Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1010: Yanwuchang

The incident came to an end with Lu Chen's provocation against Ling Ling. The long and calm night passed, and the time came the next morning.

Dawn, like a sharp sword, opened the silent night, ushered in the rising sun, and the noise of footsteps and discussion swept the ancient city.

Countless warriors stationed outside the city broke the silent night in the morning light, and the moment when the clouds were torn apart, it was like a tide and could not wait to swarm into the ancient Yuan City.

With the influx of warriors from outside the city, the huge ancient Yuancheng was suddenly overcrowded, the streets and alleys were filled with shadows, rubbing their shoulders, noise, discussion, conversation, screaming ... A corner.

If someone looks down from the sky at this time, they will find that the flow of people in the streets of Guyuan City, although the starting point is different and the speed of travel is different, but they have a common purpose, all are converging toward the central area And go.

The central area of ​​Guyuan City is a performance martial arts field, which occupies a very large area and occupies one-tenth of the total area of ​​the ancient yuan city. It is known as the first performance martial arts field in Donghuang, and can accommodate up to one million martial arts soldiers at the same time.

Even so.

At this moment, the martial arts field is already full of people and full of seats. In order to seize a seat, some martial arts people are not hesitating to fight and stare at each other. The martial arts who come one step later can only sigh and stand on the aisle of the battle platform Leaving, and more martial arts are blocked outside the Yanwuchang, because the huge Yanwuchang has been flooded by millions of martial arts, can no longer let people enter!

Outside the Yanwuchang, there are many people and the sky is full of people, and the endless stream of people is already able to drain the water around the Yanwuchang, three layers inside and three outside, densely packed, all martial arts.

Countless warriors came from thousands of miles in order to see the first grand occasion of Donghuang with their own eyes. Even if they could not be squeezed into the performance martial arts field, they were reluctant to leave.

At the same time, the occupants of the Tianshen Academy were gathered here, and the students of the Tianshen Academy gathered here, one after another with respectful eyes, and fell on the somewhat old figure in front.

"Everyone must have understood the importance of this contest. At this time, I won't say much. Now, I want to say that the rules of this contest are due to the large number of participants. The competition is different from previous ones, and the rules of the competition have been adjusted slightly.

The game is divided into three levels.

The first level knockout.

The second stage of the competition.

Qualifying for the third level. "

The deputy dean looked at the students in the academy who listened carefully to the school, smiled with satisfaction, and continued: "It's not too early, I will not explain the specific matters of the three customs carefully, and you will naturally understand at the Yanwuchang I can only tell you that you must play steadily at any time during the competition, and do n’t expose all the cards in advance. In that case, it will only make you a target and become the goal of others, so you must preserve your strength. Keep as much as possible. Students who can reach the last level, remember that you must go all out, do n’t hide it, because the ranking of the competition is very important, every time you advance, you can get the benefits after entering the Qianwang Hall. One more point, so when you reach the third hurdle, you must strive hard for everything ... "

This time, the Gods Academy, plus Lu Chen, a total of 11 people participated, in addition to Lu Chen, the other 10 people are undoubtedly the top ten in the list, Ji Yao is listed, and Pei Shaoqing because of Lu Chen ’s help, Serving a quasi-drug king in the mysterious realm, Xiu Wei is also advancing by leaps and bounds. In a short time, he entered the Eighth Peak of the Venerable Qiu Xiu Xiu.


Eleven people, including Lu Chen, nodded together, with a trace of joy in their solemn expressions.

The long-awaited contest has finally begun.

"Okay, it's not early, let's go!"

On the same day, when the participants of the seminary led by the deputy dean rushed to the performance center in the central area, there was already a crowd of people. The hustle and bustle soared into the sky. At a glance, the black pressure was all heads. As many as millions, the scene is spectacular and shocking!

"A lot of people ..."

Looking at the millions of warriors who would not be able to see the water around Yanwuchang, Rao is Lu Chen, and could not help but sigh.

The accompanying actress Shao Qing also said after hearing Lu Chen's exclamation: "This competition is nominally one hundred contests, but it is completely different from the previous contests. At most, the contestants are human surfaces. The major forces in the world are not even common to the hidden family and disciples.

In this year's Dabi, not only the human races are gathered here, but even the demon races are also joining together. Whether it is the momentum or the scale, it is naturally not comparable to the previous ones.

This competition is also the biggest competition in Donghuang in thousands of years, with the largest number of participants. It can attract millions of warriors to come and watch. It is also an expected thing, but ... "

Speaking of the last, accompanying Shaoqing looking at the noisy crowd in front, he frowned.

Ji Yao answered: "It seems that the venue is a bit small, and it can't accommodate the crowd."

"The Yanwuchang in the central area of ​​Guyuan City is already the largest in Donghuang."

Lu Chen's eyes swept through the dense crowd, and there was a trace of worry in his tone, "Millions of martial artists, who have come out thousands of miles, but now they are blocked out, I am afraid that they will be dissatisfied, an accident, It will even lead to a little **! "

"Yeah, millions of martial arts are gathered here. If it doesn't work, it will really cause some ** ..." There was also a trace of worry in the tone of the accompanying Shaoqing.

People are blindly obedient, and martial arts are no exception. When tens of millions of people gather together, once a mischievous person spreads rumors or secretly stirs up the crowd's emotions, the crowd can easily be agitated and burst out A disaster that everyone is not expecting. This kind of case, whether it is in the real continent or the earth, is a common occurrence!

When Lu Chen and others whispered, they heard that the surrounding martial arts were unable to enter the performance martial arts field because of being blocked, and became anxious and uneasy.

The deputy dean walking in front of the crowd seemed to be aware of the secret worries of Lu Chen and others, and immediately said comfortingly: "Don't worry, this kind of thing, the organizer has long considered it, and has its own solution!"

"Boom ..."

The deputy dean's voice fell into place, only to hear a sudden rumbling noise in front of the crowd.

Lu Chen and others were shocked, and looked up. They saw that the high wall around the Yanwuchang was actually pushed down by a group of strong men in standard clothes ...

With the collapse of the surrounding wall, the Yanwuchang was immediately connected to the outside world. Those who were blocked from entering the Yanwuchang, at this moment, looked at it from a distance. The scenes in the Yanwuchang were all in sight!

Without the barriers of the surrounding walls, the hundreds of martial artists who were blocked out, even if they were far away, but because of the martial artists, their eyesight is excellent, and they can see the scenes in the martial arts field very clearly and clearly ...

Seeing the organizer actually pushed the fence of the Yanwuchang to it decisively, Lu Chen's eyes lit up and praised: "Good way, without the barrier of the fence, there will be no fixed area in the Yanwuchang, both inside and outside the venue. Being able to watch it also eliminates the dissatisfaction of millions of warriors and puts an end to the outbreak of some uncontrollable factors! "


The voice of the vice president came from the front at this time.

The students of Tenjin Institute followed the dean and walked forward. The crowd in front of the crowd was unable to leak. However, when the people of the seminary came, the people who were in front of them all gave way to the same way. Bi Gong Bi Jing, dare not show half of dissatisfaction.

Because, the deputy dean walking in the front, during the operation, has released a breath of saints. The saints are the real top powerhouses on the Eastern Wilderness Continent. The saints are all ants, these warriors who come to watch the war, Naturally, they dare not make it before the saint.

After passing through the crowds, Lu Chen and others finally came to the Yanwuchang. The Yanwuchang was surrounded by a dense audience stand that stretched far away and could seat a million people. The central area of ​​the Yanwuchang was an extremely spacious oval. Flat ground, oval flat ground is the main battlefield for the participants.

At this moment, tens of thousands of different figures have gathered on the flat ground, but they have a common feature, they are very strong, and there are no weak ones.

These figures, the human race and the demon race, are the most outstanding geniuses of the younger generation of the two races!

The difficulty of winning a hundred people from the tens of thousands of talented warriors is obvious, and the most important thing is, whoever is the fan of Fanfanjia in this contest, which one is not a natural pride, at a glance, the weakest are the Venerable Seven In the eightfold, the number of Venerable Realms, the half-step saint, and the half-step demon saint are not small, and the number of saints or demon saints, conservatively estimated, is also the number of palms.

Therefore, in this competition, it is said that there are many strong people and geniuses are gathered. Under this scale, if you want to reach the top 100, there is no real ability, and you ca n’t do it, even if the Venerable Ninefold Peak Warrior, no point The hole card almost missed the top 100.

In the crowd, some Venerable Ninefold Peak Martial Artists still had a confident expression before entering the Yanwuchang, but when they entered the Yanwuchang and looked at the scary silhouettes in the crowd, they couldn't help but feel guilty and complexion It is also getting whiter.

Venerable Jiuzhong's pinnacle warrior is already like this, and those who honored Jiuzhong, and even the warriors who were cultivated by Qiuhe seven or eight, are desperate in their hearts and have broken their minds into the top 100.

"Oh, at a glance, Venerable Ninefold Peak Martial Artists are everywhere, Venerable Realm Extreme Powerhouse and Half-Step Demon Saint are also not a few. This competition, it seems that I have no hope!" Pei Shaoqing from the crowd Withdrawing his gaze, there was a trace of loneliness in the words.

Before entering the Yanwuchang, although he had been psychologically prepared, but after seeing this desperate scene in front of his eyes, his heart still inevitably swelled and lonely.

Not only Pei Shaoqing, but also eleven contestants from Tianshen Academy, except Lu Chen, Shen Lang, and Feng Wuyu, the rest of them were pale and lonely at the moment, even Qiu Shaoping, who was the pinnacle of Venerable Ninefolds, was here. When he came to the enemies with a strong breath, he also lived up to his previous arrogance, his brows were tight, and a little pressure appeared on his face.

In this competition, only when you enter the scene can you understand the terrible competition. If you do n’t live in the realm of the extreme, you will be able to reach the top 100. It ’s really difficult and hopeless.

Even if the Venerable Realm's Realm of Extreme Cultivation, if one is careless, it may be eliminated from the top 100. Now, only the saint can pat the chest and say that he is in the top 100!

As Lu Chen's eyes swam through the crowd and searched for a strong enemy, the wind came suddenly and said: "Student Lu Chen, you should not understand the next opponent, I am idle. It ’s also idle, just before the game, to briefly introduce you to the opponents that need extra attention. "

This scene made the other students of the Tenjin Academy show their astonishment. Fengbuyu was the well-deserved first genius of the Tenjin Academy. Rumors have broken through to become a saint.

Everyone wants to make friends with such arrogant characters. However, Feng Wuyu is the kind of character who does not like to communicate with others. Some people take the initiative to get up, often without saying a word, they will be calm in Feng Wuyan. With a smile on his face, he came back with a slight smile, and touched his nose, so no one dared to take the initiative to come and go, and there were very few people present who could speak to him.

And now, what do they see?

Feng Wuyu took the initiative to find Lu Chen and wasted his time, introducing the opponent's information to the latter ...

Everyone at Tenjin Academy was stunned by the silent behavior.

Feng Wuyu is the first arrogance of Tianshen Academy, and its cultivation practice is even more suspected of entering the realm of the saint. Since the moment he appeared in the Yanwuchang, he has been secretly concerned by all parties in the crowd.

At this moment, these arrogant parties who are concerned about the silent speech are also slightly stunned by the silent behavior of the silent speech, and then invariably glanced at Lu Chen.

"Who is this person?"

"It's just that Venerable Jiu Chongxiu, who can let Feng say nothing but waste time, has to actively introduce opponent information to him. Isn't this person's identity unusual?"

"It should be unusual to have a relationship with Feng Wuyu, or maybe the relatives and friends of the latter ..."

Some people secretly communicate.

Although Lu Chen is well-known on the East Continent, there are very few people who have really seen him. The younger geniuses in the field, in addition to the strong men at the banquet yesterday, have met Lu Chen ’s people. It can be counted with one hand, so it is normal for the surrounding people not to know Lu Chen!

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