Chapter 93: Where Is His Upper Limit?!。

Outside the ruins,

The five supervisors were sitting next to the stone monument, chatting without a word.

“Then again, the international community has become more and more uncalm recently, and the frequency of evil organizations in other regions is significantly higher than before.”

Lu Jiang spoke.

“There are evil organizations emerging in the Guandu and Chengdu areas, the Lava Team and the Water Fleet in Fangyuan, the Galaxy Team in the Sinnoh Region, and even several other regions.”

Ren Geng said solemnly.

“Fortunately, there is no evil organization in our Donghuang.”

Wang Long said happily.

“Well, if Donghuang has an evil organization, we probably will all be busy.”

Hearing this, everyone focused their heads.

They are accustomed to today’s peaceful life, at most some outlaws or elf hunters make small troubles, if there is really a large-scale evil organization, it is estimated that they will have to run for this matter all day long.

“Supervisor Zhang, your Lin Feng is estimated to be able to pass the third level this year, let him rest well after coming out, strive to pass the fourth level in one breath tomorrow, and then pass the fifth level in two days.”

Ren Geng suddenly turned his head and said.


Zhang Yao nodded, it was exactly the same as he had envisioned.

In the Donghuang region, although it is divided into multiple cities and belongs to different organizations, Bibi can compete for resources.

But everyone knows in their hearts that everyone is from Donghuang, and there is no problem with healthy competition at all, but the nest is not rampant! A peerless genius like Lin Feng, if he can achieve great things in the future, these people will be honored.

In the future, when Lin Feng goes to the big city and goes to other areas, then it represents their area, and even the entire Donghuang.

“Actually, I think that Lin Feng is very likely to set a record for passing the fifth level the fastest.”

Wang Longmo stroked his beard and spoke.

Seeing several people next to him looking at him in unison, he continued to speak: “Being able to pass the second level at such a fast speed is enough to prove that his hard strength surpasses anyone before. ”

“In this case, as long as he plays steadily, it will not be difficult to pass the third level within today.”

“And as you know, the difficulty gap between the second and third levels is huge, and there is a gap, but after the third level, as long as he understands how to face hordes of elves, it is not difficult to clear the level.”

“With his strong hard power base, I think he can really set new records.”

Wang Long analyzed, his eyes flashing with a strange light.

The crowd was silent and did not express their views at the first time.

On the one hand, they are looking forward to seeing someone who can set a new record this time, and on the other hand, they are not sure whether Lin Feng can always surprise like this.

And whenever people face entanglements, it is the best choice to calm down and observe for a while.

Of course, Zhang Yao looked at the few people who were in deep thought, and he looked up at the stone tablet freely, waiting for the next surprise to come.

In the next second, the stone tablet changed again.

Originally, the words “second level” behind Lin Feng have become “third level”.

Zhang Yao was stunned at first, then quickly reacted, and said in an understated tone: “It seems that someone has passed the third level.” ”

The tone was fluttering, as if in the clouds, shaky.

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads to look at the stone tablet, and after seeing the familiar name, they suddenly seemed to think of something, turned their heads to look at Zhang Yao with a faint smile again, and gritted their teeth.

“Damn, it’s great to find a good seedling, isn’t it?”

“I repeat, I didn’t find it, he sent it to the door himself.”


“The elf is released, let me see if you have grown?”

The words fell, red light flashed, and an imposing elf appeared.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Yao swallowed his spit and quickly waved his hand: “Don’t you dare not dare, you better quickly take back the elves.” ”

The soldiers standing straight next to the statue watched this scene, and did not dare to make a sound, but their shoulders shook slightly, and the smile in their eyes was about to pop out.

“Now that I believe it, he can really set new records.”

Taking back the elf, Lu Jiang’s eyes were complicated, and he spoke.

“Breaking three levels in half an hour, what level of genius is this fucking mother??”

Wang Long shouted.

“Looking at the entire Donghuang, Lin Feng is definitely the top handful.”

Ren Geng said.

“Unexpectedly, we actually have such a genius here.”

He continued to sigh.

Hearing this, Zhang Yao glanced at Ren Geng with slanted eyes and said coldly: “What do you call us here?” ”

Ren Geng, who was obviously a genius of our Anhan City, quickly answered: “Anhan City and our Luocheng are next to each other, they are brother cities, regardless of each other, you are us.” ”

“Oh, that’s not what you say when resources are allocated every year.”

Zhang Yao snorted coldly. The two discussed a few words and returned to the topic.



“Supervisor Zhang, you guys have to catch Lin Feng well, next semester, when someone comes from the Demon Capital Imperial Capital, he will leave Anhan City, Lu Jiang said with a faint smile.”

Hearing this, Zhang Yao nodded abruptly. The fourth level of the ruins is still a familiar scene, but this time the opponent has sixteen bear apprentices. As a bystander, Lin Feng felt full of pressure.

If you want to pass the fourth level, you can’t make any mistakes, but if you have the slightest flaw, you will be beaten to death by these sixteen similar people.

Therefore, Apprentice Xiong must concentrate throughout the whole process to ensure that he will not make any mistakes. Every move, every attack and block, strives to be perfect.

As fine as a machine, but with the flexibility that machines do not have.


This will be an extremely tragic battle, Lin Feng has a healing spray in his left hand and an energy cube in his right hand, and he is ready for a long-term battle.

Time passed slowly, and the outside world, at this time, had already entered one after another.

In the ruins, as long as you take the elf back to the pokéball, and then silently say “exit” in your heart, you can successfully come out.

Although the healing spray is effective in healing injuries, after a long battle, the trainer and elf are physically and mentally exhausted, and it is still necessary to quit and lie down on the soft bed.

Only by combining work and rest can we go further.

After the trainers come out, they must go to the staff who have been waiting for a long time to record the results of the pass.

Some trainers came out and wanted to run over to see the stone monument, but it was already occupied by five supervisors, blocking the stone tablet from being seen, so they had to return angrily.

“Jiang Fang… Two levels. ”

Jiang Fang’s face was ugly, and after his wrist strength reached the third level, he was instantly beaten by eight wrist forces, and there was no chance to resist at all.

In fact, the vast majority of trainers on the scene only passed the second level at this time. There are even a few trainers who are still stuck at the second level.

“Okay, my upper limit has arrived, and I will stay at the third level every day after that.”


“Damn, the third level is simply not human, a whole eight!!!”

“Is there a big guy who knows how to pass the third level?!!”

“Oh, if I knew, I wouldn’t stop at the third level!”

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