheng finally saw the hope of abolishing Lu Chen.

Cultivation as one but abolished, Lu Chen is the same as death. For the warrior, it is more terrible to be abolished than death!

Thinking of a few minutes later, Lu Chen would be brutally used by the turtle to take the wind and use cruel methods to pinch his limbs and scrape his limbs to abandon his cultivation practice. If life is better than death, he would tremble with excitement and even want to laugh out loud .

Hold back!

Hold back!

Can't laugh!

He kept admonishing himself in his heart that he must hold back.

Moreover, Lu Chen, who has become a waste person, is of no value to Tianshen Academy. Most of the old deputy dean will not be against him for a waste person. At that time, Lu Chen will not let him deal with it?

Thinking of Lu Chen who became a waste person, he will be disposed of by him. Ying Sheng immediately felt that it would be the most correct thing to ask the turtle to take the wind to discard Lu Chen, even if he paid two Eighth-order demon cores, it was something for him. value.

And while Ying Sheng was immersed in self-imagination, a voice with surprise and abruptness suddenly sounded beside him.

"I know, I know the source of that breath. It is it. I didn't expect that the kid who was the turtle rides the wind, even brought the treasure of the Xuangui clan town clan. No, it was not brought, but it was with itself. Fusion, oh my god, is he crazy ?! "

At the end, the voice was clearly filled with endless shock.

Ying Sheng looked and saw that the person who spoke was also the demon clan demon sage. This demon had some friendship with the Xuangui clan. It is not surprising that the turtle took the treasure with the wind.

"What is it?!"

"Yeah, hurry up, hurry up, what is the treasure of the Xuangui clan town clan? Is it the Seven Star Divine Soldier?"

"As far as I know, the Xuangui family has two treasures of the town clan. The first is the seven-star **** soldier Xuanming axe. The Xuanming axe is almost a symbol of the Xuangui family patriarch. It is also used by the Xuangui family patriarch. It is the first genius of the Xuangui family and the best choice for the next patriarch, but it is not impossible for the patriarch to hold the Xuanming axe, so the possibility of Xuanming axe is excluded.

If it's not Xuanming Axe, then it's another treasure of the town clan.

Another treasure of the town clan, it is said that after the death of the previous patriarch, the last patriarch used his black shell as a material to continue cultivating and nurturing, and finally made it a treasure that can resist any attack from the saints under sevenfold! "

The demon clan and the saints communicated with each other, and soon someone guessed what the turtle card was, but then everyone was shocked! ! !

Fusion? !

Integrate with yourself? ? ?


too crazy!

Turtle is not a madman? !

at the same time.

Lu Chen's eyes fixed on the turtle ride the wind.

After a moment, his eyes were stagnant and his face was dignified. "The mysterious turtle shell on your body should not be yours. If I guess well, you should discard your turtle shell and choose to merge this with you ... I wonder if my guess is correct? "

After talking, Lu Chen quietly watched the turtle ride the wind, waiting for the latter's answer.

"Hehe ~ You have some eyesight, I don't hide you, you're right. I'm curious, how did you see it at a glance?" Turtle Ride showing the bottom card, confident in the next battle, Instead of rushing to shoot.

Gui Chengfeng is very confident in his own strength and does not rush to take action. The same is true for Lu Chen. He smiled at the problem of the former, without any thought, he directly said his guesses one by one, "It ’s very simple. Mysterious turtle shell, the breath is too strong, obviously it is left after the death of the strongest in your family. If I am not wrong, the strongman who left mysterious turtle shell after death should be repaired as it should be It has reached the end of the eighth order, or even the peak of the eighth order. Otherwise, with your talents, it is absolutely impossible to risk your life, abandon your turtle shell, and merge with other demon ... "

"You are smart, but it's a pity ..." Gui Chengfeng said regretfully.

"Oh ~ Listening to your tone, I guessed it right?" Lu Chen smiled.

As for the regret in Gui Chengfeng's discourse, Lu Chen ignored it directly.

Even if Guichengfeng merged the shell of the late eighth-order black turtle, it was not easy to defeat him.

If the owner of the black turtle shell is not dead, with its eighth-order late black turtle defense, even if sitting still, Lu Chen will try his best to urge the Tianyin battle set, I am afraid that it will not hurt them.

Fortunately, the original owner of the mysterious turtle shell has been dead for some years. The turtle merged with the wind shell and the defense force increased greatly, but Lu Chen believes that fusion is absolutely impossible to be perfect. There must be drawbacks as long as he finds Overcoming the disadvantages, it is easy to defeat the turtle!

"Fused with it, your present defense is indeed desperate." Lu Chen withdrew his gaze from the shell of the black turtle and looked at the turtle by the wind. His tone of speech was extremely serious and solemn.

Feeling the dignity of the other party from Lu Chen's words, Gui Chengfeng smiled, the smile looked a bit cold, and some great hatred was about to be reported.

He is the demon saint, one of the strongest group of strong men in the Eastern Wasteland, is destined to match the existence of the demon king in the future, and is a great leader who will lead the Xuangui family to the top ...

However, not long ago, he was under the watch of millions of spectators from both the human and the demon races. In the hands of Lu Chen, who was not even a venerable extreme warrior, he suffered a series of losses and even suffered serious injuries. This was his life. Stain!

Now seeing Lu Chen's dignified look as if he was facing an enemy, he couldn't help but feel happy, with a kind of violent excitement and excitement!

Of course, Lu Chen's humiliation before him, in order to wipe out the stains of his life, he will not simply let go of each other.

He is a demon who keeps his promise. Since he has agreed to Ying Sheng and received the other party's generous gifts, he will naturally abolish Lu Chen in a cruel way under the public attention.

He looked at Lu Chen cruelly, wanting to see a panic look on the latter's face.

Gui Chengfeng is destined to be disappointed this time.

Therefore, at this moment, Lu Chen, let alone the terrified look on his face, even the dignity disappeared, replaced by a strong fighting intention, and eager to try!


The turtle was stunned, and Lu Chen ’s emotions before and after were too contrasting. At the last moment, he looked like an enemy, solemn and serious. At this moment, it was already a look of war and eagerness to try, seeing its impatient look. , As if the next fierce offensive would be launched against him.

Lu Chen's fighting intentions became more and more intense. "I believe that there is no shortcut to martial arts. Integration will eventually have drawbacks."

"Come on, it's not too early, you and I will continue the battle!"

He dashed out of his body, with his left hand and silver war sleeve, his right hand shattered the cloud sword, his body was the black cloud armor, two magic soldiers between six stars and seven stars, and a seven star magic soldier, even a turtle There is a treasure protector of the Xuangui tribe town clan by the wind, he also has the power to fight!

What's more, his hole card is more than that!

With confidence, he is naturally not afraid of a battle!




Roaring three times in the heart, Lu Chen's speed soared to the extreme. Under the blessing of the Golden Profound Truth, the golden sword light burst out, with a loud noise, sharply cut the air, split the air flow, just like a golden glory , Directly piercing the head of the turtle by the wind.

In that blow, Lu Chen did not use the power of the Tianyin battle set, but urged the metallic arcanes, using the broken cloud sword as a weapon, and exhibited the intermediate-level arcane martial arts.

Golden Cyclonus is a mid-level Austrian martial arts, and it is extremely powerful. It will be able to reach the forefront of Dacheng and even the pinnacle. The power can definitely be in the forefront of mid-level Austrian martial arts ...

That sword is extremely sharp and destructive!

The golden sword light swept through the sharp breath, and severely cut off the head of the turtle.

That sword, although its power is amazing, but Lu Chen is very clear. If he wants to break the turtle shell, there is no hope. Since he ca n’t break the turtle shell, he ca n’t break it. He directly attacks the turtle. Head.

Turtle Chengfeng clearly understood Lu Chen's intentions, his head shrank back in the first moment, Golden Jianguang lost his goal, and finally slashed **** the turtle shell.

The power contained in that sword can kill any warrior of the Supreme Realm Realm, even a demon sage like Ape Ling, who dare not guarantee to be able to contain it calmly, but when it is cut on the turtle shell, it just came With a ding, no crack appeared!

It is worthy of the turtle shell left by the Xuan turtle in the later stage of the eighth order. In terms of defense, even the black cloud armor is far inferior, and it can already be comparable to the seven-star defense soldier!

Seeing this, Lu Chen frowned and did not continue to attack. He just tentatively cut a sword. The main purpose was not to kill the turtle and ride the wind, but to test whether the turtle shell was unbreakable.

Judging from the results, with his cultivation practice, he urged the Tianyin battle set to the fullest extent, most of which could not cause substantial damage to the turtle shell.

If the fatal weakness of Gui Chengfeng is not found, his chances of winning this battle will be less than 30%. Of course, Gui Chengfeng combines the turtle shell of the late eighth-order black turtle. The defense is strong, but the attack power has not increased much ,

Moreover, he turned into a body, with a huge body, and his speed naturally slowed down a little. It was not easy to defeat Lu Chen.

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