"Xiaohui from Binu City, your elves have recovered and they are all healthy."

The nurse came out with a tray and said to Xiao Hui, who had been waiting for a long time.

"Thank you, sister nurse."

Xiao Hui grinned, took the elf ball and prepared to leave.

"Trainer Xiaohui, please wait a moment, there is a package for you here."

The nurse suddenly stopped Xiao Hui, and then took out a square package from under the front desk.

Xiao Hui saw the blue water droplets on the package and knew that it was an email from the Cerulean Gym. It was obviously Gyarados. 20 water stone fragments obtained in exchange

"Thank you nurse sister."

Xiao Hui took the package and walked out. However, he did not go to the training home. Instead, he walked directly to the North Shore Pier.

At the training home, if he cannot receive good tasks with his current strength, he should upgrade the elf first. The strength is important.

Walking to the North Shore Pier, Xiaohui released four elves.

"You also know what happened some time ago, so we will train here for a period of time."


Gyarados roared, its fighting spirit high! The mandible ants are actually not bad either, and their big mouths with amazing bite force make a pang sound.

The buzz bats don't seem so good. It's important, but he has no idea of escaping now.

The fire dinosaur raised its head and sprayed a stream of flames, vowing to overwhelm the momentum of the Gyarados.

Xiao Hui nodded with satisfaction,"Very good, everyone is in good spirits. , then I will start arranging training tasks now."

The four elves nodded to express their understanding and waited for Xiaohui's order.

"First up is Gyarados."

Xiao Hui looked at Gyarados. Gyarados looked up to the sky and roared with anticipation in his eyes.

"You first go to the sea to practice tidal whirlpools and dragon whirlwinds. The tidal whirlpools stir up the sea, and then use the tornado to rotate in the opposite direction to interrupt the tidal whirlpools."

Gyarados nodded when he heard this, turned around and plunged directly into the sea. Knowing that Xiao Hui was going to fish later, he swam directly away.

Xiao Hui then looked at the Big Jaw Ant,"Next is the Big Jaw Ant."

""Kaka" the Big-jawed Ant shook his head in anticipation.

Xiao Hui then said,"Your rock blockade hit rate is not good yet, go over there to train rock blockade first.""

Xiao Hui looked directly at the rock on the beach and said,"That rock will be hit by waves from time to time."

"Your goal is to use rock blockades to break the waves. As long as the rocks are not hit by the waves, the training is successful."

Although he is a ground-type elf, the giant jaw ant has dragon attributes hidden in its genes, and its fear of water is not that strong.

After receiving the instruction, the giant jaw ant ran directly over, and was washed back a little distance by the waves on the way. Only then did it Climbing onto the rock.

When the second wave came, four boulders were smashed out, but apart from stirring up four water splashes,

Xiaohui shook his head and did not remind the Big Jaw Ant that the rock was blocked. It is called blockade because its main purpose is not to attack the enemy!

"Next is the buzz bat, the training of shadow clones cannot be interrupted, and the other is the air blade."

Xiao Hui paused here and then looked at the waves,"You should also train against the waves. When the air blade can penetrate the waves, it will be considered a success."

"Buzz~" Buzz Bat nodded, and directly waited for eight clones to fly aside.

After putting a little distance away from the mandible ants, Buzz Bat said it would try to attack the waves.

However, the power of the air blade was not strong, and it shot into the waves. In the middle, the waves are smaller than the rock blockade of Big Jaw Ant!

An angry look flashed in Bing Bat's eyes. Even if she is not ready to compete for the position of boss, she cannot accept that she is not as good as Big Jaw Ant!

In the end, Xiao Hui! Looking at the fire dinosaur, the fire dinosaur was tense and ready to rush out for training. This was his first time to experience such training. The fire dinosaur looked very good!

"Fire dinosaur, go to the side and train your accuracy. Did you see the small stone on the side?"

Xiao Hui pointed to the stone in the distance, and the fire dinosaur nodded after seeing it.

"You can use flamethrowing or dragon breath right here. The attack cannot affect the beach near the rocks. Can you do that?"

""Haha!" The fire dinosaur patted his chest confidently, indicating that at this distance, he could definitely hit the target.

However, the catch was completely different from what he imagined, because this was the seaside, and his jet flames were affected.

With great strength , The flames spread to the beach. If the force was too small, the flames were extinguished in mid-air.

Xiao Hui smiled when he saw this. It was less than two hundred meters away. The fire dinosaur's flames could be concentrated more. Yes.

This is not about the strength, but the control ability.

If the control ability is strong enough, the fire dinosaur can exert the power of the flames without expending so much energy, and the hit rate will be greatly improved. , and even the attack speed of the flames will be greatly increased as a result.

However, Xiao Hui is not ready to tell them this now.

He will tell them after they fail. This will not only improve his prestige, but also improve their impression. It will be more profound.

Xiaohui walked to the dock, took out the fishing rod, threw a handful of elf food and started fishing.

Gyarados also started to train on the sea a thousand meters away. Vortex.

Gyarados was in the center, and then he used the tornado.

The tidal wave was clockwise and the tornado was counterclockwise. The two forces were pulling and entangled around Gyarados, and finally the tornado lost its power and dissipated first.

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