Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1034: Win or lose

"Boom !!! Boom !!!"

Two amazing noises blew from the ring 8 on the 8th, two shock waves with a breath of destruction, swept out frantically, and finally hit the defensive formation fiercely, causing the energy light curtain to shake violently.

Those audiences who are far away from the No. 8 ring are swarming back subconsciously, trying to stay away from the No. 8 ring as far as possible, fearing that the energy curtain will be broken in the next moment ...

If the aftershocks generated by Lu Chen and Peng Qi at this moment, if there is no energy light curtain to block, the audience of ordinary strength, within a radius of 10,000 meters, are at risk of falling.

At this moment, most of the audience in the field stared at the No. 8 ring. They didn't want to miss the next scene, not even for a moment.

I saw that on the eighth ring, the sword energy containing the three attributes of gold, fire and wind, after cutting the Yuanli ball, although the power has weakened, it is still not dare to be underestimated. Finally, the sword energy is at an incredible speed, Under the unblinking gaze of countless people, he was severely cut on the huge body of Peng Qi.

Although this sword consumes part of its power in severing the Yuanli Ball, the remaining power is still above Lu Chen's sword. The last sword can break the defense of Kai Pengqi and leave on the latter. One foot long, three inches deep sword wound, this sword can naturally still hurt the latter, even worse ...

"Poof ~"

From the low sound, it was the sound of the blade cutting the flesh.

Finally, as expected, this sword not only hurt Pengqi, but also cut a five-meter-long and one-meter-deep sword wound on his body.

The three-meter-long and one-meter-deep sword wound, compared to Pengqi's huge body, is still not a fatal and serious injury, but it has reached the standard of minor injuries.

A lot of blood spewed out of the wound, staining the body of Peng Qi's little half.

"Yuck ~"

Peng Qi was painful, and his eyes were filled with endless anger and killing intentions. He struck with all his strength, not only was he cut by Lu Chen's sword, but finally even himself was injured under the sword's aftermath. He was shocked and angry.

Angrily, he was injured twice in Lu Chen's hands. Although the injury can only be regarded as a minor injury, it has no effect on the combat power, but it is also a shame for him.

To my surprise, Lu Chen's swordsmanship of three attributes of gold, fire, and wind was so horrible.

Frightened, the fierceness in Peng Qi's heart was completely inspired, but before he could launch a fierce counterattack on Lu Chen, a cold drink came suddenly from the opposite side, only to see that Lu Chen's breath suddenly exploded, holding a broken hand Yun Jian strode forward, and then, when he was 500 meters away from him, he took the first step and decisively launched a fierce and heart-pounding attack.


The sharp sword gas cuts the air and tears the space at an incredible speed, and slashes to Pengqi 500 meters away.

In this sword, there are still three attributes of gold, fire, and wind. Because of the preparation, this sword, in terms of power, looms beyond the previous sword.

Feeling the sword with terrible power, Peng Qi's eyes leaped violently. The first thought that appeared in his mind was not a hard connection, but evasion, but because this sword contained the meaning of the wind attribute, Jian Qi's speed is too fast, and he turned into a body, his body is too big, even if he makes the evasive action in the first time, he can't avoid the attack of Jian Qi.

So, in the end, he chose to resist head-on, only to see that he protruded the claws, above the claws with metallic luster. At this moment, the surging force was surging, and then as the sword gas quickly approached, the claws swept With a sharp breath, protruding like lightning, tearing away fiercely at the sword.


The claws collided with the sword gas, the sparks splashed, and the sound of the symphony of gold and iron passed through the audience.


However, just holding on for a while, the metal luster and indestructible claws were torn apart by the sharp cutting of Jian Qi, and the huge body of Peng Qi also flew backwards during the blood splash .

With a blow, Lu Chen will naturally not miss this opportunity. With his feet moving, his body flashes forward, and he is rushing forward like lightning.

At the same time, Lu Chen kept moving in his hands and once again tried his best to cut a sword.

"call out!"

"Poof ~"

Pengqi, who was flying backwards, had a slow body movement and could not avoid this sword at all. He could only bear unwillingness and resentment, and watched the sword with three-fold mystery, slashing on his body, and finally the sword Qi Wei burst, and severe pain spread throughout the body.

Without Pengqi's defense, this sword's power can be cut on Pengqi without any loss, and the results achieved are also surprising.

A ten-meter-long and three-meter-deep sword wound is not a fatal injury for Pengqi, but it is also a minor injury ...

As long as three or four such sword wounds are cut on Pengqi, even if Pengqi does not die, he will end up with a serious injury. It is difficult to say whether he can participate in the qualifying competition tomorrow.

Lu Chen glanced at a fierce light, with the talent and strength of Pengqi, in the third round of qualifying, it can easily be ranked in the top 20, if it can be hit hard, making it unable to participate in tomorrow's qualifying , Is undoubtedly a good thing for the human race.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's face was expressionless, and his breath became stronger, giving a sense of killing.

"Hoohoo ..."

The fierce sword energy exploded, and the three sword energy shot out in front of and behind the target, pointing directly at Pengqi.

At this moment, Peng Qi still failed to stabilize his body. Therefore, in the face of the three sword spurs he shot, he was feeble and he could only desperately watch those three sword qi in his pupils. Zoom in, zoom in, zoom in again ...

"No ~"

At the last moment, Peng Qi was afraid. He knew that if he was hit by Jian Qi, he would definitely end up with a serious injury ...

Once seriously injured, he will miss the qualifying tomorrow, then, the ranking will be extremely backward, even if he enters the Qianwang Hall, the final gain will be the least.


And just before the three sword qi is about to cut Zhongpeng seven, the third prince of the demon clan finally could n’t sit still, and with a stern drink, he rushed out without hesitation It is unimaginable that the voice just came out, and his body appeared in front of Peng Qi out of thin air, and then took a slap in front of the three sword qi that came from the force.

"Bang! Bang! Bang !!!"

The third prince of the demon clan deserves to be the demon saint strongman, who could easily kill the sword energy of the half-step demon saint.

"You, bold ~"

The third prince who rescued Pengqi was still gloomy and watery. At the next moment, he suddenly raised his head and screamed loudly, but he hit Lu Chen directly without hesitation.

This fist, the demon three princes angry shot, is ready to kill Lu Chen on the spot.

Lu Chen defeated Pengqi twice in a row, defeated Pengqi in a row, and showed a wicked talent, so that the third prince had a killing intention ...

In this shot, he was going to fight Pengqi and kill Lu Chen at the same time. If the latter grows up smoothly, it is an invincible strongman, or even the second Eastern King. , Is undoubtedly a bad thing.

Almost at the moment when the third prince shot Lu Chen, the eight groups of referees rushed out, directly blocking Lu Chen and the third prince, and then also punched a punch.


The two saints collided with each other, and the shock wave of Yuan Li formed by the collision directly caused Dengqi to fly out. During the flight, a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, and even Lu Chen was unstable, staggering back.

Look at the energy light curtain guarding around the ring, under the madness of shock waves, violently shaking and shaking, and finally unsustainable, cracks emerge from the light curtain ...

With a loud bang, the energy light curtain shattered.

The shock wave with the power of destruction seems to have flooded the floodgates, pouring out. The first to be affected is naturally eight groups of contestants, but these people are at least all respectable, and the shock wave is shocking. Behind the broken energy light curtain, the power was slightly reduced, and it did not cause substantial damage to the contestants. Instead, the audience near the No. 8 ring was attacked by the seedlings, one by one under the shock wave, and the body shocked and his complexion was light. White, heavy, flew out, spouting blood ...

"Prince III, do you want to interfere with the game and want to kill Lu Chen? What is your intention?"

After the eight groups of referees blocked the attack of the third prince, they faced frost and asked the latter sharply.

Faced with the harsh questions of the eight groups of referees, the third prince's face also changed, but soon recovered his calm, calm tone, "That Lu Chen started fiercely, apparently preparing to take the seventh brother's life, the seventh brother is the demon prince Heir, noble, if the person present was killed by Lu Chen, who would be able to bear this responsibility? Furthermore, the game rules should not intentionally hurt people's lives. Lu Chen is clearly a foul. I suggest to cancel his qualification immediately. "

"The demon clan is really shameless, the skin should be cast with gold and iron, and the sword is hard to hurt. You are not only wanting to interfere with the game, but also preparing to kill me. I would like to ask, who gives you confidence? This is the human territory. It ’s not a demon clan, you want to put a demon prince on the shelf, hehe ~ roll back to the demon clan, my human clan strongman does n’t eat your set. ”It ’s not the eight groups of referees, but Lu Chen. He is even preparing to kill him, which is already unbearable for him.

The third prince of the demon clan heard, sharp eyes fell on Lu Chen.

"If you don't want to cancel Lu Chen's qualifications, you're not talking about it, and Lu Chen is right. This is a Terran site. I hope you remember this."

The eight teams of referees glanced at the slightly embarrassed third prince, and then continued to say slowly: "Shooting to interfere with the game should have disqualified you from the game, but looking at the face of the demon king, this time it doesn't matter. The second time, even if the demon king is close, the old man will also disqualify you from the game. "

After he finished speaking, he no longer looked at the third prince, but turned to look at Lu Chen, and announced loudly, "This battle, Lu Chen wins!"

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