Chapter 74: Old Makers.

gymnasium backstage,

Placing the high-grade ball containing the mysterious ghost cub on his waist, Lin Feng planned to leave the venue and go home to rest.

Tired of seven days of continuous competition, he just wanted to lie comfortably on his soft bed and chat with the ice cream-loving cabbage.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng recalled the surprise appearance of seeing the message from Shirona in the morning, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

“Classmate Lin, President Li of the Elf Association said that he is waiting for you in the next lounge.”

Seeing that Lin Feng intended to leave, the staff spoke


Lin Feng snorted gently, and then he remembered what Chairman Li and the three said to the host, and an idea popped up in his heart.

Immediately, led by the staff, he came to the next lounge. As soon as I opened the door, four pairs of eyes looked at each other.

The meticulous Chairman Li, the smiling supervisor Zhang Yao, the lean Li Yutang in Tang clothes, and Rao Xiuming, who was full of silver hair and drinking tea.

Lin Feng had only seen Chairman Li with his own eyes, and had never met the other three, so he bowed his head and said, “Chairman Li is good, and the three seniors are good.” ”

“Good, good, good.”

The four people replied in succession, a smile appeared on their faces, and they looked at the polite Lin Feng in front of them, and they became more and more satisfied.

“I don’t know what the seniors are looking for me?”

Lin Feng asked.

“I’ll talk about it.”

Chairman Li put down the teacup in his hand, worded for a moment, and then opened his mouth to talk about what Lin Feng was looking for.

Listening to the whole thing, Lin Feng was slightly startled, he didn’t expect that the four bigwig-level figures in front of him were so optimistic about himself, he said modestly: “Thanks to the optimism of the four seniors, although I have never met Supervisor Zhang, we have been in contact for many days, and I am very grateful to Supervisor Zhang for giving me precious cultivation experience.” ”

Hearing this, a smug smile suddenly appeared on Zhang Yao’s face, look, look at it, the first one to say is me! Just because of that nurturing experience, I fell into a huge financial pressure, and I still haven’t got rid of it.

Lin Feng complained in his heart, the smile on his face remained unchanged, and he continued: “Secondly, the optimism from Chairman Li and Pavilion Master Li makes me sincerely fearful. Secondly, I myself have a lot of interest in martial arts, and when I have time, I will go to the White Rainbow Martial Arts Hall to harass Director Li. ”

Hearing this, Director Li was satisfied with his beard, and he was already satisfied to hear these words.

As long as Lin Feng saw the terrifying combat power of himself and the others with his own eyes, without waiting for him to speak, he would take the initiative to worship his door and eat a big fat man, just take his time.

“As for Rao Lao’s cultivation talent, I am really embarrassed, but I have a small interest in making energy cubes, and I am not a pure cultivator.”

The last thing Lin Feng expected was that this highly prestigious cultivator in Anhan City would also praise his cultivation talent, but as he said, his cultivation level was an ordinary high school junior, except for the intermediate energy cube making technique obtained by the system lottery, the rest was not worth mentioning.

Rao Xiuming smiled lightly, and did not choose to answer, such a humble Lin Feng made his heart more satisfied. Other teenagers have this achievement at this age, and their butts have long been cocked to the sky.

“As for what Elder Rao said about wanting to see my crafting machine, of course, there is no problem.”

Lin Feng readily agreed to Rao Lao’s request. Anyway, it’s an old machine bought on the Internet, there’s nothing you can’t see.

Instead, he wants to have a good relationship with this cultivator master, learn cultivation well, and walk the world without fear. As we all know, a strong trainer should also be an excellent cultivator. Hearing Lin Feng’s promise, the four of them were not people who dragged mud and water, and immediately decided to leave Lin Feng’s house.

Zhang Yao drove to his home in a limousine.

What kind of well-made machine can make such a flawless energy cube? Could it be imported machines from other regions?

Along the way, Rao Xiuming looked out the window and guessed what machine Lin Feng was using.

Crafting technology is a decisive factor in crafting high-quality energy blocks, but the role of crafting machines should not be overlooked. A well-made machine will be able to maintain quality to a certain extent.

Finally, as the car stopped steadily, several people stood in front of the small bungalow.

“I used to live in this neighborhood.”

Chairman Li looked around and sighed with emotion.

“Seniors, come in.”

Lin Feng opened the door, and everyone walked into the room.

With a creak, the door opened.

“That’s where the elves usually train.”

Lin Feng pointed to the courtyard outside.

“It’s a nice place.”

Li Yutang nodded.

Lin Feng continued to walk ahead, pointing to a small room in front of him and said: “It used to be a warehouse, and now it’s where I usually make energy cubes………..”

After hearing this, Rao Xiuming couldn’t wait to step forward, striding towards this room, and as the door was opened, the scene inside also came into everyone’s eyes.

A small room of about ten square meters, surrounded by some cardboard boxes, mixed with some messy items, and in the center, a huge machine is placed.

The moment Rao Xiuming saw the machine, he stood in place, his hands trembled slightly, and his eyes were filled with various complex emotions in an instant.

After a long time, he came back to his senses, walked trembling to the machine, stretched out his hand to gently stroke the huge machine, his eyes were full of memories, and muttered in a low voice: “This is an old machine from many years ago… I didn’t expect to see it here. ”

The rest of the people were very knowledgeable and did not disturb Rao Xiuming at the moment, waiting quietly.

After a long while, Rao Xiuming turned around, looking at Lin Feng with deep black pupils, and he said in a determined tone: “You usually use this machine to do it.” ”

Lin Feng bowed his head and said, “Yes.” ”

“Where did you buy it?”

Rao Xiuming continued to ask.

“You can find it by searching the home version of the Energy Cube Maker online.”

Lin Feng answered truthfully. Hearing this, Rao Xiuming sighed heavily, and his sigh was full of sighs.

“In the field of crafting intermediate energy blocks, you have far surpassed me, and I have nothing to teach you. If you’re interested in crafting advanced energy blocks and learning to cultivate knowledge, 4.0 can come and talk to me. ”

As soon as these words came out, there was silence.

The other three were stunned and their eyes widened, suspecting that they had misheard Rao Xiuming’s words.

It is far inferior to what kind of perverted talent Lin Feng has in making energy cubes for Rao Xiuming, who is a high-level cultivator?

At this time, Lin’s father and mother arrived outside the door, and they planned to prepare a surprise for Lin Feng, who returned from winning the championship. As soon as he opened the door, Dad Lin saw several pairs of shoes placed at the door.

“Huh? He’s already back? How are there still a few pairs of men’s shoes? ”

Dad Lin frowned and asked suspiciously. Mother Lin also saw it, and she was also puzzled.

And at this time, Lin Feng’s five people just came out of the warehouse, Lin’s father Lin Mama looked at the five people in front of him, dumbfounded, and said dumbly: “Li… Chairman Lee? ”

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